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For other uses of the term FIB, see FIB.

The Bravado FIB (formerly named "FIB Buffalo") is a federal vehicle used by the Federal Investigation Bureau in Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.


The FIB Buffalo is primarily based on the 2006–2010 Dodge Charger Pursuit, while the front fascia has some subtle similarities to the 2005–2009 Ford Mustang.


Grand Theft Auto IV[]

Police siren set in GTA IV.

The FIB Buffalo is depicted as a large and bulky sedan with a sturdy construction in comparison to most sedans. On the front, the car mounts a large bumper with a thin ridge near the bottom, an intake mesh on the center and a set of lights on the edges, consisting of non-functional circular fog lights and functional rectangular turn signals. Above the bumper, the car has a wide grille with three horizontal dividers finished in silver/chrome and a set of red/white halogen police lights mounted on either side, while the outer sections house dual headlights; two large oval/elliptical lights that give the car an aggressive styling and two smaller circular lights. The hood area has slight impressed shapes where the grille is located and adopt a slight curvature before becoming parallel as they lead towards the windshield, while the Bravado emblem is seen on the front.

The sides of the car are made up of conventional shapes for the bodywork, with a smooth curvature/waist line starting from the front end and becoming seemingly flat throughout most of the greenhouse area, before transitioning into a more elevated shape from above the rear door handles and slightly descend towards the rear end. The wheelbase/skirting area have thin ridges similar to the front bumper, while the doors make use of painted horizontal handles. The greenhouse area is predominated by the plastic trim around the windows and the innermost pillars, in addition to small painted mirror shells near the A-pillars. The roof area has two plastic trim/lines separating the roof panel from the rest of the car, while the rearmost section has a slanted window with the same set of red/blue halogen police lights mounted behind. The seams for the trunk lid are slightly angled towards the center of the car.

On the rear end, the trunk lid bears a dedicated section for the license plate and a silver/chrome detail above, while the Bravado emblem and the "BUFFALO SUPERCHARGED" badges can be seen above the license plate and on the driver side, respectively. The outer sections house numerous tail lights, each one consisting of upper turn signals, inner brake lights, outer main lights and lower reverse lights. The bumper has a similar ridge detail as the frontal one, while two exhaust pipes can be seen below.

The interior of the car is shared with both models of the Taxi and the other law enforcement sedans, albeit having the Bravado emblem on the horn cap and "BUFFALO" lettering on the door sills. As with most police vehicles in GTA IV, the FIB Buffalo's computer system has full access to the LCPD Database, allowing the player to use the car for the Most Wanted and Vigilante side-missions.

In both Grand Theft Auto IV and The Lost and Damned, it is the first Buffalo model featured in the Grand Theft Auto series, before The Ballad of Gay Tony introduced a civilian and a police version (despite billboards advertising a civilian model).As with any other public safety vehicle, the player cannot listen to civilian radio stations, take the vehicle to a Pay 'n' Spray or Car Wash, or complete missions which involve meeting with criminals.

The car is only available in a black color and uses the same wheel design as the Taxi (Vapid model), the Police/NOOSE Cruiser and Police Patrol.

Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

Police siren set in the original version of GTA V.

FIB siren set in the enhanced version of GTA V.

In Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online, the FIB Buffalo looks the same as in GTA IV, except that more interior emergency lights have been added to the front and rear of the car. As with the majority of police vehicles in the game, these lights are LED strips rather than halogen incandescent lamps. It also shares the same interior as the Taxi and other law enforcement sedans. The FIB has been replaced by the Granger-based FIB vehicle as the FIB main vehicle.

Again, the car is only available in a black color and retains the same wheel design as before, also shared with the Police Cruiser.

In the enhanced versions of the game, the vehicle uses a different siren set, with its primary wail and secondary yelp tones similar to a D&R Magnum F2[1], while the auxiliary/phaser tone remains the same as other police vehicles. This is shared with the Granger variant in the enhanced version.

Current Design Gallery[]


Front quarter view


Top view


Rear quarter view


Front view


Side view


Rear view


Engine bay


Underside image




Inside view


Other modelling


Driver's first-person view


Grand Theft Auto IV[]

The FIB Buffalo is a very well performing vehicle. Stylized as a sports muscle car, the vehicle can be said to have a high displacement engine, and the in-game engine model appears to be a rather basic 4-cylinder engine, laid longitudinally. The engine also emits a loud sound to denote its large displacement and strong power, also shared with the Schafter and the Intruder.

The car performs exceptionally well, as expected. It has a high rate of acceleration, which gives the car some amazing torque, and it also has acceptable traction, allowing this acceleration potential to be maximized. The top speed is one of the highest in the game, surpassing its civilian counterpart and equivalent LCPD vehicles, being on par with other high-performance police vehicles such as the NOOSE Cruiser and Police Stinger.

The car also features good armor, being invulnerable to high rates of gunfire, but not quite explosive-proof. The car, however, can be deformed with relative ease, which may be a disadvantage when involved in high-speed collisions. As the vehicle can take several good hits, it also improves on firearm attack.

GTA IV Overview[]

Vehicle Statistics - Grand Theft Auto IV
(0-60 mph in Seconds)
Top Speed
(mph / kmh)
Gears Engines Drivetrain
(kg / lbs)
N/A 93 / 150 5 N/A RWD 1550 / 3417
Website Statements / Badges
N/A N/A N/A Supercharged (Badging) N/A N/A
N/A N/A 5 FR DOHC Inline-4 (In-game model) RWD Cannot be observed

Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

The FIB Buffalo's smooth yet potent performance gives it a big-engined, supercharged feel. It sounds to have a flat-plane crank engine similar to the Jackal and the Interceptor, being significantly smoother than its GTA IV counterpart, yet the engine model remains as a 4-cylinder engine. The top speed is relatively high, too, however the 5-speed gearbox may at times feel like it limits this somewhat. The Buffalo provides superb protection from firearm attacks or crash damage making it much durable. Thanks to RWD, the Buffalo may oversteer in some cases; in others, particularly in high-speed corners, the car neither understeers nor oversteers, and gives a balanced feel that differs from most American muscle cars. This car also rides exceptionally smoothly; when on bumpy/hilly roads, the soft-feeling suspension keeps the car level and at times bounces ever so slightly. For this, it is one of the fastest law enforcement vehicles.

GTA V and Online Overview[]

Vehicle Statistics - Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online
(0-60 mph in Seconds)
Top Speed
(mph / kmh)
Gears Engine Drivetrain
(kg / lbs)
Fuel Tank
Size (litres)
Handling.meta [?]
N/A 90 / 145 5 N/A RWD 1650 / 3638 65
Website Statements [?] / Badges
N/A N/A N/A Supercharged (Badging) N/A N/A N/A
6.5 Seconds 120 / 193 5 FR DOHC Inline-4 (In-game model) RWD Cannot be observed Cannot be observed

Rockstar Games Social Club[]

Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

FIB - Emergency
Rockstar Games Social Club






Grand Theft Auto IV[]

Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

Prominent Appearances in Gameplay[]

While the vehicle appears in wanted levels, some missions has scripted appearances of it in GTA IV and episodes. Only in GTA V and GTA Online, its appearances are purely scripted.

Grand Theft Auto IV[]

The Lost And Damned[]

The Ballad Of Gay Tony[]

Grand Theft Auto V[]

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

Contact Missions


VIP Work

Mobile Operations



Agents of Sabotage[]

Notable Owners[]


Grand Theft Auto IV[]

Similar to the FBI vehicles from previous games, the FIB Buffalo is somewhat difficult to obtain, as it has no designated spawning locations, and only appears in certain missions or when the player has at least a 4-star wanted level. This is further made harder by the chance of the NOOSE coming after the player instead of the FIB. Getting the FIB Buffalo requires specific conditions to be met, making it a notable challenge:

  • Free hunt: The most straightforward but challenging method, however, available at any stage of the game progress. Obtain a 4 star wanted level via attacking the police in a rapid fashion, wait for an FIB Buffalo team to arrive, shoot down the agents inside and hijack the car. Using body armor and an automatic weapon will make this process much easier. FIB Agents will come with Carbine Rifles, SMGs, Pump Action Shotguns and rarely Pistols. In The Ballad of Gay Tony, they use Assault SMGs and they are the only NPCs besides NOOSE with the ability to fire the Assault SMG through a vehicle's window.
  • Internet jailbait: Go to the page on the Algonquin safehouse computer and then wait until the LCPD sends an FIB team. If they send a NOOSE team, reload the game and try again. When they send an FIB team, just exit the house, kill the FIB agents in it, and park it.
  • Cheat Code: Dialing 227-555-0100 on the player's phone. This works in both GTA IV and its DLCs. There is no achievement penalty, but will increase the level of FIB agents appearing at higher wanted levels.

Note that just gaining a 4 star wanted level alone for trespassing a restricted location, such as the Francis International Airport's runway or Civilization Committee Headquarters, will not improve the chances for an FIB Buffalo to appear in pursuit. The probability for it to appear in pursuit seems to increase if the player is making a rapid getaway from police cars, shooting the drivers, going over bridges and changing vehicles often.

Grand Theft Auto V[]


Where to Find the FIB Unmarked Police cars- GTA 5!!!

Original version

  • Can be found parked next to the satellites in Grand Senora Desert with FIB agents and scientists between 10:00 and 11:00 in the morning. Often two can spawn.

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

Enhanced version


  • In GTA IV, the FIB Buffalo gives the player a Combat Shotgun upon entry.
  • In GTA V, the FIB Buffalo gives the player a Carbine Rifle upon entry.


Grand Theft Auto IV[]

Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

  • During the movie Meltdown, a white FIB Buffalo is used by the main characters in the film's chase through Algonquin.
  • In the GTA Online Capture Creator, the player can color both FIB vehicles to what they desire.
  • The front emergency lights are also activated in conjunction with the engine, similar to Daytime Running Lights.
  • Evidence[2] from the Heists update suggests the IAA uses this vehicle as well.

See Also[]



[ ve ]Vehicles
By game
By game (categories)
By type
By type (categories)
By characteristics (categories)
By manufacturer (categories)
Albany | Annis | Benefactor | BF | Bollokan | Bravado | Brute | Buckingham | Canis | Chariot | Cheval | Classique | Coil | Declasse | Dewbauchee | Dinka | DUDE | Dundreary | Eberhard | Emperor | Enus | Fathom | Gallivanter | Grotti | Hijak | HVY | Imponte | Invetero | Jacksheepe | Jobuilt | Karin | Kraken | Lampadati | Liberty Chop Shop | Liberty City Cycles | Maibatsu | Mammoth | Maxwell | MTL | Nagasaki | Obey | Ocelot | Pegassi | Penaud | Pfister | Principe | Progen | RUNE | Schyster | Shitzu | Speedophile | Stanley | Steel Horse | Toundra | Truffade | Vapid | Vom Feuer | Vulcar | Weeny | Western Company | Western Motorcycle Company | Willard | Zirconium | Överflöd | Übermacht | Vehicles with no manufacturer in the HD Universe
RelatedVehicles | Garages | Spray Shop (Pay 'n' Spray | Los Santos Customs) | Driving School | Driving | Carjacking | Bail Out | Drive-By Shooting | Towing
Related (categories)Vehicles | Vehicle businesses | Vehicle dealerships | Vehicle classes | Vehicle mechanics | Armed vehicles
[ ve ]Vehicles in Grand Theft Auto IV and its episodes
Sports cars and supercarsBanshee | Bullet GT | Comet | Coquette | F620 | Feltzer | Infernus | Sultan RS | SuperGT | Turismo
Muscle cars and vintageBucanneer | Dukes | Faction | Manana | Peyote | Ruiner | Sabre (Beater) | Sabre GT | Stallion | Tampa | Vigero | Virgo | Voodoo
Four-door carsAdmiral (Stretch) | Buffalo | Chavos | Cognoscenti | DF8-90 | Dilettante | Emperor (Beater) | Esperanto (Roman's Taxi) | Feroci (FlyUS) | Hakumai | Ingot | Intruder | Lokus | Marbelle | Merit | Oracle | Pinnacle | PMP 600 | Premier | Presidente | Primo | Regina | Schafter (Second Gen. (Stretch E)) | Solair | Stratum | Sultan | Super Diamond | Vincent | Washington | Willard
Two-door carsBlista Compact | Fortune | Futo | Rhapsody | Sentinel | Super Drop Diamond | Uranus
SUVs, pick-ups, and vansBobcat | Cavalcade (FXT) | Contender | Habanero | Huntley Sport | Landstalker | Minivan | Moonbeam | Patriot | Perennial (FlyUS) | Rancher | Rebla | Serrano (custom) | Slamvan
Commercial & industrialBenson | Biff | Boxville (Mr Tasty) | Burrito (Laundromat | Gang) | Flatbed | Mule | Packer | Phantom | Pony | Securicar | Speedo | Steed | Tow Truck | Yankee (Open bed)
Public serviceBus | Cabby | Cablecar | Subway Car | Taxi (Merit-based) | Trashmaster
Government and emergencyAmbulance | APC | Enforcer | FIB Buffalo | Fire Truck | NOOSE Cruiser | NOOSE Patriot | Police Bike | Police Cruiser (Buffalo | Wrecked) | Police Patrol | Police Stinger | Police Stockade | Prison Bus
MotorcyclesAkuma | Angel | Bati 800 (Custom) | Daemon | Diabolus | Double T (Custom) | Faggio (Classic) | Freeway | Hakuchou (Custom) | Hellfury | Hexer | Innovation | Lycan | Nightblade | NRG 900 | PCJ 600 | Revenant | Sanchez | Vader | Wayfarer | Wolfsbane | Zombie
BoatsBlade | Dinghy | Floater | Jetmax | Marquis | Police Predator | Reefer | Smuggler | Squalo | Tropic | Tug
HelicoptersAnnihilator | Buzzard | Maverick (Helitours | Police) | Skylift | Swift
MiscellaneousAirtug | Caddy | Forklift | Ripley | Romero | Window Cleaning Platform
Static (Non-Controllable)Static Planes (Ogham)
Beta VehiclesAndromada | Barony | Brickade | Bullock | Dashound | Desperado | Dodo | Fenton | Fighter | Ice Cream Truck | Majestic | NOOSE Boxville | Previon | Rhino | Schafter (stock) | Shamal | Unnamed sedan | Unnamed SUV
The Lost and Damned only. | The Ballad of Gay Tony only. | TLAD and TBOGT only.
Vehicles in GTA IV (Category) | Vehicles in TLAD (Category) | Vehicles in TBOGT (Category) | Vehicle Brands | Vehicles by type | Special Vehicles | Beta Vehicles | Drivetrains in GTA IV | Engines
[ ve ]Vehicles in Grand Theft Auto V
SuperAdder | Bullet | Cheetah | Entity XF | Infernus | Osiris | T20 | Turismo R | Vacca | Voltic | Zentorno
Sports9F (Cabrio) | Alpha | Banshee | Blista Compact (Go Go Monkey Blista) | Buffalo (S (Sprunk)) | Carbonizzare | Comet | Coquette | Elegy RH8 | Feltzer | Furore GT | Fusilade | Futo | Jester (Racecar) | Massacro (Racecar) | Penumbra | Rapid GT (Convertible) | Schwartzer | Sultan | Surano
MuscleBlade | Buccaneer | Chino | Coquette BlackFin | Dominator (Pisswasser) | Dukes (Duke O'Death) | Gauntlet (Redwood) | Hotknife | Phoenix | Picador | Rat-Loader (Rat-Truck) | Ruiner | Sabre Turbo | Slamvan | Stallion (Burger Shot) | Vigero | Virgo | Voodoo
Sports ClassicsCoquette Classic | JB 700 | Manana | Monroe | Peyote | Pigalle | Roosevelt | Stinger | Stirling GT | Tornado (Beater | Cabrio | Mariachi) | Z-Type
SedansAsea (Snowed) | Asterope | Emperor (Beater | Snowed) | Fugitive | Glendale | Ingot | Intruder | Premier | Primo | Regina | Schafter | Stanier | Stratum | Super Diamond | Surge | Tailgater | Warrener | Washington (Romero Hearse | Stretch)
CompactsBlista | Dilettante (Merryweather Security) | Issi | Panto | Prairie | Rhapsody
CoupesCognoscenti Cabrio | Exemplar | F620 | Felon (GT) | Jackal | Oracle (XS) | Sentinel (XS) | Windsor | Zion (Cabrio)
SUVsBaller (second generation) | BeeJay XL | Cavalcade (second generation) | Dubsta | FQ 2 | Granger | Gresley | Habanero | Huntley S | Landstalker | Mesa (Snowed) | Patriot | Radius | Rocoto | Seminole | Serrano
VansBison (The Mighty Bush | McGill-Olsen) | Bobcat XL | Boxville (Utility | Humane Labs | Taco Van) | Burrito (Bugstars | Civilian | Snowed | Gang) | Camper | Journey | Minivan | Pony (SOTW) | Rumpo (Deludamol | Paradise) | Speedo (Clown Van) | Surfer (Rusted) | Youga
VehiclesAirtug | Caddy (Civilian) | Docktug | Fieldmaster (Snowed) | Forklift | Lawn Mower | Ripley | Sadler (Snowed) | Scrap Truck | Tow Truck (Yankee-based) | Tractor | Utility Truck (AWP | Contender-based)
TrailersArmy Trailer (Civilian | Extended) | Boat Trailer (Large) | Prop Trailer | Trailer (Rake | Small (Utility | Generator) | Flatbed | Logs | Articulated (Container | Commercial | Big Goods | Fame or Shame) | Dock | Car carrier (Pack Man)| Tanker (RON | Army))
CommercialBenson | Biff | Hauler | Mule | Packer | Phantom | Pounder | Stockade (Snowed)
IndustrialCutter | Dock Handler | Dozer | Dump | Flatbed | Mixer | Rubble | Tipper
ServiceBus (Airport) | Dashound | Rental Shuttle Bus (Tourbus) | Taxi | Trashmaster
EmergencyAmbulance | FIB (Buffalo) | Fire Truck | Lifeguard | Park Ranger | Police Bike | Police Cruiser (Buffalo | Interceptor) | Police Rancher | Police Riot | Police Roadcruiser | Police Prison Bus | Police Transporter | Sheriff Cruiser | Sheriff SUV | Unmarked Cruiser
MilitaryBarracks (Semi) | Crusader | Rhino Tank
MotorcyclesAkuma | Bagger | Bati 801 (RR) | Carbon RS | Daemon | Double T | Faggio | Hakuchou | Hexer | Innovation | Nemesis | PCJ-600 | Ruffian | Sanchez (Livery) | Sovereign | Thrust | Vader | Vindicator
HelicoptersBuzzard (Attack Chopper) | Cargobob (Jetsam | TPE) | Frogger (FIB/TPE) | Maverick | Police Maverick | Skylift | Swift (Deluxe)
PlanesAtomic Blimp | Besra | Cargo Plane | Cuban 800 | Dodo | Duster | Jet | Luxor (Deluxe) | Mallard | Mammatus | Miljet | P-996 LAZER | Shamal | Titan | Velum | Vestra | Xero Blimp
BoatsDinghy (2-seater) | Jetmax | Kraken | Marquis | Police Predator | Seashark (Lifeguard) | Speeder | Squalo | Submersible | Suntrap | Toro | Tropic
Off-RoadBifta | Blazer (Hot Rod | Lifeguard) | Bodhi | Brawler | Dubsta 6x6 | Dune Buggy (Space Docker) | Duneloader | Injection | Kalahari | Liberator | Marshall | Mesa | Rancher XL (North Yankton) | Rebel (Rusty) | Sandking XL (SWB)
CyclesBMX | Cruiser | Endurex Race Bike | Fixter | Scorcher | Tri-Cycles Race Bike | Whippet Race Bike
TrainsCable Car | Freight Train (Freight Car | Freight Container 1 | Freight Container 2 | Freight Grain | Tanker Car) | Metrotrain
Static (Non-Controllable)Daisy Lee | Dignity | Octopus | Olifantus | Ocean Motion | Scrap Handler | SS Bulker | The Sea Urchin | Tunnel Boring Machine | UFOs
Beta VehiclesAdmiral | Annihilator | Autogyro | Avera | Baletrailer | Bobcat | Bobsleigh | Bodhi (Clean) | Buccaneer variant | Burrito (McGill-Olsen) | Caddy variant | Casco | Cavalcade FXT | CCX | Chavos | Cognoscenti (55) | Combine Harvester | CS2000 | Digger | DF8-90 | EOD | Esperanto | Faction | Feltzer (Convertible) | Feroci | FH-1 Hunter | FIB (Snowed) | Fire Truck variant | Freeway | Furzen | Graintrailer | Hakumai | Hellfury | Horse | Injection (Clean) | Issi variant | JZ125 | Kart | Lokus | Majestic | Marbelle | Matador | Merit | Miner | Mower variant | Mule (Ramp-door) | Mr Tasty | Napalm | NOOSE Van | NRG 900 | Packer variants | Pinnacle | PMP 600 | Police Fugitive | Police Stinger | Presidente | Previon | Pyxis | RC Bandito | Sabre | Scamp | Seinove | Sentinel variant | Serrano (Custom) | Shamal variant | Skimmer | Skimobile | Skivvy | Solair | Squaddie | Steed | Speedo variants | Stockade (Bobcat Security) | Submarine | Sultan variant | Sultan RS | SuperGT | SXR | Taxi (Dilettante-based) | Trailer (Vulkan) | Trawler | Trial | Unknown high-wing plane | Unknown private jet | Unknown RV | Uranus | Vader variant | Vulkan | Wayfarer | Willard | Winky | Yankee | Z75
Vehicles in GTA V (Category) | Vehicle Brands | Vehicles by type | Special Vehicles | Beta Vehicles | Manufacturers | Vehicle classes | Vehicle Features

DLC Content Vehicles
Added as part of the following GTA Online content updates:
Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Beach Bum Update

Other Vehicles
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Social Club
[ ve ]Vehicles in Grand Theft Auto Online
Super811 | Adder | Autarch | Banshee 900R | Bullet | Champion | Cheetah | Cyclone (II) | Deveste Eight | Emerus | Entity XF (MT | XXR) | ETR1 | FMJ | Furia | GP1 | Ignus (Weaponized) | Infernus | Itali GTB (Custom) | Krieger | LM87 | Nero (Custom) | Osiris | Penetrator | Pipistrello | RE-7B | Reaper | S80RR | SC1 | Scramjet | Sultan RS | T20 | Taipan | Tigon | Tempesta | Tezeract | Thrax | Torero XO | Turismo Omaggio | Turismo R | Tyrant | Tyrus | Vacca | Vagner | Vigilante | Virtue | Visione | Voltic (Rocket) | X80 Proto | XA-21 | Zeno | Zentorno | Zorrusso
Sports300R | 8F Drafter | 9F (Cabrio | 10F (Widebody)) | Alpha | Banshee (GTS) | Bestia GTS | Blista Compact (Go Go Monkey) | Buffalo (S (Sprunk)) | Calico GTF | Carbonizzare | Comet (Retro Custom (Safari) | S2 (Cabrio) | SR) | Coquette (D5 | D10) | Corsita | Cypher (Drift Tune) | Drift Tampa (Drift Tune) | Elegy RH8 (Retro Custom) | Envisage | Euros (Drift Tune) | Feltzer | Flash GT | Furore GT | Fusilade | Futo (Drift Tune | GTX (Drift Tune)) | GB200 | Growler | Hotring Everon | Hotring Hellfire | Hotring Sabre | Imorgon | Issi Sport | Itali GTO | Itali GTO Stinger TT | Itali RSX | Jester (Classic | Racecar | RR (Drift Tune | Widebody)) | Jugular | Khamelion | Komoda | Kuruma (Armored) | La Coureuse | Locust | Lynx | Massacro (Racecar) | Neo | Neon | Niobe | Omnis (e-GT) | Panthere | Paragon R (Armored | S) | Pariah | Penumbra (FF) | Raiden | Rapid GT (Convertible) | Raptor | Remus (Drift Tune) | Revolter | RT3000 | Ruston | S95 | Seven-70 | Schafter LWB | Schafter V12 | Schlagen GT | Schwartzer | Sentinel Classic (Widebody (Drift Tune)) | SM722 | Specter (Custom) | Streiter | Sugoi | Sultan (Classic (RS)) | Surano | Tropos Rallye | V-STR | Verlierer | Vectre | Veto (Classic) | ZR350 (Drift Tune) | ZR380 (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare)
MuscleArbiter GT | Blade | Broadway | Brigham | Buccaneer (Custom | Lurcher) | Buffalo EVX | Buffalo STX | Chino (Custom) | Clique (Wagon) | Coquette BlackFin | Deviant | Dominator (Apocalypse | ASP | Future Shock | FX | GT | GTT | GTX | Nightmare | Pisswasser) | Dukes (Beater | Duke O'Death) | Ellie | Eudora | Faction (Custom (Donk)) | Gauntlet (Classic (Custom)) | Hellfire | Redwood) | Greenwood | Hermes | Hotknife | Hustler | Impaler (Apocalypse | Future Shock | LX | Nightmare | SZ) | Imperator (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Manana Custom | Moonbeam (Custom) | Nightshade | Peyote Gasser | Phoenix | Picador | Rat-Truck (Rat-Loader) | Ruiner (2000 (Wreck) | ZZ-8) | Sabre Turbo (Custom) | Slamvan (Apocalypse | Custom | Future Shock | Lost | Nightmare) | Stallion (Burger Shot) | Tahoma Coupe | Tampa (Weaponized) | Tulip (M-100) | Vamos | Vigero (ZX (Convertible)) | Virgo | Virgo Classic (Custom) | Voodoo (Custom) | Weevil Custom | Yosemite (Drift (Drift Tune))
Sports Classics190z | Ardent | Casco | Cheburek (Drift Tune) | Cheetah Classic | Coquette Classic | Coquette D1 | Deluxo | Dynasty | Fagaloa | GT500 | Infernus Classic | Jester Classic (Drift Tune) | JB 700 (W) | Mamba | Manana | Michelli GT | Monroe | Nebula Turbo (Drift Tune) | Peyote (Custom) | Pigalle | Rapid GT Classic | Retinue (Mk II) | Roosevelt (Fränken Stange | Valor) | Savestra | Stinger (GT) | Stirling GT | Stromberg | Swinger | Toreador | Torero | Tornado (Beater | Mariachi | Custom | Rat Rod) | Turismo Classic | Uranus LozSpeed | Viseris | Z-Type | Zion Classic
SedansAsea (Snowed) | Asterope (GZ) | Chavos V6 | Cinquemila | Cognoscenti (Armored | 55 (Armored)) | Deity | Emperor (Beater | Snowed) | Fugitive | Glendale (Custom) | Ingot | Intruder | Premier | Primo (Custom) | Regina | Rhinehart | Schafter (LWB (Armored) | V12 (Armored) | Turreted Limo) | Stafford | Stanier | Stratum | Super Diamond | Surge | Tailgater (S) | Vorschlaghammer (Drift Tune) | Warrener (HKR) | Washington (Romero Hearse | Stretch)
CompactsAsbo | Blista (Kanjo) | Brioso R/A (300 (Widebody)) | Club | Dilettante (Security) | Issi (Classic (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare)) | Panto | Prairie | Rhapsody | Weevil
CoupesCognoscenti Cabrio | Euros X32 | Exemplar | F620 | Felon (GT) | FR36 (Drift Tune) | Jackal | Kanjo SJ | Oracle (XS) | Previon | Postlude | Sentinel (XS) | Windsor (Drop) | Zion (Cabrio)
SUVsAleutian | Astron (Custom) | Baller (second generation | LE (Armored) | LE LWB (Armored | ST (ST-D))) | BeeJay XL | Castigator | Cavalcade (second generation | XL) | Contender | Dorado | Dubsta (Custom) | FQ 2 | Granger (3600LX) | Gresley | Habanero | Huntley S | I-Wagen | Issi Rally | Jubilee | Landstalker (XL) | Mesa | Novak | Patriot (Stretch) | Radius | Rebla GTS | Rocoto | Seminole (Frontier) | Serrano | Squaddie | Toros | Vivanite | XLS (Armored)
VansBison (The Mighty Bush | McGill-Olsen) | Bobcat XL | Boxville (Armored | Utility | Humane Labs | LSDS | PostOP | Taco Van) | Burrito (Bugstars | Civilian | Gang (Custom) | McGill-Olsen | Snowed) | Camper | Journey (II) | Minivan (Custom) | Pony (Smoke On The Water) | Rumpo (Custom | Deludamol | Paradise) | Speedo (Clown Van | Custom (Personal Vehicle)) | Surfer (Custom | Rusted) | Youga (Classic (4x4 | Custom (Hunting Pack)))
VehiclesAirtug | Caddy (Civilian | Bunker) | Docktug | Fieldmaster | Forklift | Lawn Mower | Ripley | Sadler (Snowed) | Scrap Truck | Slamtruck | Tractor | Tow Truck (Beater) | Utility Truck (AWP | Contender-based)
TrailersBoat Trailer (Dinghy | Seasharks) | Graintrailer | Mobile Operations Center | Trailer (Rake | Small (Utility | Generator) | Flatbed | Logs | Articulated (Big Goods | Container | Commercial | Fame or Shame | Gunrunning | Happy Holidays Hauler | LS Panic) | Dock | Car carrier | Tanker (RON | Army | Heist))
CommercialBenson (Cluckin' Bell) | Biff | Cerberus (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Hauler (Custom) | Mule (Custom | Heist | Ramp-door | Short Trips) | Packer | Phantom (Custom | Festive | Wedge) | Pounder (Custom) | Stockade | Terrorbyte
IndustrialDock Handler | Dozer | Dump | Flatbed | Guardian | Mixer | Rubble | Tipper
ServiceBrickade (6x6 | Dune) | Bus (Airport) | Dashound | Festival Bus | Rental Shuttle Bus (Tour Bus) | Taxi | Trashmaster (Heist) | Wastelander
EmergencyAmbulance | Caracara Pursuit | Coquette D10 Pursuit | Dominator FX Interceptor | Dorado Cruiser | FIB (Buffalo) | Fire Truck | Gauntlet Interceptor | Greenwood Cruiser | Impaler LX Cruiser | Impaler SZ Cruiser | Lifeguard | Outreach Faction | Park Ranger | Police Bike | Police Cruiser (Interceptor | Stanier LE | Unmarked) | Police Riot | Prison Bus | Police Transporter (Bail Enforcement) | RCV | Sheriff Cruiser | Sheriff SUV | Terminus Patrol
MilitaryAnti-Aircraft Trailer | APC | Barracks (Semi | Heist) | Barrage | Chernobog | Crusader | Half-track | Invade and Persuade Tank | Rhino Tank | Scarab (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Thruster | TM-02 Khanjali | Vetir
MotorcyclesAkuma | Avarus (Sanctus) | Bagger | Bati 801 (RR) | BF400 | Carbon RS | Chimera | Cliffhanger | Daemon (Custom) | Defiler | Diabolus (Custom) | Double T | Enduro | Esskey | Faggio (Mod | Sport (Pizza Boy)) | FCR 1000 (Custom) | Gargoyle (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Hakuchou (Drag) | Hexer | Innovation | Lectro | Nemesis | Nightblade | Oppressor (Mk II) | PCJ-600 | Powersurge | Rampant Rocket | Reever | Ruffian | Sanchez (Livery | Manchez (Scout (C))) | Shinobi | Shotaro | Sovereign | Stryder | Thrust | Vader | Vindicator | Vortex | Wolfsbane (Rat Bike) | Zombie Chopper (Bobber)
HelicoptersAkula | Annihilator (Stealth) | Buzzard (Attack Chopper) | Cargobob (Jetsam | Drop Zone) | Conada (Weaponized) | DH-7 Iron Mule | FH-1 Hunter | Frogger (FIB) | Havok | Maverick (Police Maverick (Air Ambulance)) | Savage | Sparrow (Sea) | Skylift | SuperVolito (Carbon) | Swift (Deluxe) | Valkyrie (MOD.0) | Volatus
PlanesAlpha-Z1 | Avenger (Prop | Upgraded (Prop)) | B-11 Strikeforce | Besra | Blimp | Cargo Plane (Unmarked) | Cuban 800 | Dodo | Duster (300-H) | F-160 Raiju | Howard NX-25 | Hydra | LF-22 Starling | Mallard | Mammatus | Miljet | Mogul | Nimbus | P-45 Nokota | P-996 LAZER | Pyro | RM-10 Bombushka | RO-86 Alkonost | Rogue | Seabreeze | Shamal (Luxor (Deluxe)) | Streamer216 | Titan (250 D) | Tula | Ultralight | V-65 Molotok | Velum (5-Seater) | Vestra | Volatol
BoatsAvisa | Dinghy (Heist | Slimline | Weaponized) | Jetmax | Kosatka | Kraken | Kurtz 31 Patrol Boat | Longfin | Marquis | Police Predator | Seashark (Lifeguard | Slimline) | Speeder (Slimline) | Squalo | Submersible | Suntrap | Toro (Slimline) | Tropic (Slimline) | Tug
Off-RoadBifta | Blazer (Aqua | Hot Rod | Lifeguard | Street) | Bodhi | Boor | Brawler | Bruiser (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Brutus (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Caracara (4x4) | Desert Raid | Draugur | Dubsta 6x6 | Dune Buggy (FAV | Ramp Buggy | Space Docker) | Duneloader | Everon | Firebolt ASP | Freecrawler | Hellion | Injection | Insurgent (Pick-Up (Custom)) | Kalahari | Kamacho | Liberator | Marshall | Menacer | Mesa | MonstroCiti | Nightshark | Outlaw | Patriot Mil-Spec | Rancher XL | Ratel | RC Bandito | Rebel (Rusty | Technical (Aqua | Custom)) | Riata | Sandking XL (SWB) | Sasquatch (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Terminus | Trophy Truck | Vagrant | Verus | Walton L35 | Winky | Yosemite 1500 | Yosemite Rancher | Zhaba
CyclesBMX | Cruiser | Endurex Race Bike | Inductor (Junk Energy) | Scorcher | Tri-Cycles Race Bike | Whippet Race Bike
TrainsFreight Train (Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid | Freight Car | Freight Car 2 | Freight Car 3 | Freight Container 1 | Freight Container 2 | Freight Grain | Tanker Car) | Metrotrain
Open WheelBR8 | DR1 | PR4 | R88
Static (Non-Controllable)Cutter | Daisy Lee | Dignity | Galaxy Super Yacht (Aquarius, Pisces, Orion) | HODL | HSW Mule | Narcosub | Jet | La'oub Princess | LSCM Mule | Mechanic Mule | Octopus | Olifantus | Ocean Motion | Ramius | SS Bulker | S.S. Daddy's Boy | Tattoo Parlor Boxville | The Sea Urchin | UFOs | USS Luxington ATT-16 | Wakebreaker
Beta VehiclesBaletrailer | Bati 801 Police variant | Cargobob variant | CZ1 | Cognoscenti variant | Granger Police Variant | Panto Police Variant | Updated Police Bike variant | Updated Police Buffalo variant | Updated Police Cruiser variant | Updated Police Transporter variant | Riata Police variant | Vamos Arena War variant | Verlierer variant | Zoku
Vehicles in GTA Online (Category) | Vehicle Brands | Vehicles by type | Special Vehicles | Beta Vehicles | Manufacturers | Vehicle classes | Vehicle Features

DLC Content Vehicles
Agents of Sabotage | Bottom Dollar Bounties | The Chop Shop | San Andreas Mercenaries | Los Santos Drug Wars | The Criminal Enterprises | The Contract | Los Santos Tuners | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Diamond Casino Heist | The Diamond Casino & Resort | Arena War | After Hours | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | The Doomsday Heist | Smuggler's Run | Gunrunning | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Import/Export | Bikers | Cunning Stunts | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Be My Valentine | January 2016 Update | Festive Surprise 2015 | Executives and Other Criminals | Halloween Surprise | Lowriders | Freemode Events Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Holiday Gifts | Beach Bum Update

Other Vehicles
Expanded & Enhanced Version | Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Social Club