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Wikipedia has an article on: UFOs
I can hear the ships but I can't find them. You think they're using cloaking devices?
Ron Jakowski UFO spotting

UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), also known as flying saucers or flying discs, are alien interstellar spacecraft in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.

The term UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon) is also used for aerial phenomena that cannot be immediately explained.


The UFO is generally a circular interstellar spacecraft that appears in certain areas of San Andreas, specifically Blaine County.

So far, three types have been discovered, which share their traits with one another and only change in design:

  • FIB UFO: Two of them look identical, with a circular shape that looks more like the "classic" UFO. These have a dark body and several lights of varying colors on them, while the top side has FIB markings. Both only differ in that one disappears when being very close and the other one is just flying in the sky, also emitting a strange sound that affects aircraft engines. A third one is crashed in the sea, just off the coast of Paleto Bay and can be found with a submarine. This one apparently also has FIB markings on it, but can be hard to distinguish due to the lack of light when deep in the ocean and the dirty texture of the sunken UFO. From the beginning of Halloween Week 2 in 2022, to the end of October, these UFOs would appear in Grand Theft Auto Online around San Andreas in set locations on specific days, as part of the Sightseeing event. As in story mode, if a player flew too close to the UFO in an aircraft, its engine would be disabled. Taking a picture of one and sending it to Omega would reward the player with $15,000. This event returned in Week 2 of Halloween 2023.
  • Fort Zancudo UFO: This UFOs looks like a stealth aircraft, with a body resembling the real world B-2 Spirit, but with many flat panels extending out in all directions and forming a rough circular shape, that moves periodically as a result of stabilizing in the air. It features a central turbine, composed of two circular sections that move on both sides. Under the cab, there is a spherical device that looks like a rotatory cam that moves periodically and blue lines on exposed frames that would be the propulsion system. This UFO also seems to emit loud noises; if the player gets near it, it will emit a rather loud screech, and the screen will begin to distort. Vehicles may be pushed off the UFO and disabled until the vehicle is out of range. This UFO features transparent glass, through which a cockpit area can be seen, where two humanoid beings operating the UFO are visible (this can be seen clearly when viewing the UFO's 3D model)[2] - however both beings' models lack proper textures, utilizing the improperly mapped UFO's outside panels' textures instead. This can be seen here. In October 2020, during the Los Santos Summer Special's Halloween Week in Grand Theft Auto Online, a larger version of this UFO appeared docked in one of Fort Zancudo's hangars, guarded by soldiers. It could only be seen during a temporary business battle in Grand Theft Auto Online. It returned during Week 4 of Halloween 2022 and Week 2 of Halloween 2023.
  • Crashed UFO: This UFO looks identical to the FIB UFOs, except without the FIB markings. It is only available in a resupply mission in Grand Theft Auto Online. The mission featuring this UFO can only be triggered if the player completes 600 resupply missions and starts a new one between the hours of 21:00 and 23:00. If all conditions are met, the game has the random possibility of starting this mission.

There are no ways of acquiring or piloting any of them, as they are all props (like the Twinjet). The UFO above Fort Zancudo has a locked-vehicle script and seems to be protected by force-fields, as the player can be thrown away from it while trying to parachute to the top. The UFO above Sandy Shores will push the player away if approached too closely, while the UFO on top of Mount Chiliad will simply vanish (it is not solid).

Be careful when approaching them in an aircraft; when the player is near any of the UFOs, these will cause a temporary engine shutdown, making it a risk to collide with them when travelling directly toward them. The UFOs are immune to weapons and are unable to be locked-on with the Buzzard or the P-996 Lazer targetting.

The sound effects heard when standing close to either the FIB UFO or the Fort Zancudo UFO can be listened to here.

Fort Zancudo UFO writings[]

The words "Segregate and Rearrange" are present on the cockpit of the Fort Zancudo UFO (rearranging the letters from "segregate" can lead to the words "Easter egg").

Mount Chiliad Drawing[]

A mysterious drawing on a wall in the Mount Chiliad cable car station appears to show the mountain with lightning emanating from it and an odd symbol, possibly an eye or a UFO, on top. Other notable details on the drawing are depictions of a UFO, a person on a jetpack, a cracked egg, and multiple boxes with Xs in the middle of them. Nothing else is known about the meaning of the drawing.

Under the observation platform on top of the mountain is the same symbol featured on top of the drawing. Carved on the side of the platform are the words "Come back when your story is complete". This serves only to inform the player that they must reach 100% completion in order to see the UFO. This same symbol is also painted on the side of the mountain and in the Beam Me Up area in Sandy Shores, along with a drawing of a rain cloud and the moon, another way to inform the player of the UFOs viewing requirements, in this case being stormy weather and the time being 3AM.


These cannot be seen from a great distance. Therefore, a bit of searching is needed:

Possible origins[]

There's not much proof of who really owns them and why, but there are multiple theories:

  • Judging by the writings on the UFOs and the human models found inside the Fort Zancudo UFO, it is most likely that these aircraft are government owned military projects. Considering the fact that they seem to be kept in secret from the public, this is most likely inspired by a popular belief that the US government secretly operates advanced saucer-type stealth aircraft from Area 51.
  • They could all belong to the same race of aliens.



GTA 5 - Easter Egg #3 - The UFO Crash
GTA 5 - Easter Egg #6 - Flying UFO (100% Completion, Fort Zancudo & Sandy Shore)
How to get the Secret UFO Tattoo in GTA Online (Alien Easter Egg)
GTA Online UFO Events (Snowy Weather)
GTA Online Halloween Events - Sightseeing Alien UFO
GTA Online Halloween Event - Alien UFO Sightseeing (UFO Hat & Boxers)


  • In Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, a large UFO prop can be found in the InterGlobal Studios, possibly used in one of Steve Scott's films.
  • In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, a similar UFO prop can be found at the Lil' Probe'Inn.
  • The Flying UFOs are absent in Grand Theft Auto Online. However, if the player goes to the exact location of the UFOs, the screen will still distort, but the spacecraft will not be visible nor solid. Also, the engine of the player's helicopter will NOT be shut off unlike in Grand Theft Auto V.
    • This may be a glitch or a bug. By going to the UFOs location, the game's sound system will start to glitch and will lag even after getting far away from the location or even when switching to Grand Theft Auto V. This can be fixed by restarting the system.
  • Strangely, on the enhanced version of the game, the FIB marked UFOs' are glitched. The FIB markings are rotating the opposite way to the disc.
  • In Vinewood, there's a large advertisement depicting a UFO, connected to the roof of "Bishop's WTF?!" The UFO is covered with neon lamps and makes stereotypical UFO noises.
  • In Grand Theft Auto Online, as part of the The Diamond Casino & Resort update, the player can buy the "Procopio Sharks" painting to decorate their Master Penthouse. The picture references the sunken UFO, which is located in North Point, next to Procopio Beach.
  • In the Race and Chase arcade game series, while driving through Las Venturas, a UFO will fly across the top of the screen.
  • A UFO can be seen on Race and Chase: Get Truckin's boxart.



[ ve ]Vehicles
By game
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By type
By type (categories)
By characteristics (categories)
By manufacturer (categories)
Albany | Annis | Benefactor | BF | Bollokan | Bravado | Brute | Buckingham | Canis | Chariot | Cheval | Classique | Coil | Declasse | Dewbauchee | Dinka | DUDE | Dundreary | Eberhard | Emperor | Enus | Fathom | Gallivanter | Grotti | Hijak | HVY | Imponte | Invetero | Jacksheepe | Jobuilt | Karin | Kraken | Lampadati | Liberty Chop Shop | Liberty City Cycles | Maibatsu | Mammoth | Maxwell | MTL | Nagasaki | Obey | Ocelot | Pegassi | Penaud | Pfister | Principe | Progen | RUNE | Schyster | Shitzu | Speedophile | Stanley | Steel Horse | Toundra | Truffade | Vapid | Vom Feuer | Vulcar | Weeny | Western Company | Western Motorcycle Company | Willard | Zirconium | Överflöd | Übermacht | Vehicles with no manufacturer in the HD Universe
RelatedVehicles | Garages | Spray Shop (Pay 'n' Spray | Los Santos Customs) | Driving School | Driving | Carjacking | Bail Out | Drive-By Shooting | Towing
Related (categories)Vehicles | Vehicle businesses | Vehicle dealerships | Vehicle classes | Vehicle mechanics | Armed vehicles
[ ve ]Vehicles in Grand Theft Auto V
SuperAdder | Bullet | Cheetah | Entity XF | Infernus | Osiris | T20 | Turismo R | Vacca | Voltic | Zentorno
Sports9F (Cabrio) | Alpha | Banshee | Blista Compact (Go Go Monkey Blista) | Buffalo (S (Sprunk)) | Carbonizzare | Comet | Coquette | Elegy RH8 | Feltzer | Furore GT | Fusilade | Futo | Jester (Racecar) | Massacro (Racecar) | Penumbra | Rapid GT (Convertible) | Schwartzer | Sultan | Surano
MuscleBlade | Buccaneer | Chino | Coquette BlackFin | Dominator (Pisswasser) | Dukes (Duke O'Death) | Gauntlet (Redwood) | Hotknife | Phoenix | Picador | Rat-Loader (Rat-Truck) | Ruiner | Sabre Turbo | Slamvan | Stallion (Burger Shot) | Vigero | Virgo | Voodoo
Sports ClassicsCoquette Classic | JB 700 | Manana | Monroe | Peyote | Pigalle | Roosevelt | Stinger | Stirling GT | Tornado (Beater | Cabrio | Mariachi) | Z-Type
SedansAsea (Snowed) | Asterope | Emperor (Beater | Snowed) | Fugitive | Glendale | Ingot | Intruder | Premier | Primo | Regina | Schafter | Stanier | Stratum | Super Diamond | Surge | Tailgater | Warrener | Washington (Romero Hearse | Stretch)
CompactsBlista | Dilettante (Merryweather Security) | Issi | Panto | Prairie | Rhapsody
CoupesCognoscenti Cabrio | Exemplar | F620 | Felon (GT) | Jackal | Oracle (XS) | Sentinel (XS) | Windsor | Zion (Cabrio)
SUVsBaller (second generation) | BeeJay XL | Cavalcade (second generation) | Dubsta | FQ 2 | Granger | Gresley | Habanero | Huntley S | Landstalker | Mesa (Snowed) | Patriot | Radius | Rocoto | Seminole | Serrano
VansBison (The Mighty Bush | McGill-Olsen) | Bobcat XL | Boxville (Utility | Humane Labs | Taco Van) | Burrito (Bugstars | Civilian | Snowed | Gang) | Camper | Journey | Minivan | Pony (SOTW) | Rumpo (Deludamol | Paradise) | Speedo (Clown Van) | Surfer (Rusted) | Youga
VehiclesAirtug | Caddy (Civilian) | Docktug | Fieldmaster (Snowed) | Forklift | Lawn Mower | Ripley | Sadler (Snowed) | Scrap Truck | Tow Truck (Yankee-based) | Tractor | Utility Truck (AWP | Contender-based)
TrailersArmy Trailer (Civilian | Extended) | Boat Trailer (Large) | Prop Trailer | Trailer (Rake | Small (Utility | Generator) | Flatbed | Logs | Articulated (Container | Commercial | Big Goods | Fame or Shame) | Dock | Car carrier (Pack Man)| Tanker (RON | Army))
CommercialBenson | Biff | Hauler | Mule | Packer | Phantom | Pounder | Stockade (Snowed)
IndustrialCutter | Dock Handler | Dozer | Dump | Flatbed | Mixer | Rubble | Tipper
ServiceBus (Airport) | Dashound | Rental Shuttle Bus (Tourbus) | Taxi | Trashmaster
EmergencyAmbulance | FIB (Buffalo) | Fire Truck | Lifeguard | Park Ranger | Police Bike | Police Cruiser (Buffalo | Interceptor) | Police Rancher | Police Riot | Police Roadcruiser | Police Prison Bus | Police Transporter | Sheriff Cruiser | Sheriff SUV | Unmarked Cruiser
MilitaryBarracks (Semi) | Crusader | Rhino Tank
MotorcyclesAkuma | Bagger | Bati 801 (RR) | Carbon RS | Daemon | Double T | Faggio | Hakuchou | Hexer | Innovation | Nemesis | PCJ-600 | Ruffian | Sanchez (Livery) | Sovereign | Thrust | Vader | Vindicator
HelicoptersBuzzard (Attack Chopper) | Cargobob (Jetsam | TPE) | Frogger (FIB/TPE) | Maverick | Police Maverick | Skylift | Swift (Deluxe)
PlanesAtomic Blimp | Besra | Cargo Plane | Cuban 800 | Dodo | Duster | Jet | Luxor (Deluxe) | Mallard | Mammatus | Miljet | P-996 LAZER | Shamal | Titan | Velum | Vestra | Xero Blimp
BoatsDinghy (2-seater) | Jetmax | Kraken | Marquis | Police Predator | Seashark (Lifeguard) | Speeder | Squalo | Submersible | Suntrap | Toro | Tropic
Off-RoadBifta | Blazer (Hot Rod | Lifeguard) | Bodhi | Brawler | Dubsta 6x6 | Dune Buggy (Space Docker) | Duneloader | Injection | Kalahari | Liberator | Marshall | Mesa | Rancher XL (North Yankton) | Rebel (Rusty) | Sandking XL (SWB)
CyclesBMX | Cruiser | Endurex Race Bike | Fixter | Scorcher | Tri-Cycles Race Bike | Whippet Race Bike
TrainsCable Car | Freight Train (Freight Car | Freight Container 1 | Freight Container 2 | Freight Grain | Tanker Car) | Metrotrain
Static (Non-Controllable)Daisy Lee | Dignity | Octopus | Olifantus | Ocean Motion | Scrap Handler | SS Bulker | The Sea Urchin | Tunnel Boring Machine | UFOs
Beta VehiclesAdmiral | Annihilator | Autogyro | Avera | Baletrailer | Bobcat | Bobsleigh | Bodhi (Clean) | Buccaneer variant | Burrito (McGill-Olsen) | Caddy variant | Casco | Cavalcade FXT | CCX | Chavos | Cognoscenti (55) | Combine Harvester | CS2000 | Digger | DF8-90 | EOD | Esperanto | Faction | Feltzer (Convertible) | Feroci | FH-1 Hunter | FIB (Snowed) | Fire Truck variant | Freeway | Furzen | Graintrailer | Hakumai | Hellfury | Horse | Injection (Clean) | Issi variant | JZ125 | Kart | Lokus | Majestic | Marbelle | Matador | Merit | Miner | Mower variant | Mule (Ramp-door) | Mr Tasty | Napalm | NOOSE Van | NRG 900 | Packer variants | Pinnacle | PMP 600 | Police Fugitive | Police Stinger | Presidente | Previon | Pyxis | RC Bandito | Sabre | Scamp | Seinove | Sentinel variant | Serrano (Custom) | Shamal variant | Skimmer | Skimobile | Skivvy | Solair | Squaddie | Steed | Speedo variants | Stockade (Bobcat Security) | Submarine | Sultan variant | Sultan RS | SuperGT | SXR | Taxi (Dilettante-based) | Trailer (Vulkan) | Trawler | Trial | Unknown high-wing plane | Unknown private jet | Unknown RV | Uranus | Vader variant | Vulkan | Wayfarer | Willard | Winky | Yankee | Z75
Vehicles in GTA V (Category) | Vehicle Brands | Vehicles by type | Special Vehicles | Beta Vehicles | Manufacturers | Vehicle classes | Vehicle Features

DLC Content Vehicles
Added as part of the following GTA Online content updates:
Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Beach Bum Update

Other Vehicles
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Social Club
[ ve ]Vehicles in Grand Theft Auto Online
Super811 | Adder | Autarch | Banshee 900R | Bullet | Champion | Cheetah | Cyclone (II) | Deveste Eight | Emerus | Entity XF (MT | XXR) | ETR1 | FMJ | Furia | GP1 | Ignus (Weaponized) | Infernus | Itali GTB (Custom) | Krieger | LM87 | Nero (Custom) | Osiris | Penetrator | Pipistrello | RE-7B | Reaper | S80RR | SC1 | Scramjet | Sultan RS | T20 | Taipan | Tigon | Tempesta | Tezeract | Thrax | Torero XO | Turismo Omaggio | Turismo R | Tyrant | Tyrus | Vacca | Vagner | Vigilante | Virtue | Visione | Voltic (Rocket) | X80 Proto | XA-21 | Zeno | Zentorno | Zorrusso
Sports300R | 8F Drafter | 9F (Cabrio | 10F (Widebody)) | Alpha | Banshee (GTS) | Bestia GTS | Blista Compact (Go Go Monkey) | Buffalo (S (Sprunk)) | Calico GTF | Carbonizzare | Comet (Retro Custom (Safari) | S2 (Cabrio) | SR) | Coquette (D10) | Corsita | Cypher (Drift Tune) | Drift Tampa (Drift Tune) | Elegy RH8 (Retro Custom) | Envisage | Euros (Drift Tune) | Feltzer | Flash GT | Furore GT | Fusilade | Futo (Drift Tune | GTX (Drift Tune)) | GB200 | Growler | Hotring Everon | Hotring Hellfire | Hotring Sabre | Imorgon | Issi Sport | Itali GTO | Itali GTO Stinger TT | Itali RSX | Jester (Classic | Racecar | RR (Drift Tune | Widebody)) | Jugular | Khamelion | Komoda | Kuruma (Armored) | La Coureuse | Locust | Lynx | Massacro (Racecar) | Neo | Neon | Niobe | Omnis (e-GT) | Panthere | Paragon R (Armored | S) | Pariah | Penumbra (FF) | Raiden | Rapid GT (Convertible) | Raptor | Remus (Drift Tune) | Revolter | RT3000 | Ruston | S95 | Seven-70 | Schafter LWB | Schafter V12 | Schlagen GT | Schwartzer | Sentinel Classic (Widebody (Drift Tune)) | SM722 | Specter (Custom) | Streiter | Sugoi | Sultan (Classic (RS)) | Surano | Tropos Rallye | V-STR | Verlierer | Vectre | Veto (Classic) | ZR350 (Drift Tune) | ZR380 (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare)
MuscleArbiter GT | Blade | Broadway | Brigham | Buccaneer (Custom | Lurcher) | Buffalo EVX | Buffalo STX | Chino (Custom) | Clique (Wagon) | Coquette BlackFin | Deviant | Dominator (Apocalypse | ASP | Future Shock | FX | GT | GTT | GTX | Nightmare | Pisswasser) | Dukes (Beater | Duke O'Death) | Ellie | Eudora | Faction (Custom (Donk)) | Gauntlet (Classic (Custom)) | Hellfire | Redwood) | Greenwood | Hermes | Hotknife | Hustler | Impaler (Apocalypse | Future Shock | LX | Nightmare | SZ) | Imperator (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Manana Custom | Moonbeam (Custom) | Nightshade | Peyote Gasser | Phoenix | Picador | Rat-Truck (Rat-Loader) | Ruiner (2000 (Wreck) | ZZ-8) | Sabre Turbo (Custom) | Slamvan (Apocalypse | Custom | Future Shock | Lost | Nightmare) | Stallion (Burger Shot) | Tahoma Coupe | Tampa (Weaponized) | Tulip (M-100) | Vamos | Vigero (ZX (Convertible)) | Virgo | Virgo Classic (Custom) | Voodoo (Custom) | Weevil Custom | Yosemite (Drift (Drift Tune))
Sports Classics190z | Ardent | Casco | Cheburek (Drift Tune) | Cheetah Classic | Coquette Classic | Coquette D1 | Deluxo | Dynasty | Fagaloa | GT500 | Infernus Classic | Jester Classic (Drift Tune) | JB 700 (W) | Mamba | Manana | Michelli GT | Monroe | Nebula Turbo (Drift Tune) | Peyote (Custom) | Pigalle | Rapid GT Classic | Retinue (Mk II) | Roosevelt (Fränken Stange | Valor) | Savestra | Stinger (GT) | Stirling GT | Stromberg | Swinger | Toreador | Torero | Tornado (Beater | Mariachi | Custom | Rat Rod) | Turismo Classic | Viseris | Z-Type | Zion Classic
SedansAsea (Snowed) | Asterope (GZ) | Chavos V6 | Cinquemila | Cognoscenti (Armored | 55 (Armored)) | Deity | Emperor (Beater | Snowed) | Fugitive | Glendale (Custom) | Ingot | Intruder | Premier | Primo (Custom) | Regina | Rhinehart | Schafter (LWB (Armored) | V12 (Armored) | Turreted Limo) | Stafford | Stanier | Stratum | Super Diamond | Surge | Tailgater (S) | Vorschlaghammer (Drift Tune) | Warrener (HKR) | Washington (Romero Hearse | Stretch)
CompactsAsbo | Blista (Kanjo) | Brioso R/A (300 (Widebody)) | Club | Dilettante (Security) | Issi (Classic (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare)) | Panto | Prairie | Rhapsody | Weevil
CoupesCognoscenti Cabrio | Euros X32 | Exemplar | F620 | Felon (GT) | FR36 (Drift Tune) | Jackal | Kanjo SJ | Oracle (XS) | Previon | Postlude | Sentinel (XS) | Windsor (Drop) | Zion (Cabrio)
SUVsAleutian | Astron (Custom) | Baller (second generation | LE (Armored) | LE LWB (Armored | ST (ST-D))) | BeeJay XL | Castigator | Cavalcade (second generation | XL) | Contender | Dorado | Dubsta (Custom) | FQ 2 | Granger (3600LX) | Gresley | Habanero | Huntley S | I-Wagen | Issi Rally | Jubilee | Landstalker (XL) | Mesa | Novak | Patriot (Stretch) | Radius | Rebla GTS | Rocoto | Seminole (Frontier) | Serrano | Squaddie | Toros | Vivanite | XLS (Armored)
VansBison (The Mighty Bush | McGill-Olsen) | Bobcat XL | Boxville (Armored | Utility | Humane Labs | LSDS | PostOP | Taco Van) | Burrito (Bugstars | Civilian | Gang (Custom) | McGill-Olsen | Snowed) | Camper | Journey (II) | Minivan (Custom) | Pony (Smoke On The Water) | Rumpo (Custom | Deludamol | Paradise) | Speedo (Clown Van | Custom (Personal Vehicle)) | Surfer (Custom | Rusted) | Youga (Classic (4x4 | Custom (Hunting Pack)))
VehiclesAirtug | Caddy (Civilian | Bunker) | Docktug | Fieldmaster | Forklift | Lawn Mower | Ripley | Sadler (Snowed) | Scrap Truck | Slamtruck | Tractor | Tow Truck (Beater) | Utility Truck (AWP | Contender-based)
TrailersBoat Trailer (Dinghy | Seasharks) | Graintrailer | Mobile Operations Center | Trailer (Rake | Small (Utility | Generator) | Flatbed | Logs | Articulated (Big Goods | Container | Commercial | Fame or Shame | Gunrunning | Happy Holidays Hauler | LS Panic) | Dock | Car carrier | Tanker (RON | Army | Heist))
CommercialBenson (Cluckin' Bell) | Biff | Cerberus (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Hauler (Custom) | Mule (Custom | Heist | Ramp-door | Short Trips) | Packer | Phantom (Custom | Festive | Wedge) | Pounder (Custom) | Stockade | Terrorbyte
IndustrialDock Handler | Dozer | Dump | Flatbed | Guardian | Mixer | Rubble | Tipper
ServiceBrickade (6x6 | Dune) | Bus (Airport) | Dashound | Festival Bus | Rental Shuttle Bus (Tour Bus) | Taxi | Trashmaster (Heist) | Wastelander
EmergencyAmbulance | Caracara Pursuit | Coquette D10 Pursuit | Dominator FX Interceptor | Dorado Cruiser | FIB (Buffalo) | Fire Truck | Gauntlet Interceptor | Greenwood Cruiser | Impaler LX Cruiser | Impaler SZ Cruiser | Lifeguard | Outreach Faction | Park Ranger | Police Bike | Police Cruiser (Interceptor | Stanier LE | Unmarked) | Police Riot | Prison Bus | Police Transporter (Bail Enforcement) | RCV | Sheriff Cruiser | Sheriff SUV | Terminus Patrol
MilitaryAnti-Aircraft Trailer | APC | Barracks (Semi | Heist) | Barrage | Chernobog | Crusader | Half-track | Invade and Persuade Tank | Rhino Tank | Scarab (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Thruster | TM-02 Khanjali | Vetir
MotorcyclesAkuma | Avarus (Sanctus) | Bagger | Bati 801 (RR) | BF400 | Carbon RS | Chimera | Cliffhanger | Daemon (Custom) | Defiler | Diabolus (Custom) | Double T | Enduro | Esskey | Faggio (Mod | Sport (Pizza Boy)) | FCR 1000 (Custom) | Gargoyle (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Hakuchou (Drag) | Hexer | Innovation | Lectro | Nemesis | Nightblade | Oppressor (Mk II) | PCJ-600 | Powersurge | Rampant Rocket | Reever | Ruffian | Sanchez (Livery | Manchez (Scout (C))) | Shinobi | Shotaro | Sovereign | Stryder | Thrust | Vader | Vindicator | Vortex | Wolfsbane (Rat Bike) | Zombie Chopper (Bobber)
HelicoptersAkula | Annihilator (Stealth) | Buzzard (Attack Chopper) | Cargobob (Jetsam | Drop Zone) | Conada (Weaponized) | FH-1 Hunter | Frogger (FIB) | Havok | Maverick (Police Maverick (Air Ambulance)) | Savage | Sparrow (Sea) | Skylift | SuperVolito (Carbon) | Swift (Deluxe) | Valkyrie (MOD.0) | Volatus
PlanesAlpha-Z1 | Avenger (Prop | Upgraded (Prop)) | B-11 Strikeforce | Besra | Blimp | Cargo Plane (Unmarked) | Cuban 800 | Dodo | Duster | F-160 Raiju | Howard NX-25 | Hydra | LF-22 Starling | Mallard | Mammatus | Miljet | Mogul | Nimbus | P-45 Nokota | P-996 LAZER | Pyro | RM-10 Bombushka | RO-86 Alkonost | Rogue | Seabreeze | Shamal (Luxor (Deluxe)) | Streamer216 | Titan | Tula | Ultralight | V-65 Molotok | Velum (5-Seater) | Vestra | Volatol
BoatsAvisa | Dinghy (Heist | Slimline | Weaponized) | Jetmax | Kosatka | Kraken | Kurtz 31 Patrol Boat | Longfin | Marquis | Police Predator | Seashark (Lifeguard | Slimline) | Speeder (Slimline) | Squalo | Submersible | Suntrap | Toro (Slimline) | Tropic (Slimline) | Tug
Off-RoadBifta | Blazer (Aqua | Hot Rod | Lifeguard | Street) | Bodhi | Boor | Brawler | Bruiser (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Brutus (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Caracara (4x4) | Desert Raid | Draugur | Dubsta 6x6 | Dune Buggy (FAV | Ramp Buggy | Space Docker) | Duneloader | Everon | Firebolt ASP | Freecrawler | Hellion | Injection | Insurgent (Pick-Up (Custom)) | Kalahari | Kamacho | Liberator | Marshall | Menacer | Mesa | MonstroCiti | Nightshark | Outlaw | Patriot Mil-Spec | Rancher XL | Ratel | RC Bandito | Rebel (Rusty | Technical (Aqua | Custom)) | Riata | Sandking XL (SWB) | Sasquatch (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Terminus | Trophy Truck | Vagrant | Verus | Walton L35 | Winky | Yosemite 1500 | Yosemite Rancher | Zhaba
CyclesBMX | Cruiser | Endurex Race Bike | Inductor (Junk Energy) | Scorcher | Tri-Cycles Race Bike | Whippet Race Bike
TrainsFreight Train (Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid | Freight Car | Freight Car 2 | Freight Car 3 | Freight Container 1 | Freight Container 2 | Freight Grain | Tanker Car) | Metrotrain
Open WheelBR8 | DR1 | PR4 | R88
Static (Non-Controllable)Cutter | Daisy Lee | Dignity | Galaxy Super Yacht (Aquarius, Pisces, Orion) | HODL | HSW Mule | Narcosub | Jet | La'oub Princess | LSCM Mule | Mechanic Mule | Octopus | Olifantus | Ocean Motion | Ramius | SS Bulker | S.S. Daddy's Boy | Tattoo Parlor Boxville | The Sea Urchin | UFOs | USS Luxington ATT-16 | Wakebreaker
UpcomingCoquette D5 | DH-7 Iron Mule | Duster 300-H | Titan 250 D | Uranus LozSpeed
Beta VehiclesBaletrailer | Bati 801 Police variant | Cargobob variant | CZ1 | Cognoscenti variant | Granger Police Variant | Panto Police Variant | Updated Police Bike variant | Updated Police Buffalo variant | Updated Police Cruiser variant | Updated Police Transporter variant | Riata Police variant | Vamos Arena War variant | Verlierer variant | Zoku
Vehicles in GTA Online (Category) | Vehicle Brands | Vehicles by type | Special Vehicles | Beta Vehicles | Manufacturers | Vehicle classes | Vehicle Features

DLC Content Vehicles
Agents of Sabotage | Bottom Dollar Bounties | The Chop Shop | San Andreas Mercenaries | Los Santos Drug Wars | The Criminal Enterprises | The Contract | Los Santos Tuners | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Diamond Casino Heist | The Diamond Casino & Resort | Arena War | After Hours | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | The Doomsday Heist | Smuggler's Run | Gunrunning | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Import/Export | Bikers | Cunning Stunts | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Be My Valentine | January 2016 Update | Festive Surprise 2015 | Executives and Other Criminals | Halloween Surprise | Lowriders | Freemode Events Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Holiday Gifts | Beach Bum Update

Other Vehicles
Expanded & Enhanced Version | Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Social Club