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This article lists all known vehicles cut from the final release of Grand Theft Auto V.

While the final game features over 300 vehicles (with more added in further updates), various forms of internal file information, including vehicle and handling data, audio, textures and even models, reveal more were, at at least one point during development, intended to be featured in the game in some way or form, but were removed or left unused. A number of previously-cut vehicles have made a return through updates, including those exclusively for the enhanced/expanded and enhanced versions and/or Grand Theft Auto Online - these are still listed here for historical reference.

Many vehicles underwent changes through their development, including name and design changes, removed customization options, or mission appearances, revealed by internal file data, pre-release screenshots or game trailers.

Name Changes[]

Numerous vehicles' names were changed through development.

Full name changes
Original name Final name Reference
Aurion Asterope Internal, placeholder name found in the 2023 source code leak.[1][2]
B-Type Roosevelt An unused text label for the Roosevelt's model[3] reads "B-Type".[4]
Barbarian Ruffian Customization options for the Ruffian are named "Barbarian".[5][6] Also mentioned in a car list file present in the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game.[7]
Coach Dashound Can be found in the Dashound's model and texture names[8], animations, as well as all of its vehicle, handling and audio data.[9][10][11]
Detonator Gresley Customization options for the Gresley are named "Detonator".[12], as well as the vehicle's light textures.[13]
Feltzer Classic Stirling GT An unused text label for the Stirling GT's model[14] reads "Feltzer Classic".[15]
Metropolitan Metrotrain (also known as "Freight Train")[16][17] An unused text label for the Metrotrain's model[18] reads "Metropolitan".[19]
Monster Liberator Can be found in the Liberator's model and texture names[20], as well as all of its vehicle, handling and audio data.[21][22]
Moirae Khamelion The Khamelion's solar panel texture contains the name "Moirae".[23]
Rat-Truck / Rattruck Rat-Loader The Rat-Loader's texture names are all named "Rattruck".[24] The name was later used for the clean model added in the Festive Surprise update.
Seaplane / Dodo Seaplane Dodo The name "Seaplane" appears in some of the Dodo's textures[25], appears in some of the vehicle's data[26], and was mentioned in Rockstar Games' "Next-Gen Exclusive Content" newswire post in September 2014.[27]
Seraph Zion / Zion Cabrio The Zion's light textures contain the name "Seraph".[28]
Stunt Mallard Can be found in the Mallard's model and texture names[29], as well as all of its vehicle, handling and audio data.[30][31]
Sundeck Suntrap Appears in the Suntrap's police scanner audio data name.[32]
Veloce Vacca Mentioned in a car list file present in the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game[7], as well as partially mentioned in the Vacca's texture names.[33]
Venem Adder Mentioned in a car list file present in the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game[7], as well in the Adder's headlight texture name.[34]
Partial name changes or name-extending
BF Injection Injection The name "BF Injection" can be found in the Injection's model and texture names[35], animations, as well as all of its vehicle, handling and audio data and [36][37][38], and can be heard in its police scanner speech line[39], indicating that "BF" was once part of the vehicle's name before being split into a manufacturer.
BJXL BeeJay XL The BeeJay XL's badges[40], model and texture names[41], as well as all of its vehicle, handling and audio data[42][43], are shortened to "BJXL", which, when read aloud, reads the same as the final in-game name.
Bullet GT Bullet There is an unused police scanner that still refers to the Bullet as "Bullet GT," which was its name in The Ballad Of Gay Tony.[44]. However, in the game, a different voice-line is used without the "GT" suffix.[45]
Bulldozer Dozer Can be found in the Dozer's model and texture names[46], animations, as well as all of its vehicle, handling and audio data[47][48][49], and can be heard in its police scanner speech line.[50]
Burrito Deluxe Bugstars Burrito[51] / Burrito[52] The 2023 source code leak[51][52] revealed a name that was also utilized in the IFruit App if either it or Bugstars Burrito was stored in the player's garage.[53][54]
Cog Cabrio Cognoscenti Cabrio All of the Cognoscenti Cabrio's relevant data, model and texture names[55][56][57], as well as its Legendary Motorsport website description and police scanner speech line, refer to the vehicle as "Cog Cabrio"[58][59], a short-hand name.
Radi Radius The Radius' model and texture names[60], as well as all of its vehicle, handling, audio data[61][62], and an unused police scanner[63], are shortened to "Radi", which also happens to be the plural form of the word "radius".
Sabre GT Sabre Turbo The Sabre's model and texture names,[64], as well as all of its data and badges[65] retain the old name from Grand Theft Auto IV.
Scrap Scrap Truck The Scrap Truck's model and texture names,[66] along with all of its data and the police scanner,[67] simply refer to it as "Scrap."
Taco Taco Van An unused police scanner in-game refers to Taco Van simply as "Taco"[68], with all its model and texture names[69], as well as data, reflecting this. A different voice-line is used in-game where the full name is mentioned.[70]

Design Changes[]

Vehicle Changes description Image
As seen in in-game media or files
9F Front Obey badge was placed on the bonnet/front boot lid as opposed to the grille.

Poster featuring a 9F.

Adder Featured an active-spoiler, seen on an Adder featured as the Legendary Motorsport website banner after the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 update (replaced with a Reaper after the Further Adventures in Finance and Felony update in the enhanced version of the game).
The Adder seen on the Legendary Motorsport website banner after the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 update.
Baller (first generation) It appears with a different set of wheels and slightly different side vents with extra trim, as seen in the Benefactor-Gallivanter Dealership advertisements.

The Baller as seen in the Benefactor-Gallivanter Dealership advertisement.

Blista Appears without a front badge.

The Blista as seen in the JiffiRent advertisement.


An unused photograph found in the Premium Deluxe Motorsport files.

Bobcat XL Appears without a front badge.

The Bobcat XL as seen in the Cunning Stunt Academy TV commercial.

Bullet Features old The Ballad Of Gay Tony rim design.

The Bullet as seen in the Cunning Stunt Academy TV commercial.

Camper Featured a two-tone paintjob and lacked frontal badging.

The Camper as seen on

Cuban 800 A very basic and lacking-details render of the Cuban 800 was used for the header on the Elitás Travel website prior to the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 update. The shape of the nose and the windshields are different to the final version.
Dominator Numerous billboards depict the Dominator without badging and with a different set of stock wheels shared with the in-game Gauntlet.

The Dominator as seen on advertising at the Vapid Dealership.

Endurex Race Bike Featured red markings similar to the Tri-Cycles Race Bike, as seen in its Pedal and Metal Cycles image.

As seen on the Pedal and Metal Cycles website.

Fieldmaster Appears with roof lights, an amber warning light and a side-mounted exhaust stack rather than its rear mounted stack.

The Fieldmaster as seen in a photograph found in the Yellow Jack Inn.

Gauntlet Appears without any badges.

The Gauntlet in the Cunning Stunt Academy ad.

Hauler It was manufactured by MTL, similar to Grand Theft Auto IV's rendition of Packer. The suspension was also lower compared to the final version.

As seen in the San Andreas Tourism Board commercial.

Ingot Featured a VD90R bodykit from Grand Theft Auto IV.

The VD90R Ingot as seen in the Pißwasser commercial.


The VD90R Ingot as seen in the Bravado commercial.

Penumbra It featured a different set of wheels and lacks a front badge, as seen in Premium Deluxe Motorsport branding.

The Penumbra as seen in Premium Deluxe Motorsport branding.

Surano Featured a different set of wheels and lacks a front badge, as seen in the Surano TV commercial.
Super Diamond It featured the same wheels found in The Ballad of Gay Tony as seen in Simeon's office at Premium Deluxe Motorsport and the request photo in the Assuming the Truth.

The Super Diamond as seen in the Premium Deluxe Motorsport office.


The Super Diamond as seen in the Assuming the Truth request photo.

Tailgater According to a left-over texture file, the car's rear light setup was changed, featuring a reversing light surrounded by tail light and brake lights, as well as a red indicator. The left-over texture can be found in the Sentinel's texture dictionary, where it is named tailgater_lights_glass.[71]

Additionally, a version with a set of unique wheels and a different splitter that's similar to the "Custom Front Splitter" can be found at Premium Deluxe Motorsport.

Both the original light layout and the unique wheels can be seen in the Cunning Stunt Academy ad.

It's possible that it also featured a badging on the grille.

Comparison between the Tailgater's beta lights (left) compared to the final lights texture.


The Tailgater as seen in the Cunning Stunt Academy TV commercial.


The Tailgater as seen in the


Poster featuring a Tailgater featuring a unique set of wheels and a splitter.

Tipper Appears with a 3D chrome grille.

The Tipper as seen in the Cunning Stunt Academy TV commercial.


Also seen in a photograph found in the Yellow Jack Inn.

Titan Appears with a snow-white camouflage livery, rather than its traditional military beige camouflage livery used in the final game. [72]

The Titan as seen on the Lifeinvader Warstock Cache & Carry advertisement.

Tractor It featured a much shorter wheelbase and engine compartment compared to the Tractor in the final game.

The Tractor seen in a photograph found in the Yellow Jack Inn.

Zion Appears with the "modern" blue Übermacht badge/logo on the bonnet, and without the license plate, on an Ubmermacht billboard along South Rockford Drive in Morningwood. It can be noted that the license plate still appears in the reflection of the image and was likely edited out.

The Zion as seen on a Ubermacht billboard in Morningwood.

Voltic It featured a different set of wheels that were closer to those of the 9F.

A Voltic billboard.

Whippet Race Bike Lacked green markings and featured a black saddle, as seen in its Pedal and Metal Cycles image.

As seen on the Pedal and Metal Cycles website.

Youga Appears without a front badge.

As seen in the San Andreas Tourism Board commercial.

As seen in in-game online vehicle retailer websites prior to the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 update.
Alpha Appears without frontal badge.

The Alpha as seen on the Legendary Motorsport website.

Barracks Appears with a fully-covered bed canvas as opposed to it covering only the upper-half of the bed.[72]

The Barracks as seen on the Warstock Cache & Carry website.


Also seen on the Lifeinvader Warstock Cache & Carry advertisement.

Besra Featured a different livery design, with black numerics on the front of the fuselage and a different star design on the tail and wings.

The Besra as seen on the Elitás Travel website.


Also seen on Rockstar Games Social Club prior to 2019.

Blade Appears without frontal badge.

The Blade as seen on the Southern San Andreas Super Autos website.

Cargobob Appears without any markings.

The Cargobob as seen on the Warstock Cache & Carry website.

Cheetah Appears with a red Grotti badge, also assuming a different crest design. Appears to be a modified design based on the Grotti logo in Grand Theft Auto IV, featuring a horse sitting down.

The Cheetah as seen on the Legendary Motorsport website.


Also seen in a GTA V pre-release screenshot.

Exemplar Appears without the mesh on the lower grille.

The Exemplar as seen on the Legendary Motorsport website.

Glendale Appears with regular clear headlights, as opposed to the yellow-stained lamps appearing in the final game.

The Glendale as seen on the Southern San Andreas Super Autos website.


Also seen on Rockstar Games Social Club prior to 2019.

Jester Appears without frontal badge.

The Jester as seen on the Legendary Motorsport website.

Massacro Featured chrome stock wheels (as opposed to permanently white stock wheels) and lacked a Dewbauchee badge on the bonnet.

The Massacro as seen on the Legendary Motorsport website.


Also seen on Rockstar Games Social Club prior to 2019.

Maverick Not fitted with a camera under the nose.

The Maverick as seen on the Elitás Travel website.

Panto Appears without frontal badge.

The Panto as seen on the Southern San Andreas Super Autos website.

Paradise Featured roof-racks with surfboarding gear, similar to those found on the Lifeguard.

The Paradise as seen on the Southern San Andreas Super Autos website.

Pigalle Appears with regular clear headlights, as opposed to the yellow-stained lamps appearing in the final game.

The Pigalle as seen on the Southern San Andreas Super Autos website.


Also seen on Rockstar Games Social Club prior to 2019.

Stallion Features old Grand Theft Auto IV rim design.

The Stallion as seen on the Southern San Andreas Super Autos website.

Stinger Appears with old, GTA IV-style Grotti badge and without the mesh on the grille.

The Stinger as seen on the Legendary Motorsport website.

Turismo R Appears without any badging.

The Turismo R as seen on the Legendary Motorsport website.

Warrener Appears without any badging.

The Warrener as seen on the Southern San Andreas Super Autos website.

As seen on Rockstar Games Social Club prior to 2019.
Osiris Lacked a Pegassi badge on the front.
Police Maverick Appears with the cabin roof painted white as opposed to black in the final game. It can be noted that this version of the helicopter features the foot rests present on the final model but not present on the Police Maverick depicted in early pre-release screenshots (which featured a black roof), suggesting this design change was made at an even later point of development.
Sovereign Featured a siren speaker mounted on the right side of front fairing, left over from the Police Bike.
As seen in Grand Theft Auto V Trailer #1.
Ambulance Appears with the original GTA IV Fed-Sig Vision-inspired lightbar, compared to its final all-red Fed-Sig Streethawk-inspired model.
Baller (first generation) Appears with 6-spoke black rims (compared to the final vehicle's 8-spoke rims), and different side vents.
Boxville (GoPostal) Appears with text on the rear-most side panel, reading "We aim not to lose it", GoPostal's tagline. The Boxville also features mesh above this with dedicated UV space, further indicating the text has been moved (and then removed) numerous times.[73]
Caddy (Golf) Appears with the arm rests from The Ballad of Gay Tony version, and lack of decals/livery.
Dock Trailer Appears to spawn with or without the container model, similar to its appearance in Scouting the Port. In the final game, the container is a permanent extra.
Rapid GT Appears with the rear Dewbauchee badge positioned towards the top of the trunk face, rather than the center. The rear turn signals were also orange rather than the final vehicle's red turn signals.
Packer Appears with no rear bumper in numerous shots, instead cutting off after the rear arches.

This can also briefly be seen in an in-game TV commercial for the Cunning Stunt Academy.

Also seen in GTA V's second trailer.


As seen in Cunning Stunt Academy.

Phoenix Appears without a rear spoiler, which was made permanent in the final game. After the Cunning Stunts update for the enhanced version of the game, the vehicle can spawn without a spoiler, and can also be added or removed in mod shops. The spoiler still remains permanent in the original version of the game.
Seashark Appears with a black hull/two-tone paint-job. Also featured yellow glow/outline around the "Speedophile" decals on the boat's front fairing. The Seashark features unused secondary color values in the vehicle's color variation data.[74]

Two Seasharks with yellow outlined decals and black hulls, as seen in a pre-release GTA V screenshot.

Shamal Appears with a different livery/stripe design and lack of decals. This livery design can be found in one of the photos featured in Max Payne 3. The engine also produced an afterburner effect, not present in the final version.


The photos from the Tiete Docks map.

Trailer The box trailer (trailers2) used the design of the in-game Fame or Shame trailer model (tvtrailer), with a slightly raised front section to accommodate for the fifth wheel attachment. In the final game, all configurations of the trailer, excluding the Fame or Shame model itself, assume a completely squared-off design.
As seen in Grand Theft Auto V Trailer #2.
9F Cabrio Front Obey badge was placed on the bonnet/front boot lid as opposed to the grille.

Badge placement as seen in several pre-release GTA V screenshots.

Cheetah Originally featured a pair of glass windows within the roof. The original internal "seams" are still present within the now fully-carbon roof in the final game. The glass roof model can still be seen on the Cheetah on the tr4 variant of the car carrier Trailer, used in the mission Pack Man.

Model used on car carrier Trailer during Pack Man.

Cuban 800 Featured red blade-tip markers

Also seen in Trevor's trailer.

F620 A set of 7 twin-spoke rims (compared to its final 5 Y-spoke rims) and no front badging, similar to its TBOGT appearance.
Freight Train Originally featured black exhaust vents on at least one side of the engine unit, towards the rear of the locomotive.
Gang Burrito Featured a logo of the Angels of Death, similar to its The Lost and Damned rendition. It might have been used to hide the involvment of The Lost MC in the overarching story of GTA V.

This livery can also briefly be seen on The Underbelly Of Paradise.
JB 700 Lacked the mounted weapons on the front, which were made a permanent addition to the vehicle in the final game.
Landstalker Features a chrome grille and lacked a front license plate, similar to its GTA IV appearance.
Taco Van Featured an all-white base color scheme, compared to its final yellow-white scheme. The vehicle's livery also lacked some of the decals seen in the final game, such as the red grenade on the right side of the vehicle. The decals appear to be the Taco Libre branding. This is even more evident in the Bravado commercial.
Tanker car Featured railings along the metal platforms running atop the tankercar, as well as a ladder at the ends of the car.

As seen in a pre-release GTA V screenshot.

As seen in Grand Theft Auto V Michael. Franklin. Trevor.
Benson Featured the chrome front bumper, grille and pushbar design from its Grand Theft Auto IV appearance.

This can also briefly be seen on The Underbelly Of Paradise.
Police Cruiser ("interceptor") Featured flashing xenon/white headlights, visible only while the headlights are not active. Replaced with blue lights which flash permanently when the lights & sirens are activated, regardless of whether the headlights are on or off. Data for this functionality across all siren lights also remains, but is unused.[75]
Sanchez (livery) The liveries occasionally did not have the racing numbers on the front and sides, leading to inconsistency as the numbers appeared and disappeared in the various promotional footage. This inconsistency was particularly evident in Franklin's Trailer, where the numbers alternated between scenes. In the Grand Theft Auto Online: Official Gameplay Video, all livery variations were devoid of any numbers.

Also seen on Rockstar Games Social Club prior to 2019.

As seen in Grand Theft Auto V pre-release screenshots.
Bagger Features a rear sissy bar and slanted side panniers as opposed to the more traditional squared-off ones in the final game.

As depicted in a user-manual seen inside Clubhouses in GTA Online as part of the Bikers update.

BeeJay XL Appears without a front badge.

An unused photograph found in the Premium Deluxe Motorsport files.

Blazer Featured two rear shock-absorber/springs as opposed to a single mid-mounted shock-absorber. Front shock-absorbers were also larger, clipping throught the front fenders. They also appeared with chrome springs instead of the final yellow ones appearing in-game.
Carbonizzare Appears without a front badge.

An unused photograph found in the Premium Deluxe Motorsport files.

Cargo Plane Metal panel seams and rivets appeared to be different around the nose and cockpit of the plane.
Khamelion Appears without a front badge.
P-996 LAZER Depicted with an orange afterburner effect rather than the purple after-glow seen in-game. The orange haze is still present within the engine glow itself.
Police Cruiser Appears with a V-shaped pushbar, identical to that appearing on the first-generation Police Cruiser in Grand Theft Auto IV. Also depicted with orange front turn signals and a chrome grille, the latter of which appearing on the in-game Taxi.
Police Cruiser
Police Cruiser ("interceptor")
Police Cruiser (Buffalo)
Police Transporter
Sheriff SUV
Sheriff Cruiser
Numerous police vehicles are depicted with their emergency light colors reversed; in-game, lights appear red-blue, when viewed from behind, however many pre-release screenshots depict lights as blue-red from the same view. Even earlier screenshots depict the lights in the layout they appear in-game, suggesting the layout was changed numerous times during development.

Police Maverick Originally lacked "LSPD" text underneath the fuselage, and featured a different set of skids, also used on the Frogger in the final game.
Rapid GT Appears without grill mesh in both the upper and lower front intake grilles.
Sheriff SUV Lacked the rear passenger-side antenna mounted on the rear wing.
Taxi Appears with yellow-painted mirrors and orange front turn-signals, the latter of which is similar to a beta depiction of the Police Cruiser, as opposed to the white signals seen in the final game.
Noted through texture lists in the 2023 source code leak
Biff Originally carried rubble like its Grand Theft Auto IV counterpart.[76]
Patriot Originally featured a livery.[77]
Tipper Originally used badges from the Biff.[78]

Design changes exclusive to the enhanced version[]

Vehicle Changes description Image
As seen in trailers.
Numerous vehicles Vehicles using the "Schafter" interior (such as the Schafter itself, the Felon and Cognoscenti Cabrio) originally featured a slightly different interior dial design and touchscreen display, seen briefly during the GTA V PS4, Xbox One and PC Announcement Trailer. The dial design still appears in the interior dial's render-target texture[79], and appears to be a higher quality version of the dials seen on the texture appearing inside the Schafter in Grand Theft Auto IV and the original version of Grand Theft Auto V, where the latter's usage remains as the lower LOD texture for the enhanced version of the game.[80]

Cut Vehicles[]

Vehicle name Data name(s) Description Images
Cut/"unused" vehicles which can be spawned with trainers
Annihilator annihilator Returning from Grand Theft Auto IV. Vehicle was intended to be used during wanted levels as a response helicopter but its dispatch vehicle set is unused.[81] The 4-star wanted level services data has a DT_SwatHelicopter entry, but uses the regular POLICE_HELI_1 slot which in turn uses the Police Maverick.[82][83] The Annihilator also has a left-over police scanner speech line.[84] The vehicle is later used in Grand Theft Auto Online as a purchasable and ambiently-spawning helicopter.
Baletrailer[85][86] baletrailer An unused towable bale trailer. Can be connected up to a Fieldmaster.[87] The vehicle has no spawn locations or mission appearances, but can be spawned with a trainer.
Burrito burrito4 An unused variant of the 2nd generation Burrito. It features a McGill-Olsen Construction livery, similar to its 1st generation counterpart, but lacks any roof equipment. The vehicle has no spawn locations or mission appearances, but can be spawned with a trainer. The vehicle has a listing on Rockstar Games Social Club, despite its absence in-game.
Graintrailer[88][89] graintrailer An unused towable grain trailer. Can be connected up to a Fieldmaster.[87] The vehicle has no spawn locations or mission appearances, but can be spawned with a trainer. Becomes used in the enhanced/expanded and enhanced versions of Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Los Santos Drug Wars update, where it is stolen during a Acid Product resupply mission.
Cut vehicles seen in trailers or in-game media
Canis Bodhi (clean) bodhi A clean variant of the rusty Bodhi. Appears in a grey color. It also lacks the roof bar-mounted spotlights. The in-game rusty Bodhi's model name is bodhi2, indicating that another variant existed at one point.
Combine combine A green combine harvester is depicted in a photograph found inside the Yellow Jack Inn. A "Combine" police scanner speech line also remains.[90]

A Combine Harvester seen in a photograph found in the Yellow Jack Inn.

Hunter hunter A military attack helicopter.[91] The aircraft's name and Warstock Cache & Carry website description can be found in text files.[91] Its audio data and sounds remain, as well as handling and weapon data, and a police scanner speech line.[92][93]

An aircraft resembling the 3D Universe iteration of the Hunter appears in a Lifeinvader Warstock Cache & Carry advert where it is labeled as an "Attack helicopter".[72] The same aircraft also appears in a trailer for The Simian, an in-game science-fiction film. Vehicle later returns as the "FH-1 Hunter" and with several design changes, exclusively to Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Smuggler's Run update (enhanced/expanded and enhanced version only).

Hunter Beta GTAVe Simian Trailer Rear

The Hunter's appearance in The Simian film trailer. (Formation view | Interior view)

Bürgerfahrzeug Injection (clean) bfinjection/bfinjection2 Mentions of the Injection lacking rusty textures were found in the 2023 source code leak. The clean version of the model was actually called bfinjection, while the current, rusty version of the injection was dubbed bfinjection2.[1][94]. By the game's release, the rusty version had become bfinjection, while the clean version was scrapped. The clean Injection was potentially seen in one of the earlier official screenshots set in Paleto Bay, featuring Trevor.

Potentially the clean version of the Injection' seen in the background.

Matador / HHR matador A vehicle based on the Chevrolet HHR, of which a picture can be found in Simeon's office at Premium Deluxe Motorsport with "HHR" visibly printed on the bottom right corner. The vehicle's name and texture information were discovered in the 2023 source code leak.[1][95]

It can be briefly seen in GTA V's Trailer #1.

Texture featuring the Matador found in Simeon's office.

Weeny Issi hardtop variant issi The hardtop version of the Issi was featured in Trailer #1. The soft-top Issi model name is issi2, suggesting the existence of a second version. The 2023 source code leak provided additional confirmation that the second version was indeed a hardtop variant.[1][96][97]

Hardtop Issi (blue car) seen in GTA V's first trailer.

Police Cruiser A police sedan. It assumes a similar black/white LSPD livery as the in-game Police Cruiser (with additional "POLICE" text underneath the emblem on the doors) but is based upon the first-generation body shape, which is in turn based on GTA V's civilian Stanier. The lightbar was also reused as one of the two possible lightbar extras that may spawn on the Police Cruiser. The rear badges, also reused from Grand Theft Auto IV's Police Crusier, indicate its name. Substituted with the second generation model in the final game.

First generation Police Cruiser seen in GTA V's first trailer. (Top view | Rear quarter view)

Police Maverick A police helicopter. It sports a black/white LSPD livery similar to the in-game Police Maverick, but is based upon the first-generation fuselage shape, based upon GTA IV's Maverick. Substituted with the second-generation Police Maverick in the final game.

First generation Police Maverick seen in GTA V's first trailer. (Top/rear view)

Seaplane A high-wing seaplane, assuming a similar design and configuration to another high wing plane seen in an in-game photograph, which is in turn used as the base model for the later-appearing Dodo seaplane. The plane is briefly seen flying across the wind farm. It assumes a similar design to the Mammatus and its large floats can be made out. An unused "Seaplane" police scanner speech line also remains.[98]

A seaplane seen in GTA V's first trailer.

Pegassi Speeder A boat that closely resembles the Speeder but with a different, closer to its real-life counterpart, windshield, and featuring a flag at the front is seen on the various Flying Bravo billboards. The Speeder was later added to the game with the Beach Bum Update.

The render was later used for the banner on DockTease website, after the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 update, which reveals the rest of the boat's design and the fact that it featured two-tone paintjob, chrome trim going around the boat and a different bow design.

Additionally an unused DockTease image, prior to the Beach Bum Update, could have been found in the files. It depicts the Speeder without any badging and two-tone paintjob.
FlyingBravo GTAV Billboard HawickAvenue

A boat seen on the Flying Bravo billboard.


A DockTease banner.


An unused DockTease image.

Benefactor Serrano variant serrano2 A second variant of the Serrano, most likely the customised variant from The Ballad Of Gay Tony. The leftover handling, much like in The Ballad of Gay Tony, is identical to the stock Serrano[99], while the engine sounds had a larger maximum volume for the acceleration and deceleration sounds[100] and had a different default radio station group. It also has a set of unused customisation parts, which are identical to the customisation parts of the regular Serrano.[101]

It is likely that the customised variant was cut in favor of customisation parts for the regular Serrano.
Mammoth Squaddie squaddie A military pick-up truck[102] based on the Patriot. The Squaddie's Warstock Cache & Carry website description can be found in text files.[103] An image of a military truck, matching its website description, appears in a Lifeinvader Warstock Cache & Carry advert where it is labeled as an "ATV".[72]

Its police scanner audio entry, describing it as a pick-up truck manufactured by Mammoth, and its police scanner speech line, revealing its name, also remain.[102][104][105] Vehicle later returns, with several design changes, exclusively to Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Cayo Perico Heist update (enhanced/expanded and enhanced version only).


The military ATV found on an Warstock Cache & Carry advertisement; its depiction matching the 'Squaddie's website and police scanner description.

Declasse Tampa tampa A 2-door muscle car featured in Episodes from Liberty City, briefly seen in the Bravado commercial. It shared its engine sound with the Vigero, and used a horn set found on older cars such as the Peyote and Emperor. Only its vehicle audio data, police scanner audio data and speech line remain.[106][107][108] Its police scanner data lists the manufacturer as Bravado. Vehicle later returns exclusively to Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Festive Surprise 2015 update (enhanced/expanded and enhanced version only).

Tampa as seen in the Bravado ad. (Different view)

Unknown A high-wing aircraft. The plane is found pictured in early Elitás Travel website texture files, alongside other aircraft that are available for purchase on the site. The model is later used for the Dodo added in the enhanced version of the game, albeit with pontoons added as opposed to conventional landing gear.

The high-wing plane as seen in Elitás Travel website textures.

Unknown A commercial/private rear-mounted twin-engine aircraft. The plane can be seen during a police pursuit in Michael's trailer, featuring a white body and bright green tail. Several of the same aircraft also appear in the background of an Elitás Travel website image, featuring two different liveries; full white and white with green fuselage stripes. The aircraft bears resemblance to an aircraft of the same configuration in Max Payne 3.

Also seen in the background of the Shamal's listing on the Elitás Travel in-game website (prior to the website's update after the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 update).

Vulkan vulkan A VTOL/hover-enabled fighter jet. The aircraft's name, Warstock Cache & Carry website description and hover ability can be found in text files.[109][110] Various visual and particle effects, including the aircraft's "nozzle" haze effects and settings for the aircraft's afterburner and exhaust behavior, also remain.[111][112] The aircraft missile lock-on sounds found on vehicles such as the P-996 LAZER and Buzzard Attack Chopper are named after the Vulkan, and the name is also mentioned in a police scanner speech line.[113][114]

An aircraft identical to the one seen in the first and second trailers can be seen on an in-game TV commercial for the Cunning Stunt Academy, where its "V-22" tail-markings are visible. Given the letter V, and the later-appearing Hydra's "H-27" markings, it's likely the aircraft seen in the trailer was the Vulkan and later returned as the Hydra in the Heists update.


Vulkan appearing in GTA V's first trailer. (Underside view | Rear quarter view)


As seen during the Cunning Stunt Academy TV commercial, note the "V-22" markings.

Declasse Voodoo (clean) voodoo

The Voodoo seen in Universal Uniform ad.

Western Motorcycle Company Wayfarer wayfarer A chopper appearing in The Lost and Damned. A photograph of the chopper can be found in the Yellow Jack Inn. Compared to its previous appearance, it features white flame decals on the fuel tank. An unused police scanner speech line also remains.[115]

The Wayfarer seen in a photograph found in the Yellow Jack Inn.

Cut vehicles with only partial data or assets remaining
Autogyro autogyro A weaponized gyroplane rotorcraft[116]. "Autogyro" has left-over explosion data, handling/vehicle weapon data, its own unique vehicle type and engine code for it.[117][116][118] According to the vehicle's weapon data, it came equipped with an explosive turret and rockets, similar to the Savage. If the remaining data is restored, the aircraft behaves as expected from an gyroplane; two rotating props which propel the aircraft forward and produce upward lift.[119]
Vapid Bobcat bobcat [120]

The Bobcat's appearance in Grand Theft Auto IV. (Rear quarter view)

Buccaneer variant buccaneer2 An unknown variant of the Buccaneer. Only police scanner audio data remains.[121] It appears to have been planned for the Enhanced Edition, as it is bundled with the data of other vehicles from that edition. The buccaneer2 name was later used by the Buccaneer Custom.
Buzzard variant
CCX ccx A cut bicycle. Its audio data remains and features all conventional bicycle sounds, such as its chain, sprocket and suspension sounds. It lacked a bell, similar to the BMX. [122] Some mentions can be found in the 2023 source code leak.[1][123]
Enus Cog 55 / Cog Sport / Cognoscenti 55 cog55 / cogsport Car which was goes by several names. "Cog 55" has a left-over police scanner audio data entry, as well as a police scanner speech line.[124][125] "Cog Sport", alongside the "Cog Cabrio", is mentioned in a car list file present in the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game.[7] Vehicle later returns exclusively to Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Executives and Other Criminals update (enhanced/expanded and enhanced version only).
Enus Cognoscenti cognoscenti A limousine returning from Grand Theft Auto IV. The Cognoscenti's left-over police scanner speech line remains.[126] Vehicle later returns exclusively to Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Executives and Other Criminals update (enhanced/expanded and enhanced version only).
Pfister Comet variant comet The GTA V Comet's model name is comet2, and its handling data is listed as comet, as was the GTA IV Comet's. The original comet's police scanner entry, which is identical to that of the in-game GTA V Comet, also remains in the audio data.[127]
HVY Digger digger A construction vehicle. Its audio data remains and features all conventional vehicle sounds such as its truck engine, horns and door sounds, as well as hydraulic sounds for its operative bucket and booms.[128][129] The vehicle is also mentioned in a cover tuning file.[130] Its police scanner audio entry, describing it as a backhoe digger manufactured by HVY, and its police scanner speech line, revealing its name, also remain.[131][132]
Imponte Dukes dukes [133]

The Dukes's appearance in Grand Theft Auto V. (Rear quarter view)

EOD eod An unknown electric vehicle, sharing its engine sound with the Caddy. The source code reveals that the vehicle featured tracks, weapons,[1][134] and crane mechanics; coupled with the name alluding to explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), it is reasonable to infer that the vehicle was a bomb disposal robot. The vehicle featured a regular car horn set and lacked any doors. Its vehicle audio data, police scanner audio data and police scanner speech line remain.[135][136][137]
Willard Faction faction [138]

The Faction's appearance in Grand Theft Auto Online. (Rear quarter view)

Bravado Feroci feroci A sedan featured in Grand Theft Auto IV. Its police scanner speech line[139] and tuning parts[140] remain.
FIB[141] fbiold A snowed[142], FIB, variant of the Stanier[143], that belonged to Dave Norton at some point.[144] Featured a single red beacon light.[145] Its handling data, cover offset data, siren light data, vehicle audio data and police scanner audio data remain.[146][147][145][148][143]
Dinka Hakumai hakumai A compact sedan featured in Grand Theft Auto IV. Only its police scanner speech line remains.[149]
Helitours Maverick tourmav A variant of the Maverick, sharing its model name with the Helitours Maverick from GTA IV. Only its police scanner audio data remains.[150]
Western Motorcycle Company Hellfury hellfury A chopper featured in Grand Theft Auto IV. Only its police scanner speech line remains.[151]
Hind hind [152][153]
Jet variant jet2 A cut variant of the Jet. Its audio data remains and is identical to that of the regular Jet.[154]

References to it were aslo found in the 2023 source code leak.[1][155]
Willard Marbelle marbella A four-door sedan returning from Grand Theft Auto IV. The Marbelle's left-over handling data remains.[156] A "Merbelle" police scanner speech line also remains.[157]
Napalm / Valkyrie napalm [158][159][160]
Bravado Police Cruiser (Buffalo S) \x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\buffalo2.#td
Cheval Police Fugitive police5[161] A police variant of the Fugitive. The Fugitive's light textures feature a blue light.[162] A left-over "Police Fugitive" police scanner speech line also remains.[163]
raketanker A towable trailer, likely a variant of the Rake trailer. Only its vehicle trailer audio data remains.[164]
RC Bandito rc_bandito [165]

The RC Bandito's appearance in Grand Theft Auto Online. (Rear quarter view)

Declasse Rhapsody rhapsody A compact car returning from The Lost and Damned. The Rhapsody's left-over handling data remains.[166] Vehicle later returns as part of The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update for GTA V and GTA Online.
Scamp scamp [167]
Buckingham Shamal variant shamal3 / shamal3_old A cut variant of the Shamal. Its audio data remains and is identical to that of the regular Shamal. An "old" variant of the audio data also exists. [168]
Skivvy skivvy A speedboat. Only its left-over police scanner audio data and a police scanner speech line remain.[169][170]
Vapid Slamvan slamvan [171]

The Slamvan's appearance in Grand Theft Auto Online. (Rear quarter view)

spmed [172][173][174][175]
spsmall [176][177][178][175]
Stockade variant stockade2 A variant of the Stockade. Its audio data remains and remains identical to that of the regular Stockade.[179] The livery texture used on the snowy Bobcat Security variant of the Stockade (whose model is named stockade3) is also named "stockade2", indicating it was also a Bobcat Security variant Stockade.[180]
Submarine submarine [181]

An unused phone contact that showcases the Submarine.


Submarine model in the Los Santos Naval Port.

SXR sxr Unknown vehicle. Its police scanner speech line remains.[182] The source code reveals that the SXR was a sports car[183] and used light textures from the Sultan and an interior taken from the Sentinel.[1][184]
Taxi variant taxi or taxi2 The GTA V Taxi's model name is taxi, but its handling data is listed as taxi2. A second variant of the Taxi, taxi2 has a left over police scanner entry, which is identical to that of the in-game GTA V Taxi, which remains in the audio data.[185]
tr3 [186]
Tug tug [187]

The Tug's appearance in Grand Theft Auto Online. (Rear quarter view)

Vapid Uranus uranus A sports car returning from Grand Theft Auto IV. The Uranus's left-over handling data remains.[188]
Bravado Youga R youga2 A variation of the Youga[1][189] is mentioned in the internal files of the IFruit App, where it is referred to as the Youga R.[190] This suggests that the Youga R was a pre-customized version of the original Youga model. Eventually, the name youga2 was adopted for the Youga Classic.
Willard Willard willard [191][1][192]

The Willard's appearance in Grand Theft Auto IV. (Rear quarter view)

Winky winky Handling line in the files suggests a relatively small vehicle, which had a slow top speed of 105 km/h (65 mph), a 4WD drivetrain and a mass of 2,000 kgs (4,409 lbs)[193]. Vehicle later returns exclusively to Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Cayo Perico Heist update (enhanced/expanded and enhanced version only).
Cut vehicles mentioned only in the 2023 source code leak
Avera avera Unknown people carrier.[194] The Avera might have been based on the first-generation Hyundai i30cw or the second-generation Hyundai i30 Estate/Tourer, as it used a unique texture for its lights with the name It also used Schafter's interior[1][195] and was meant to appear in The Paleto Score.[196]
Boxville variant boxville3 Not much is known about the vehicle other than that it was a Boxville variant and was meant to appear in Vinewood Souvenirs - Al Di Napoli.[197] The boxville3 model name was later reused for the Humane Labs Boxville before the game's release.
Caddy variant caddy3 Not much is known about the vehicle other than that it was a Caddy variant. It might have been an offroad version of the civilian Caddy, as caddy3 used spring textures seen on the Blazer and lifted off-road trucks such as the Rebel in the final game.[1][198] The caddy3 model name was later reused for the bunker Caddy.
Crawler cranes crane
Mentions of the two crane models, one clean and one worn, can be found in the file. Both featured tracks, which indicates they were crawler cranes.[1][199]
Dilettante-based Taxis taxi2
Two taxis based on the Dilettante are mentioned in the file. It appears that both vehicles were identical, with the taxi2 being a more recent model. This is evident from the presence of the _hi model variant and a few references in the source code. The name of an unused texture and comments left by the developers[200] indicate they were based on the Bell Cab green Toyota Priuses that oparate in L.A. since 2009.[1][201] It was scrapped as of October 14th, 2011.[202]
Feltzer variant feltzer2010 A Feltzer variant[1][203] which featured a convertible roof.[204] It was meant to appear in Vinewood Souvenirs - Al Di Napoli, being replaced by a Feltzer.[205] It's unknown if it was meant to be an updated version of GTA IV Feltzer or just a convertible version of GTA V Feltzer.
Fire Truck variant firetruck2 [1][206]
Miner miner [1][207]
Mower variant mower2 [1][208]
NOOSE Van[209] noosevan [1][210]
Packer variants packer2
Pyxis pyxis [212][1][213]
Albany Police Stinger police4 Listed textures for a police4[214] are identical to its appearance in The Ballad of Gay Tony. The model name police4 was later reused for the Unmarked Cruiser.
Unknown RV rv1 [1][215]
Declasse Sabre sabre [1][216]
Sentinel variant sentinel3 [1][217]
Stanier-based Taxi Textures suggest that it, like the Police Cruiser in Trailer 1 and Taxi in Grand Theft Auto IV, was based on the first-generation Stanier.[218]

The Stanier-based Taxi in Grand Theft Auto IV. (Rear quarter view)

Sultan variant sultan2 [1][219]
Karin Sultan RS sultanrs [1][220]
Trailer variant tr4 [1][221]
Vader variant vader2 [1][222]
Vehicles planned for the Untitled Grand Theft Auto V: Story Mode DLC
Insurgent variant armordillo4 Armordillo is a beta name for the Insurgent, revealing that this vehicle was originally part of the DLC before being reused for the Heists Update. It seems there were four variants of it in the DLC[223]
Army Boxcar variant armyboxcar [224]
Army Wellcar variants armycar
Army Flatbed variant armyflatbed [226]
Drones drone
Sleuth sleuth [228]
Stromberg stromberg [229]
Vehicles meant for Agent, that were used as a testbed vehicles in the development of Grand Theft Auto V.
Bobsleigh bobsleigh [230]
JZ125 jz125 [231]
Seinove seinove [232]
Skimobile skimobile [233]
Z75 z75 [234]
Potentially-cut vehicles based solely on existing vehicle modelName's.
Elegy variant elegy The Elegy RH8's model name is elegy2, while all of its customization data is listed as elegy. elegy was later used as the Elegy Retro Custom's model name.
Feltzer variant feltzer The GTA V Feltzer's model name is feltzer2, and its handling data and text label is listed as feltzer, as was the GTA IV Feltzer's.
Schafter variant schafter The GTA V Schafter's model name is schafter2.

Cut Features[]

Numerous vehicles had features cut, such as special abilities, vehicle animations, liveries and customization options.

Vehicle name Feature type(s) Description Images
Cut features seen only during trailers/in-game media
Duster Functionality Had the ability to spray pesticide from its wing-mounted sprayers. This ability is possible in Grand Theft Auto Online, but only produces a single spray trail from the rear tail. After the Los Santos Drug Wars update for the enhanced version of the game, the wing-mounted sprayers were made functional during a particular mission, but still remain non-functional in regular gameplay.

A Duster spraying pesticide from its wing sprayers, seen during GTA V's first trailer.

Cut/"unused" features which can be obtained with trainers
Frogger (TPE) Livery The TPE variant of the Frogger helicopter also features an alternative, unused livery featuring FIB markings.[235]

The livery can still be obtained with the use of a trainer. The livery was later used in the enhanced/expanded and enhanced versions of Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Contract update, during the Data Recovery setup mission.


Frogger with the FIB livery in Grand Theft Auto V. (Rear quarter view)

Police Cruiser ("interceptor") Customization The Police Cruiser has several unused customization options, including several hood, front and rear bumper, skirts and pushbar options. As police vehicles cannot be modified at Los Santos Customs or other modshops, they cannot be obtained without the use of save game editing or a trainer.

Customized example of the Police Cruiser in Grand Theft Auto V. (Rear quarter view)

Rental Shuttle Bus Variation The Rental Shuttle Bus' rear roof canopy is optional, similar to the Tour Bus, but is forced as a permanent extra, and therefore cannot be removed without the use of save game editing or a trainer.
Cut features with only partial data or assets remaining
BeeJay XL Functionality The ability to tow the Boat trailer and Utility trailer (and later the Anti-Aircraft Trailer) was cut. As the three vehicle models do not have the appropriate towing bones to couple up these trailers to the rear tow hitches (which none of these models have physically), they cannot tow.[236][237][238]
Rancher XL
Bodhi Functionality The ability to tow trailers with the Bodhi was cut. The Bodhi will "accept" any trailer it is reversed up to in the same way as other towing vehicles, such as the Phantom and Packer, or the Bison and Sadler. The vehicle cannot connect up to any trailers as it does not have any trailers defined in its vehicle data, but, unlike the latter three non-towing SUVs, the presence of a rear trailer hitch and an attach_female dummy on the model suggests it was intended to tow trailers, and causes the camera to shift when attempting to do so.

Example of the Bodhi's ability to tow trailers restored by adding trailers to the vehicle's towing data.

Clown Van Customization The Clown Van has several unused customization options, including a front bumper bar, spoiler, roof lights and side-mounted exhausts. As the vehicle has not been set up to use these options, the they cannot be applied.

Example of the Clown Van with its customization options restored in Grand Theft Auto V. (Rear quarter view)

Police Transporter Functionality The center white light appearing on the Police Transporter's lightbar was originally intended to light up. Siren light data for siren4, the center spinning light, is present but due to the lack of sequencer values for it, does not spin or flash in-game. The corona color value for this siren entry is also white.[239]

Example of the Police Transporter with its center white lightbar light restored in Grand Theft Auto V. (Rear quarter view)

Rapid GT (cabrio) Customization The convertible Rapid GT has two unused customization options for the "Hoods" category.
Utility Truck (AWP) Animation The AWP/cherrypicker variant of the Utility Truck has an unused animation in the enhanced version of the game. The animation allows the crane to be raised and lowered on command, using an identical setup to that of convertible roofs (such as on the Tornado or Cognoscenti Cabrio). If restored, the animation does not allow for the player to climb up or onto the crane as the collisions do not move. The animation will also play in NPC-controlled traffic should it start or stop raining, just like convertible roofs.[240]

Utility Truck's unused crane animation in action, when restored.

Handling Changes[]

In the original versions of the game, there are three unused and unlisted lines in the handling.dat file that show different performance for the 9F, Emperor and Tailgater.[241]

Model name
Model name Unused Handling Final Handilng Overview
;NINEF   1300.0  6.0   85 0.0 -0.1 0.0 0.01 -0.01 -0.05  1.0 1.0 1.0 0.3  6  0.32  1.0 1.3 1.3 155.0 0.7  0.65 0.8  40.0  2.35 1.70 22.5  0.15 0.0 0.0  0.51  1.0  1.9  1.8  1.7  0.10 -0.14 0.0  0.5  0.2   0.5 0.05 0.05 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.5  65.0 5.0  0.0 0.0 0.0   80000   440010 0  0 AVERAGE 0
NINEF   1300.0  9.5  85 0.0 -0.05 0.0 0.01 -0.01 -0.05  1.0 1.4 1.8 0.2  6  0.33  1.0 3.0 3.0 155.0 1.0  0.45 0.45 44.0  2.55 2.25 22.5  0.15 1.4 0.0  0.50  1.0  2.6  1.3  2.8  0.12 -0.10 0.0  0.48 1.4   0.51 0.36 0.33 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.5  65.0 5.0  0.0 0.0 0.0   80000   440010  2    0   AVERAGE   20
;EMPEROR      2100.0 6.0   85 0.0 0.0 0.0  0.01 -0.32 0.09   1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0  4  0.16  1.0 1.3 1.3 130.0 0.25 0.65 0.34 35.0  1.4  1.14 13.0  0.13 0.0 0.0  0.49  1.0  1.4  0.9  1.0  0.10 -0.18 0.0  0.5  0.0   0.0 0.15 0.15 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.5  1.0 1.0  0.0 0.0 0.0   25000   440010  0    0   AVERAGE   0
EMPEROR    1900.0  6.0   85 0.0 0.0 0.0  0.01 -0.32 0.09   1.1 1.2 1.45 0.0 5  0.14  1.0 1.3 1.3 120.0 0.6  0.425 0.6 40.0  1.9  1.55 20.5  0.15 1.0 0.0  0.48  1.0  1.8  0.8  1.5  0.09 -0.14 0.0  0.57 0.2   0.6 0.24 0.25 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.5  65.0 5.0  0.0 0.0 0.25   25000   440010  0    0   AVERAGE   0
;TAILGATE  1400.0  8.0   85 0.0 0.2 0.0  0.00 -0.09 0.02   1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0  5  0.24  1.0 1.3 1.3 145.0 0.6  0.65 0.8  40.0  1.85 1.55 16.5  0.15 0.0 0.0  0.494 1.0  1.9  1.5  1.3  0.15 -0.14 0.0  0.5  0.0   0.0 0.2 0.2  0.7 1.0 0.7 1.5  65.0 5.0  0.0 0.0 0.0   35000   440010  0    0   AVERAGE   0
TAILGATE  1400.0  8.0   85 0.0 0.2 0.0  0.00 -0.09 0.02   1.0 1.6 1.6 0.0  5  0.20  1.0 2.3 2.3 145.0 0.9  0.425 0.6 40.0  2.55 2.25 22.5  0.15 1.0 0.0  0.48  1.0  2.8  1.2  1.8  0.09 -0.14 0.0  0.57 0.8   0.6 0.44 0.45 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.5  65.0 5.0  0.0 0.0 0.0   35000   440010  0    0   SPORTS_CAR  0

Cut Manufacturers[]

Various vehicle manufacturers were cut during the game's development. Some of these are heard in police scanner audio files, while others are mentioned in-game (such as on websites or photographs) but do not appear on vehicle badges or in the vehicle's HUD name.

Some of these have returned with subsequent Grand Theft Auto Online updates.

Unused Manufacturers
Manufacturer name Known vehicles Reference
Classique-Preview-GTAO-Logo Classique Stallion [242]
PED-Preview-GTAO-Logo PED Cycles BMX
Progen-Preview-GTAO-Logo Progen [244]
Skiver [245]
SteelHorse-Preview-GTAO-Logo Steel Horse Hexer [246]
Tri-Cycles-Preview-GTAO-Logo Tri-Cycles Tri-Cycles Race Bike
Endurex Race Bike
Whippet Race Bike
Willard-Preview-GTAO-Logo Willard Faction

Traffic/Ambient Behavior Changes[]

Changes made to the behavior of vehicles in traffic during gameplay.

  • In the first trailer, a Bodhi can be seen in traffic. It also appears in a different colour set that the Bodhi does not spawn in in regular gameplay, if restored.[249]
  • In the first trailer, a Cognoscenti Cabrio can be seen in traffic shortly before being crashed into by a pursued Rapid GT.
  • In Franklin's trailer, a Fame or Shame Trailer is seen being towed in regular traffic. In the final game, this trailer only appears during specific missions.[250]
  • In the game files, the Cheetah was supposed to spawn in ambient scenario traffic along with other sports and super cars.[251] The Cheetah is listed in a vehicle model set named "Rockford Cars", a set of vehicles which are intended to spawn in certain scenarios in-game, such as driving in and out of driveways. It appears this model set is unused, however, and so the Cheetah does not appear in regular gameplay.
  • In the game files, an unknown vehicle model set, internally named "FARM_WORKERS" within ymap files, is referenced numerous times across the map, but does not occur. "FARM WORKERS" does not exist within vehiclemodelsets.meta and the game simply resorts to spawning a regular Bison. It is likely this is a beta model set which contained the Bison alongside other farm vehicles, suggested by the name of the model set.[252]
  • In the game files, the Annihilator was intended to be used by the NOOSE during wanted levels. Within dispatch.meta, the Annihilator is listed alongside the Police Maverick as air vehicles used by the NOOSE, however the set of data is not used.[253]
    • Furthermore, police dispatch/scanner audio files also name the Annihilator, suggesting its use in GTA V story mode, as the police scanner is absent in GTA Online.[254]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 GTAForums Post
  2. \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 103931–103932
  3. Roosevelt's model and texture names: x64w.rpf\dlcpacks\mpvalentines\dlc.rpf\x64\levels\gta5\vehicles\mpvalentinesvehicles.rpf\btype.#ft and btype.#td
  4. Roosevelt's unused text label: x64w.rpf\dlcpacks\mpvalentines\dlc.rpf\x64\data\lang\americandlc.rpf\global.gxt2: BTYPE = B-Type
  5. Ruffian customization options: x64i.rpf\levels\gta5\vehiclemods\barbarian_mods.rpf
  6. Ruffian customization data: update\update.rpf\x64\data\carcols.#mt:
       <id value="17" />
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Car list texture (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions):

    Compilation of textures found in uv_carlist.gfx (unused mission graphics), featuring various cut/renamed vehicle names.

  8. Dashound's model and texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\coach.#ft and coach.#td
  9. Dashound's animations: x64c.rpf\anim\ingame\clip_veh@.rpf:
  10. Dashound's vehicle data name: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta:
          <vehicleMakeName />
          <animConvRoofWindowsAffected />
          <audioNameHash />
  11. Dashound's audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Vehicle" ntOffset="362105">
     <Flags value="0x91005614" />
     <EngineGranular />
  12. Gresley customization options: x64i.rpf\levels\gta5\vehiclemods\detonator_mods.rpf
  13. Gresley's texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\gresley.#td: detonator_lights
  14. Stirling GT's model and texture names: update\x64\dlcpacks\mpluxe\dlc.rpf\x64\levels\gta5\vehicles\mpluxevehicles.rpf\feltzer3.#ft and feltzer3.#td
  15. Stirling GT's unused text label: update\x64\dlcpacks\mpluxe\dlc.rpf\x64\patch\data\lang\american.rpf\global.gxt2: FELTZER3 = Feltzer Classic
  16. Metrotrain's vehicle data: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta:
  17. Metrotrain's used text label: update\update2.rpf\x64\data\lang\american_rel.rpf\global.gxt2: FREIGHT = Freight Train
  18. Metrotrain's model and texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\metrotrain.#ft and metrotrain.#td
  19. Metrotrain's unused text label: update\update2.rpf\x64\data\lang\american_rel.rpf\global.gxt2: METROTRAIN = Metropolitan
  20. Liberator's model and texture names: x64w.rpf\dlcpacks\mpindependence\dlc.rpf\x64\levels\gta5\vehicles\mpindependencevehicles.rpf\monster.#ft and monster.#td
  21. Liberator's vehicle data name: x64w.rpf\dlcpacks\mpindependence\dlc.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta:
          <animConvRoofWindowsAffected />
          <audioNameHash />
  22. Liberator's audio data name: x64w.rpf\dlcpacks\mpindependence\dlc.rpf\x64\audio\config\dlcindependence_game.dat151.rel:
      <Item type="Vehicle" ntOffset="38">
       <Flags value="0x90005A28" />
  23. Khamelion's texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\khamelion.#td: moirae_roof
  24. Rat-Loader's texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\ratloader.#td:
  25. Dodo's texture names: x64w.rpf\dlcpacks\spupgrade\dlc.rpf\x64\levels\gta5\vehicles\upgradevehicles.rpf\dodo.#td:
  26. Dodo's vehicle data name: x64w.rpf\dlcpacks\spupgrade\dlc.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta:
          <vehicleMakeName />
          <animConvRoofWindowsAffected />
          <audioNameHash />
  27. Dodo Seaplane in Rockstar Games Newswire:
    A host of new, exclusive content also awaits for players returning from the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions including rare versions of classic vehicles to collect from across the Grand Theft Auto series such as the Dukes, the Dodo Seaplane and a faster, more maneuverable Blimp; activities including wildlife photography and new shooting range challenges, new weapons and more.
  28. Zion's texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\zion.#td: seraph_lights_lglass
  29. Mallard's model and texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\stunt.#ft and stunt.#td
  30. Mallard's vehicle data name: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta:
          <vehicleMakeName />
          <animConvRoofWindowsAffected />
          <audioNameHash />
  31. Mallard's audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Aeroplane" ntOffset="361537">
     <Flags value="0xAAAAA9A5" />
     <Version value="1" />
  32. Suntrap's police scanner audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="VehicleScannerParams" ntOffset="274332">
     <Flags value="0xAAAAAAA8" />
       <Manufacturer />
  33. Vacca's texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\vacca.#td:
  34. Adder's texture name: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\vacca.#td: venem_lights
  35. Injection's model and texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\bfinjection.#ft and bfinjection.#td
  36. Injection's animations: x64c.rpf\anim\ingame\clip_veh@.rpf:
  37. Injections's vehicle data name: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta:
          <animConvRoofWindowsAffected />
          <audioNameHash />
  38. Injection's audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Vehicle" ntOffset="362691">
     <Flags value="0x91005A28" />
  39. Injection's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  40. BeeJay XL's badge texture: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\bjxl.#td:

    BeeJay XL's badges, as the shortened form "BJXL"

  41. BeeJay XL's model and texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\bjxl.#ft and bjxl.#td
  42. BeeJay XL's vehicle data name: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta:
          <animConvRoofWindowsAffected />
          <audioNameHash />
  43. BeeJay XL's audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Vehicle" ntOffset="369916">
     <Flags value="0x90005A68" />
  44. Unused Bullet GT police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  45. Used Bullet police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  46. Dozer's model and texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\bulldozer.#ft and bulldozer.#td
  47. Dozer's animations: x64c.rpf\anim\ingame\clip_veh@.rpf:
  48. Dozer's vehicle data name: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta:
          <animConvRoofWindowsAffected />
          <audioNameHash />
  49. Dozer's audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Vehicle" ntOffset="368162">
     <Flags value="0x90001624" />
     <EngineGranular />
  50. Dozer's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  51. 51.0 51.1 \tools_ng\web\cert\shared\data\vehicle_names.csv: Line 32
  52. 52.0 52.1 \tools_ng\web\cert\shared\data\vehicle_names.csv: Line 33
  53. Reddit post
  54. Data extracted from Android iFruit app v1.0.7: \assets\xml\car_data.xml
  55. Cognoscenti Cabrio's vehicle data name: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta:
          <audioNameHash />
  56. Cognoscenti Cabrio's audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Vehicle" ntOffset="365883">
     <Flags value="0x90004A68" />
  57. Cognoscenti Cabrio's model and texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\cogcabrio.#ft and cogcabrio.#td
  58. Cog Cabrio in Legendary Motorsport website description:
    The Cog Cabrio is a top-end luxury car that combines elegance with performance. A car that says, 'I'm a man with money but also a modicum of taste'. A car that says, 'I'm not afraid to transfer $185,000 over an insecure internet connection to an unknown entity'. A car that says, 'You never accepted me, Dad, but look at me now'.
    Legendary Motorsport description.
  59. Cognoscenti Cabrio's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  60. Radius' model and texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\radi.#ft and radi.#td
  61. Radius' vehicle data name: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta:
          <animConvRoofWindowsAffected />
          <audioNameHash />
  62. Radius' audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Vehicle" ntOffset="370744">
     <Flags value="0x90005A68" />
  63. Radi's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  64. Sabre's model and texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\sabregt.#ft and sabregt.#td
  65. Sabre's badge texture: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\sabregt.#td:
  66. Scrap Truck's model and texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\scrap.#ft and scrap.#td
  67. Scrap Truck's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  68. Taco's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  69. Taco's model and texture names: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\taco.#ft and taco.#td
  70. Used Taco Van police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  71. Tailgater's light texture: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\sentinel.#td:

    Both Tailgater's light textures; left: beta light texture (tailgater_lights_glass) and right: final light texture (tailgater_lights).

  72. 72.0 72.1 72.2 72.3 Lifeinvader Warstock Cache & Carry advertisement:

    The Warstock Cache & Carry advertisement depicting several cut vehicles and design changes.

  73. Boxville's textures / UVs: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\boxville.#td:

    The Boxville's GoPostal livery with its used livery UVs overlayed. An apparent section in the top right corner (empty texture) is dedicated to the left/right side panels.

  74. Seahshark's color variation data: update\update.rpf\x64\data\carvariations.#mt:
       <colors itemType="CVehicleModelColorIndices">
         <indices>88 28 89 156 0 0</indices>
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
         <indices>1 73 5 156 0 0</indices>
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
         <indices>111 0 0 156 0 0</indices>
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
         <indices>29 0 28 156 0 0</indices>
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
         <indices>67 0 111 156 0 0</indices>
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
         <indices>92 0 89 156 0 0</indices>
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
         <indices>13 0 62 156 0 0</indices>
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
         <indices>111 0 0 156 0 0</indices>
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
       <kits />
       <windowsWithExposedEdges />
        <Probabilities itemType="LicensePlateProbabilityNamed" />
       <lightSettings value="0" />
       <sirenSettings value="0" />
  75. Police Cruiser's siren light data entry: update\update.rpf\x64\data\carcols.#mt:
       <id value="2" />
       <timeMultiplier value="1" />
       <lightFalloffMax value="10" />
       <lightFalloffExponent value="10" />
       <lightInnerConeAngle value="10" />
       <lightOuterConeAngle value="70" />
       <lightOffset value="0" />
       <sequencerBpm value="200" />
        <sequencer value="0" />
        <sequencer value="0" />
        <sequencer value="1431655765" />
        <sequencer value="-1431655766" />
       <leftHeadLightMultiples value="1" />
       <rightHeadLightMultiples value="1" />
       <leftTailLightMultiples value="2" />
       <rightTailLightMultiples value="2" />
       <useRealLights value="true" />
       <sirens itemType="sirenLight">
  76. \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.textures.csv: Line 104033
  77. \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.textures.csv: Line 104847
  78. \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.textures.csv: Line 105387
  79. Schafter-GTAV-Dials-RenderTarget

    The Schafter interior dial render-target texture, depicting its original dial design seen during the GTA V PS4, Xbox One and PC Announcement Trailer.

  80. Schafter-GTAV-LODTexture

    The Schafter low-LOD interior dial texture, used as an LOD texture in both the original and enhanced versions of GTA V, as well as the Schafter's interior texture in GTA IV.

  81. Annihilator's dispatch vehicle set: common.rpf\data\dispatch.meta:
  82. 4-star wanted level services data: common.rpf\data\dispatch.meta:
                        <NumPedsToSpawn value="6"/>
                        <NumPedsToSpawn value="6"/>
                        <NumPedsToSpawn value="3"/>
                        <NumPedsToSpawn value="5"/>
                        <NumPedsToSpawn value="4"/>
                        <NumPedsToSpawn value="6"/>
  83. Police heli 1's dispatch services vehicle data: common.rpf\data\dispatch.meta:
  84. Annihilator's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  85. Baletrailer's vehicle data: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta:
  86. Baletrailer's used text label: update\update2.rpf\x64\data\lang\american_rel.rpf\global.gxt2: BALETRAILER = Baletrailer
  87. 87.0 87.1 Fieldmaster's towable trailers data: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta :
  88. Graintrailer's vehicle data: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta:
  89. Graintrailer's used text label: update\update2.rpf\x64\data\lang\american_rel.rpf\global.gxt2: GRAINTRAILER = Graintrailer
  90. Combine's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_vehicle_category.awc:
  91. 91.0 91.1 Hunter's website description text entry: x64b.rpf\data\lang\american_rel.rpf\global.gxt2
    The Hunter is a four-blade, twin-engine attack helicopter with a top speed of 180mph. Known as the most lethal helicopter in military history, the Hunter is basically a flying tank that can sustain just as much damage as it gives out. Solve that nasty divorce or border dispute in style.
  92. Hunter's audio data entry: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Helicopter" ntOffset="364472">
       <Flags value="0xAAAAAA96" />
       <Version value="1" />
       <CabinToneLoop />
       <ThrottleSmoothRate value="0.005" />
       <RotorConeFrontAngle value="46" />
       <RotorConeRearAngle value="134" />
       <RotorConeAtten value="-300" />
       <RearRotorConeFrontAngle value="2" />
       <RearRotorConeRearAngle value="177" />
       <RearRotorConeAtten value="-300" />
       <ExhaustConeFrontAngle value="80" />
       <ExhaustConeRearAngle value="100" />
       <ExhaustConeAtten value="-300" />
       <BladeConeUpAngle value="91" />
       <BladeConeDownAngle value="110" />
       <BladeConeAtten value="0" />
       <ThumpConeUpAngle value="109" />
       <ThumpConeDownAngle value="76" />
       <RadioType value="92603" />
       <RotorVolumePostSubmix value="-11050" />
       <EngineSynthDef />
       <EngineSynthPreset />
       <ExhaustSynthDef />
       <ExhaustSynthPreset />
       <MinSuspCompThresh value="-107632504" />
       <MaxSuspCompThresh value="2.252727E-41" />
       <AircraftWarningSeriousDamageThresh value="-2.75465179E-22" />
       <AircraftWarningCriticalDamageThresh value="-2.75006958E-22" />
       <AircraftWarningMaxSpeed value="2.12605E-41" />
  93. Hunter's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  94. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 104011–104020
  95. \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 104715–104718
  96. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 104634–104640
  97. File Data: \tools_ng\script\util\BuildDept\CS_SensitiveKeywordSearch\results\assets_ng_gametext_content.txt: Lines 18361, 18382, 18404, 18425, 18462, 18484, 18516, 18537, 18558, 18593, 18615, 18660 & 18683
  98. Seaplane's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  99. Serrano2's handling (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
    SERRANO2     2400.0  7.0   85	0.0 0.05 0.0 	0.00 -0.20 0.36   1.2 1.4 1.6 0.6  6  0.20  1.0 1.7 1.7 130.0	0.4  0.65 0.4  35.0		2.1  1.8  18.0  0.13 1.0 0.0  0.49  0.9		1.4  1.0  2.0  0.10 -0.18 0.0  0.52 0.4	  0.50	0.2	0.2		1.0 1.0 0.8 1.5  65.0 5.0 	0.0 0.0 0.0 	 50000 		440010		0				0			AVERAGE			0
  100. serrano_granular_engine: <Unk17 value="0" />
    serrano2_granular_engine: <Unk17 value="100" />
  101. Game files: x64i.rpf\levels\gta5\vehiclemods\serrano2_mods.rpf
  102. 102.0 102.1 Squaddie's police scanner audio entry name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
      <Item type="VehicleScannerParams" ntOffset="273330">
       <Flags value="0xAAAAAAA8" />
  103. Squaddie's website description text entry: x64b.rpf\data\lang\american_rel.rpf\global.gxt2
    A 2-door light tactical military truck with lots of room in the back for cargo or passengers. Great for raiding a compound or rolling around with rappers or soccer moms, all of which need over-sized armored SUVs to travel through busy city centers.
  104. Squaddie's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  105. Squaddie's audio data entry::
      <Item type="Car" ntOffset="367501">
       <Flags value="0x90004A28" />
       <GranularEngine />
       <BrakeSqueekFactor value="0.5" />
       <MinSuspCompThresh value="0.4" />
       <MaxSuspCompThres value="1" />
       <CarMake value="0" />
       <CarModel value="0" />
       <CarCategory value="0" />
       <JumpLandMinThresh value="31" />
       <JumpLandMaxThresh value="36" />
       <VolumeCategory value="1" />
       <GpsType value="0" />
       <RadioType value="1" />
       <RadioGenre value="0" />
       <GpsVoice value="0" />
       <AmbientRadioVol value="0" />
       <RadioLeakage value="0" />
       <MaxRollOffScalePlayer value="6" />
       <MaxRollOffScaleNPC value="3" />
       <ConvertibleRoofSoundSet />
       <OffRoadRumbleSoundVolume value="0" />
       <SirenSounds />
       <AlternativeGranularEngines value="0" />
       <AlternativeGranularEngineProbability value="0" />
       <StopStartProb value="0" />
       <ForkliftSounds />
       <TurretSounds />
       <ClatterType value="8" />
       <DiggerSounds />
       <TowTruckSounds />
       <EngineType value="0" />
       <ElectricEngine />
       <Openness value="0" />
       <RandomDamage value="3" />
       <ClatterSensitivityScalar value="1" />
       <ClatterVolumeBoost value="0" />
       <ChassisStressSensitivityScalar value="1" />
       <ChassisStressVolumeBoost value="0" />
       <AdditionalRevsIncreaseSmoothing value="0" />
       <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothing value="0" />
       <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothingTime value="0" />
       <ConvertibleRoofInteriorSoundSet />
       <CabinToneLoop />
       <InteriorViewEngineOpenness value="0" />
  106. Tampa's vehicle audio data entry: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Car" ntOffset="360192">
       <Flags value="0x90004A28" />
       <BrakeSqueekFactor value="0.5" />
       <MinSuspCompThresh value="0.4" />
       <MaxSuspCompThres value="1" />
       <CarMake value="0" />
       <CarModel value="0" />
       <CarCategory value="0" />
       <JumpLandMinThresh value="31" />
       <JumpLandMaxThresh value="36" />
       <VolumeCategory value="0" />
       <GpsType value="0" />
       <RadioType value="1" />
       <RadioGenre value="10" />
       <GpsVoice value="1" />
       <AmbientRadioVol value="0" />
       <RadioLeakage value="0" />
       <MaxRollOffScalePlayer value="6" />
       <MaxRollOffScaleNPC value="3" />
       <ConvertibleRoofSoundSet />
       <OffRoadRumbleSoundVolume value="0" />
       <SirenSounds />
       <AlternativeGranularEngines value="0" />
       <AlternativeGranularEngineProbability value="0" />
       <StopStartProb value="0" />
       <ForkliftSounds />
       <TurretSounds />
       <ClatterType value="8" />
       <DiggerSounds />
       <TowTruckSounds />
       <EngineType value="0" />
       <ElectricEngine />
       <Openness value="0" />
       <RandomDamage value="3" />
       <ClatterSensitivityScalar value="1" />
       <ClatterVolumeBoost value="0" />
       <ChassisStressSensitivityScalar value="1" />
       <ChassisStressVolumeBoost value="0" />
       <AdditionalRevsIncreaseSmoothing value="0" />
       <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothing value="0" />
       <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothingTime value="0" />
       <ConvertibleRoofInteriorSoundSet />
       <CabinToneLoop />
       <InteriorViewEngineOpenness value="0" />
  107. Tampa's police scanner audio entry name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="VehicleScannerParams" ntOffset="274881">
       <Flags value="0xAAAAAAA8" />
  108. Tampa's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  109. Vulkan's website description text entry: x64b.rpf\data\lang\american_rel.rpf\global.gxt2
    Get to your beach house or ski chalet in record time with your very own weapon of aerial destruction, the Vulkan. A state-of-the-art fighter jet with air-to-air missiles fitted on each wing, the Vulkan is the Rottweiler of dogfighting.
  110. Vulkan's special ability text entry: x64b.rpf\data\lang\american_rel.rpf\global.gxt2: INPUT_VEH_FLY_VERTICAL_FLIGHT_MODE = Vulkan hover mode
  111. Vulkan's particle effects data entries: x64d.rpf\data\effects\ptfx.rpf\core.#pt
  112. Vulkan's visual effects data: x64a.rpf\data\effects\vfxvehicleinfo.#mt
      <Item type="CVfxVehicleInfo" key="vfxvehicleinfo_plane_vulkan">
       <mtlBangPtFxVehicleEvo value="0" />
       <mtlBangPtFxVehicleScale value="1" />
       <mtlScrapePtFxVehicleEvo value="0" />
       <mtlScrapePtFxVehicleScale value="1" />
       <exhaustPtFxEnabled value="true" />
       <exhaustPtFxCutOffSpeed value="2000" />
       <exhaustPtFxRange value="300" />
       <exhaustPtFxScale value="1" />
       <exhaustPtFxSpeedEvoMin value="0" />
       <exhaustPtFxSpeedEvoMax value="3" />
       <exhaustPtFxTempEvoMin value="0" />
       <exhaustPtFxTempEvoMax value="12" />
       <exhaustPtFxThrottleEvoOnGearChange value="false" />
  113. Vulkan's missile lock-on audio data: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
      <Item type="SoundSet">
        <Flags value="0xAAAAAAAA" />
  114. Vulkan's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  115. Wayfarer's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  116. 116.0 116.1 Autogyro's handling weapon data entry (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): common.rpf\data\handling.dat:
        ;£	AUTOGYRO	VEHICLE_WEAPON_HIND_GUN 	0	VEHICLE_WEAPON_HIND_ROCKET	0	NULL			0	0.0	0.0			 0.0	0.0			0.0		0.0			 0.0	0.0				0.0		0.0				0.0		0.0		 0.0	0.0		0.0
  117. Autogyro's explosion data entry: update\update.rpf\common\data\ai\vehiclelayouts.meta:
        <Item type="CVehicleExplosionInfo">
              <PositionAtPetrolTank value="false" />
              <PositionInBoundingBox value="false" />
              <DelayTimeMs value="34" />
              <Scale value="1.000000" />
              <PositionOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
          <AdditionalPartVelocityMinAngle value="0.000000" />
          <AdditionalPartVelocityMaxAngle value="0.000000" />
          <AdditionalPartVelocityMinMagnitude value="0.000000" />
          <AdditionalPartVelocityMaxMagnitude value="0.000000" />
              <Radius value="0.000000" />
              <PartDeletionChance value="0.000000" />
              <Radius value="5.910000" />
              <PartDeletionChance value="0.400000" />
              <Radius value="8.360000" />
              <PartDeletionChance value="0.800000" />
  118. Autogyro's vehicle type entry and engine code:
    CAutogyro    CAutogyro: CRotaryWingAircraft, CAutomobile, CVehicle, CPhysical, CDynamicEntity, CEntity, rage::fwEntity, rage::fwExtensibleBase, rage::fwRefAwareBase, rage::fwRefAwareBaseImpl<rage::datBase>, rage::datBase;
  119. Autogyro's vehicle type restored (WildBrick142 on YouTube):
  120. Bobcat's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  121. Buccaneer2's audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="VehicleScannerParams" ntOffset="275414">
       <Flags value="0xAAAAAAA8" />
  122. CCX's audio data entry: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Bicycle" ntOffset="358023">
       <RoadNoiseVolumeScale value="0.8" />
       <SkidVolumeScale value="0.8" />
       <MinSuspCompThresh value="0.4" />
       <MaxSuspCompThresh value="1" />
       <JumpLandMinThresh value="31" />
       <JumpLandMaxThresh value="36" />
  123. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 104217–104219
  124. Cog 55's police scanner audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
      <Item type="VehicleScannerParams" ntOffset="270360">
       <Flags value="0xAAAAAAA8" />
  125. Cog 55's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  126. Cognoscenti's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  127. Comet's police scanner audio entry name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="VehicleScannerParams" ntOffset="273377">
     <Flags value="0xAAAAAAA8" />
  128. Digger's audio data entry: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Car" ntOffset="368210">
     <Flags value="0x90005614" />
     <GranularEngine />
     <BootOpenSound />
     <BootCloseSound />
     <BrakeSqueekFactor value="2" />
     <MinSuspCompThresh value="0.4" />
     <MaxSuspCompThres value="1" />
     <CarMake value="0" />
     <CarModel value="0" />
     <CarCategory value="0" />
     <JumpLandMinThresh value="31" />
     <JumpLandMaxThresh value="36" />
     <VolumeCategory value="0" />
     <GpsType value="1" />
     <RadioType value="1" />
     <RadioGenre value="0" />
     <GpsVoice value="1" />
     <AmbientRadioVol value="0" />
     <RadioLeakage value="0" />
     <MaxRollOffScalePlayer value="6" />
     <MaxRollOffScaleNPC value="3" />
     <ConvertibleRoofSoundSet />
     <OffRoadRumbleSoundVolume value="0" />
     <SirenSounds />
     <AlternativeGranularEngines value="0" />
     <AlternativeGranularEngineProbability value="0" />
     <StopStartProb value="0" />
     <ForkliftSounds />
     <TurretSounds />
     <ClatterType value="0" />
     <TowTruckSounds />
     <EngineType value="0" />
     <ElectricEngine />
     <Openness value="0.5" />
     <RandomDamage value="3" />
     <ClatterSensitivityScalar value="1" />
     <ClatterVolumeBoost value="0" />
     <ChassisStressSensitivityScalar value="1" />
     <ChassisStressVolumeBoost value="0" />
     <AdditionalRevsIncreaseSmoothing value="0" />
     <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothing value="0" />
     <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothingTime value="0" />
     <ConvertibleRoofInteriorSoundSet />
     <CabinToneLoop />
     <InteriorViewEngineOpenness value="0" />
  129. Digger's bucket and arm sounds data: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\sounds.dat54.rel :
    <Item type="SoundSet">
      <Flags value="0xAAAAAAAA" />
  130. Digger's object cover tuning data entry: x64a.rpf\levels\gta5\generic\objectcovertuning.#mt:
  131. Digger's police scanner audio entry name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="VehicleScannerParams" ntOffset="271147">
     <Flags value="0xAAAAAAA8" />
  132. Digger's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  133. Dukes's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  134. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 104416–104423
  135. EOD's audio data entry: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Car" ntOffset="363306">
       <Flags value="0x90005920" />
       <GranularEngine />
       <BrakeSqueekFactor value="0" />
       <MinSuspCompThresh value="0.4" />
       <MaxSuspCompThres value="1" />
       <CarMake value="0" />
       <CarModel value="0" />
       <CarCategory value="0" />
       <JumpLandMinThresh value="31" />
       <JumpLandMaxThresh value="36" />
       <VolumeCategory value="4" />
       <GpsType value="0" />
       <RadioType value="1" />
       <RadioGenre value="9" />
       <GpsVoice value="1" />
       <AmbientRadioVol value="0" />
       <RadioLeakage value="2" />
       <MaxRollOffScalePlayer value="6" />
       <MaxRollOffScaleNPC value="3" />
       <ConvertibleRoofSoundSet />
       <OffRoadRumbleSoundVolume value="0" />
       <SirenSounds />
       <AlternativeGranularEngines value="0" />
       <AlternativeGranularEngineProbability value="0" />
       <StopStartProb value="0" />
       <ForkliftSounds />
       <TurretSounds />
       <ClatterType value="8" />
       <DiggerSounds />
       <TowTruckSounds />
       <EngineType value="1" />
       <ElectricEngine />
       <Openness value="0" />
       <RandomDamage value="3" />
       <ClatterSensitivityScalar value="1" />
       <ClatterVolumeBoost value="0" />
       <ChassisStressSensitivityScalar value="1" />
       <ChassisStressVolumeBoost value="0" />
       <AdditionalRevsIncreaseSmoothing value="0" />
       <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothing value="0" />
       <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothingTime value="0" />
       <ConvertibleRoofInteriorSoundSet />
       <CabinToneLoop />
       <InteriorViewEngineOpenness value="0" />
  136. EOD's police scanner audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
       <Item type="VehicleScannerParams" ntOffset="271995">
     <Flags value="0xAAAAAAA8" />
       <Manufacturer />
       <Model />
       <Category />
  137. EOD's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  138. Faction's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  139. Feroci's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  140. Feroci's tuning parts:\x64i.rpf\levels\gta5\vehiclemods\feroci_mods.rpf
  141. \tools_ng\web\cert\shared\data\vehicle_names.csv: Line 81
  142. \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.xml: Lines 86971-86987
  143. 143.0 143.1 fbiold's police scanner audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
      <Item type="VehicleScannerParams" ntOffset="272147">
       <Flags value="0xAAAAAAA9" />
  144. \tools_ng\etc\config\cutscene\Cutscene_Model_Handles.csv: Line 58
  145. 145.0 145.1 fbiold's siren light data entry: update\update.rpf\x64\data\carcols.#mt:
    Siren data suggests the vehicle sported a single rotating red beacon on the roof, given its only used entry in carcols.#mt is siren1, which is a red rotating light, while its other siren entries are disabled.
       <id value="3" />
       <timeMultiplier value="0.9" />
       <lightFalloffMax value="10" />
       <lightFalloffExponent value="32" />
       <lightInnerConeAngle value="0" />
       <lightOuterConeAngle value="50" />
       <lightOffset value="0" />
       <sequencerBpm value="160" />
        <sequencer value="0" />
        <sequencer value="0" />
        <sequencer value="-1431655766" />
        <sequencer value="1431655765" />
       <leftHeadLightMultiples value="3" />
       <rightHeadLightMultiples value="3" />
       <leftTailLightMultiples value="3" />
       <rightTailLightMultiples value="3" />
       <useRealLights value="true" />
       <sirens itemType="sirenLight">
          <delta value="0" />
          <start value="0" />
          <speed value="0" />
          <sequencer value="0" />
          <multiples value="1" />
          <direction value="false" />
          <syncToBpm value="true" />
          <delta value="0" />
          <start value="0" />
          <speed value="0" />
          <sequencer value="-1431655766" />
          <multiples value="3" />
          <direction value="true" />
          <syncToBpm value="true" />
          <intensity value="50" />
          <size value="1.1" />
          <pull value="0.2" />
          <faceCamera value="true" />
         <color value="0xFFFF1405" />
         <intensity value="1" />
         <lightGroup value="0" />
         <rotate value="true" />
         <scale value="false" />
         <scaleFactor value="0" />
         <flash value="true" />
         <light value="true" />
         <spotLight value="true" />
         <castShadows value="false" />
  146. fbiold's handling data entry: update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
        <Item type="CHandlingData">
          <fMass value="1800.000000" />
          <fInitialDragCoeff value="6.000000" />
          <fPercentSubmerged value="85.000000" />
          <vecCentreOfMassOffset x="0.000000" y="0.200000" z="0.000000" />
          <vecInertiaMultiplier x="1.000000" y="1.600000" z="1.600000" />
          <fDriveBiasFront value="0.000000" />
          <nInitialDriveGears value="5" />
          <fInitialDriveForce value="0.200000" />
          <fDriveInertia value="1.000000" />
          <fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift value="1.300000" />
          <fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift value="1.300000" />
          <fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value="140.000000" />
          <fBrakeForce value="0.900000" />
          <fBrakeBiasFront value="0.425000" />
          <fHandBrakeForce value="0.600000" />
          <fSteeringLock value="40.000000" />
          <fTractionCurveMax value="2.450000" />
          <fTractionCurveMin value="2.250000" />
          <fTractionCurveLateral value="22.500000" />
          <fTractionSpringDeltaMax value="0.150000" />
          <fLowSpeedTractionLossMult value="1.000000" />
          <fCamberStiffnesss value="0.000000" />
          <fTractionBiasFront value="0.490000" />
          <fTractionLossMult value="1.000000" />
          <fSuspensionForce value="1.800000" />
          <fSuspensionCompDamp value="0.800000" />
          <fSuspensionReboundDamp value="1.500000" />
          <fSuspensionUpperLimit value="0.090000" />
          <fSuspensionLowerLimit value="-0.140000" />
          <fSuspensionRaise value="0.000000" />
          <fSuspensionBiasFront value="0.570000" />
          <fAntiRollBarForce value="0.800000" />
          <fAntiRollBarBiasFront value="0.600000" />
          <fRollCentreHeightFront value="0.340000" />
          <fRollCentreHeightRear value="0.350000" />
          <fCollisionDamageMult value="0.700000" />
          <fWeaponDamageMult value="1.000000" />
          <fDeformationDamageMult value="0.700000" />
          <fEngineDamageMult value="1.500000" />
          <fPetrolTankVolume value="65.000000" />
          <fOilVolume value="5.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistX value="0.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistY value="0.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistZ value="0.000000" />
          <nMonetaryValue value="35000" />
            <Item type="CCarHandlingData">
              <fBackEndPopUpCarImpulseMult value="0.100000" />
              <fBackEndPopUpBuildingImpulseMult value="0.030000" />
              <fBackEndPopUpMaxDeltaSpeed value="0.600000" />
            <Item type="NULL" />
            <Item type="NULL" />
  147. fbiold's cover set layout data entry: update\update.rpf\common\data\ai\vehiclelayouts.meta:
        <Item type="CVehicleCoverBoundOffsetInfo">
          <ExtraSideOffset value="0.050000" />
          <ExtraForwardOffset value="0.050000" />
          <ExtraBackwardOffset value="-0.350000" />
          <ExtraZOffset value="0.200000" />
          <CoverBoundInfos />
  148. fbiold's audio data entry: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
     <Item type="Car" ntOffset="363633">
       <Flags value="0x90004A28" />
       <BrakeSqueekFactor value="0.5" />
       <MinSuspCompThresh value="0.4" />
       <MaxSuspCompThres value="1" />
       <CarMake value="0" />
       <CarModel value="0" />
       <CarCategory value="0" />
       <JumpLandMinThresh value="31" />
       <JumpLandMaxThresh value="36" />
       <VolumeCategory value="2" />
       <GpsType value="0" />
       <RadioType value="2" />
       <RadioGenre value="16" />
       <GpsVoice value="1" />
       <AmbientRadioVol value="0" />
       <RadioLeakage value="3" />
       <MaxRollOffScalePlayer value="6" />
       <MaxRollOffScaleNPC value="3" />
       <ConvertibleRoofSoundSet />
       <OffRoadRumbleSoundVolume value="0" />
       <AlternativeGranularEngines value="0" />
       <AlternativeGranularEngineProbability value="0" />
       <StopStartProb value="0" />
       <ForkliftSounds />
       <TurretSounds />
       <ClatterType value="8" />
       <DiggerSounds />
       <TowTruckSounds />
       <EngineType value="0" />
       <ElectricEngine />
       <Openness value="0" />
       <RandomDamage value="2" />
       <ClatterSensitivityScalar value="1" />
       <ClatterVolumeBoost value="0" />
       <ChassisStressSensitivityScalar value="1" />
       <ChassisStressVolumeBoost value="0" />
       <AdditionalRevsIncreaseSmoothing value="0" />
       <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothing value="0" />
       <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothingTime value="0" />
       <ConvertibleRoofInteriorSoundSet />
       <CabinToneLoop />
       <InteriorViewEngineOpenness value="0" />
  149. Hakumai's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  150. tourmav's police scanner audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="VehicleScannerParams" ntOffset="270802">
     <Flags value="0xAAAAAAA9" />
       <Manufacturer />
  151. Hellfury's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  152. Hind's handling (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
    ;HIND	  	 8500.0  10.0  75 	0.0 0.0  0.5    1.0	1.0	1.0		  1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0  1  0.001 1.0 1.3 1.3 10.0	0.05 0.60 0.7  35.0		0.65 0.60 8.0   0.10 0.0 0.0  0.5   1.0		0.75 1.0  1.0  0.50 -0.15 0.0  0.3	0.0	  0.0	0.0 0.0		1.3 0.5 4.0 1.5  65.0 5.0 	0.0 0.0 0.0 	 52000 		2004000		400000			0			AVERAGE			20
  153. Hinds's weapon handling data (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
    ;£ HIND  VEHICLE_WEAPON_HIND_GUN  0 VEHICLE_WEAPON_HIND_ROCKET 0 NULL   0 5.0 0.0    0.0 0.0   0.0  0.0    0.0 0.0    0.0  0.0    0.0  0.0   0.0 0.0  0.0
  154. jet2's audio data entry: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Aeroplane" ntOffset="357983">
       <Flags value="0xAAAAA994" />
       <Version value="1" />
       <EngineConeFrontAngle value="46" />
       <EngineConeRearAngle value="134" />
       <EngineConeAtten value="0" />
       <ExhaustConeFrontAngle value="46" />
       <ExhaustConeRearAngle value="134" />
       <ExhaustConeAtten value="0" />
       <PropellorConeFrontAngle value="46" />
       <PropellorConeRearAngle value="134" />
       <PropellorConeAtten value="0" />
       <AfterburnerLoop />
       <BankingStyle value="0" />
       <EngineSynthDef />
       <EngineSynthPreset />
       <ExhaustSynthDef />
       <ExhaustSynthPreset />
       <DivingFactor value="1" />
       <MaxDivePitch value="750" />
       <DiveAirSpeedThreshold value="50" />
       <DivingRateApproachingGround value="-30" />
       <PeelingAfterburnerPitchScalingFactor value="2" />
       <IsRealLODRange value="5000000" />
       <MinSuspCompThresh value="0.4" />
       <MaxSuspCompThresh value="1" />
       <NPCEngineSmoothAmount value="0.003" />
       <DivingSoundPitchFactor value="1" />
       <DivingSoundVolumeFactor value="1" />
       <MaxDiveSoundPitch value="750" />
       <RadioType value="1" />
       <AircraftWarningSeriousDamageThresh value="0.003" />
       <AircraftWarningCriticalDamageThresh value="0.003" />
       <AircraftWarningMaxSpeed value="100" />
       <CabinToneLoop />
       <BigAirMinTime value="1.2" />
       <LeftWaterSound />
       <IdleHullSlapSpeedToVol />
  155. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 104670–104671
  156. Marbelle's handling data entry: update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
        <Item type="CHandlingData">
          <fMass value="2100.000000" />
          <fInitialDragCoeff value="6.000000" />
          <fPercentSubmerged value="85.000000" />
          <vecCentreOfMassOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
          <vecInertiaMultiplier x="1.000000" y="1.000000" z="1.000000" />
          <fDriveBiasFront value="0.000000" />
          <nInitialDriveGears value="4" />
          <fInitialDriveForce value="0.160000" />
          <fDriveInertia value="1.000000" />
          <fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift value="1.300000" />
          <fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift value="1.300000" />
          <fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value="130.000000" />
          <fBrakeForce value="0.250000" />
          <fBrakeBiasFront value="0.650000" />
          <fHandBrakeForce value="0.350000" />
          <fSteeringLock value="35.000000" />
          <fTractionCurveMax value="1.400000" />
          <fTractionCurveMin value="1.140000" />
          <fTractionCurveLateral value="13.000000" />
          <fTractionSpringDeltaMax value="0.130000" />
          <fLowSpeedTractionLossMult value="1.000000" />
          <fCamberStiffnesss value="0.000000" />
          <fTractionBiasFront value="0.490000" />
          <fTractionLossMult value="1.000000" />
          <fSuspensionForce value="1.400000" />
          <fSuspensionCompDamp value="0.800000" />
          <fSuspensionReboundDamp value="1.000000" />
          <fSuspensionUpperLimit value="0.100000" />
          <fSuspensionLowerLimit value="-0.180000" />
          <fSuspensionRaise value="0.000000" />
          <fSuspensionBiasFront value="0.500000" />
          <fAntiRollBarForce value="0.000000" />
          <fAntiRollBarBiasFront value="0.000000" />
          <fRollCentreHeightFront value="0.150000" />
          <fRollCentreHeightRear value="0.150000" />
          <fCollisionDamageMult value="1.000000" />
          <fWeaponDamageMult value="1.000000" />
          <fDeformationDamageMult value="0.800000" />
          <fEngineDamageMult value="1.500000" />
          <fPetrolTankVolume value="65.000000" />
          <fOilVolume value="5.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistX value="0.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistY value="0.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistZ value="0.000000" />
          <nMonetaryValue value="25000" />
            <Item type="CCarHandlingData">
              <fBackEndPopUpCarImpulseMult value="0.100000" />
              <fBackEndPopUpBuildingImpulseMult value="0.030000" />
              <fBackEndPopUpMaxDeltaSpeed value="0.600000" />
            <Item type="NULL" />
            <Item type="NULL" />
  157. Marbelle's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  158. Napalm's handling (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta
    ;NAPALM	  	 8500.0  10.0  75 	0.0 0.0  0.5    1.0	1.0	1.0		  1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0  1  0.001 1.0 1.3 1.3 10.0	0.05 0.60 0.7  35.0		0.65 0.60 8.0   0.10 0.0 0.0  0.5   1.0		0.75 1.0  1.0  0.50 -0.15 0.0  0.3	0.0	  0.0	0.0 0.0		1.3 0.5 4.0 1.5  65.0 5.0 	0.0 0.0 0.0 	 52000 		2004000		400000			0			AVERAGE			20
  159. Napalm's weapon handling data (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
    ;£ NAPALM  VEHICLE_WEAPON_HIND_GUN  1 VEHICLE_WEAPON_HIND_ROCKET 0  NULL   0 0.0 0.0    0.0 0.0   0.0  0.0    0.0 0.0    0.0  0.0    0.0  0.0   0.0 0.0  0.0
  160. Napalm's name used in Valkyrie's texture files: \update\x64\dlcpacks\mpheist\dlc.rpf\x64\levels\gta5\vehicles\mpheistvehicles.rpf\valkyrie.#td
    napalm_interior, napalm_liveries
  161. \tools_ng\web\cert\shared\data\vehicle_names.csv: Line 156
  162. Fugitive's light texture: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\fugitive.#td:

    Fugitive's light textures (fugitive_lights) featuring a blue light.

  163. Police Fugitive's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  164. raketanker's vehicle trailer audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="VehicleTrailer" ntOffset="368132">
       <ClatterType value="8" />
       <ModelCollisionSettings />
       <ClatterSensitivityScalar value="1" />
       <ClatterVolumeBoost value="0" />
       <ChassisStressSensitivityScalar value="1" />
       <ChassisStressVolumeBoost value="0" />
       <LinkStressSensitivityScalar value="1" />
  165. RC Bandito's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  166. Rhapsody's handling data entry: update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
        <Item type="CHandlingData">
          <fMass value="1400.000000" />
          <fInitialDragCoeff value="8.000000" />
          <fPercentSubmerged value="85.000000" />
          <vecCentreOfMassOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
          <vecInertiaMultiplier x="1.000000" y="1.000000" z="1.000000" />
          <fDriveBiasFront value="0.400000" />
          <nInitialDriveGears value="5" />
          <fInitialDriveForce value="0.220000" />
          <fDriveInertia value="1.000000" />
          <fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift value="1.300000" />
          <fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift value="1.300000" />
          <fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value="145.000000" />
          <fBrakeForce value="0.400000" />
          <fBrakeBiasFront value="0.650000" />
          <fHandBrakeForce value="0.700000" />
          <fSteeringLock value="35.000000" />
          <fTractionCurveMax value="1.650000" />
          <fTractionCurveMin value="1.250000" />
          <fTractionCurveLateral value="14.500000" />
          <fTractionSpringDeltaMax value="0.150000" />
          <fLowSpeedTractionLossMult value="1.000000" />
          <fCamberStiffnesss value="0.000000" />
          <fTractionBiasFront value="0.490000" />
          <fTractionLossMult value="1.000000" />
          <fSuspensionForce value="1.800000" />
          <fSuspensionCompDamp value="0.800000" />
          <fSuspensionReboundDamp value="1.100000" />
          <fSuspensionUpperLimit value="0.150000" />
          <fSuspensionLowerLimit value="-0.140000" />
          <fSuspensionRaise value="0.000000" />
          <fSuspensionBiasFront value="0.500000" />
          <fAntiRollBarForce value="0.000000" />
          <fAntiRollBarBiasFront value="0.000000" />
          <fRollCentreHeightFront value="0.100000" />
          <fRollCentreHeightRear value="0.100000" />
          <fCollisionDamageMult value="0.700000" />
          <fWeaponDamageMult value="1.000000" />
          <fDeformationDamageMult value="0.700000" />
          <fEngineDamageMult value="1.500000" />
          <fPetrolTankVolume value="65.000000" />
          <fOilVolume value="5.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistX value="0.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistY value="0.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistZ value="0.000000" />
          <nMonetaryValue value="35000" />
            <Item type="CCarHandlingData">
              <fBackEndPopUpCarImpulseMult value="0.100000" />
              <fBackEndPopUpBuildingImpulseMult value="0.030000" />
              <fBackEndPopUpMaxDeltaSpeed value="0.600000" />
            <Item type="NULL" />
            <Item type="NULL" />
  167. Scamp's handling (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
    ;SCAMP		 2500.0  10.0  75 	0.0 0.0  0.0    1.0	1.0	1.0		  1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0  1  0.001 1.0 1.3 1.3 10.0	0.05 0.60 0.7  35.0		0.65 0.60 8.0   0.10 0.0 0.0  0.5   1.0		1.0  0.8  0.8  0.50 -0.20 0.0  0.2	0.0	  0.0	0.0 0.0		1.3 0.5 4.0 1.5  65.0 5.0 	0.0 0.0 0.0 	 52000 		2004000		400000			0			AVERAGE			20
  168. shamal3's audio data entry: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Aeroplane" ntOffset="358011">
       <Flags value="0xAAAAA994" />
       <Version value="1" />
       <EngineConeFrontAngle value="46" />
       <EngineConeRearAngle value="134" />
       <EngineConeAtten value="-600" />
       <ExhaustConeFrontAngle value="46" />
       <ExhaustConeRearAngle value="134" />
       <ExhaustConeAtten value="-300" />
       <PropellorConeFrontAngle value="46" />
       <PropellorConeRearAngle value="134" />
       <PropellorConeAtten value="-500" />
       <BankingStyle value="1" />
       <EngineSynthDef />
       <EngineSynthPreset />
       <ExhaustSynthDef />
       <ExhaustSynthPreset />
       <DivingFactor value="1" />
       <MaxDivePitch value="750" />
       <DiveAirSpeedThreshold value="50" />
       <DivingRateApproachingGround value="-30" />
       <PeelingAfterburnerPitchScalingFactor value="2" />
       <IsRealLODRange value="5000000" />
       <MinSuspCompThresh value="0.4" />
       <MaxSuspCompThresh value="1" />
       <NPCEngineSmoothAmount value="0.003" />
       <DivingSoundPitchFactor value="1" />
       <DivingSoundVolumeFactor value="1" />
       <MaxDiveSoundPitch value="750" />
       <RadioType value="1" />
       <AircraftWarningSeriousDamageThresh value="0.003" />
       <AircraftWarningCriticalDamageThresh value="0.003" />
       <AircraftWarningMaxSpeed value="100" />
       <CabinToneLoop />
       <BigAirMinTime value="1.2" />
       <LeftWaterSound />
       <IdleHullSlapSpeedToVol />
  169. Skivvy's police scanner audio data name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="VehicleScannerParams" ntOffset="271536">
     <Flags value="0xAAAAAAA8" />
       <Manufacturer />
  170. Skivvy's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  171. Slamvan's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  172. SPMed's handling (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
    SPMED     	 1000.0   2.0  75 	0.0 -1.5 -0.2   1.0	1.0	1.0		  1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0  1  0.001 1.0 1.3 1.3 10.0	0.18 0.60 0.7  30.0		1.15 0.80 12.0  0.10 0.0 0.0  0.5   1.0 	1.5  1.8  1.0  0.50 -0.05 0.0  0.6	0.0	  0.0	0.0 0.0		1.5 0.5 4.0 1.5  65.0 5.0 	0.0 0.0 0.0 	 45000 		0000000		400000			13			AVERAGE			20
  173. SPMed's plane handling data (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
    $ SPMED  0.6  0.0001 0.0  -0.0015   0.002  0.05 0.015 -0.0 0.003 0.0014 0.00025 0.010  0.001  0.0 1.0  0.3  0.015 1.0  1.0  1.0  0.05 0.05   0.05  90  90   90  90   0.0  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.1   1.2    3.0   6.0    1.0
  174. SPMed's weapon handling data (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
    £ SPMED  VEHICLE_WEAPON_ENEMY_LASER 0 NULL      0 NULL   0 0.0 0.0    0.0 0.0   0.0  0.0    0.0 0.0    0.0  0.0    0.0  0.0   0.0 0.0  0.0
  175. 175.0 175.1 File Data: \script\dev_ng\core\game\data\weapon_enums.sch: Line 90
  176. SPSmall's handling (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
    SPSMALL      1000.0   2.0  75  0.0 -1.5 -0.2   -0.00 0.89 -0.20  1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0  1  0.001 1.0 1.3 1.3 10.0 0.18 0.60 0.7  30.0  1.15 0.80 12.0  0.10 0.0 0.0  0.5   1.0  1.5  1.8  1.0  0.50 -0.05 0.0  0.6 0.0   0.0 0.0 0.0  1.5 0.5 4.0 1.5  65.0 5.0  0.0 0.0 0.0   45000   0000000  400000   13   AVERAGE   20
  177. SPSmall's plane handling data (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
    $ SPSMALL  0.6  0.0001 0.0  -0.0015   0.002  0.05 0.015 -0.0 0.003 0.0014 0.00025 0.010  0.001  0.0 1.0  0.3  0.015 1.0  1.0  1.0  0.05 0.05   0.05  90  90   90  90   0.0  0.0   0.0   0.0   0.1   1.2    3.0   6.0    1.0
  178. SPSmall's weapon handling data (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
    £ SPSMALL  VEHICLE_WEAPON_ENEMY_LASER 0 NULL      0 NULL   0 0.0 0.0    0.0 0.0   0.0  0.0    0.0 0.0    0.0  0.0    0.0  0.0   0.0 0.0  0.0
  179. Stockade2's audio data entry: update/update.rpf/x64/audio/config/game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="Car" ntOffset="367816">
     <Flags value="0x90005A04" />
     <GranularEngine />
     <BootOpenSound />
     <BootCloseSound />
     <BrakeSqueekFactor value="0.5" />
     <MinSuspCompThresh value="0.4" />
     <MaxSuspCompThres value="1" />
     <CarMake value="0" />
     <CarModel value="0" />
     <CarCategory value="0" />
     <JumpLandMinThresh value="31" />
     <JumpLandMaxThresh value="36" />
     <VolumeCategory value="1" />
     <GpsType value="0" />
     <RadioType value="3" />
     <RadioGenre value="0" />
     <GpsVoice value="1" />
     <AmbientRadioVol value="0" />
     <RadioLeakage value="2" />
     <MaxRollOffScalePlayer value="6" />
     <MaxRollOffScaleNPC value="3" />
     <ConvertibleRoofSoundSet />
     <OffRoadRumbleSoundVolume value="0" />
     <SirenSounds />
     <AlternativeGranularEngines value="0" />
     <AlternativeGranularEngineProbability value="0" />
     <StopStartProb value="0" />
     <ForkliftSounds />
     <TurretSounds />
     <ClatterType value="5" />
     <DiggerSounds />
     <TowTruckSounds />
     <EngineType value="0" />
     <ElectricEngine />
     <Openness value="0" />
     <RandomDamage value="3" />
     <ClatterSensitivityScalar value="1" />
     <ClatterVolumeBoost value="0" />
     <ChassisStressSensitivityScalar value="1" />
     <ChassisStressVolumeBoost value="0" />
     <AdditionalRevsIncreaseSmoothing value="0" />
     <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothing value="0" />
     <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothingTime value="0" />
     <ConvertibleRoofInteriorSoundSet />
     <CabinToneLoop />
     <InteriorViewEngineOpenness value="0" />
  180. snowy Stockade's livery texture: x64e/levels/gta5/vehicles.rpf/stockade3.#td:

    The snowy Stockade's livery texture (stockade2_livery).

  181. Submarine's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  182. SXR's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  183. File Data: \script\dev_ng\multiplayer\include\public\net_races.sch: Line 11474 (classified as MPR_SPORTS)
  184. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 105299–105300
  185. taxi2's police scanner audio entry name: update\update.rpf\x64\audio\config\game.dat151.rel:
    <Item type="VehicleScannerParams" ntOffset="270925">
     <Flags value="0xAAAAAAA8" />
  186. TR3's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  187. Tug's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  188. Uranus's handling data entry: update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
        <Item type="CHandlingData">
          <fMass value="1800.000000" />
          <fInitialDragCoeff value="6.000000" />
          <fPercentSubmerged value="85.000000" />
          <vecCentreOfMassOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
          <vecInertiaMultiplier x="1.000000" y="1.000000" z="1.000000" />
          <fDriveBiasFront value="0.000000" />
          <nInitialDriveGears value="4" />
          <fInitialDriveForce value="0.200000" />
          <fDriveInertia value="1.000000" />
          <fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift value="1.300000" />
          <fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift value="1.300000" />
          <fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value="130.000000" />
          <fBrakeForce value="0.250000" />
          <fBrakeBiasFront value="0.650000" />
          <fHandBrakeForce value="0.300000" />
          <fSteeringLock value="35.000000" />
          <fTractionCurveMax value="1.100000" />
          <fTractionCurveMin value="0.840000" />
          <fTractionCurveLateral value="13.000000" />
          <fTractionSpringDeltaMax value="0.130000" />
          <fLowSpeedTractionLossMult value="1.000000" />
          <fCamberStiffnesss value="0.000000" />
          <fTractionBiasFront value="0.490000" />
          <fTractionLossMult value="1.000000" />
          <fSuspensionForce value="1.400000" />
          <fSuspensionCompDamp value="0.700000" />
          <fSuspensionReboundDamp value="1.000000" />
          <fSuspensionUpperLimit value="0.100000" />
          <fSuspensionLowerLimit value="-0.180000" />
          <fSuspensionRaise value="0.000000" />
          <fSuspensionBiasFront value="0.500000" />
          <fAntiRollBarForce value="0.400000" />
          <fAntiRollBarBiasFront value="0.500000" />
          <fRollCentreHeightFront value="0.250000" />
          <fRollCentreHeightRear value="0.250000" />
          <fCollisionDamageMult value="1.000000" />
          <fWeaponDamageMult value="1.000000" />
          <fDeformationDamageMult value="0.800000" />
          <fEngineDamageMult value="1.500000" />
          <fPetrolTankVolume value="65.000000" />
          <fOilVolume value="5.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistX value="0.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistY value="0.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistZ value="0.000000" />
          <nMonetaryValue value="25000" />
            <Item type="CCarHandlingData">
              <fBackEndPopUpCarImpulseMult value="0.100000" />
              <fBackEndPopUpBuildingImpulseMult value="0.030000" />
              <fBackEndPopUpMaxDeltaSpeed value="0.600000" />
            <Item type="NULL" />
            <Item type="NULL" />
  189. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 105578–105579
  190. Data extracted from Android iFruit app v1.0.7: assets\xml\car_data.xml
  191. 's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc:
  192. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 105572–105575
  193. Winky's handling (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 versions): update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta:
    ;WINKY       2000.0  4.0   85	0.0 0.10 0.0	1.0	1.0	1.0 	  1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5  5  0.19  0.95 1.3 1.3 105.0	0.26 0.65 0.7  35.0		1.60 1.4  20.0  0.15 0.0 0.0  0.50  0.8		1.5  1.0  1.8  0.09 -0.18 0.0  0.5  0.0	  0.0	0.2 0.2		1.0 1.0 0.9 1.5  65.0 5.0 	0.0 0.0 0.0 	 30000 		000010		0				0			AVERAGE			0
  194. File Data: \script\dev_ng\multiplayer\include\public\net_races.sch: Line 11538 (classified as MPR_PEOPLE_CARRIER)
  195. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 103933–103936
  196. File Data: \script\dev_ng\singleplayer\scripts\heists\heistRuralBank\ Line 695
  197. File Data: \script\dev_ng\singleplayer\scripts\RandomChar\Nigel\ Line 5137
  198. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.textures.csv: Lines 104189–104194
  199. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 104263–104294
  200. File Data: \script\dev_ng\singleplayer\scripts\Minigames\Taxi\controller_Taxi_lib.sch: Line 11
    //old green prius taxi was called TAXI2, may it rest in peace :)
  201. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 105365–105379
  202. File Data: script\dev_ng\multiplayer\include\public\freemode\NET_TAXI.sch: Lines 249
  203. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 104475–104481
  204. File Data: \src\dev_ng\game\Vehicles\VehicleFactory.cpp: Line 6794
  205. File Data: \script\dev_ng\singleplayer\scripts\RandomChar\Nigel\ Lines 880, 1334, 1349, 1475, 1499, 1512
  206. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 104482–104488
  207. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 104754–104757
  208. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Line 104785
  209. \tools_ng\web\cert\shared\data\vehicle_names.csv: Line 135
  210. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 104824–104827
  211. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 104832–104835
  212. File Data: \script\dev_ng\multiplayer\include\public\net_races.sch: Line 11512 (classified as MPR_MODERN)
  213. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 104989–104998
  214. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.textures.csv: Lines 104914–104918
  215. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 105066–105072
  216. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 105073–105076
  217. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 105142–105143
  218. \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.textures.csv: Lines 105359-105364
  219. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 105251–105257
  220. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 105258–105271
  221. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 105425–105426
  222. File Data: \tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.csv: Lines 105502–105508
  223. File Data: \script\dev_ng\core\game\data\model_enums.sch: Line 518
  224. File Data: \script\dev_ng\core\game\data\model_enums.sch: Line 522
  225. File Data: \script\dev_ng\core\game\data\model_enums.sch: Lines 523-524
  226. File Data: \script\dev_ng\core\game\data\model_enums.sch: Line 526
  227. File Data: \script\dev_ng\core\game\data\model_enums.sch: Lines 2359-2360
  228. File Data: \script\dev_ng\core\game\data\model_enums.sch: Line 12467
  229. File Data: \script\dev_ng\core\game\data\model_enums.sch: Line 12678
  230. File Data: \script\dev_ng\Code\ Lines 388 & 740
  231. File Data: \script\dev_ng\Code\ Lines 382, 467, 734
  232. File Data: \script\dev_ng\Code\ Lines 379, 404, 731
  233. File Data: \script\dev_ng\Code\ Lines 386, 738
  234. File Data: \script\dev_ng\Code\ Lines 381, 446 & 733
  235. Frogger's unused FIB livery texture: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\frogger2.#td:

    Frogger's FIB livery texture (frogger2_sign_1).

  236. BeeJay XL's towable trailers data: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta :
  237. Rancher XL's towable trailers data: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta :
  238. Seminole's towable trailers data: update\update.rpf\common\data\levels\gta5\vehicles.meta :
  239. Police Transporter's siren light data entry: update\update.rpf\x64\data\carcols.#mt:
       <id value="5" />
       <name>police van</name>
       <timeMultiplier value="0.5" />
       <lightFalloffMax value="10" />
       <lightFalloffExponent value="32" />
       <lightInnerConeAngle value="0" />
       <lightOuterConeAngle value="50" />
       <lightOffset value="0" />
       <sequencerBpm value="150" />
          <delta value="-0.392699" />
          <start value="0" />
          <speed value="0" />
          <sequencer value="-1" />
          <multiples value="1" />
          <direction value="false" />
          <syncToBpm value="false" />
          <delta value="0" />
          <start value="0" />
          <speed value="0" />
          <sequencer value="-1" />
          <multiples value="1" />
          <direction value="false" />
          <syncToBpm value="false" />
          <intensity value="50" />
          <size value="1.1" />
          <pull value="0" />
          <faceCamera value="false" />
         <color value="0xFFFFFFFF" />
         <intensity value="1" />
         <lightGroup value="1" />
         <rotate value="true" />
         <scale value="false" />
         <scaleFactor value="0" />
         <flash value="true" />
         <light value="false" />
         <spotLight value="true" />
         <castShadows value="false" />
  240. Utility Truck's unused animation file: x64e.rpf\levels\gta5\vehicles.rpf\va_utillitruck.#cd: crane
  241. File Data: update\update.rpf\common\data\handling.meta
  242. Classique's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_manufacturer.awc:
  243. File Data: \script\dev_ng\multiplayer\include\public\net_race_common_functions.sch: Lines 6020–6026
  244. Progen's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_manufacturer.awc:
  245. Skiver's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_manufacturer.awc:
  246. Steel Horse's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_manufacturer.awc:
  247. File Data: \script\dev_ng\multiplayer\include\public\net_race_common_functions.sch: Lines 6028–6034
  248. Willard's police scanner speech line: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_manufacturer.awc:
  249. Grand Theft Auto V Trailer:

    A Bodhi in traffic as seen in the first trailer.

  250. Grand Theft Auto V Trailer:

    A Fame or Shame Trailer in traffic as seen in Franklin's trailer.

  251. File Data: vehiclemodelsets.meta
    <Item type="CAmbientModelSet">
              <Variations type="NULL" />
              <Probability value="1.000000" />
              <Variations type="NULL" />
              <Probability value="1.000000" />
              <Variations type="NULL" />
              <Probability value="1.000000" />
              <Variations type="NULL" />
              <Probability value="1.000000" />
  252. Ymap:
    WORLD_VEHICLE_FARM_WORKER: : 16:00 - 19:00
    X:-1982.051 Y:1815.262 Z:181.14
  253. File Data:
  254. File Data: x64\audio\sfx\POLICE_SCANNER.rpf\01_model.awc


[ ve ]Vehicles in Grand Theft Auto V
SuperAdder | Bullet | Cheetah | Entity XF | Infernus | Osiris | T20 | Turismo R | Vacca | Voltic | Zentorno
Sports9F (Cabrio) | Alpha | Banshee | Blista Compact (Go Go Monkey Blista) | Buffalo (S (Sprunk)) | Carbonizzare | Comet | Coquette | Elegy RH8 | Feltzer | Furore GT | Fusilade | Futo | Jester (Racecar) | Massacro (Racecar) | Penumbra | Rapid GT (Convertible) | Schwartzer | Sultan | Surano
MuscleBlade | Buccaneer | Chino | Coquette BlackFin | Dominator (Pisswasser) | Dukes (Duke O'Death) | Gauntlet (Redwood) | Hotknife | Phoenix | Picador | Rat-Loader (Rat-Truck) | Ruiner | Sabre Turbo | Slamvan | Stallion (Burger Shot) | Vigero | Virgo | Voodoo
Sports ClassicsCoquette Classic | JB 700 | Manana | Monroe | Peyote | Pigalle | Roosevelt | Stinger | Stirling GT | Tornado (Beater | Cabrio | Mariachi) | Z-Type
SedansAsea (Snowed) | Asterope | Emperor (Beater | Snowed) | Fugitive | Glendale | Ingot | Intruder | Premier | Primo | Regina | Schafter | Stanier | Stratum | Super Diamond | Surge | Tailgater | Warrener | Washington (Romero Hearse | Stretch)
CompactsBlista | Dilettante (Merryweather Security) | Issi | Panto | Prairie | Rhapsody
CoupesCognoscenti Cabrio | Exemplar | F620 | Felon (GT) | Jackal | Oracle (XS) | Sentinel (XS) | Windsor | Zion (Cabrio)
SUVsBaller (second generation) | BeeJay XL | Cavalcade (second generation) | Dubsta | FQ 2 | Granger | Gresley | Habanero | Huntley S | Landstalker | Mesa (Snowed) | Patriot | Radius | Rocoto | Seminole | Serrano
VansBison (The Mighty Bush | McGill-Olsen) | Bobcat XL | Boxville (Utility | Humane Labs | Taco Van) | Burrito (Bugstars | Civilian | Snowed | Gang) | Camper | Journey | Minivan | Pony (SOTW) | Rumpo (Deludamol | Paradise) | Speedo (Clown Van) | Surfer (Rusted) | Youga
VehiclesAirtug | Caddy (Civilian) | Docktug | Fieldmaster (Snowed) | Forklift | Lawn Mower | Ripley | Sadler (Snowed) | Scrap Truck | Tow Truck (Yankee-based) | Tractor | Utility Truck (AWP | Contender-based)
TrailersArmy Trailer (Civilian | Extended) | Boat Trailer (Large) | Prop Trailer | Trailer (Rake | Small (Utility | Generator) | Flatbed | Logs | Articulated (Container | Commercial | Big Goods | Fame or Shame) | Dock | Car carrier (Pack Man)| Tanker (RON | Army))
CommercialBenson | Biff | Hauler | Mule | Packer | Phantom | Pounder | Stockade (Snowed)
IndustrialCutter | Dock Handler | Dozer | Dump | Flatbed | Mixer | Rubble | Tipper
ServiceBus (Airport) | Dashound | Rental Shuttle Bus (Tourbus) | Taxi | Trashmaster
EmergencyAmbulance | FIB (Buffalo) | Fire Truck | Lifeguard | Park Ranger | Police Bike | Police Cruiser (Buffalo | Interceptor) | Police Rancher | Police Riot | Police Roadcruiser | Police Prison Bus | Police Transporter | Sheriff Cruiser | Sheriff SUV | Unmarked Cruiser
MilitaryBarracks (Semi) | Crusader | Rhino Tank
MotorcyclesAkuma | Bagger | Bati 801 (RR) | Carbon RS | Daemon | Double T | Faggio | Hakuchou | Hexer | Innovation | Nemesis | PCJ-600 | Ruffian | Sanchez (Livery) | Sovereign | Thrust | Vader | Vindicator
HelicoptersBuzzard (Attack Chopper) | Cargobob (Jetsam | TPE) | Frogger (FIB/TPE) | Maverick | Police Maverick | Skylift | Swift (Deluxe)
PlanesAtomic Blimp | Besra | Cargo Plane | Cuban 800 | Dodo | Duster | Jet | Luxor (Deluxe) | Mallard | Mammatus | Miljet | P-996 LAZER | Shamal | Titan | Velum | Vestra | Xero Blimp
BoatsDinghy (2-seater) | Jetmax | Kraken | Marquis | Police Predator | Seashark (Lifeguard) | Speeder | Squalo | Submersible | Suntrap | Toro | Tropic
Off-RoadBifta | Blazer (Hot Rod | Lifeguard) | Bodhi | Brawler | Dubsta 6x6 | Dune Buggy (Space Docker) | Duneloader | Injection | Kalahari | Liberator | Marshall | Mesa | Rancher XL (North Yankton) | Rebel (Rusty) | Sandking XL (SWB)
CyclesBMX | Cruiser | Endurex Race Bike | Fixter | Scorcher | Tri-Cycles Race Bike | Whippet Race Bike
TrainsCable Car | Freight Train (Freight Car | Freight Container 1 | Freight Container 2 | Freight Grain | Tanker Car) | Metrotrain
Static (Non-Controllable)Daisy Lee | Dignity | Octopus | Olifantus | Ocean Motion | Scrap Handler | SS Bulker | The Sea Urchin | Tunnel Boring Machine | UFOs
Beta VehiclesAdmiral | Annihilator | Autogyro | Avera | Baletrailer | Bobcat | Bobsleigh | Bodhi (Clean) | Buccaneer variant | Burrito (McGill-Olsen) | Caddy variant | Casco | Cavalcade FXT | CCX | Chavos | Cognoscenti (55) | Combine Harvester | CS2000 | Digger | DF8-90 | EOD | Esperanto | Faction | Feltzer (Convertible) | Feroci | FH-1 Hunter | FIB (Snowed) | Fire Truck variant | Freeway | Furzen | Graintrailer | Hakumai | Hellfury | Horse | Injection (Clean) | Issi variant | JZ125 | Kart | Lokus | Majestic | Marbelle | Matador | Merit | Miner | Mower variant | Mule (Ramp-door) | Mr Tasty | Napalm | NOOSE Van | NRG 900 | Packer variants | Pinnacle | PMP 600 | Police Fugitive | Police Stinger | Presidente | Previon | Pyxis | RC Bandito | Sabre | Scamp | Seinove | Sentinel variant | Serrano (Custom) | Shamal variant | Skimmer | Skimobile | Skivvy | Solair | Squaddie | Steed | Speedo variants | Stockade (Bobcat Security) | Submarine | Sultan variant | Sultan RS | SuperGT | SXR | Taxi (Dilettante-based) | Trailer (Vulkan) | Trawler | Trial | Unknown high-wing plane | Unknown private jet | Unknown RV | Uranus | Vader variant | Vulkan | Wayfarer | Willard | Winky | Yankee | Z75
Vehicles in GTA V (Category) | Vehicle Brands | Vehicles by type | Special Vehicles | Beta Vehicles | Manufacturers | Vehicle classes | Vehicle Features

DLC Content Vehicles
Added as part of the following GTA Online content updates:
Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Beach Bum Update

Other Vehicles
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Social Club