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GTA Wiki
GTA Wiki
There’s only one semi-automatic shotgun with a fire rate that sets the LSFD alarm bells ringing, and you’re looking at it.
Grand Theft Auto Online description on Ammu-Nation and Social Club.

The Combat Shotgun is a semi-automatic shotgun that appears in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto Online. It is manufactured by Vom Feuer in Grand Theft Auto Online.


3D Universe[]

In the 3D Universe, the shotgun takes the form of a Franchi SPAS-12. This weapon is spelled as "Spaz 12" in the original PlayStation 2 version of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories; and as "S.P.A.S. 12" in later versions of GTA Vice City.

The Combat Shotgun always features a stock, but only the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories rendition has the stock extended. All renditions hold seven shells in the magazine tube.

Grand Theft Auto IV[]

In Grand Theft Auto IV, the Combat Shotgun takes the form of a Remington 1100 Tac 4 semi-automatic shotgun. The general appearance is reminiscent of the Pump Shotgun from the 3D Universe, but with a modernized design and semi-auto feature. The filename appears to be a misspelling of Beretta, though it suggests that it is more reminiscent of a Beretta shotgun, as some models also share the characteristic framing on the cannon.

In The Lost and Damned, the Combat Shotgun has been changed to have a pistol grip and tactical stock, similar to that of the Carbine Rifle (although the Combat Shotgun retains its earlier form in Terry Thorpe's gun van). This design was not carried on to The Ballad of Gay Tony, which instead features the original design.

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

The Combat Shotgun returns to Grand Theft Auto Online in The Cayo Perico Heist update, reassuming its 3D Universe appearance as a Franchi SPAS-12, with some influence from the Remington 870, seen on the trigger guard, forend, pistol grip, and rear of the receiver. Like the GTA Vice City Stories rendition, the stock is always extended.


3D Universe[]

Extremely powerful shotgun. Could stop an elephant. And has. Used in Vice City on other things. With devastating results.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Website

The Combat Shotgun is fully automatic in the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City rendition, however this feature was removed in later installments, presumably to balance the weapon. The gas-powered repeater system allows the weapon to destroy a vehicle quickly, since it usually surpasses the capabilities of any non-automatic shotguns.

The Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas rendition has far less damage, but makes up with its improved accuracy and smaller grouping. This balances the weapon with the game's Pump Shotgun by making it less powerful, but more accurate and faster-firing. By the time the player gets to the point in which the Combat Shotgun is purchasable, they most likely have quite a lot of skill built up in the Pump Shotgun, making converting over to the Combat Shotgun feasible, yet not very desirable. In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, the SPAS-12 is the only weapon whose strafing speed does not increase when the weapon is leveled up from 'Poor' to 'Gangster'.

In Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, the Combat Shotgun is the most powerful of all non-automatic weapons, surpassing the regular Pump Shotgun and the Python. It is always one-shot kill in any distance and could destroy a vehicle in 3 to 4 shots. This powerful trait, combined with the auto-target aiming mechanics featured in both games, makes it highly suitable for fighting against large groups of enemies with strong weapons.

3D Universe Overview[]

Weapon Statistics - 3D Universe
Damage Fire Rate [?] Range
(m / ft)
Ammo Specifications/
Reload Mechanism Reload Speed
100 (x3) (300) (GTA Vice City)
15 (x8) (120) (GTA San Andreas)
250 (GTA Vice City) 30 / 98 (GTA Vice City) 7 (all games) N/A 750 (GTA Vice City)
N/A Vice City:
300 RPM

San Andreas:
'Poor' skill:
150 RPM
185 RPM

Liberty City Stories & Vice City Stories:
180 RPM

Cannot be determined 7 independent shells (all games) Pump Handle N/A

Grand Theft Auto IV[]

The Combat Shotgun is significantly better than the Pump Shotgun, having a quicker fire mode, a few more rounds and less time to take between shots. However, it is not always lethal, as it requires 2-3 shots at close quarters (unless aiming on the target's head). Its range is somewhat better compared to most shotguns, but still lacks power to sort enemies with mid/long-range weapons.

The Combat Shotgun holds 10 shells in the magazine, and a maximum of 80 rounds in reserve. The Combat Shotgun can also hold unlimited rounds in reserve if 100% game completion is achieved.

GTA IV Overview[]

Weapon Statistics - Grand Theft Auto IV
(per shot)
Fire Rate [?] Range
(m / ft)
Ammo Specifications/
Reload Mechanism Reload Speed [?]
433 40 / 131 10 N/A 2933
In-game Statements / Markings
Lethal (Close-range) 140 RPM

130 RPM [?]
50 RPM [?]

Cannot be determined 10 independent shells Pump Handle 2.9 seconds

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

The Combat Shotgun operates and performs slightly differently compared to other shotguns in its class. It features a higher rate of fire than the Pump Shotgun but shares a similar damage profile, giving it an incredible amount of stopping power behind each shot. This gives it comparable performance, if not better, than the Assault Shotgun due to the more consistent damage output at range. This devastating performance, however, is stunted by the Combat Shotgun's strict semi-automatic function, meaning the trigger must be pulled for each shot, allowing automatic shotguns like the Assault Shotgun, Heavy Shotgun, and Sweeper Shotgun to maintain a competitive edge. The 6-shell capacity serves as another disadvantage, as it cannot be upgraded; all shotguns but the Musket and Double Barrel Shotgun outclass the Combat Shotgun in terms of ammo capacity.

Unlike other shotguns, it features a unique reload animation where the Combat Shotgun is flipped over and shells are loaded from above; each shell is also loaded individually, whereas other shotguns are reloaded in a single action, although the process is still spritely quick. It is also possible to cancel the reload process by pressing the firing button right after loading a shell, or continue reloading the remaining shells with the corresponding button.

When blind-firing from cover, it shows a semi-automatic behaviour, firing all six shells without requiring to press the button multiple times, though having a slower but consistent fire rate. However, it can still able to fire faster by pressing the firing button as one would do when standing still.

GTA Online Overview[]

Weapon Statistics - Grand Theft Auto Online
(per shot) [?]
Fire Rate [?] Range
(m / ft) [?]
Ammo Specifications/
Reload Mechanism Reload Speed [?]
31 (x6) (186) 0.25
(240 RPM)
40 / 131 6 N/A N/A
In-game Statements / Markings
N/A N/A N/A 6 independent shells Charging handle N/A
Rockstar Games Social Club [?]


Fire Rate/Speed






Clip Size



Grand Theft Auto Online[]

Rounds & magazine GTA Online (Unlock) Image
Cartridges (12) $18
(Aids low light target acquisition.)
(Reduces noise and muzzle flash.)
Black Default
Army $5,000
Green $5,250
Orange $5,500
LSPD $5,750
Pink $7,500
Gold $10,000
Platinum $12,500

Image Gallery[]

In-game model[]

HUD icons[]

First-Person View[]


Notable Owners[]

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas[]

Grand Theft Auto Online[]


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City[]

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas[]


Combat Shotgun's locations map

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories[]

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories[]

Grand Theft Auto IV and Episodes from Liberty City[]



  • Schottler - Can be found on the ground floor of an apartment building on Cassidy Street, leaning against the wall behind a staircase. It will more than likely be encountered during the mission Blow Your Cover.



Colony Island

  • Can be found next to the front door of the old hospital building south of the big parking lot. This gun may be useful in the mission The Snow Storm.


  • Lancaster - Can be found atop the roof of the RON gas station across the street from the LCPD precinct on Topaz Street.
  • Castle Gardens - Can be found in a vacant room in the Castle Gardens construction site. This gun may be useful in the mission Deconstruction for Beginners. The room is difficult to find: it is to the northeast of where the helicopter lands during the mission, down a ladder. The last contractor is usually killed on the ladder opposite.


  • Leftwood - Under the Hickey Bridge, between the wall and the bridge pillar, can be accessed from the electrical station.
  • Alderney City - Can be found by the West River between the western support beam of the Hickey Bridge and the wall of Alderney. This shotgun can be reached by a ladder at the rear of the electrical substation on Applewhite Street.
  • Alderney City - Can be found atop an air conditioning tower on top of a building, behind a Science of Crime billboard off Applewhite St.
  • Acter Industrial Park - Can be found underneath the flight of stairs in the old, decrepit warehouse featured in the mission Pegorino's Pride.

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

  • Cayo Perico - Found in various locations in Juan Strickler's estate during The Cayo Perico Heist. A message will pop up instructing the player to pick up the weapon.
    • Available at Ammu-Nation after acquiring the Combat Shotgun in the respective heist for $295,000.
  • Gun Van - Available to buy for $241,000 if it hasn't already been obtained from Cayo Perico.
Location Image
Leaning against a table near the big swimming pool.
Leaning against the balcony railing near the small pool.
Leaning against the pergola upright near the big swimming pool.
Leaning against the circular concrete planter in a courtyard northeast of the big pool.
Leaning against the walkway railing on the east side ground level of the main building.
Outside the north entrance to the West Storage room
Leaning against a fountain on a grass lawn south of the main pool.
In the guard "tower" above the main gate.
In the middle of the hedge maze in the northern corner.


Combat Shotgun guide from 4:29 - 5:32. NOTE: The locations featured in the video are incomplete. See above section for a complete list.



  • In most games, the Combat Shotgun has an unrealistic reload animation, as the player character is seen pumping it. The charging handle located on the right side should be pulled instead, as the SPAS-12's pumping handle is locked when it is being used semi-automatically. Furthermore, the Remington 1100 from GTA IV does not even have a pumping handle in reality, since it is semi-auto only. The mistake has been rectified in GTA Online, where the player character correctly uses the charging handle after reloading an empty magazine tube. Also, with the SPAS-12 depiction of the weapon in GTA Online, the SPAS-12 is one of the few depictions in any media or video game that shows it being reloaded properly, that being the carrier latch button on the right side of the receiver being depressed, then the entire weapon being flipped upside down to reload from the loading port. Previously, (as in the 3D Universe) the SPAS-12 would just have shells shoved into the loading port with zero regard to the charging handle and carrier latch button needing to be used first. As for the GTA IV and Episodes rendition, the reload also misses the action of chamberloading a shell and then slightly pulling back on the charging handle attached to the 1100's bolt, which would load the shell and then allow for the remaining 9 shells to be loaded into the magazine tube.
  • In real life, the SPAS-12 is illegal to import (but not to own), so it is likely that Ammu-Nation sells it illegally (however, almost all of the weapons sold at Ammu-Nation are NFA items that would be impossible to conventionally purchase of the shelves as seen in-game), alongside the also illegal Sawn-Off Shotgun. Also, the SPAS-12 only accepts 2¾ inch gauge shells, while in-game it shares same ammo with other shotguns. There is also the glaring issue of the SPAS-12 being even sold in the USA in the first place, as imports of the weapon were in a highly limited number, and only imported for a few years in the 1990s, and as such, they are extremely expensive collector's items that are highly sought after and are nearly impossible to find in 2021, with only a few floating around, almost all of them missing the folding stock and being rather worn out from decades of use.

3D Universe[]

  • The original PS2 model of the SPAS-12 in GTA Vice City originates from Manhunt's development, albeit missing the ability to retract its stock.[1][2]
  • In Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, if the player fires without aiming and interrupts while the magazine is not empty, the character will pump the shotgun, even though it is used in semi-automatic mode.
  • In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, CJ will always fire the SPAS-12 from the hip while standing, regardless of his weapon skill, unlike other weapons.
  • In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, there is an unused firing animation for use when CJ's Combat Shotgun skill is "Poor". The animation physically moves CJ backward each shot, due to massive recoil.

HD Universe[]

  • The reloading animation differs in the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV, where two shells are loaded into the right side ejection port (which is incorrect), whereas in the console versions they are properly inserted in the loading port at the bottom of the weapon. In The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, the bottom loading port is used in all versions. Niko holds the weapon higher in the PC version compared to the console release. Moreover, in all three games the player pumps the shotgun after reloading. The animations appear to suit a SPAS-12 more than the intended model, hinting that this was the intended model for the shotgun all along before release.
  • Blind-firing the shotgun from behind cover results in the character pumping the shotgun after each shot, as if he was using a pump shotgun, likely an oversight due to reused animations. This also applies to the Sawn-Off Shotgun, Assault Shotgun and the Automatic Shotgun.
  • The actual SPAS-12 shotgun is seen in GTA IV's loading sequences; artwork shows two LCPD Officers, one holding a SPAS 12, and the other holding an MP10. This suggests that the weapon was meant to reappear in GTA IV but was cut. Niko is also seen holding a stockless SPAS 12 in a different artwork.
  • Despite the fact that the player gets the Combat Shotgun when entering an LCPD or NOOSE vehicle, the LCPD and NOOSE officers generally use Pump Shotguns; however, during certain missions, such as The Snow Storm, LCPD officers will use it.
  • The icon for the Combat Shotgun in GTA IV is incorrect, portraying a diffferent, slimmer shotgun model with a stock that lacks the thumbhole.
  • On the side of the weapon in GTA IV, there is an inscription saying "12 GUAGE [sic] EC28 IRL".
  • On the combat shotgun in GTA IV and TLAD, there is a "TAC-700" text marked in small letters. The images for the model's texture contain "tac_700" in their titles.
  • When purchasing weapons from Little Jacob in GTA IV, the Combat Shotgun is simply referred to as "Shotgun". This was fixed in TLAD and TBoGT (respectively from Terry Thorpe and Armando Torres).
  • The official Newswire screenshot of the GTA Online Combat Shotgun incorrectly displays the Military Rifle.



[ ve ]Weapons
By gameGTA VI | GTA Online | GTA V | GTA Chinatown Wars | GTA IV (TBOGT | TLAD) | GTA Vice City Stories | GTA Liberty City Stories | GTA Advance | GTA San Andreas | GTA Vice City | GTA III | GTA 2 | GTA London 1961 and London 1969 | GTA
By game (categories)GTA VI | GTA Online | GTA V | GTA Chinatown Wars | GTA IV (TBOGT | TLAD) | GTA Vice City Stories | GTA Liberty City Stories | GTA Advance | GTA San Andreas | GTA Vice City | GTA III | GTA 2 | GTA London 1961 and London 1969 | GTA
By typeAssault Rifles | Handguns | Heavy Weapons | Melee Weapons | Mounted Weapons | Light Machine Guns | Rocket Launchers | Shotguns | Sniper Rifles | Submachine Guns | Thrown Weapons
By type (categories)Assault rifles | Handguns | Light machine guns | Melee weapons | Rocket launchers | Shotguns | Sniper rifles | Submachine guns | Thrown weapons
By characteristics (categories)Automatic weapons | Bladed weapons | Bullpup weapons | Explosive weapons | Gifts | Machine pistols
By manufacturer (categories)Coil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
RelatedWeapons | Ammu-Nation | Shooting Ranges | Cover System | Drive-By Shooting
Related (categories)Weapons | Weapon businesses | Weapon stores | Weapon classes | Gun clubs | Weapon dealers | Armed vehicles
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeScrewdriver | Hammer | Knife | Meat Cleaver | Golf Club | Nightstick | Baseball Bat | Machete | Katana | Chainsaw
ThrownTear Gas (PS2 only) | Molotov | Grenade | Detonator Grenade
HandgunColt 45/Pistol | Colt Python/.357
ShotgunShotgun/Chrome Shotgun | Stubby Shotgun | Spaz 12 Shotgun/S.P.A.S. 12
SMGTec-9 | Ingram Mac 10/Mac | Uzi 9mm/Uz-1 | MP5/MP
AssaultRuger/Kruger | M4
HeavyM60 | Flame Thrower | Rocket Launcher | Minigun
SniperSniper Rifle | PSG1/.308 Sniper
SpecialCamera | Detonator | Car Bomb
BetaAK-47 | Desert Eagle | Grenade Launcher | Land Mine | MP5K | Nail Gun | Silenced Colt | Snub Nose Python | Staple Gun | Steyr AUG | Stun Gun
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeBaseball Bat | Chainsaw | Golf Club | Katana | Knife | Nightstick | Pool Cue | Shovel
HandgunDesert Eagle | Pistol/9mm | Silenced Pistol/9mm
ShotgunCombat Shotgun | Shotgun | Sawn-Off Shotgun
SMGMicro SMG | SMG | Tec9
AssaultAK-47 | M4
SniperRifle/Country Rifle | Sniper Rifle
HeavyFlamethrower | Rocket Launcher | Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher | Minigun
ThrownGrenade | Molotov | Satchel Charges/Remote Explosives | Tear Gas
Consumable ItemsFire Extinguisher | Spray Can | Camera
GiftsCane | Dildo (Short) | Flowers | Vibrator (Short)
SpecialCar Bomb | Detonator | Night Vision | Parachute | Thermal Vision
OtherCrates | Surface-to-Air Missile | Flares
BetaBox (big) | Box (wee) | Land Mine | Hammer | Micro SMG (Uz-1) | Screwdriver | Skateboard | Spade
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeBaseball Bat | Nightstick | Machete | Meat Cleaver | Chisel | Knife | Hockey Stick | Hand Axe | Katana | Chainsaw
ThrownMolotov | Grenade | Remote Grenade
HandgunPistol | .357
ShotgunShotgun | Stubby Shotgun | SPAS 12
SMGTec-9 | Mac-10 | Micro SMG | SMG
AssaultAK | M4
HeavyM60 | Flame-Thrower | Rocket Launcher | Minigun
SniperSniper Rifle | Laser Sighted Sniper Rifle
SpecialCamera | Car Bomb | Detonator
UnusedTear Gas
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeNightstick | Baseball Bat | Butterfly Knife | Knife | Hand Axe | Golf Club | Machete | Katana | Chainsaw | Gaff Hook
ThrownMolotov | Grenade | Remote Grenade
HandgunPistol | Equalizer
ShotgunShotgun | Stubby Shotgun | Spaz 12
SMGScorpion | Silenced MG | Micro SMG | SMG
AssaultAK | Assault Rifle
HeavyFlame-Thrower | Rocket Launcher | Minigun | M249
SniperSniper | Laser Sniper
SpecialCamera | Car Bomb | Binoculars | Detonator
UnusedTear Gas | Land Mine
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto IV, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony
MeleeBaseball Bat | Knife | Pool Cue
HandgunPistol | Combat Pistol | Automatic 9mm | .44
ShotgunPump Shotgun | Combat Shotgun | Sawn-Off Shotgun | Assault Shotgun | Auto Shotgun
SMGMicro SMG | SMG | Assault SMG | Gold SMG
AssaultAssault Rifle | Carbine Rifle | Advanced MG
SniperSniper Rifle | Combat Sniper | Advanced Sniper
HeavyRocket Launcher | Grenade Launcher
ThrownMolotov | Grenade | Pipe Bomb | Sticky Bomb
SpecialCar Bomb | Random Pickable Objects | Parachute
BetaPool Cue | Revolver | Silenced Pistol | Zastava M70
Weapons in GTA IV (Category) | Weapons in TLAD (Category) | Weapons in TBOGT (Category)
The Lost and Damned only. | The Ballad of Gay Tony only. | TLAD and TBOGT only.
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto Online
MeleeAntique Cavalry Dagger | Baseball Bat | Battle Axe | Bottle | Candy Cane | Crowbar | Fist | Flashlight | Golf Club | Hammer | Hatchet | Knife | Knuckle Dusters | Machete | Nightstick | Pipe Wrench | Pool Cue | Switchblade | Stone Hatchet | The Shocker
HandgunsAP Pistol | Ceramic Pistol | Combat Pistol | Double-Action Revolver | Flare Gun | Heavy Pistol | Heavy Revolver (Mk II) | Marksman Pistol | Navy Revolver | Pistol (Mk II) | Pistol .50 | Perico Pistol | SNS Pistol (Mk II) | Stun Gun | Up-n-Atomizer | Vintage Pistol | WM 29 Pistol
ShotgunsAssault Shotgun | Bullpup Shotgun | Combat Shotgun | Double Barrel Shotgun | Heavy Shotgun | Musket | Pump Shotgun (Mk II) | Sawed-Off Shotgun | Sweeper Shotgun
Machine GunsAssault SMG | Combat MG (Mk II) | Combat PDW | Gusenberg Sweeper | Machine Pistol | MG | Micro SMG | Mini SMG | SMG (Mk II) | Tactical SMG | Unholy Hellbringer
AssaultAdvanced Rifle | Assault Rifle (Mk II) | Battle Rifle | Bullpup Rifle (Mk II) | Carbine Rifle (Mk II) | Compact Rifle | Heavy Rifle | Military Rifle (El Strickler) | Service Carbine | Special Carbine (Mk II)
Sniper RiflesHeavy Sniper (Mk II) | Marksman Rifle (Mk II) | Precision Rifle | Sniper Rifle
HeavyCompact Grenade Launcher (EMP | Snowball) | Firework Launcher | Grenade Launcher | Homing Launcher | Minigun | Railgun | RPG | Widowmaker
ThrownAcid Package | Flare | Grenade | Jerry Can (Hazardous | Fertilizer) | Molotov | Proximity Mines | Pipe Bomb | Snowballs | Sticky Bomb | Tear Gas (BZ)
SpecialCar Bomb | Fireworks | Hacking Device | Metal Detector | Orbital Cannon | Parachute
Beta/UnknownAssault MG | Assault Sniper | Dippo | Fire Axe | Fire Extinguisher | Laser | Laser Sight | Lasso | Loudhailer | Programmable AR | Rubber Gun | Shovel | Tear Gas Launcher
ManufacturersCoil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
Related PagesWeapon Wheel | Attachments | Ammu-Nation | Gun Van | Weapon Workshop | Weaponized Vehicles (Workshop)
DLC Content Weapons
Agents of Sabotage | Bottom Dollar Bounties | The Chop Shop | San Andreas Mercenaries | Los Santos Drug Wars | The Criminal Enterprises | The Contract | Los Santos Tuners | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Diamond Casino Heist | The Diamond Casino & Resort | Arena War | After Hours | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | The Doomsday Heist | Smuggler's Run | Gunrunning | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Import/Export | Bikers | Cunning Stunts | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Be My Valentine | January 2016 Update | Festive Surprise 2015 | Executives and Other Criminals | Halloween Surprise | Lowriders | Freemode Events Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Holiday Gifts | Beach Bum Update

Other Weapons
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Rockstar Games Social Club