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For a similar vehicle in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, see Freight.

The Freight Train[2] is a train in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.


The locomotive is largely unique in appearance. The main cab, excluding the nose, is based on the spartan cab seen on many older Electro Motive Division road switchers made between the 1960s to 1990s, while the interior is based on the GE AC4400CW. The characteristic sloped nose shape resembles that of an EMD SD20, but exaggerated.

The Freight Train assumes a relatively large design, where the main chassis features large defenses and long couplers on both ends, as well as twin-axle bogies and access steps. Tall guard rails can be seen around the perimeter of the whole locomotive, with open sections on both ends and where the access steps are located.

On the front section, the nose features dual stacked circular lights in the center, access steps on the right half of the front, and various handles on top, while the main cab features rectangular windows around and a single access door on the rear-right side of the cab. The section above the center of the cab mounts two signs that read "LS" and "2004", while the center of the roof area mounts dual trumpet horns. On the rear section, the locomotive features various compartments and large vented sections on either side, as well as an unusable ladder on the right-hand side. Large engine cooling fans are seen on top, while a set of access steps can be seen on the rear end.

The cabin has a fully-rendered interior with dedicated seats and control levers, as well as various displays and stickers around. During the mission Derailed, Trevor enters through the rear-right door and knocks the locomotive driver. From there, the player can briefly control the locomotive's speed and horn, while being forced to a first-person view until the player is automatically switched to Michael.

The Freight Train is operated by Go Loco Railroad and thus, it bears the company's logos around it, as well as a Santos Steamer logo on the access door. The vehicle only appears in a rusty/worn appearance and has a single color set; a white primary color for most of the rear area, part of the nose, the side guard rails, part of the front access ladders, and the details on the top of the locomotive, as well as a yellow secondary color for most of the locomotive and the guard rails on both ends. The alternating stripes on the nose and the middle section, as well as part of the rear access ladders, are determined by the pearlescent color, which is set to black.

The Freight Train can be seen pulling a variety of rolling stock pre-determined by sets in a file data (normally between six and nine cars), which are: Wellcars (Long variants with no container and short variants with a container), Boxcars and Tank cars. The Boxcars and the Tank cars never appear in the same train set, except in missions.


The Freight Train, like the freight cars, the Cable Car and the Tram, cannot be destroyed. They will simply push or phase through any obstacle on the tracks, and will resist any explosions. Unlike the Tram, the Freight Train will not stop when the track is obstructed, and can kill any character/NPC instantly when confronting it head-on (with the exception of Trevor with his Special Ability active).

Unlike Grand Theft Auto IV, the player can jump and stand on the train while it is moving, which makes for a great way to lose a wanted level, as the player can usually lose the cops when the train enters a tunnel. Care should be taken when jumping towards the freight cars or the locomotive itself, as the character may fall off the train.

Most trains seen in missions are scripted, and can be blown up and stopped using explosives or a Minigun. This is only possible when there is no driver in the cab, or the driver is killed. This includes the train in the "Runaway Train" Parachute jump, as well as the train which is spawned to hit Trevor when he wakes up on the railroad tracks.

  • It is enough to destroy the locomotive of a scripted train, as it will stop the train and render it useless.
  • Each individual freight car can be blown up with explosives. If freight cars are blown up while the train is moving, they will not detach or stop moving.
  • Trains can not be derailed even when scripted outside of the Derailed mission.

The locomotive does have an engine sound, but it is very quiet and can only be heard when the engine is stopped at Palmer-Taylor Power Station, along with the distinctive brake sound derived from trucks. Technically being a vehicle, it has its own handling line.


The Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid variant of the Freight Train in Grand Theft Auto Online.
(Rear quarter view)

The Freight Train is a separate controllable variant of the standard Freight Train, with numerous design changes to both the exterior and interior.

Special Variants[]

  • A red and black Freight Train with a white pearlescent color appears during the planning work "Schedule" and the finale of The E.C.U Job mission strand. This variant also appears with brake cylinders on either side of each bogie, which the player must destroy during the finale to stop the train and steal the ECUs.
  • A green and black Freight Train with a gray pearlescent color appears in the second map of the Adversary Mode "Double Down".
  • Another uniquely colored Freight Train is one of the targets in First Dose 6 - Off the Rails, where the player deliberately derails the train in order to hijack its cargo, including precursor chemicals and a Mobile lab truck.



Prominent Appearances in Gameplay[]

Grand Theft Auto V[]

Grand Theft Auto Online[]


Adversary Modes[]

Los Santos Drug Wars[]


  • Sometimes during single player free-roam, the player can "glitch" their way into the interior of the cabin of the train. While this does not always work, the player may sometimes get popped into the cabin while standing on top of it, or while climbing up to the train's front end.
    • The train can also be entered in GTA Online through a glitch. The player must climb on top of the cabin, right above the driver. The player then needs to eat a snack, and while their character is eating it, they need to quickly pause the game until they are sure the snack has been finished. They then need to unpause and the player may now be inside the cab. This does not always work and it may take several attempts.
  • Rarely, a train might spawn in Davis or Rancho without a locomotive. The traincars will slowly start to lose speed, as there is no engine to keep them moving, and they will eventually stop. Other trains will also spawn and will phase through the traincars as if they weren't there. Crossing gates will not react to the train, and AI cars will attempt to drive through it. It is possible that this is the result of a spawn glitch, and it can be observed in both GTA V and GTA Online.
  • After the mission Derailed, the train wreck is blocking the line. If the player jumps and stands on a train and the train is moving towards the wreck, the train would keep moving as if the wreck does not exist (overlaps without collision) while the player gets wasted upon collision with the wreck and respawns at the Bay Care Center.
  • In GTA Online, it is possible to enter one of the train cars (except empty wellcars) when the train stops at the Palmer-Taylor Power Station. To perform this, one may use the barriers of the small bridge nearby or use a vehicle with a relatively low height such as a Stretch, and then press the button to enter. Depending on the train car, the character will walk to the front of the wellcar with a container, walk to the middle of a boxcar to open a "door" (which actually opens one of the hatches on top), or warp inside a tank car after a while (due to the seemingly tall seat that prevents normal entry). Once the train starts moving, however, the player cannot exit, and there is limited functionality when inside a train car, other than the camera (with no option for first-person or cinematic view) and the name display (all of them labeled "Freight Train, Trains"). The only way to leave the train car is to open the Interaction Menu and choose the option of "Kill Yourself" to respawn nearby.



Model name Texture name Handling name Text label name In-game name Swankness Flags
GTA V and Online freight freight FREIGHT FREIGHT Freight Train 2


Groups Scenario sets Frequency (%) Driver model License plates
GTA V and Online None None 100 S_M_M_Trucker_01
  • Standard White - 75%
  • White Plate 2 - 25%


Max velocity (kmh / mph) Gears Engine type Drivetrain Mass (kg / lbs)
GTA V and Online 80 / 49.6 4 N/A RWD 25084 / 55184.8


Horns Engine Police scanner
Manufacturer Model Category Color
GTA V and Online subway_train_horns_air_horn N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


English Chinese (Traditional) Chinese (Simplified) French German Italian Japanese Korean Mexican Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish
GTA V and Online Freight Train 貨物列車 货运列车 Train Güterzug Treno merci 貨物列車 화물 열차 Tren de carga Pociąg towarowy Trem de carga Товарный поезд Locomotora

Traffic Default Colors[]

GTA V and OnlinePrimarySecondaryPearlescentWheelsTrimAccent
Worn White (Worn)
Worn Taxi Yellow (Worn)
Metallic Black Steel (Metallic)
Default Alloy Color (Classic)



  • The running number "LS2004" can be seen on the side of the locomotive. This is a reference to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas which was released in 2004, (the "LS" standing for "Los Santos", one of the cities in GTA San Andreas) which also featured and partly took place in Los Santos.
  • The Freight Train, along with the Cargo Plane and the Jet, is not listed in the BradyGames guide.

Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

  • During the mission "Derailed", the driver sits on the right-hand side of the cab. In regular gameplay, the driver sits on the left-hand side.
    • Also, during the train crash cutscene, the engines have exhaust vents on either side of the first cooling fan. However in freemode, the train has no exhaust vents, only the three cooling fans.
  • In GTA Online, the Freight Train will make a stop at the Palmer-Taylor Power Station for a short period of time. 
  • While riding on the Freight Train or any of the train cars, pictures cannot be taken with Snapmatic.
    • There is a trick which allows the player to open Snapmatic while standing on a moving train. Doing so, however, will instantly kill the player.
  • In the enhanced version of GTA Online, the Freight Train can cause a vehicle to explode on impact, instantly killing the player. This can also happen with heavily-armored vehicles such as the Phantom Custom or the Hauler Custom.
  • The "Clickedeclack" sound is also used for Trams, and can be heard coming from The Leviathan from a distance. Clickedeclack is the onomatopoeia for the sound when a train passes rail connections.
  • In the earlier years of GTA Online, it was possible for players to destroy and stop the train by using explosives. This was later patched.
  • Mounted above the left middle window in the interior of the Freight Train is a real-life General Electric 12R Series II locomotive radio, with the GE logo still visible. The microphones of the control stand radios also have the GE logo on them.

See Also[]

  • Freight - GTA San Andreas equivalent.
  • Brown Streak - GTA San Andreas passenger train.
  • Metrotrain - A similar vehicle which also appears in GTA V and GTA Online.


  1. Blips-GTAO-795-Train-BlueDark Only during The E.C.U Job/Finale and First Dose 6 - Off the Rails.
  2. .gxt2 Data: freight has a game name as "FREIGHT", which is "Freight Train" in-game.


[ ve ]Vehicles
By game
By game (categories)
By type
By type (categories)
By characteristics (categories)
By manufacturer (categories)
Albany | Annis | Benefactor | BF | Bollokan | Bravado | Brute | Buckingham | Canis | Chariot | Cheval | Classique | Coil | Declasse | Dewbauchee | Dinka | DUDE | Dundreary | Eberhard | Emperor | Enus | Fathom | Gallivanter | Grotti | Hijak | HVY | Imponte | Invetero | Jacksheepe | Jobuilt | Karin | Kraken | Lampadati | Liberty Chop Shop | Liberty City Cycles | Maibatsu | Mammoth | Maxwell | MTL | Nagasaki | Obey | Ocelot | Pegassi | Penaud | Pfister | Principe | Progen | RUNE | Schyster | Shitzu | Speedophile | Stanley | Steel Horse | Toundra | Truffade | Vapid | Vom Feuer | Vulcar | Weeny | Western Company | Western Motorcycle Company | Willard | Zirconium | Överflöd | Übermacht | Vehicles with no manufacturer in the HD Universe
RelatedVehicles | Garages | Spray Shop (Pay 'n' Spray | Los Santos Customs) | Driving School | Driving | Carjacking | Bail Out | Drive-By Shooting | Towing
Related (categories)Vehicles | Vehicle businesses | Vehicle dealerships | Vehicle classes | Vehicle mechanics | Armed vehicles
[ ve ]Vehicles in Grand Theft Auto V
SuperAdder | Bullet | Cheetah | Entity XF | Infernus | Osiris | T20 | Turismo R | Vacca | Voltic | Zentorno
Sports9F (Cabrio) | Alpha | Banshee | Blista Compact (Go Go Monkey Blista) | Buffalo (S (Sprunk)) | Carbonizzare | Comet | Coquette | Elegy RH8 | Feltzer | Furore GT | Fusilade | Futo | Jester (Racecar) | Massacro (Racecar) | Penumbra | Rapid GT (Convertible) | Schwartzer | Sultan | Surano
MuscleBlade | Buccaneer | Chino | Coquette BlackFin | Dominator (Pisswasser) | Dukes (Duke O'Death) | Gauntlet (Redwood) | Hotknife | Phoenix | Picador | Rat-Loader (Rat-Truck) | Ruiner | Sabre Turbo | Slamvan | Stallion (Burger Shot) | Vigero | Virgo | Voodoo
Sports ClassicsCoquette Classic | JB 700 | Manana | Monroe | Peyote | Pigalle | Roosevelt | Stinger | Stirling GT | Tornado (Beater | Cabrio | Mariachi) | Z-Type
SedansAsea (Snowed) | Asterope | Emperor (Beater | Snowed) | Fugitive | Glendale | Ingot | Intruder | Premier | Primo | Regina | Schafter | Stanier | Stratum | Super Diamond | Surge | Tailgater | Warrener | Washington (Romero Hearse | Stretch)
CompactsBlista | Dilettante (Merryweather Security) | Issi | Panto | Prairie | Rhapsody
CoupesCognoscenti Cabrio | Exemplar | F620 | Felon (GT) | Jackal | Oracle (XS) | Sentinel (XS) | Windsor | Zion (Cabrio)
SUVsBaller (second generation) | BeeJay XL | Cavalcade (second generation) | Dubsta | FQ 2 | Granger | Gresley | Habanero | Huntley S | Landstalker | Mesa (Snowed) | Patriot | Radius | Rocoto | Seminole | Serrano
VansBison (The Mighty Bush | McGill-Olsen) | Bobcat XL | Boxville (Utility | Humane Labs | Taco Van) | Burrito (Bugstars | Civilian | Snowed | Gang) | Camper | Journey | Minivan | Pony (SOTW) | Rumpo (Deludamol | Paradise) | Speedo (Clown Van) | Surfer (Rusted) | Youga
VehiclesAirtug | Caddy (Civilian) | Docktug | Fieldmaster (Snowed) | Forklift | Lawn Mower | Ripley | Sadler (Snowed) | Scrap Truck | Tow Truck (Yankee-based) | Tractor | Utility Truck (AWP | Contender-based)
TrailersArmy Trailer (Civilian | Extended) | Boat Trailer (Large) | Prop Trailer | Trailer (Rake | Small (Utility | Generator) | Flatbed | Logs | Articulated (Container | Commercial | Big Goods | Fame or Shame) | Dock | Car carrier (Pack Man)| Tanker (RON | Army))
CommercialBenson | Biff | Hauler | Mule | Packer | Phantom | Pounder | Stockade (Snowed)
IndustrialCutter | Dock Handler | Dozer | Dump | Flatbed | Mixer | Rubble | Tipper
ServiceBus (Airport) | Dashound | Rental Shuttle Bus (Tourbus) | Taxi | Trashmaster
EmergencyAmbulance | FIB (Buffalo) | Fire Truck | Lifeguard | Park Ranger | Police Bike | Police Cruiser (Buffalo | Interceptor) | Police Rancher | Police Riot | Police Roadcruiser | Police Prison Bus | Police Transporter | Sheriff Cruiser | Sheriff SUV | Unmarked Cruiser
MilitaryBarracks (Semi) | Crusader | Rhino Tank
MotorcyclesAkuma | Bagger | Bati 801 (RR) | Carbon RS | Daemon | Double T | Faggio | Hakuchou | Hexer | Innovation | Nemesis | PCJ-600 | Ruffian | Sanchez (Livery) | Sovereign | Thrust | Vader | Vindicator
HelicoptersBuzzard (Attack Chopper) | Cargobob (Jetsam | TPE) | Frogger (FIB/TPE) | Maverick | Police Maverick | Skylift | Swift (Deluxe)
PlanesAtomic Blimp | Besra | Cargo Plane | Cuban 800 | Dodo | Duster | Jet | Luxor (Deluxe) | Mallard | Mammatus | Miljet | P-996 LAZER | Shamal | Titan | Velum | Vestra | Xero Blimp
BoatsDinghy (2-seater) | Jetmax | Kraken | Marquis | Police Predator | Seashark (Lifeguard) | Speeder | Squalo | Submersible | Suntrap | Toro | Tropic
Off-RoadBifta | Blazer (Hot Rod | Lifeguard) | Bodhi | Brawler | Dubsta 6x6 | Dune Buggy (Space Docker) | Duneloader | Injection | Kalahari | Liberator | Marshall | Mesa | Rancher XL (North Yankton) | Rebel (Rusty) | Sandking XL (SWB)
CyclesBMX | Cruiser | Endurex Race Bike | Fixter | Scorcher | Tri-Cycles Race Bike | Whippet Race Bike
TrainsCable Car | Freight Train (Freight Car | Freight Container 1 | Freight Container 2 | Freight Grain | Tanker Car) | Metrotrain
Static (Non-Controllable)Daisy Lee | Dignity | Octopus | Olifantus | Ocean Motion | Scrap Handler | SS Bulker | The Sea Urchin | Tunnel Boring Machine | UFOs
Beta VehiclesAdmiral | Annihilator | Autogyro | Avera | Baletrailer | Bobcat | Bobsleigh | Bodhi (Clean) | Buccaneer variant | Burrito (McGill-Olsen) | Caddy variant | Casco | Cavalcade FXT | CCX | Chavos | Cognoscenti (55) | Combine Harvester | CS2000 | Digger | DF8-90 | EOD | Esperanto | Faction | Feltzer (Convertible) | Feroci | FH-1 Hunter | FIB (Snowed) | Fire Truck variant | Freeway | Furzen | Graintrailer | Hakumai | Hellfury | Horse | Injection (Clean) | Issi variant | JZ125 | Kart | Lokus | Majestic | Marbelle | Matador | Merit | Miner | Mower variant | Mule (Ramp-door) | Mr Tasty | Napalm | NOOSE Van | NRG 900 | Packer variants | Pinnacle | PMP 600 | Police Fugitive | Police Stinger | Presidente | Previon | Pyxis | RC Bandito | Sabre | Scamp | Seinove | Sentinel variant | Serrano (Custom) | Shamal variant | Skimmer | Skimobile | Skivvy | Solair | Squaddie | Steed | Speedo variants | Stockade (Bobcat Security) | Submarine | Sultan variant | Sultan RS | SuperGT | SXR | Taxi (Dilettante-based) | Trailer (Vulkan) | Trawler | Trial | Unknown high-wing plane | Unknown private jet | Unknown RV | Uranus | Vader variant | Vulkan | Wayfarer | Willard | Winky | Yankee | Z75
Vehicles in GTA V (Category) | Vehicle Brands | Vehicles by type | Special Vehicles | Beta Vehicles | Manufacturers | Vehicle classes | Vehicle Features

DLC Content Vehicles
Added as part of the following GTA Online content updates:
Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Beach Bum Update

Other Vehicles
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Social Club
[ ve ]Vehicles in Grand Theft Auto Online
Super811 | Adder | Autarch | Banshee 900R | Bullet | Champion | Cheetah | Cyclone (II) | Deveste Eight | Emerus | Entity XF (MT | XXR) | ETR1 | FMJ | Furia | GP1 | Ignus (Weaponized) | Infernus | Itali GTB (Custom) | Krieger | LM87 | Nero (Custom) | Osiris | Penetrator | Pipistrello | RE-7B | Reaper | S80RR | SC1 | Scramjet | Sultan RS | T20 | Taipan | Tigon | Tempesta | Tezeract | Thrax | Torero XO | Turismo Omaggio | Turismo R | Tyrant | Tyrus | Vacca | Vagner | Vigilante | Virtue | Visione | Voltic (Rocket) | X80 Proto | XA-21 | Zeno | Zentorno | Zorrusso
Sports300R | 8F Drafter | 9F (Cabrio | 10F (Widebody)) | Alpha | Banshee (GTS) | Bestia GTS | Blista Compact (Go Go Monkey) | Buffalo (S (Sprunk)) | Calico GTF | Carbonizzare | Comet (Retro Custom (Safari) | S2 (Cabrio) | SR) | Coquette (D10) | Corsita | Cypher (Drift Tune) | Drift Tampa (Drift Tune) | Elegy RH8 (Retro Custom) | Envisage | Euros (Drift Tune) | Feltzer | Flash GT | Furore GT | Fusilade | Futo (Drift Tune | GTX (Drift Tune)) | GB200 | Growler | Hotring Everon | Hotring Hellfire | Hotring Sabre | Imorgon | Issi Sport | Itali GTO | Itali GTO Stinger TT | Itali RSX | Jester (Classic | Racecar | RR (Drift Tune | Widebody)) | Jugular | Khamelion | Komoda | Kuruma (Armored) | La Coureuse | Locust | Lynx | Massacro (Racecar) | Neo | Neon | Niobe | Omnis (e-GT) | Panthere | Paragon R (Armored | S) | Pariah | Penumbra (FF) | Raiden | Rapid GT (Convertible) | Raptor | Remus (Drift Tune) | Revolter | RT3000 | Ruston | S95 | Seven-70 | Schafter LWB | Schafter V12 | Schlagen GT | Schwartzer | Sentinel Classic (Widebody (Drift Tune)) | SM722 | Specter (Custom) | Streiter | Sugoi | Sultan (Classic (RS)) | Surano | Tropos Rallye | V-STR | Verlierer | Vectre | Veto (Classic) | ZR350 (Drift Tune) | ZR380 (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare)
MuscleArbiter GT | Blade | Broadway | Brigham | Buccaneer (Custom | Lurcher) | Buffalo EVX | Buffalo STX | Chino (Custom) | Clique (Wagon) | Coquette BlackFin | Deviant | Dominator (Apocalypse | ASP | Future Shock | FX | GT | GTT | GTX | Nightmare | Pisswasser) | Dukes (Beater | Duke O'Death) | Ellie | Eudora | Faction (Custom (Donk)) | Gauntlet (Classic (Custom)) | Hellfire | Redwood) | Greenwood | Hermes | Hotknife | Hustler | Impaler (Apocalypse | Future Shock | LX | Nightmare | SZ) | Imperator (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Manana Custom | Moonbeam (Custom) | Nightshade | Peyote Gasser | Phoenix | Picador | Rat-Truck (Rat-Loader) | Ruiner (2000 (Wreck) | ZZ-8) | Sabre Turbo (Custom) | Slamvan (Apocalypse | Custom | Future Shock | Lost | Nightmare) | Stallion (Burger Shot) | Tahoma Coupe | Tampa (Weaponized) | Tulip (M-100) | Vamos | Vigero (ZX (Convertible)) | Virgo | Virgo Classic (Custom) | Voodoo (Custom) | Weevil Custom | Yosemite (Drift (Drift Tune))
Sports Classics190z | Ardent | Casco | Cheburek (Drift Tune) | Cheetah Classic | Coquette Classic | Coquette D1 | Deluxo | Dynasty | Fagaloa | GT500 | Infernus Classic | Jester Classic (Drift Tune) | JB 700 (W) | Mamba | Manana | Michelli GT | Monroe | Nebula Turbo (Drift Tune) | Peyote (Custom) | Pigalle | Rapid GT Classic | Retinue (Mk II) | Roosevelt (Fränken Stange | Valor) | Savestra | Stinger (GT) | Stirling GT | Stromberg | Swinger | Toreador | Torero | Tornado (Beater | Mariachi | Custom | Rat Rod) | Turismo Classic | Viseris | Z-Type | Zion Classic
SedansAsea (Snowed) | Asterope (GZ) | Chavos V6 | Cinquemila | Cognoscenti (Armored | 55 (Armored)) | Deity | Emperor (Beater | Snowed) | Fugitive | Glendale (Custom) | Ingot | Intruder | Premier | Primo (Custom) | Regina | Rhinehart | Schafter (LWB (Armored) | V12 (Armored) | Turreted Limo) | Stafford | Stanier | Stratum | Super Diamond | Surge | Tailgater (S) | Vorschlaghammer (Drift Tune) | Warrener (HKR) | Washington (Romero Hearse | Stretch)
CompactsAsbo | Blista (Kanjo) | Brioso R/A (300 (Widebody)) | Club | Dilettante (Security) | Issi (Classic (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare)) | Panto | Prairie | Rhapsody | Weevil
CoupesCognoscenti Cabrio | Euros X32 | Exemplar | F620 | Felon (GT) | FR36 (Drift Tune) | Jackal | Kanjo SJ | Oracle (XS) | Previon | Postlude | Sentinel (XS) | Windsor (Drop) | Zion (Cabrio)
SUVsAleutian | Astron (Custom) | Baller (second generation | LE (Armored) | LE LWB (Armored | ST (ST-D))) | BeeJay XL | Castigator | Cavalcade (second generation | XL) | Contender | Dorado | Dubsta (Custom) | FQ 2 | Granger (3600LX) | Gresley | Habanero | Huntley S | I-Wagen | Issi Rally | Jubilee | Landstalker (XL) | Mesa | Novak | Patriot (Stretch) | Radius | Rebla GTS | Rocoto | Seminole (Frontier) | Serrano | Squaddie | Toros | Vivanite | XLS (Armored)
VansBison (The Mighty Bush | McGill-Olsen) | Bobcat XL | Boxville (Armored | Utility | Humane Labs | LSDS | PostOP | Taco Van) | Burrito (Bugstars | Civilian | Gang (Custom) | McGill-Olsen | Snowed) | Camper | Journey (II) | Minivan (Custom) | Pony (Smoke On The Water) | Rumpo (Custom | Deludamol | Paradise) | Speedo (Clown Van | Custom (Personal Vehicle)) | Surfer (Custom | Rusted) | Youga (Classic (4x4 | Custom (Hunting Pack)))
VehiclesAirtug | Caddy (Civilian | Bunker) | Docktug | Fieldmaster | Forklift | Lawn Mower | Ripley | Sadler (Snowed) | Scrap Truck | Slamtruck | Tractor | Tow Truck (Beater) | Utility Truck (AWP | Contender-based)
TrailersBoat Trailer (Dinghy | Seasharks) | Graintrailer | Mobile Operations Center | Trailer (Rake | Small (Utility | Generator) | Flatbed | Logs | Articulated (Big Goods | Container | Commercial | Fame or Shame | Gunrunning | Happy Holidays Hauler | LS Panic) | Dock | Car carrier | Tanker (RON | Army | Heist))
CommercialBenson (Cluckin' Bell) | Biff | Cerberus (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Hauler (Custom) | Mule (Custom | Heist | Ramp-door | Short Trips) | Packer | Phantom (Custom | Festive | Wedge) | Pounder (Custom) | Stockade | Terrorbyte
IndustrialDock Handler | Dozer | Dump | Flatbed | Guardian | Mixer | Rubble | Tipper
ServiceBrickade (6x6 | Dune) | Bus (Airport) | Dashound | Festival Bus | Rental Shuttle Bus (Tour Bus) | Taxi | Trashmaster (Heist) | Wastelander
EmergencyAmbulance | Caracara Pursuit | Coquette D10 Pursuit | Dominator FX Interceptor | Dorado Cruiser | FIB (Buffalo) | Fire Truck | Gauntlet Interceptor | Greenwood Cruiser | Impaler LX Cruiser | Impaler SZ Cruiser | Lifeguard | Outreach Faction | Park Ranger | Police Bike | Police Cruiser (Interceptor | Stanier LE | Unmarked) | Police Riot | Prison Bus | Police Transporter (Bail Enforcement) | RCV | Sheriff Cruiser | Sheriff SUV | Terminus Patrol
MilitaryAnti-Aircraft Trailer | APC | Barracks (Semi | Heist) | Barrage | Chernobog | Crusader | Half-track | Invade and Persuade Tank | Rhino Tank | Scarab (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Thruster | TM-02 Khanjali | Vetir
MotorcyclesAkuma | Avarus (Sanctus) | Bagger | Bati 801 (RR) | BF400 | Carbon RS | Chimera | Cliffhanger | Daemon (Custom) | Defiler | Diabolus (Custom) | Double T | Enduro | Esskey | Faggio (Mod | Sport (Pizza Boy)) | FCR 1000 (Custom) | Gargoyle (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Hakuchou (Drag) | Hexer | Innovation | Lectro | Nemesis | Nightblade | Oppressor (Mk II) | PCJ-600 | Powersurge | Rampant Rocket | Reever | Ruffian | Sanchez (Livery | Manchez (Scout (C))) | Shinobi | Shotaro | Sovereign | Stryder | Thrust | Vader | Vindicator | Vortex | Wolfsbane (Rat Bike) | Zombie Chopper (Bobber)
HelicoptersAkula | Annihilator (Stealth) | Buzzard (Attack Chopper) | Cargobob (Jetsam | Drop Zone) | Conada (Weaponized) | FH-1 Hunter | Frogger (FIB) | Havok | Maverick (Police Maverick (Air Ambulance)) | Savage | Sparrow (Sea) | Skylift | SuperVolito (Carbon) | Swift (Deluxe) | Valkyrie (MOD.0) | Volatus
PlanesAlpha-Z1 | Avenger (Prop | Upgraded (Prop)) | B-11 Strikeforce | Besra | Blimp | Cargo Plane (Unmarked) | Cuban 800 | Dodo | Duster | F-160 Raiju | Howard NX-25 | Hydra | LF-22 Starling | Mallard | Mammatus | Miljet | Mogul | Nimbus | P-45 Nokota | P-996 LAZER | Pyro | RM-10 Bombushka | RO-86 Alkonost | Rogue | Seabreeze | Shamal (Luxor (Deluxe)) | Streamer216 | Titan | Tula | Ultralight | V-65 Molotok | Velum (5-Seater) | Vestra | Volatol
BoatsAvisa | Dinghy (Heist | Slimline | Weaponized) | Jetmax | Kosatka | Kraken | Kurtz 31 Patrol Boat | Longfin | Marquis | Police Predator | Seashark (Lifeguard | Slimline) | Speeder (Slimline) | Squalo | Submersible | Suntrap | Toro (Slimline) | Tropic (Slimline) | Tug
Off-RoadBifta | Blazer (Aqua | Hot Rod | Lifeguard | Street) | Bodhi | Boor | Brawler | Bruiser (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Brutus (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Caracara (4x4) | Desert Raid | Draugur | Dubsta 6x6 | Dune Buggy (FAV | Ramp Buggy | Space Docker) | Duneloader | Everon | Firebolt ASP | Freecrawler | Hellion | Injection | Insurgent (Pick-Up (Custom)) | Kalahari | Kamacho | Liberator | Marshall | Menacer | Mesa | MonstroCiti | Nightshark | Outlaw | Patriot Mil-Spec | Rancher XL | Ratel | RC Bandito | Rebel (Rusty | Technical (Aqua | Custom)) | Riata | Sandking XL (SWB) | Sasquatch (Apocalypse | Future Shock | Nightmare) | Terminus | Trophy Truck | Vagrant | Verus | Walton L35 | Winky | Yosemite 1500 | Yosemite Rancher | Zhaba
CyclesBMX | Cruiser | Endurex Race Bike | Inductor (Junk Energy) | Scorcher | Tri-Cycles Race Bike | Whippet Race Bike
TrainsFreight Train (Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid | Freight Car | Freight Car 2 | Freight Car 3 | Freight Container 1 | Freight Container 2 | Freight Grain | Tanker Car) | Metrotrain
Open WheelBR8 | DR1 | PR4 | R88
Static (Non-Controllable)Cutter | Daisy Lee | Dignity | Galaxy Super Yacht (Aquarius, Pisces, Orion) | HODL | HSW Mule | Narcosub | Jet | La'oub Princess | LSCM Mule | Mechanic Mule | Octopus | Olifantus | Ocean Motion | Ramius | SS Bulker | S.S. Daddy's Boy | Tattoo Parlor Boxville | The Sea Urchin | UFOs | USS Luxington ATT-16 | Wakebreaker
UpcomingCoquette D5 | DH-7 Iron Mule | Duster 300-H | Titan 250 D | Uranus LozSpeed
Beta VehiclesBaletrailer | Bati 801 Police variant | Cargobob variant | CZ1 | Cognoscenti variant | Granger Police Variant | Panto Police Variant | Updated Police Bike variant | Updated Police Buffalo variant | Updated Police Cruiser variant | Updated Police Transporter variant | Riata Police variant | Vamos Arena War variant | Verlierer variant | Zoku
Vehicles in GTA Online (Category) | Vehicle Brands | Vehicles by type | Special Vehicles | Beta Vehicles | Manufacturers | Vehicle classes | Vehicle Features

DLC Content Vehicles
Agents of Sabotage | Bottom Dollar Bounties | The Chop Shop | San Andreas Mercenaries | Los Santos Drug Wars | The Criminal Enterprises | The Contract | Los Santos Tuners | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Diamond Casino Heist | The Diamond Casino & Resort | Arena War | After Hours | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | The Doomsday Heist | Smuggler's Run | Gunrunning | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Import/Export | Bikers | Cunning Stunts | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Be My Valentine | January 2016 Update | Festive Surprise 2015 | Executives and Other Criminals | Halloween Surprise | Lowriders | Freemode Events Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Holiday Gifts | Beach Bum Update

Other Vehicles
Expanded & Enhanced Version | Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Social Club