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For the other uses of the term FIB, see FIB (disambiguation).

This article or section contains information on Grand Theft Auto V beta content. It may feature speculation and/or unintentional misinformation.
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The Vapid FIB[3] is a four-door law enforcement car that was cut from Grand Theft Auto V.


Although there is no leftover model, through various other leftovers it can be confirmed that the FIB was based on the Stanier, being referred to as an "FIB Stanier" on the police scanner[4], using near-identical cover bound offsets[5], and sharing the same textures[6]. The FIB appeared with snow buildup[7], much like other snowed vehicles appearing in North Yankton. Given its namesake, the FIB belonged to the Federal Investigation Bureau. Siren data suggests the vehicle sported a single rotating red beacon on the roof, given its only used entry in carcols.#mt is siren1, which is a red rotating light, while its other siren entries are disabled.[8] Although based on the Stanier, its engine sound was slightly different.[vague][1]


From the leftover handling data[2], it can be deduced that the FIB handled almost identically to the Stanier. The only difference in the data is with the clutch change rate values, with the FIB's values being lower by 0.3.

Vehicle Statistics - Grand Theft Auto V
(0-60 mph in Seconds)
Top Speed
(mph / kmh)
Gears Engine Drivetrain
(kg / lbs)
Fuel Tank
Size (litres)
Handling.meta [?]
N/A 87 / 140 5 N/A RWD 1800 / 3968 65
Website Statements [?] / Badges
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cannot be observed Cannot be observed

Notable Owners[]


  1. 1.0 1.1
    Audio data
    <Item type="Car" ntOffset="363633">
       <Flags value="0x90004A28" />
       <BrakeSqueekFactor value="0.5" />
       <MinSuspCompThresh value="0.4" />
       <MaxSuspCompThres value="1" />
       <CarMake value="0" />
       <CarModel value="0" />
       <CarCategory value="0" />
       <JumpLandMinThresh value="31" />
       <JumpLandMaxThresh value="36" />
       <VolumeCategory value="2" />
       <GpsType value="0" />
       <RadioType value="2" />
       <RadioGenre value="16" />
       <GpsVoice value="1" />
       <AmbientRadioVol value="0" />
       <RadioLeakage value="3" />
       <MaxRollOffScalePlayer value="6" />
       <MaxRollOffScaleNPC value="3" />
       <ConvertibleRoofSoundSet />
       <OffRoadRumbleSoundVolume value="0" />
       <AlternativeGranularEngines value="0" />
       <AlternativeGranularEngineProbability value="0" />
       <StopStartProb value="0" />
       <ForkliftSounds />
       <TurretSounds />
       <ClatterType value="8" />
       <DiggerSounds />
       <TowTruckSounds />
       <EngineType value="0" />
       <ElectricEngine />
       <Openness value="0" />
       <RandomDamage value="2" />
       <ClatterSensitivityScalar value="1" />
       <ClatterVolumeBoost value="0" />
       <ChassisStressSensitivityScalar value="1" />
       <ChassisStressVolumeBoost value="0" />
       <AdditionalRevsIncreaseSmoothing value="0" />
       <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothing value="0" />
       <AdditionalGearChangeSmoothingTime value="0" />
       <ConvertibleRoofInteriorSoundSet />
       <CabinToneLoop />
       <InteriorViewEngineOpenness value="0" />
  2. 2.0 2.1
    Handling Data:
        <Item type="CHandlingData">
          <fMass value="1800.000000" />
          <fInitialDragCoeff value="6.000000" />
          <fPercentSubmerged value="85.000000" />
          <vecCentreOfMassOffset x="0.000000" y="0.200000" z="0.000000" />
          <vecInertiaMultiplier x="1.000000" y="1.600000" z="1.600000" />
          <fDriveBiasFront value="0.000000" />
          <nInitialDriveGears value="5" />
          <fInitialDriveForce value="0.200000" />
          <fDriveInertia value="1.000000" />
          <fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift value="1.300000" />
          <fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift value="1.300000" />
          <fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value="140.000000" />
          <fBrakeForce value="0.900000" />
          <fBrakeBiasFront value="0.425000" />
          <fHandBrakeForce value="0.600000" />
          <fSteeringLock value="40.000000" />
          <fTractionCurveMax value="2.450000" />
          <fTractionCurveMin value="2.250000" />
          <fTractionCurveLateral value="22.500000" />
          <fTractionSpringDeltaMax value="0.150000" />
          <fLowSpeedTractionLossMult value="1.000000" />
          <fCamberStiffnesss value="0.000000" />
          <fTractionBiasFront value="0.490000" />
          <fTractionLossMult value="1.000000" />
          <fSuspensionForce value="1.800000" />
          <fSuspensionCompDamp value="0.800000" />
          <fSuspensionReboundDamp value="1.500000" />
          <fSuspensionUpperLimit value="0.090000" />
          <fSuspensionLowerLimit value="-0.140000" />
          <fSuspensionRaise value="0.000000" />
          <fSuspensionBiasFront value="0.570000" />
          <fAntiRollBarForce value="0.800000" />
          <fAntiRollBarBiasFront value="0.600000" />
          <fRollCentreHeightFront value="0.340000" />
          <fRollCentreHeightRear value="0.350000" />
          <fCollisionDamageMult value="0.700000" />
          <fWeaponDamageMult value="1.000000" />
          <fDeformationDamageMult value="0.700000" />
          <fEngineDamageMult value="1.500000" />
          <fPetrolTankVolume value="65.000000" />
          <fOilVolume value="5.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistX value="0.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistY value="0.000000" />
          <fSeatOffsetDistZ value="0.000000" />
          <nMonetaryValue value="35000" />
            <Item type="CCarHandlingData">
              <fBackEndPopUpCarImpulseMult value="0.100000" />
              <fBackEndPopUpBuildingImpulseMult value="0.030000" />
              <fBackEndPopUpMaxDeltaSpeed value="0.600000" />
            <Item type="NULL" />
            <Item type="NULL" />
  3. 3.0 3.1
    x:\gta5\tools_ng\web\cert\shared\data\vehicle_names.csv, line 81
  4. Police Scanner Data:
      <Item type="VehicleScannerParams" ntOffset="272147">
       <Flags value="0xAAAAAAA9" />
  5. Cover Data:
        <Item type="CVehicleCoverBoundOffsetInfo">
          <ExtraSideOffset value="0.050000" />
          <ExtraForwardOffset value="0.050000" />
          <ExtraBackwardOffset value="-0.350000" />
          <ExtraZOffset value="0.200000" />
          <CoverBoundInfos />

        <Item type="CVehicleCoverBoundOffsetInfo">
         <ExtraSideOffset value="-0.050000" />
         <ExtraForwardOffset value="0.050000" />
         <ExtraBackwardOffset value="-0.350000" />
         <ExtraZOffset value="0.300000" />
         <CoverBoundInfos />
  6. December 2023 leaks:
    x:\gta5\tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.xml, line 86988
    The only other instance of the texture at this line can be found on the Stanier at line 83620.
  7. December 2023 leaks:
    x:\gta5\tools_ng\wildwest\data\\analysis.hierarchy.xml, line 86971-86987
  8. Siren Data:
       <id value="3" />
       <timeMultiplier value="0.9" />
       <lightFalloffMax value="10" />
       <lightFalloffExponent value="32" />
       <lightInnerConeAngle value="0" />
       <lightOuterConeAngle value="50" />
       <lightOffset value="0" />
       <sequencerBpm value="160" />
        <sequencer value="0" />
        <sequencer value="0" />
        <sequencer value="-1431655766" />
        <sequencer value="1431655765" />
       <leftHeadLightMultiples value="3" />
       <rightHeadLightMultiples value="3" />
       <leftTailLightMultiples value="3" />
       <rightTailLightMultiples value="3" />
       <useRealLights value="true" />
       <sirens itemType="sirenLight">
          <delta value="0" />
          <start value="0" />
          <speed value="0" />
          <sequencer value="0" />
          <multiples value="1" />
          <direction value="false" />
          <syncToBpm value="true" />
          <delta value="0" />
          <start value="0" />
          <speed value="0" />
          <sequencer value="-1431655766" />
          <multiples value="3" />
          <direction value="true" />
          <syncToBpm value="true" />
          <intensity value="50" />
          <size value="1.1" />
          <pull value="0.2" />
          <faceCamera value="true" />
         <color value="0xFFFF1405" />
         <intensity value="1" />
         <lightGroup value="0" />
         <rotate value="true" />
         <scale value="false" />
         <scaleFactor value="0" />
         <flash value="true" />
         <light value="true" />
         <spotLight value="true" />
         <castShadows value="false" />
  9. December 2023 leaks:
    x:\gta5\tools_ng\etc\config\cutscene\Cutscene_Model_Handles.csv, line 58
  10. Note:
    While never explicitly confirmed, the possibility of the vehicle appearing in Prologue is high given that:
    1. Snowed emergency vehicles have only appeared in Prologue. The model name, fbiold, is also in line with the model names of the two NYSP vehicles; policeold1 and policeold2.
    2. Snowed vehicles in general have never appeared outside of North Yankton.
    3. The only time Dave himself has appeared in North Yankton is during the Prologue, specifically during the cutscenes; the FIB was slated to appear in a cutscene as Dave's car.
    4. Dave has a getaway vehicle, a Rancher XL, parked behind a barn during his shooting of Michael Townley.


[ ve ]Vehicles
By game
By game (categories)
By type
By type (categories)
By characteristics (categories)
By manufacturer (categories)
Albany | Annis | BF | Benefactor | Bollokan | Bravado | Brute | Buckingham | Canis | Chariot | Cheval | Classique | Coil | DUDE | Declasse | Dewbauchee | Dinka | Dundreary | Emperor | Enus | Fathom | Gallivanter | Grotti | HVY | Hijak | Invetero | Jacksheepe | Jobuilt | Karin | Kraken | Lampadati | Liberty Chop Shop | Liberty City Cycles | MTL | Maibatsu | Mammoth | Maxwell | Nagasaki | Obey | Ocelot | Pegassi | Penaud | Pfister | Principe | Progen | RUNE | Schyster | Shitzu | Speedophile | Stanley | Steel Horse | Truffade | Vapid | Vom Feuer | Vulcar | Weeny | Western Company | Willard | Zirconium | Överflöd | Übermacht | Imponte | Western Motorcycle Company | Vehicles with no manufacturer in the HD Universe
RelatedVehicles | Garages | Spray Shop (Pay 'n' Spray | Los Santos Customs) | Driving School | Driving | Carjacking | Bail Out | Drive-By Shooting
Related (categories)Vehicles | Vehicle businesses | Vehicle dealerships | Vehicle classes | Armed vehicles
[ ve ]Vehicles in Grand Theft Auto V
SuperAdder | Bullet | Cheetah | Entity XF | Infernus | Osiris | T20 | Turismo R | Vacca | Voltic | Zentorno
Sports9F (Cabrio) | Alpha | Banshee | Blista Compact (Go Go Monkey Blista) | Buffalo (S (Sprunk)) | Carbonizzare | Comet | Coquette | Elegy RH8 | Feltzer | Furore GT | Fusilade | Futo | Jester (Racecar) | Massacro (Racecar) | Penumbra | Rapid GT (Convertible) | Schwartzer | Sultan | Surano
MuscleBlade | Buccaneer | Chino | Coquette BlackFin | Dominator (Pisswasser) | Dukes (Duke O'Death) | Gauntlet (Redwood) | Hotknife | Phoenix | Picador | Rat-Loader (Rat-Truck) | Ruiner | Sabre Turbo | Slamvan | Stallion (Burger Shot) | Vigero | Virgo | Voodoo
Sports ClassicsCoquette Classic | JB 700 | Manana | Monroe | Peyote | Pigalle | Roosevelt | Stinger | Stirling GT | Tornado (Beater | Cabrio | Mariachi) | Z-Type
SedansAsea (Snowed) | Asterope | Emperor (Beater | Snowed) | Fugitive | Glendale | Ingot | Intruder | Premier | Primo | Regina | Schafter | Stanier | Stratum | Super Diamond | Surge | Tailgater | Warrener | Washington (Romero Hearse | Stretch)
CompactsBlista | Dilettante (Merryweather Security) | Issi | Panto | Prairie | Rhapsody
CoupesCognoscenti Cabrio | Exemplar | F620 | Felon (GT) | Jackal | Oracle (XS) | Sentinel (XS) | Windsor | Zion (Cabrio)
SUVsBaller | BeeJay XL | Cavalcade | Dubsta | FQ 2 | Granger | Gresley | Habanero | Huntley S | Landstalker | Mesa (Snowed) | Patriot | Radius | Rocoto | Seminole | Serrano
VansBison (The Mighty Bush | McGill-Olsen) | Bobcat XL | Boxville (Utility | Humane Labs | Taco Van) | Burrito (Bugstars | Civilian | Snowed | Gang) | Camper | Journey | Minivan | Pony (SOTW) | Rumpo (Deludamol | Paradise) | Speedo (Clown Van) | Surfer (Rusted) | Youga
VehiclesAirtug | Caddy (Civilian) | Docktug | Fieldmaster (Snowed) | Forklift | Lawn Mower | Ripley | Sadler (Snowed) | Scrap Truck | Tow Truck (Yankee-based) | Tractor | Utility Truck (AWP | Contender-based)
TrailersArmy Trailer (Civilian | Extended) | Boat Trailer (Large) | Prop Trailer | Trailer (Rake | Small (Utility | Generator) | Flatbed | Logs | Articulated (Container | Commercial | Big Goods | Fame or Shame) | Dock | Car carrier (Pack Man)| Tanker (RON | Army))
CommercialBenson | Biff | Hauler | Mule | Packer | Phantom | Pounder | Stockade (Snowed)
IndustrialCutter | Dock Handler | Dozer | Dump | Flatbed | Mixer | Rubble | Tipper
ServiceBus (Airport) | Dashound | Rental Shuttle Bus (Tourbus) | Taxi | Trashmaster
EmergencyAmbulance | FIB (Buffalo) | Fire Truck | Lifeguard | Park Ranger | Police Bike | Police Cruiser (Buffalo | Interceptor) | Police Rancher | Police Riot | Police Roadcruiser | Police Prison Bus | Police Transporter | Sheriff Cruiser | Sheriff SUV | Unmarked Cruiser
MilitaryBarracks (Semi) | Crusader | Rhino Tank
MotorcyclesAkuma | Bagger | Bati 801 (RR) | Carbon RS | Daemon | Double T | Faggio | Hakuchou | Hexer | Innovation | Nemesis | PCJ-600 | Ruffian | Sanchez (Livery) | Sovereign | Thrust | Vader | Vindicator
HelicoptersBuzzard (Attack Chopper) | Cargobob (Jetsam | TPE) | Frogger (FIB/TPE) | Maverick | Police Maverick | Skylift | Swift (Deluxe)
PlanesAtomic Blimp | Besra | Cargo Plane | Cuban 800 | Dodo | Duster | Jet | Luxor (Deluxe) | Mallard | Mammatus | Miljet | P-996 LAZER | Shamal | Titan | Velum | Vestra | Xero Blimp
BoatsDinghy (2-seater) | Jetmax | Kraken | Marquis | Police Predator | Seashark (Lifeguard) | Speeder | Squalo | Submersible | Suntrap | Toro | Tropic
Off-RoadBifta | Blazer (Hot Rod | Lifeguard) | Bodhi | Brawler | Dubsta 6x6 | Dune Buggy (Space Docker) | Duneloader | Injection | Kalahari | Liberator | Marshall | Mesa | Rancher XL (North Yankton) | Rebel (Rusty) | Sandking XL (SWB)
CyclesBMX | Cruiser | Endurex Race Bike | Fixter | Scorcher | Tri-Cycles Race Bike | Whippet Race Bike
TrainsCable Car | Freight Train (Freight Car | Freight Container 1 | Freight Container 2 | Freight Grain | Tanker Car) | Metrotrain
Static (Non-Controllable)Daisy Lee | Dignity | Octopus | Olifantus | Ocean Motion | Scrap Handler | SS Bulker | The Sea Urchin | UFOs
Beta VehiclesAdmiral | Annihilator | Autogyro | Avera | Baletrailer | Bobcat | Bobsleigh | Bodhi (Clean) | Buccaneer variant | Burrito (McGill-Olsen) | Caddy variant | Casco | Cavalcade FXT | CCX | Chavos | Cognoscenti (55) | Combine Harvester | CS2000 | Digger | DF8-90 | EOD | Esperanto | Faction | Feltzer (Convertible) | Feroci | FH-1 Hunter | FIB (Snowed) | Fire Truck variant | Freeway | Furzen | Graintrailer | Hakumai | Hellfury | Horse | Injection (Clean) | Issi variant | JZ125 | Kart | Lokus | Majestic | Marbelle | Matador | Merit | Miner | Mower variant | Mule (Ramp-door) | Mr Tasty | Napalm | NOOSE Van | NRG 900 | Packer variants | Pinnacle | PMP 600 | Police Fugitive | Police Stinger | Presidente | Previon | Pyxis | RC Bandito | Sabre | Scamp | Seinove | Sentinel variant | Serrano (Custom) | Shamal variant | Skimmer | Skimobile | Skivvy | Solair | Squaddie | Steed | Speedo variants | Stockade (Bobcat Security) | Submarine | Sultan variant | Sultan RS | SuperGT | SXR | Taxi (Dilettante-based) | Trailer (Vulkan) | Trawler | Trial | Unknown high-wing plane | Unknown private jet | Unknown RV | Uranus | Vader variant | Vulkan | Wayfarer | Willard | Winky | Yankee | Z75
Vehicles in GTA V (Category) | Vehicle Brands | Vehicles by type | Special Vehicles | Beta Vehicles | Manufacturers | Vehicle classes | Vehicle Features

DLC Content Vehicles
Added as part of the following GTA Online content updates:
Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Beach Bum Update

Other Vehicles
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Social Club