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Zaibatsu Corporation(日語:財閥株式會社)是一個在美國活動的日本犯罪集團。財閥集團是貫穿《俠盜獵車手2》劇情始末的重要組織,且在《俠盜獵車手III》中有被少量提及。



財閥集團於2001年成立於自由市。財閥集團創立後不久就開始經營一家製藥企業,大規模製造範圍廣泛的藥品,並將這些藥品分配到他們位於自由市和Anywhere City的團伙勢力中。財閥集團同樣註冊有一家網站,網站宣稱該集團是「舉世最後的個體私營經濟」。

實際上,在美國的地下犯罪世界中,財閥集團的確是一個影響寬泛的犯罪集團,他們同時運營合法與非法的企業並且樂衷於擺平那些阻礙他們發展的團伙勢力。然而在2013年時,財閥集團和其他Anywhere City中主要的幫派勢力及黨派組織間引發了一些系列的「幫派大戰」,期間有不少聲名顯赫的財閥集團成員被謀殺。

財閥集團的成員,也被稱為「Z-Men」,均身着黑色或深灰色的西裝套裝(在Game Boy Color版本的《俠盜獵車手2》中,他們還戴着白色的頭飾,有可能是帽子或偷窺),開着客制化的Z-Type,這種版本的載具有着純黑色的配色方案並鑲嵌有黃金(在GBC版本的遊戲中可見),車頂上塗有一個代表該集團的字母「Z」。




他們的出現貫穿整個遊戲的始末,他們在Anywhere City的所有區域中均有活動的跡象。財閥集團用魯莽努力鞏固對Anywhere各黑市和其他黑幫地盤的控制權,藉此擴充自身的利益。

財閥集團控制有多個團伙勢力,分別是:極道組織、the Rednecks、the Loonies、the Hare Krishna以及俄羅斯黑手黨。由此可以推測出財閥集團在《俠盜獵車手2》的時間設定內是Anywhere City中規模最龐大、收入最多的黑道組織。財閥集團的最高頭目時常提及克勞德.斯皮德,並贈予了他一個外號「壁虎」。





  • Zoom Zoom - Energy stimulant.
  • Silky Milky - Breast implants that "feel and taste like the real thing".
  • Doesn't Need Anything (DNA) - Baby food.
  • Hush - Self-reliant sedative.
  • Equanox - Alertness pills (advertised in GTA III).

From their in-game car crushing / manufacturing plant:

  • Medicine.
  • Body armour.
  • Weapons.


  • Zaibatsu owns the electrical power stations in Anywhere City.


  • 「財閥」在日語中意味着金融集團,是一種企業集團的名稱,對於一家公司的名字來說略顯不妥。然而導致這一錯誤的根本原因可能是Rockstar缺乏對日語的認知。
  • 一旦玩家到達工業區,該區域的NPC會錯誤地將玩家稱呼為「Zaibatatsu」。
  • 儘管財閥集團只在一部系列作品中登場,但早期系列作的愛好者們非常喜歡財閥集團,愛好者們通過同人作品和Mods的形式向財閥集團致敬。Rockstar Games甚至在《俠盜獵車手V》中加入Z - Type來紀念這些愛好者們。
  • The Zaibatsu Corporation exists in both the 2D Universe and the 3D Universe, though little has been revealed about the incarnation from the 3D Universe.
    • The Zaibatsu Corporation is one of three criminal organizations from the 2D Universe to be carried over to the 3D Universe, the other two being the Yakuza and the Russian Mafia. However, they are also the only one of the three whose members have never made a physical appearance in-game nor display any real evidence of conducting criminal activities. This is a complete contrast from GTA 2, where they are the most prominent gang in the entire game.
  • It is interesting to note how prominent the Zaibatsu Corporation is in GTA 2, yet are only briefly mentioned in radio advertisements and Liberty Tree articles in GTA III. Assuming Zaibatsu's history in either game is compatible with the other, it is likely that either Zaibatsu was a legitimate business in 2001 (when GTA III is set) before being converted into a crime syndicate by 2013 (when GTA 2 is set), or were already conducting criminal activities in 2001 but were not openly revealed to be doing so until some point during the twelve-year gap.
  • Interestingly enough, after Radio Za-Za!, the Zaibatsus start listening to Lithium FM, which is the radio station of their rivals, the Loonies.
  • Strangely, apart from the presence of the Z-Type in GTA V, no mention is made of the Zaibatsu Corporation in the HD Universe. This means that either Zaibatsu is non-existent in that continuity, or they completely relocated themselves to Anywhere City between 2001 and 2008 (due to being remarkably absent from their native Liberty City in Grand Theft Auto IV, its episodes, and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars).
  • Screenshots of the alpha version of GTA III, such as this one show that posters and crates with Zaibatsu's symbol were to appear in the Chinatown district of Portland Island. It is possible that the Zaibatsu Corporation was intended to play a larger role in the early stages of the game. In addition, anunidentified gang was also shown in early screenshots of the game, inhabiting the same general area. Whether or not this gang was meant to be the Zaibatsu Corporation or simply an early version of another gang (since the Liberty City Triads and Diablos inhabit the areas taken by this gang in the final version) is unknown.