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自由市国家证券交易所自由市国家股票交易所(英语:The Liberty City National ExchangeLCN) 是《侠盗猎车手V 》中的两个证券交易所之一,另一个是BAWSAQ



The LCN webpage.

lcn-exchange.com is the official website of the Liberty City National Exchange in Grand Theft Auto V. The player can use the website to invest in stocks in various businesses.

To gain money using the LCN stock market, the player will need predict the trends. To do this, look at the maximum and minimum value of any stock, then watch the graph on the left and the actual value of the stock on the right. Using this, the player can predict how the stock will perform during the time.


The stocks always have a peak (the moment the stocks reach their highest values) and a decline (the moment the stocks reach their lowest values), the period between a peak and a decline is called a "contraction." It is during this period that the player must buy stocks. After this period there always will be an "expansion" period, where the stock recovers the value of the previous peak and then thrives to a new maximum value. It is during this period that the player must sell his or her stocks.

LCN stocks can grow or fall really fast. It is possible to lose or gain 20% of the stock value in half a day. Try to avoid losing money because of this by investing in more than one company each time. Remember, always buy stocks when they are close to their minimum value (decline) and sell when they are close to their maximum value (peak).


The LCN market is full of rival companies. Be sure to never invest in direct competitors. Since each stock rivals each other, they will be the opposite in stock success. If one rival is doing very well and it's rival's stocks are significantly down, expecting the tables to flip and invest in the failing stock as it will very likely shoot up while the previously successful company's stocks will plummet. For example, if Cool Beans is up by 9% and Bean Machine is down by 9%, invest in Bean Machine as the Cool Beans stock will plummet as it can't keep going up forever. And Bean Machine will likely shoot up in just 10 in-game hours. However, this is risky.

Do not waste your time with rumors that if you blow up FlyUS planes AirEmu will go up or likewise because they do not work. Quick save any profits on your phone and advance time by saving in the bed but exiting with B or Circle, for whichever console you use, so time will advance but it will not save. If your portfolio shows the stocks you own plummet, reload the game so it will be at the time before you slept and had profits in your portfolio and sell immediately. This can be boring but it will stop failures and ensure maximum profit. (Alternatively you can quick save before investing and invest in something else if your last investment had you stuck on money loss, but the stocks might change before you reload if you don't have any shares saved onto your file. This will essentially waste time and isn't recommended. Do not look at stocks after quick saving and sleeping without purchasing and think that you saw the future and know which ones will go up and down, as this will not work. It will only work for stocks you purchased and quick saved with.)

Remember Augury Insurance can fluctuate between -30% and +30%, generating the same profits as some Assassination Missions. Also keep in mind if you reload, different news pieces can be seen for stocks such as 'World gulping eCola on record level, stocks rise' but these are random and change each time you reload, which can give you an edge for predictions, but can be very dangerous at the same time.

Corporate Rivals
Cool Beans The Bean Machine
Burger Shot Up-n-Atom Burger
Cluckin' Bell Taco Bomb
FlyUS Air Emu
GoPostal Post OP
Bilkinton Research Dollar Pills
Pißwasser Logger Beer
Maze Bank Bank of Liberty
Redwood Cigarettes Debonaire
Slaughter, Slaughter & Slaughter Bullhead
Radio Los Santos WorldWide FM
eCola Raine
Merryweather Security Gruppe Sechs