
——富兰克林·克林顿对《侠盗猎车手 在线模式主角所说

富兰克林·克林顿(英语:Franklin Clinton)是《侠盗猎车手V》中的其中一位主角,他和麦克·迪圣塔崔佛·菲利普一起是《侠盗猎车手V》的中心人物,并在《侠盗猎车手 在线模式》中作为《合约》的主要人物出现。



在他的母亲逝世后,富兰克林搬去和他的祖父母同居。这时期的富兰克林认识了汤雅和JB。尽管他的祖母十分宠溺他,富兰克林还是决定成为一名街头骗子。他从事的第一件工作是和JB一起卖香烟。这个方案始终都是成功的直到富兰克林的祖父将两人人赃俱获。汤雅称,他的祖父 "gave chase to both him and Bradshaw all around South Los Santos"。富兰克林的祖父和祖母随后也相继离世了。













富兰克林继续为麦克工作,莱斯特和崔佛的介入使他开始远离家族帮。当他回家时,拉玛和丹尼斯诘问他为什么对家族帮背信弃义。富兰克林回答道他不想再次深陷在帮派生活的恐怖困境中,他想寻觅良机进而取得成功。崔佛此时突然出现。在给丹尼斯一些钱和吼她回屋后,富兰克林愤怒地质问崔佛来这里干什么。崔佛称他此行的目的是结交新朋友。拉玛告诉富兰克林 史崔奇安排了一次和巴勒帮进行的毒品交易,崔佛决定和两人一同前往交易场所。富兰克林载一行人(还有小查)前往位于格罗夫街的一栋房子。拉玛要求对方提供提供一包可卡因的样品,正要付款时崔佛出面干预。崔佛把毒品包从毒贩攫取过来,发现所谓的毒品包实际上是一块干砌墙。一行人和巴勒帮爆发了一场枪战,富兰克林、崔佛和拉玛因为厢型车故障的缘故不得不杀出一条血路。枪战结束的片刻后,洛圣都警察局的警员驶抵现场,前来追缉三人。富兰克林、崔佛跟着拉玛穿过一条小巷,下到了城市的排洪渠。他们偷窃了三辆小海鲨,接着朝大海的方向逃窜。逃亡途中,一行人决定分头行动,这才算是逃脱了警方的追捕。


崔佛接到了富兰克林打来的一通电话,富兰克林称他按崔佛的意愿在跟踪剩余的欧尼尔兄弟,他们对崔佛曾袭击欧尼尔兄弟的家族事业、造成大多数家族成员死亡和摧毁了他们的农场感到非常生气,并且图谋报复。富兰克林追击欧尼尔兄弟,不料这伙人为了躲避路上的一头鹿出了车祸,随后车上人员全数逃至雷通峡谷中。富兰克林打电话请求崔佛的空中支援,最后崔佛和麦克驾驶一架 直升机到达。麦克用一把带有热成像的狙击步枪沃尔顿韦恩·欧尼尔射杀身亡,但不能瞄准艾伍德·欧尼尔,因为他躲在一块岩石后,并想用火箭发射器击落直升机。在小查的帮助下,富兰克林定位了艾伍德的所在位置,并杀害了他,随后崔佛和麦克前来接应他和小查并将其安全地送至沙滩海岸机场




富兰克林来到斯卓贝利大海斯汽车。他接到了一通拉玛打来的电话。拉玛告诉富兰克林他已经偷到了德温名单上的最后一辆车,一辆黄色的佩嘉西门罗。富兰克林在那里会面拉玛,两人开车前往一辆满载偷车团伙已经取得的车辆的车辆运送车处,崔佛在那里等候他们。富兰克林、拉玛和崔佛开始驾车前往下车处,也就是佩里托卡车休息站,就在佩里托湾的南部。警方得知他们在运送赃车后前来追捕他们。富兰克林决定解开JB 700的绳子,然后用上面装载的武器来摧毁警车。他们从维斯顿的律师处听闻700现在装备了一些新硬件。崔佛保持车辆运送车的平稳,富兰克林则尽力到达货车的运送架。富兰克林到达JB 700处,把它从运送车上开下来。富兰克林用700装备的鸡爪钉和车载武器来摆脱警方的追捕。他们安全地将货车驶达,但是一行人对德温拒绝支付酬劳而感到恼怒,德温称他“投资”了一行人的酬劳,会在晚些时候支付他们。富兰克林打电话给莱斯特,让他跟麦克交流一下有关德温的事宜,但是麦克没有接电话,他的最后位置是在北扬克顿。富兰克林告诉莱斯特让崔佛跟他在在他阿姨家见面。









注:《走私犯大进击》机库的介绍短片和《名钻假日赌场》的任务“赌场 - 铁腕战术”已确认该结局并非官方结局。


注:《名钻假日赌场》的任务“赌场 - 铁腕战术”已确认该结局并非官方结局。


注:《名钻假日赌场》的任务“赌场 - 铁腕战术”已确认该结局为官方结局。



  • 埃斯特班·希门尼斯 - 富兰克林和拉玛为了取回摩托车将他杀害
  • 布雷特·劳瑞 —— 富兰克林受莱斯特的指令饭店暗杀行动|暗杀了他。
  • 杰克逊·斯金纳 —— 富兰克林受莱斯特的指令罪恶暗杀行动|暗杀了他。
  • 艾萨克·彭尼 —— 富兰克林受莱斯特的指令巴士暗杀行动|暗杀了他。
  • 恩佐·波尼利 —— 富兰克林受莱斯特的指令工地暗杀行动|暗杀了他。
  • 陈伟 —— 因试图杀死崔佛与麦克而被杀
  • 德温·维斯顿 —— 因试图杀死麦克与他的家人而被杀


  • 查德 莫利根 - 可于任务“天网恢恢”中杀死
  • MC克利普 - 可于任务“毒窟逃亡”中被富兰克林或崔佛杀死
  • 奇普 彼得森 - 可于任务“工地暗杀行动”杀死他来偷走他的蓝图
  • 埃尔伍德·奥尼尔 - 任务“弱肉强食"中被麦克或富兰克林杀死。


  • 比佛利·费尔顿 - Can be killed during the Strangers and Freaks mission Paparazzo - Reality Check.
  • 彼得·德赖弗斯 - Can be killed during the Strangers and Freaks mission A Starlet in Vinewood.
  • 大脚怪 - 可于任务“末代怪兽”中(或者任务后)杀死。


  • 派奇·麦克瑞利 - 可在他的随机事件中杀死。根据《名钻赌场豪劫》得知,他至少到2019年依然在世,因此属于非官方谋杀。
  • 西米恩·耶塔瑞安 - 可以在完成他的随机事件后将他杀死。然而在离开车行以完成随机事件之前,玩家无法对他开枪,并且他至少到2019年依然在世。
  • 崔佛·菲利普 - 戴夫·诺顿史蒂夫·海恩斯想要富兰克林杀死崔佛(在“明智之举”中被杀死)。《洛圣都毒品战》中暗示他至少到2022年依然在世,因此属于非官方谋杀。
  • 麦克·迪圣塔 - 德温·维斯顿想要富兰克林杀死麦克(在“因果循环”中被杀死)。《合约》中暗示他至少到2021年依然在世,因此属于非官方谋杀。
  • 陈陶 - 可在任务“第三条路”中被杀死,但是《名钻假日赌场》中暗示他最终在乡村俱乐部枪击案中生还下来。



Franklin is described as ambitious, but perhaps to a fault, and very eager to take on new illegal challenges. He is also described as calm, smart, rational and a "logical way of showing a young man with a lot of hope", with Dan Houser claiming that this would be a nice contrast from Michael. He also is a person that, even though is being mentored by Michael in crime, mentors Michael in life. This helps build up the Father-Son relationship between the two.

Franklin is much calmer than both Michael, who has a very short temper, and Trevor, who is a violent psychopath. Though Lamar drives him crazy at times, Franklin still cares for his best friend as he saves him from the Ballas with the help of Michael and Trevor during the events of Lamar Down. He is also the same toward Michael and Trevor as he is seen helping them out with most of their problems, like when Amanda cheats on Michael and he and the latter chase Amanda's tennis coach during Marriage Counseling, and when he helps Trevor and Michael hunt down the remaining O'Neil brothers during Predator. This, however, also leads to others around him to consider him "disloyal", most notably his Aunt Denise, to such an extent that Denise threatens to call the police on him if he sets foot in her yard. Despite what Denise says, Franklin does demonstrate loyalty for people that are close to him and for people who change his life, like Lamar, who is Franklin's best friend, and Michael, who helped him become a "three-bit" gangster and high-profile criminal.

Unlike Michael or Trevor however, his relationships with those close to him is even more fragile and in the end fails to heal the rift with his associates unlike Michael and to a lesser extent Trevor. His messy breakup with Tanisha is left unresolved and ends on less than satisfactory terms when she chooses to marry another man over saving their relationship. His aunt turns his room into a safe shelter for women after he moves out and Stretch remains on antagonistic terms with Franklin. Franklin also potentially jeopardizes his relationship with his partners in crime Michael, Lamar and Trevor should he choose to kill either Trevor or Michael as the survivor loses their trust in Franklin and Lamar is forced to hide from Stretch.

Many characters in the game (Denise, Lamar, Tonya, Stretch, Tanisha) accuse Franklin of being disloyal, arrogant, and abandoning his "homies". For the most part, however, these accusations seem unfounded - ironically most of these discussions happen while Franklin is actually helping out his friends. Franklin's hostility towards Stretch becomes justified late in the game when it becomes clear Stretch has betrayed him and Lamar. However, if the player chooses ending A or ending B, the above accusations are confirmed.

Franklin's ambition is also his greatest weakness, in all of his work for everyone aside from Lester Crest and Michael's repayment for doing him a favor. Franklin never sees a single cent out of his dealings due to his shortsightedness and poor choice of people to work with. All of Lamar's jobs ended up with them end nearly killed by the Ballas, his work for Weston ends with him being taken advantage of in both instances where he does his bidding.

Despite not knowing them very well, Franklin also gets along with Michael's family, as shown when Jimmy befriends him and when Amanda responds kindly whenever Franklin greets her while she is home. He doesn't get along with Stretch very well, due to Stretch trying to pull Franklin into the life that put him in jail in the first place, and also due to Stretch's reckless and unintelligent personality and later on, his disloyalty and selling out people who are associated with Franklin.

In contrast to Michael and especially Trevor, Franklin is an incredibly tidy person, always trying to keep his image, his vehicles and his house clean. This is evident in some switch cutscenes, where he can be seen cleaning his Buffalo S and his Bagger, or doing house chores at his mansion like taking out the garbage or ironing his clothes. He likes also to keep his body in shape, as he's seen doing exercise, like bars in Vespucci Beach or push-ups next to his pool.

Franklin seems to suffer from depression/self-hatred due to the perceived lack of success and his breakup with Tanisha, when he is high on Marijuana he often comments on how empty and alone he feels. He shows some regret his decision to become a criminal but is in too deep to walk away. In a similar vein to Trevor during shootouts, Franklin might shout at his enemies to shoot him. His lack of initiative hints at insecurity, which further demonstrates a possible mood disorder. Lamar calls Franklin a "moody motherfucker" when giving him the Bagger they stole from Simeon after repossessing it. His Switch Scenes implies he is lonely, as many show him roaming around the city alone, and further in the story, he rarely leaves his house due to lack of friends and family who are on good terms with him. The situation improves or worsen at the end of the game depending on the choices he make involving Michael and Trevor. If he chooses to save them, he finds new-found support with them as dysfunctional but great friends, however if chooses to kill either of them, the other person breaks off contact with Franklin and Lamar goes into hiding.

Franklin does not appear to be able to handle pressure very well. If the player chooses to kill either Michael or Trevor, Franklin tries to justify his actions by claiming it "wasn't really his decision," or that he "didn't have a choice." He lacks initiative and assertiveness when confronted by people who were more influential than he was, rather than attempting to bargain with Haines or Weston to at least pay him for betraying his closest friends only to realize after committing the deed that he was ultimately used and discarded by both of them when asking for more opportunities to work for them. If the player chooses the Deathwish ending, Franklin will initially complain to Lester that he "can't kill both of'em" before eventually coming up with a plan to spare them both.


Relationships With Other Characters[]

  • Michael - After meeting Michael and completing a job with him, both men grew a father-son relationship for one another. This was mostly because Franklin never really had a family of his own and saw Michael as a person with more professional skill and as a real criminal that could mentor him in the life of crime. It seems that Michael has a better relationship with Franklin than with his own son. After Franklin meets Michael at the oil derricks in East LS, he decides to help him since he has helped him make more money than he ever did drug dealing and gang banging. Michael is fairly protective of Franklin. During the drive in the Paleto Score, when Trevor keeps asking Franklin about his first score, Michael tells Trevor to leave Franklin alone. Later in the same mission, Michael continuously checks in on Franklin, calls him "son," and helps him onto the train before boarding it himself. In the Kill Michael Ending, he chases Michael and, even if the player wants to save him, Michael falls to his death. Franklin eventually regrets killing him. He leaves a message on Lamar's voice-mail, stating about one running and their legs give and cannot run anymore, which is what Michael said to Franklin in Fresh Meat. Despite that, Franklin perhaps has the most personal issues with Michael, being a main source of grief for him as he was responsible for a majority Franklin's problems throughout the game, from his untimely termination at his job, being forced to repay a debt to the Mexican mob over petty slights and later forced to work for the FIB and by killing him, leaves him with a great deal of enemies.
  • Trevor - Trevor and Franklin's first meeting was nowhere near perfect, as he was cautious of the new recruit and even insulted him and Michael for their father-son like relationship. He was eventually able to put his trust into Michael's judgement of Franklin and the two were finally able to get along and unlike Michael does not do anything to get him in trouble. In the optional ending that involves killing Trevor, he protests that he has been nothing but straight and true with him. Franklin seems to regret killing him, but also perceives Trevor as a threat to him and Michael. In the ending where Franklin kills Michael, he would cut off ties with him and claim that he's dead to him. When hanging out with Franklin, Trevor states that he's proud of him.
  • Lamar - As stated above, Franklin's relationship with Lamar is a bit unsettled, as Lamar is seen as a funny yet dangerous maniac, and is also known to be one of the main people holding Franklin back to the criminal life. Despite this, Franklin still considers him his best friend and on multiple occasions throughout the story, he risks his life to save him and help him out. By the end of the game, they seem to get along more calmly than before, especially within the Deathwish ending, where Lamar is pleasantly surprised to hear Franklin's need to help Michael and Trevor survive.
  • Denise - Franklin and his aunt Denise have a less than amicable relationship. They don't get along and Franklin is frequently annoyed with his aunt's feminist meetings and her desire for Franklin to move out. He generally considers her an airhead and often says that she has gotten even more out-of-touch with reality in recent times. Ultimately, he leaves the house as his former room was turned into a safe shelter for women and Franklin and his aunt mutually cutting ties.
  • Michael's Family - Unlike Trevor, Franklin generally gets along fine with the De Santa family. Amanda and Franklin seem to have a friendly relationship and will exchange kind words if they talk to each other. Michael's son Jimmy looks up to Franklin, since he admires the "gangsta" lifestyle. Franklin does, however, ask Jimmy to stop talking in a stereotypical gangsta fashion, since it would get him in trouble with people. Franklin does not seem to know Tracey as well, but can make small talk with her when he visits Michael's house.
  • Simeon Yetarian - Simeon is an Armenian luxury car salesman, who uses the business as a front for his repo activity. He employs Franklin as his repo-man. Simeon's relationship with Franklin was shown in to be in a poor condition, as he does not seem to fulfill many of Franklin's requests. Eventually, Franklin cut his ties with Simeon after he crashed into his dealership.
  • Stretch - Franklin and Stretch had an antagonistic relationship, frequently trading insults and threats. Franklin also felt hostility towards Stretch for sending him and Lamar on numerous set-ups. He also dislikes the Families OG for, in his mind, trying to keep him and Lamar around as simple gangsters. He did, however, say to Lamar that Stretch could join their own gang, though that was likely a lie. Like most of Franklin's former associates, Franklin disassociate himself from Stretch and only deals with him when he realize Stretch is a potential threat to Lamar's safety and chooses to have Michael kill him.
  • Tanisha Jackson - Franklin's ex-girlfriend, she broke up with Franklin over his criminal lifestyle. To Tanisha, Franklin changed very little, despite his improved wealth compared to Lamar, as he earned his wealth through violence and illegal means. Despite the end of the relationship, she still cares for him and Lamar and asked for him to save his friend from death. Franklin also wishes her the best when she announces her marriage to Jayden, a doctor whom she met.
  • Devin Weston - Antagonistic with Franklin, he is seen as an extremely useful pawn throughout their dealings, however in every scenario where both parties are involved Weston always came out on top. From the car thefts which left Franklin and Lamar penniless, to leaving Franklin uncompensated and leaving him hung out to dry as well. Franklin is often forced to work for him and can be ironically compared to Simeon. Franklin also holds a special dislike for Weston's borderline racist behavior towards him, such as imitating stereotypical street slang.


Franklin has been described as "fit" and "fashion conscious". He is 6' 0" (1.83 m) in height. He is mostly seen wearing a blue button-up shirt, a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans with white stripes and a pair of wheat-colored boots. In the "Michael, Trevor and Franklin" artwork, he is seen wearing a light yellow plaid button-up shirt and stonewashed blue jeans. He also sported the same outfit in "The Trunk" artwork. He is seen in the "Franklin and Chop" artwork wearing a tank-top, khaki shorts along with a bracelet on his right wrist and a black watch on his right wrist. In "Three's Company," he is seen wearing his L.S. sweater, black jeans and Desert Boots. During friendship activities with Michael, Franklin may state that he was used to be fatter, but managed to lose weight. Michael claims that he can "kind of see it." Lamar also chides him for not wanting to walk around the block to the van, claiming "...you need to walk with your fat ass." in the mission Chop.

Skills and Attributes[]

Franklin is a young man and is capable of tackling challenging tasks that Michael and Trevor cannot, and has a level of physical prowess that both Michael and Trevor lack. As being a repossession man, he is a skilled driver behind the wheel of any car. As shown during the GI demo, he was described as being able to make short work of the agents that were interrogating the target and is often seen as a competent gunman throughout the game.

Franklin's Special Ability allows him to slow down time while driving, improving his driving handling.

His special ability can only be used while driving any four wheeled vehicle or motorcycle. When activated, it allows him to easily take corners at full speed and escape possible accidents with ease. By enhancing this skill, its maximum storage capacity is increased, which also increases the duration the ability can be activated. Franklin's Special Ability begins at one third of maximum capacity, which lasts for 30 seconds of when at maximum capacity. The special ability also applies to drive-by shootings, as well as when driving the Rhino tank, making Franklin able to land even more precise shots while operating the main cannon.


  • 不知名的父亲:富兰克林称他对自己的父亲了解的不多,只有小时候经常听到有关他父亲对母亲家暴、虐待的事情;
  • 不知名的母亲:根据富兰克林的提及,他的母亲对毒品上瘾,并在他小的时候死于自己的毒瘾;
  • 不知名的祖父祖母:母亲死后,富兰克林搬去和自己祖父、祖母住在一起,他的祖母似乎非常宠爱他;
  • 丹妮斯·克林顿(姨妈)
  • 塔妮莎·杰克森(妻子,约2021年开始)
  • 不知名的孩子(约2021年开始)[1]



For the list of Franklin Clinton's mission appearances, see Franklin Clinton/Appearances.


Just like Michael and Trevor, Franklin has received a very positive response from critics and fans of the series.

Dan Houser's Description of Franklin[]

"Franklin was the idea of this street hustler in the modern world where the glory days – if there ever were glory days of gang banging – had long since passed. When some of the illusions of this life have been shattered, what do you do now having been in that world? That seemed like an interesting character; a guy in his mid-to-late 20s who wants to move forward but doesn't really know how and is being held back by some of his more idiotic and dangerous friends."

"The idea with Franklin was someone stepping outside their comfort zone and their normal way of doing things, because that way, even though they're still in their mid-20s or whatever, that hasn't worked. That world that they thought they'd be in and be able to make a success of has, thanks to the modern world or the changes in the economy or whatever it is, just failed. It doesn't really exist. They're now looking for something new. A new opportunity. They've gotten their qualifications and gotten all their experience and all they're good at is driving and robbing. How do actually go forward and who do you get to a kind of mentor you? That was a good contrast. The gang-banger in the post-gang-banging world."

Character Trailer[]


  • "Bitchass bullshit." - Franklin's trade mark quote. Said many times through the game, and commonly heard when he crashes the car he is driving.
  • "I boost cars! And pop motherfuckers! Maturity is not really my fucking thing." - Franklin to Molly Schultz.
  • "If the Bureau ain't gonna take you to court, them motherfuckers just hustlers anyway. And ain't finna let no motherfucking cat think he is so motherfucking crazy run me up a tree. Fuck that." - Franklin on the Bureau and Trevor.
  • "So you giving me a lecture about not being a good enough gangbanger?'" - Franklin to his aunt.
  • "He's just another n*gga from the hood... him, Stretch and all the motherfucking clowns. All they wanna do is drag a motherfucker down and live in the past." - Franklin to Tanisha about all his old friends in the hood.
  • "Shit, I can't feel anything, I can't feel my fucking toes right now. Man, my toes are dead. Or my soul." - Franklin while smoking weed.
  • "Come on, man. I mean, we just took the biggest score in the history of scores, and you bitches just wanna moan? "My momma never loved me. My friends never loved me. I'm mad because I'm rich. I'm sad because I'm successful." Man, this shit is pathetic. Both of you." - Franklin despises Michael's and Trevor's behavior, after Union Depository heist.
  • "Man, y'all gotta keep your fuckin' heads right and and this shit. If not, man, I'll put bullets in both you motherfuckers." - Franklin to Michael and Trevor before confronting Merryweather in The Third Way.
  • "My bad, homie. I picked C. Ain't that a bitch?" - Franklin taunting Devin in The Third Way.
  • "Nothing's real in this, n***a, particularly where you and Stretch concerned." - Franklin to Lamar during Hood Safari.




Lifeinvader Profile[]

LifeInvader GTAV Template Header

LifeInvader GTAV Franklin Profile large

Franklin Clinton

Occupation: Entrepreneur
Relationship Status: Keeping my options open
LifeInvader GTAV Franklin Profile photos
LifeInvader GTAV Tonya Profile large
Feud logo2
Back to My Profile Photos Friends Stalking
Friends List
Family 5
LifeInvader GTAV Denise Profile large
Denise Clinton
Friends 17
LifeInvader GTAV Lamar Profile large
Lamar Davis
Stalking 5
LS Customs
LifeInvader GTAV Lamar Profile large
Lamar Davis

LifeInvader GTAV Simeon Profile large
Simeon Yetarian

LifeInvader GTAV Tonya Profile large
Tonya Wiggins

LifeInvader GTAV Denise Profile large
Denise Clinton

LifeInvader GTAV Stretch Profile large
Harold 'Stretch' Joseph

LifeInvader GTAV Tanisha Profile large
Tanisha Jackson

LifeInvader GTAV Tavell Profile large
Tavell Clinton

LifeInvader GTAV Dom Profile large
Dom Beasley

LifeInvader GTAV Beverly Profile large
Beverly Felton

LifeInvader GTAV Devin Profile large
Devin Weston

LifeInvader GTAV Demarcus Profile large
Demarcus Bradley

LifeInvader GTAV Andre Profile tiny
Andre Barnes

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Nicolson Bell

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  • 尽管游戏中未提到富兰克林的生日,但可以在富兰克林的车上看到车牌号“FC1988”(“FC”是他的名字的首字母,而1988很可能是他的出生年份)。
  • According to second stage of Children Of The Mountain side quest, his e-mail address is frankie@eyefind.info.
  • In the gameplay trailer, beta appearances, and official artwork, Franklin had a stripe cut out of his hair on the upper-right corner of his forehead. Although it is not part of Franklin's default appearance, it can be bought at a barber shop. Oddly enough, Franklin's icon in the Character Wheel still reflects his earlier design with the stripe cut out.
  • In Eye in the Sky, it is revealed that Franklin was once arrested for Public Exposure. According to him, it was due to him sagging in public and the LSPD committing "racial profiling".
  • Franklin's favourite radio stations are Radio Los Santos, West Coast Classics, and The Lab.
  • According to Tonya Wiggins, Franklin "fooled around" with her behind a Burger Shot when he was 13, however Franklin denies this and claims nothing serious happened.
  • It is likely that Franklin is a Christian, or at the very least has studied the bible at some point in his life. He immediately recognized the verse that Michael sarcastically used, after pulling down the house in "Marriage Counseling," as coming from the book of Matthew. He is also described as believing in a "white man's God." Pre-release artwork of Franklin shows him with a praying hands tattoo in his neck, further supporting this theory.
  • 富兰克林是三位主角中对动物最有同情心的主角,这可能是因为他是唯一一位有养宠物的主角。当他撞到野生动物时,他会说一些带有同情心的话语,例如:“抱歉,小子!”或者“小心,小子!”和富兰克林相比,麦克会以嘲讽的口气回应,而崔佛会用黑色幽默回应。
  • Franklin's special ability may be a reference to the Zone special ability from Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition and Midnight Club: Los Angeles (other Rockstar Games titles), which allows the player to slow down time for better handling while driving.
  • Franklin's signature color is green, most likely due to his connection with the Chamberlain Gangster Families. This is seen when using his special ability by screen fading green, while Michael's ability fades blue and Trevor's fades orange.
    • The selection of the protagonist's signature colors may be a reflection of the character's personalities and/or their individual story arcs. Green is the color of intellect and wealth, reflecting Franklin's focus on gaining money and his desire to move up in the world of organized crime.
  • If the player throws Molotovs at Franklin's house as Michael or Trevor, he might text the player saying: "U trying to burn my house down?"
  • 富兰克林是唯一一位不会打网球的主角。
  • Both Franklin and Michael are known to smoke cigarettes. At Franklin's mansion, Redwood Cigarettes packs can be found scattered on tables, along with multiple ashtrays. He can be seen smoking in the mission, "Hotel Assassination," while waiting for Lester, and lighting one up at the end of "The Bureau Raid" (Obvious approach).
  • If the player enters the in-game website PsychicShoutout and speaks with Mrs. Marcy as Franklin, she will say that she sees Lamar in her visions, having sex on Franklin's bed. This is a possible hint that Lamar had an affair with Denise Clinton, due to his multiple positive comments about her appearance. Another reference on that matter is that during the mission, "Hood Safari," Lamar is seen exiting Franklin's house with her.
  • 富兰克林是唯一一位可以撬锁的主角。富兰克林的撬锁在偷取路边上锁的车时非常有用(和砸窗相比不易被警察发现),并且撬锁期间不会引起路人的注意。唯一的问题是玩家无法决定富兰克林是否使用撬锁。不过,在没有奔跑或者被攻击的情况下靠近载具时,富兰克林一般都会用撬锁,而在赶时间(例如被警察追击)的时候他不会使用撬锁。
  • 富兰克林是3位主角中睡眠时间最正常的一位。如果选择富兰克林进行睡觉存档,那么游戏时间会向前8小时,即富兰克林会睡8小时,而麦克会睡6小时,崔佛会睡12小时。富兰克林的睡姿是胎儿式睡姿,这也是世界上最常见的一种睡姿。
  • 富兰克林和侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯的主角卡尔·约翰逊有许多相似之处:
    • 两人都是出生并居住在圣都的年轻黑人;
    • 两人都非常冷静沉着,都热衷于赚钱,并且都想登上黑道顶峰;
    • 两人都隶属于家族帮
    • 两人都对自己的父亲一无所知;
    • 巧合的是,两人的配音演员现实中是一对表兄弟。
  • 富兰克林是侠盗猎车手V三位主角中唯一一位三个结局都会幸存下来的主角。因此,他的许多任务(包括他的陌生人和怪胎任务)都属于100%完成的要求。


  1. 靠,去你的……我小孩在楼上。我可不想让你来我家,黑鬼。
    ——富兰克林·克林顿在任务“短程奔波 - 点着它”的结尾中提到自己孩子