Big Smoke drives a blue Glendale with a white roof, which has the license plate A2TMFK. Opinions on the meaning of this are varied: Some believe it to be an acronym for "a two-timing motherfucker", a reference to his betrayal of the Grove Street Families. Some believe it to be an acronym for "a two-ton motherfucker", a reference to his weight, and some believe it to be a reference to the Cypress Hill song "A to the motherfucking K", which was released in 1993 (one year after the events of GTA San Andreas).
Big Smoke previously drove a black Perennial, until it was destroyed by the Ballas in a drive-by shooting.
The beta version of Big Smoke is shown wearing a white Los Santos Saints jersey and black trousers, with Smoke having a bald head, which can be seen on the statue of Smoke in the drug manufacturing factory in East Los Santos. Or on the back of the PS2 case (Top, Middle) and also Sweet, and Ryder without his hat and his sunglasses.[1]
"You picked the wrong house, fool!" - Big Smoke mistaking Carl for a burglar in Big Smoke.
"The streets is cold, Dog. Like it says in the book, we are blessed and cursed." - Big Smoke to Carl in Big Smoke.
"I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda." - Big Smoke when ordering meals in Drive-Thru, one of the other most memorable lines in the entire GTA series.
"I can't stand cold food. Unlike you, I ain't never ate from a trash can." - Big Smoke to others in Drive-Thru.
"Hey, kill that asshole! Shit, this is a great sandwich!" - Big Smoke to others as he continues eating in Drive-Thru.
"Man, if you can eat your food, while everyone else is losing theirs and blaming you, you straight, homie!" - Big Smoke on the way back to his house in Drive-Thru.
"I admire you, Carl. You're a leader, a visionary. Remember me when you get to the top." - Big Smoke to Carl on their way to Emmet's in Nines and AKs.
"Cap your ass! And your ass! You want some too? Ice cold, baby! I knew I was the chosen one!" - Big Smoke when shooting at beer bottles in Nines and AKs.
"Damn, you a killer baby, ice cold! But remember something, real strength comes from within, my brother." - Big Smoke to Carl Johnson after shooting practice in Nines and AKs..
"People have to open their eyes, and their hearts, CJ... I'm talking about the choices all men face, brother. Sometimes, they seem real, but other times there's no choice at all." - Big Smoke to Carl on their way back in Nines and AKs.
"Coughio up el weedo, before I blow your brains out all over the patio!" - Big Smoke to other Vagos members in Running Dog.
"The wise sheep does what he says, and only eats the greenest grass, while the foolish sheep gets eaten alive by the heathens." - Big Smoke to Carl Johnson on their way to Unity Station in Wrong Side of the Tracks. The line was omitted from the final game.
"All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!" - Big Smoke to Carl Johnson if Wrong Side of the Tracks is failed, perhaps one of the most memorable lines throughout the entire GTA series.
"Shit! That's gonna be a hell of a story to tell when we passin' the blunt!" - Big Smoke to others after their narrow escape in Reuniting the Families.
"Man fuck Tenpenny and fuck his Polish lap dog, and fuck the police, man. All that's old shit. Look at you, you got the whole world. I ain't got no regrets, man. I made it, CJ! I'm a success. I can't be touched! I don't give a fuck, fuck the whole world." - Big Smoke to Carl Johnson in End of the Line, before getting involved in a shootout with him.
"I got caught up in the money, the power... I don't give a shit. Oh fuck, man... I had no choice... I had to do it... I just see the opportunity. When I'm gone, everyone gonna remember my name... Big Smoke!" - Big Smoke to Carl in End of the Line after the shootout, before drawing his last breath.
Sometimes, after Carl receives a haircut from Old Reece at Reece's Hair & Facial Studio, Reece can sometimes be heard asking Carl to "tell Big Smoke he needs a cut", despite the ironic fact that Smoke is bald; hence the reason he hasn't came for one. However, during the second mission "Ryder", it is implied by Ryder that Old Reece has Alzheimer's disease.
Big Smoke is shown to have two large bullet holes in his armour following the shootout during End of the Line, regardless of how he is killed.
During his discussion of building an orphanage on WCTR, Smoke mentions that he is an orphan himself. Whether this is true or not is unknown.
Richard Burns | 比利·德克斯特 | Lianne Forget | Forth Right MC | The Funktipus | Julio G | 约翰尼·劳顿 | 雷兹罗·琼斯 | Christy MacIntyre | Maurice | Mary-Beth Maybell | Phillip Michaels | Hans Oberlander | 约翰尼·帕金森 | James Pedeaston | 马绍尔·彼得斯 | 玛丽·菲利普 | Peyton Phillips | Sage | 汤米·史密斯 | Derrick Thackery | Marvin Trill
OG 洛克 | 大韦恩 | Darius Fontaine | Jenna Forbes | 克里斯·佛米奇 | 杰克·霍威瑟 | 吉米 | 费尔南多·马丁内斯 | Tim | Reed Tucker
被提及的 人物
玛丽·亚利桑德 | 麦克·安德鲁斯 | 大恶魔 | Bobby | CM Pink | 乔伊·里奥尼 | 汤米·维尔切蒂 | Mary Ellen | Herbie | Ho Chi | 比佛利·约翰逊 | 布莱恩·约翰逊 | 约翰逊先生 | Ah Ah Kung | LB | 小恶魔 | 米奇 | General Mills | Pabsy | 托尼 | 杰兹·托伦特 | Avrindar
Morgan August | G.M. Berlotti | Big Smilky | Dr. Diablo | Gern Blanston | John Craig | Mary Fortune | Hammerfist | Philip K. Jones | Ed Karson | Turk Martin | Cluck Norris | Jane Pole | Brontosaurus Rex | Rochell'le | Jeremy Smith | Brian Van Ginsberg