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重返自由市街头,体验全新故事、崭新任务,以及 GTA 经典的开放式玩法。
《侠盗猎车手 Advance》(英语:Grand Theft Auto Advance),也译作《侠盗猎车手:前进》,是由Digital Eclipse开发、Rockstar Games出品的一款游戏。本作于2004年10月26日在Game Boy Advance平台上发行。 此游戏使用垂直视角(上帝视角),此种游戏视角还在此游戏系列2D世界游戏《侠盗猎车手1》和《侠盗猎车手2》使用过。但是,《侠盗猎车手 Advance》同样借鉴了3D世界的系列游戏设定的几个方面,比如特殊载具的支线任务(例如),抬头显示器与多种武器。

《侠盗猎车手 Advance》的商标

《侠盗猎车手 Advance》中的自由城

麦克,《侠盗猎车手 Advance》的主角
Mike is a small-time criminal, working for the more connected Vinnie. They decide to leave Liberty City together and try their luck elsewhere, but Vinnie convinces Mike to do some tasks for their sometimes-employers, the Mafia, prior to leaving. During one of these missions, Vinnie is apparently killed in a car bomb, taking Mike and Vinnie's money with him. Mike swears revenge. Mike then works for 8-Ball, an associate of Vinnie's, who offers to help with Mike's quest. Mike does various jobs for him before 8-Ball suggests that he work for a bartender named Jonnie, who is also connected to the criminal underworld. Mike does some work for Jonnie including looking after his drunk girlfriend while Jonnie helps looking into Vinnie's death. Mike is slightly annoyed by Jonnie's paranoia but it later proves true when Mike finds finds Jonnie has been killed while Mike was on a loan shark job. Mike notices the assailaints leaving the bar are members of the Uptown Yardies. Mike pursues the Yardies to Staunton Island.
Eventually Mike confronts Yardie leader, King Courtney. Courtney denies that he was responsible saying he is also looking for the killer because Jonnie owed the Yardies money. While Mike does some jobs for the Yardies, it becomes apparent that they are using him, this is confirmed when Courtney sends Mike to go after Cisco, leader of the Colombian Cartel and rival of the Yardies. Mike, believing that Cisco is the culprit, faces off against the gang leader at a restaurant. Cisco finally warns Mike of Courtney's treachery. Mike then works for Cisco and the Cartel. Mike also finds himself helping the Yakuza, when Asuka Kasen sends Mike to rescue her niece Yuka (who, ironically, was kidnapped by Mike while working for Cisco). Mike finds himself working for the two leaders of gangs feuding with each other, but does the work regardless as both Cisco and Asuka agree to look into Vinnie's death. Mike then unexpectedly finds Cisco dead, Mike speculates that the culprit is Vinnie's and Jonnie's killer. Mike begins to pursue the assailants car, not before being temporarily beset by men hired to protect the killer. Mike eventually crash's the escaping car and the criminal behind this is revealed to be Vinnie, who faked his death and was conspiring against Mike the whole time. Vinnie and his bodyguards engage in a shootout with Mike before Vinnie is wounded. Vinnie begs for life, but Mike refuse's to listen. Before Mike kills him, Vinnie warns Mike that in the event of his death, any criminal greedy enough will definitely go after him, but Mike doesn't take heed to this.
Later Mike meets 8-Ball (who failed to warn Mike about Vinnie). The two are suddenly attacked by the Columbians who blame Mike for Cisco's death. After a lengthy fight, Police suddenly attack, 8-Ball is arrested (setting the stage for his escape in the Grand Theft Auto III intro), but Mike manages to escape. Mike tries to get even with Cisco's successor who tells him that King Courtney has called a hit out on Mike for his money (as the late Vinnie warned). Mike later goes across the city massacring the Yardies hitmen. Mike meets Asuka who offers to help Mike kill King Courtney. Mike and several Yakuza members meet at the Yardies hideout. The Yakuza flee forcing Mike to face King Courtney and his men alone. A climactic fight ensues resulting in Mike nearly killing Courtney who surrenders and begs for his life. Suddenly the LCPD raid the area. Mike then manages to elude them after a climactic chase. Mike then boards Cisco's plane and flees Liberty City with joy, his journey across the city complete.
- 威尼、约翰尼、思科、八号球: 麦克喜欢的人,这些人曾是麦克的雇主,他们有时会帮助麦克摆脱他无尽的仇恨。但是维尼的背叛却导致约翰尼和西斯科遇害身亡以及八号球受伤被捕。
- 夏川明日香、金·科特尼: 麦克不喜欢的人,原因是他们的目的往往丧心病狂,Courtney背叛了麦克,然后麦克与夏川还有金·科特尼绝交了。
- 尤香、米蒂斯、无名的卡塔尔帮头目、两个无名妓女:麦克在游戏中遇见的其它几个人物。

《侠盗猎车手 Advance》的游玩截图
电台对于这款游戏来说无关紧要,就像Game Boy Advance平台的《侠盗猎车手》和《侠盗猎车手2》,每辆车播放的都是同一个电台,而且这个电台还会自动循环,无法换台。但在Advance的电台中有一部分来自2代和III代电台的经典歌曲的纯音乐版本。
- 本作是3D世界作品中唯一一款发生在3D世界却采用上帝视角来代替第三人称视角的游戏,也是唯一一款不是由Dan Houser(Rockstar Games副总裁兼侠盗猎车手系列监督)监督、编剧或配音的作品,而且这款游戏没有PlayStation的版本。
- 本作是《侠盗猎车手》系列中第二款单平台独占的游戏(第一款为《侠盗猎车手:伦敦1961》,仅PC版),也是该系列中第一款专为移动设备设计的游戏,以及该系列中唯二两款专为任天堂设备打造的游戏(另一款为《侠盗猎车手:血战唐人街》)。
- 本作是《侠盗猎车手》系列中唯一一款并非由Rockstar North开发的游戏作品。
- 本作是《侠盗猎车手》系列早期作品中唯一一款原生车辆时速表的系列游戏。
- 游戏主菜单中播放的Advance主题曲是由Slumpussy创作的《This Life》,该曲也收录于《[[侠盗猎车手 (1997年游戏)|侠盗猎车手1》中的N-CT FM电台。
- 本作的电台中播放的歌曲有一部分来自《侠盗猎车手2》。
- 侠盗猎车手 Advance中的人物
- 侠盗猎车手 Advance中的载具
- 侠盗猎车手 Advance中的任务
- 侠盗猎车手 Advance中的武器