如要查找《侠盗猎车手 在线模式》中的任务列表,请参阅侠盗猎车手 在线模式中的任务。
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
2004年,麦克·汤利、崔佛·菲利普和布莱德·斯奈德在北扬克顿州鲁登道夫的一家银行抢劫。在试图逃脱警察的追逐时,他们的车被一列火车撞毁,因而三人组必须步行逃离。然而麦克和布拉德都中了枪,崔佛成了唯一逃脱的人。然而,麦克很快就被发现仍然活着,他伪造了他的死亡。 | 可访问《侠盗猎车手:在线模式》。 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
难兄难弟 |
富兰克林·克林顿和他最好的朋友拉玛·戴维斯需要取回两辆高端运动跑车并送回西米恩·耶塔瑞安的车行。 | 可以操控富兰克林·克林顿 富兰克林的藏身处 富兰克林的猛牛 S $250 理发店 原子飞艇 Stunt Plane Time Trials 武装国度 Ammu-Nation Shooting Ranges 洛圣都改车王 洗车店 Beeker's Garage 电影院 脱衣舞厅 缆车 Fairground Rides Stunt Jumps Soapboxers Prostitutes Taxi Fares 股票市场 Monkey Mosaics (仅限增强版) |
有借有还 |
富兰克林和拉玛必须帮西米恩收回被一位维戈斯帮成员占用的一台绿色的摩托车。 | Letter Scraps Monkey Mosaics is properly introduced by Lamar New weapons in 武装国度 Lamar is available for friend activities 24/7 Simeon Yetarian as a Director Mode character (仅限增强版) |
节外生枝 |
富兰克林必须闯入麦克的房子并把他儿子的车收回,同时确保不被任何人发现。 | 可以操控麦克·迪圣塔 麦克的别墅 脱衣舞厅 Cinemas Fairground 高尔夫 乒乓球 麦克·迪圣塔可在导演模式中使用(仅限增强版) |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
其父其子 |
麦克和富兰克林尝试从一些偷走麦克的游艇的帮派分子手中救出麦克的儿子吉米。 | 洛圣都改车王可供使用 麦克成为富兰克林的联系人和vice versa 吉米成为富兰克林的联系人 Jimmy De Santa as a Director Mode character 富兰克林可以约吉米出来 |
婚姻咨询 |
麦克和富兰克林必须追上和麦克的妻子捉奸的网球教练。不久后,麦克拆毁了网球教练所藏的房子,然而那是臭名昭著的黑帮老大马丁·马德拉索的家,因此他强迫麦克赔偿自己的损失。 | 无 |
掌上明珠 |
麦克和吉米去威斯普奇海滩骑自行车,并进行一场比赛。随后,吉米让麦克去看一艘海上的游艇,并告诉麦克Tracey就在船上“招待”那里的客人。麦克过去将她抓回来,在逃跑过程中,游艇上下来两个人,试着将父女两杀死。 | Triathlons Tracey De Santa as a Director Mode character |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
小查 |
拉玛打算通过绑架赚一笔外快,因此他和富兰克林一起试着绑架巴勒帮的成员D。 | 小查 |
误入陷阱 |
拉玛和他刚从监狱释放不久的朋友,史崔奇,要求富兰克林帮他们和D完成一笔交易。然而,这场交易是巴勒帮的埋伏,因此三人组必须甩掉巴勒帮和警察。 | 史崔奇成为富兰克林的联系人
拉玛和史崔奇可在导演模式中使用 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
好友请求 |
为了凑钱偿还玛德拉索,麦克和他的旧友莱斯特·克瑞斯特重聚。然而,在莱斯特帮忙之前,他请求麦克帮自己完成一件事:麦克必须潜入Lifeinvader的办公室,并将炸弹装进该公司最新发明(Lifeinvader手机)的原型机中,随后炸弹在新闻发布会期间被激活,并炸死了该公司的创始人兼CEO杰伊·诺里斯. | 服装店 洛圣都改车王新道具 Stock Market 可将里奇·卢肯斯雇为黑客 |
侦查珠宝店 |
麦克和莱斯特侦查一家珠宝店并制定一个抢劫计划,以偿还玛德拉索的债务。 | 抢劫团伙队员可在导演模式中使用。(仅限增强版) |
强攻方案 | ||
卡宾步枪 |
从警方那里偷取一些卡宾步枪。 | 战术小队卡车 |
智取方案 | ||
除虫大师装备 |
偷取一辆除虫公司的货车。 | 无 |
毒气手榴弹 |
偷取一辆装有毒气弹的货车。 | 无 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
麦克和富兰克林在莱斯特和抢劫团队的帮助下抢劫了Portola Drive的一家珠宝店。
此任务可分为两种方式:强攻方案或者智取方案,取决于玩家在侦查珠宝店中的选择。 |
Lester as a contact for Franklin Carbine Rifle and Tear Gas available at 武装国度 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
菲利普先生 |
After seeing a report on the news about the jewelry store robbery and recognizing Michael as one of the culprits, Trevor murders Johnny Klebitz in an outburst and goes to kill more members of The Lost MC before they can retaliate, while monopolozing Blaine County's methamphetamine business from Aztecas leader Ortega. | Ability to play as Trevor Tattoo Parlors Offroad Races Stock Car Racing (仅限增强版) 崔佛·菲利普 and Wade Hebert as Director Mode characters (仅限增强版) |
焦虑的小罗 |
在失落摩托帮为报复崔佛(对他们的攻击)而破坏他的拖车后,崔佛非常愤怒,并和他的朋友罗恩·雅科夫斯基前往沙滩海岸机场杀死失落摩托帮成员并接管他们的军火交易业务。 | $62680 Sniper Rifle available at 武装国度 Machete available at 武装国度 Properties New customisation options at Los Santos Customs Aircraft hangar and helipad available at Sandy Shores Airfield for Trevor |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
崔佛·菲利普产业 |
While meeting with 陈陶 and his translator to hopefully form a business partnership with the Los Santos Triads, Trevor gets a call from Chef, his crystal meth manufacturer, who tells him that the Aztecas are attacking his meth lab, either because they are led by Ortega, who wants to exact revenge on him, or they believe Trevor has kidnapped Ortega (if he killed him earlier). | Tao Cheng as a contact for Trevor Grenade Launcher available at 武装国度 Hatchet available at 武装国度 (PS4, XB1 & PC versions) Chef can be hired as a Gunman |
冰毒迷宫 |
在得知三合会决定将奥尼尔兄弟作为供应商后,崔佛突袭了他们的农场(也被作为奥尼尔的兄弟的冰毒坊),并放火烧了这里,在此过程中他也杀了大量的奥尼尔兄弟成员。 | Jerry Can available at 武装国度 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
老友团聚 |
After his friend Wade Hebert has located Michael in Los Santos, Trevor goes there with Wade to reunite with his old friend, stopping to destroy The Lost's trailer park along the way, and moves in the apartment of Wade's cousin Floyd. | Floyd's Apartment as a safehouse for Trevor Flight School Ability to play as Michael and Franklin again Sticky Bomb available at 武装国度 LSPD Auto Impound available to buy if 富兰克林·克林顿 completed Pulling One Last Favor Floyd Hebert as a Director Mode character. (仅限增强版) The Jewel Store Job Payout |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
死里逃生 |
Michael reunites with FIB agent 戴夫·诺顿, who helped him fake his death nine years prior, and reveals that him robbing the jewelry store is going to cause problems for both of them. He then asks Michael for a favor and has him infiltrate the city morgue to confirm the death of an FIB suspect. | 戴夫·诺顿可在导演模式中使用(仅限增强版) |
三人成众 |
After meeting 史蒂夫·海恩斯, Dave's superior, Michael is blackmailed into working for him and must cooperate with Franklin and Trevor to retrieve Mr. K from the IAA Headquarters. | Frogger at Trevor's Airfield 穿甲手枪 重型狙击步枪 史蒂夫·海恩斯可在导演模式中使用(仅限增强版) |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
照章办事 |
Trevor must torture Mr. K to extract information that can help Michael and Dave Norton assassinate a suspect. | 德温·维斯顿 as a Director Mode character. |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
港口探查 |
Trevor, Wade, and Floyd scout out the 洛圣都港 in preparation for the robbery of a Merryweather Security device. | 无 |
Freighter and Offshore Method | ||
小型潜水艇 |
从一艘货船上偷走一辆潜水艇。 | 无 |
Only Offshore Method | ||
运兵直升机 |
从桑库多堡偷取一架运兵直升机。 | 无 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
瑜伽初体验 |
Michael decides to give yoga a try with his wife and her instructor to see what it's like. However, after Michael attacks the instructor in an outburst, and later unknowingly takes drugs while driving Jimmy back home after visiting Jimmy's friend at Burger Shot, he finds himself abandoned by his family. | 无 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
毒窟逃亡 |
Franklin, Trevor, and Lamar fight their way through an ambush at Grove Street after a drug deal with Ballas members goes wrong. | Lamar as a contact for Trevor Sea Races |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
面具 |
在威斯普奇沙滩的面具店购买面具。 | 无 |
连身工作服 |
去武装国度购买boiler suits。 | 无 |
垃圾车 |
盗取一辆垃圾车. | 无 |
拖吊车 |
盗取一辆拖吊车。 | 无 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
闪电突击 |
Michael, Franklin, and Trevor must steal agency funds from an armored car. | 无 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
拒不伏法 |
富兰克林、麦克和崔佛必须帮德温·维斯顿偷取一台本质 XF和一台猎豹。 | Final Upgrades at Los Santos Customs (limo window tints, 100% brakes, armor and engine upgrades etc.)
Nightstick at 武装国度 |
天网恢恢 |
富兰克林和崔佛必须帮德温偷取一台Z型。 | 无 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
理查兹先生 |
Michael must persuade Rocco Pelosi to obey 所罗门·理查兹' wishes for a movie. | Solomon Richards as a contact for Michael Michael can access Backlot City 所罗门·理查兹 as a Director Mode character |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
谍影重重 |
Franklin must steal a JB 700 for Weston. | JB 700 available to buy at Legendary Motorsport |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
有惊无险 |
Trevor attempts to steal weapons from a Merryweather cargo plane in mid-air. | Parachute at 武装国度 Rail Gun at 武装国度 (仅限增强版) Homing Launcher at 武装国度 Ability to play as Michael and Trevor again Free Parachutes when entering any aircraft. |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
佩立托劫案准备 |
Michael, Trevor, and Lester scout out the bank and police of Paleto Bay in preparation for an upcoming job. | Heist Crew Members as Director Mode characters |
军用装备 |
Steal the military convoy. | 可在武装国度购买作战自卫冲锋枪 (仅限增强版) |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
狩猎之夜 |
崔佛、麦克和富兰克林杀死剩余的奥尼尔兄弟。 | 无 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
佩立托劫案 |
Michael, Franklin, and Trevor rob the bank in Paleto Bay to finance a raid on a research facility. | $464395 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
脱轨而出 |
麦克和崔佛劫持一列火车抢夺其装载黄金或货物,来赔偿玛德拉索。 | 无 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
不法勾当 |
麦克、戴夫·诺顿和史蒂夫·海因斯在崔佛和富兰克林的帮助下,潜入一家研究所盗取神经毒气。之后,崔佛将派翠莎送回马丁·玛德拉索,崔佛和麦克被允许回到洛圣都。 | 崔佛和麦克可以重新自由进入洛圣都 Michael has his Tailgater returned (with modifications) Pistol .50 and Heavy Shotgun available in 武装国度 (仅限增强版) Stun Gun available in Ammu-Nation |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
十全十美 |
After a confrontation with Floyd and Debra in their apartment, which results in their deaths, Trevor takes over the Vanilla Unicorn strip club. | Vanilla Unicorn as new safehouse for Trevor Michael, Franklin and Trevor now have bonuses at Vanilla Unicorn Mr. Raspberry Jam as a custom item for Trevor's Bodhi |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
探路踩点 |
Michael, Franklin, Trevor, and Lester scout out the Union Depository Tower in preparation for their ultimate robbery. | First part of the Union Depository Intel |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
排除万难 |
After stealing the final car for Weston, Franklin, Trevor, and Lamar prepare to deliver all the cars to Paleto Bay, despite the cops' attempt to stop them. | 无 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
任人宰割 |
Franklin must find and rescue Michael from the Triads before they kill him. | Ability to play as Michael again |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
合家团聚 |
At Jimmy's advice, Michael reunites the family at Dr. Friedlander's. | Michael can hang out with Amanda and Jimmy again The Tennis Court in Michael's Mansion becomes available again |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
突袭 FIB |
麦克、富兰克林和他们的同伙闯入 FIB 总部,恢复对史蒂夫·海恩斯不利的信息。麦克还借此机会删除了他的犯罪记录,摧毁了海恩斯对他的把柄。
本抢劫任务有两种方式:Covert Approach 或者 Roof Approach,取决于玩家在Architect's plans的选择。 |
$149392 - $242346 (仅限富兰克林) |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
十面埋伏 |
Michael meets with Dave and Steve at the Kortz Center, only for Steve to betray them and attempt to arrest them. After the trio are ambushed by rival FIB members, IAA agents, and a platoon from Merryweather Security, Michael and Dave escape with Trevor's help, who hasn't forgiven Michael, but is willing to work with him in the robbery of the Union Depository, after which, they will be parting ways. | 无 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
Planning the Big Score |
Michael, Trevor, Franklin, and Lester choose the approach and crew for their upcoming robbery of the Union Depository. | 无 |
巧妙方案 | ||
胎刺 |
Steal a Police Transporter from the South Los Santos police station. | 无 |
铁腕 |
偷取3台冒险家铁腕并进行改装。 | 无 |
大胆方案 | ||
钻孔机 |
从梅萨的一座仓库中偷走一台钻孔机。 | 无 |
Sidetracked |
在塞诺拉大沙漠中偷走一列火车。 | 无 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
Michael, Trevor, Franklin, Lester, and their accomplices steal four tons of gold bullion from the Union Depository Tower, escaping from Merryweather Security and the cops in the process. | 可在武装国度购买高级步枪 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
明智之举 |
(A结局)在麦克的协助下,富兰克林追上了崔佛,并为了史蒂夫·海恩斯杀了他,随后麦克和富兰克林两人分道扬镳,返回各自的生活。 | 大干一票分红 可在武装国度购买古森柏冲锋枪 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
因果循环 |
(B结局)富兰克林追上麦克并为了德温·维斯顿杀了他,随后回到自己原来的生活。 | 大干一票分红 可在武装国度购买古森柏冲锋枪 |
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
第三条路 |
(C结局)富兰克林不愿意背叛麦克或者崔佛,因此他跟拉玛、麦克和崔佛一起合伙,干掉了前来杀死他们的梅利威瑟雇佣兵和FIB探员。随后,富兰克林、麦克和崔佛分头行动,各自消灭主要的敌人:陈伟、史崔奇、史蒂夫·海恩斯和德温·维斯顿,最后三人分道扬镳,回到自己各自的生活,但依然还是朋友。 | 大干一票分红 可在武装国度购买古森柏冲锋枪 |
Meet random characters and do various jobs for them.
标题 | 描述 | 在何任务完成后解锁 | 在何任务完成之后不可用 |
混乱 |
费蓝德医生的第一次疗程。 | 婚姻咨询 | 在珠宝店劫案之前可用 |
罪恶 |
费蓝德医生的第二次聊城。 | 出名或出丑 | 在理查兹先生之前可用 |
消极情绪 | 费蓝德医生的第一次电话疗程。 | 理查兹先生 | 在脱轨而出之前可用 |
一团乱麻 | 费蓝德医生的第二次电话疗程。 | 有惊无险 | 在合家团聚之前可用 |
临阵脱逃 |
费蓝德医生的最后一次疗程。过场动画结束后,麦克必须决定要杀死还是放走费蓝德医生。 | 合家团聚 突袭 FIB |
一直可用 |
注:"饭店暗杀行动" 任务是这些支线任务的入门,也是通关主线需要完成的唯一暗杀任务,因此列在主线任务中。
标题 | 描述 | 奖励 |
饭店暗杀行动 |
Kill Brett Lowrey, the CEO of Bilkinton Research, after he leaves the Von Crastenburg Hotel. After the mission is complete, Franklin receives a new safehouse in Vinewood Hills. | $9000 3671 Whispymound Drive |
多重暗杀行动 |
Kill four jurors across Los Santos that are going to be part of a lawsuit against Redwood Cigarettes. | $7000 |
罪恶暗杀行动 |
Kill Jackson Skinner, the CEO of Facade, when he arrives to meet with a prostitute. | $5000 |
巴士暗杀行动 |
Kill Isaac Penny, a venture capitalist who plans to take a controlling stake in the Vapid Motor Company, by posing as a bus driver and waiting for him to get on. | $7000 |
工地暗杀行动 |
Franklin fights his way through the Mile High Club and kills real estate developer, Enzo Bonelli. | $10000 |
- 尽管游戏内统计数据和Social Club都说《侠盗猎车手V》只有69个任务,实际上游戏的主线任务共有79个。这可能是为了提到69,或者是由于玩家在一次通关的过程中不可能完成每一个任务,因为有些任务取决于玩家的选择。
- 《侠盗猎车手V》