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GTA 回來了。更快的車子、更擁擠的街道、更卑劣的壞人、更憤怒的警察,現在就連聯邦調查局和軍隊都加入混戰……
7 支殘忍的幫派涉入一場無情的權力爭奪,成名與否,由您決定。
——Rockstar Games官網介紹

俠盜獵車手2》(英語:Grand Theft Auto 2,簡稱:GTA 2),又譯《橫行霸道 2》,是由DMA Design(現為Rockstar North)開發的一款遊戲,也是《俠盜獵車手》系列中的第二部作品。本作於1999年10月22日在PCPlayStation平台上發行,後於2000年4月30日以及11月10日在DreamcastGame Boy Color平台上發行。







主角的名字叫做克勞德.斯皮德。遊戲設置在一個名為Anywhere City的城市,該市分為三大區域,分別為:市中


  • 在市中心區的通緝星級最高上限是4顆星,玩家會遭遇S.W.A.T特警小隊的追緝。
  • 在PC版中,解鎖住宅區會有5顆星上限的通緝星級,玩家會遭遇FBI探員的追捕,PlayStation版中則是6顆星上限的通緝星級,玩家會遭遇軍隊的追緝。
  • 解鎖工業區在PC版和PlayStation版中都會有6顆星上限的通緝星級,軍隊會使用多種軍用載具前來緝拿玩家。


本作新增了可存檔的功能,但前提是玩家必須找到一個名為Jesus Saves的教堂。 It can only be found by listening out for the organ playing or by hijacking a TV Van (the antenna on top always points towards it). 當玩家抵達教堂後,還需要花費50000元才能存檔,因此最佳方案是在退出遊戲前再保存遊戲。然而,完成2至3個任務後玩家得到的酬金就能達到50000元。


每個區域內都有3個幫派,他們起初對玩家採取中立態度,但3個幫派之間勢不兩立。攻擊敵對幫派可以增加威望,可是這樣做,玩家就會損失敵對幫派對其的尊重 ——如果玩家進入敵對幫派的管轄地盤,敵對幫派的成員就會主動攻擊玩家。在市中心區活動的幫派成員只會攜帶手槍,但在其他區域活動的幫派成員會配備與他們對玩家仇恨程度相當的武器,但是仍然會有部分幫派成員只攜帶手槍。提高尊重還可以藉由完成每個幫派給予的任務的方式,解鎖更高級別的尊重會更困難一些,但報酬也會水漲船高。玩家可以獲知每個幫派的敵對幫派by going to the blue phone in each of the gang's territory.




Bonus Arenas[]

After completing each level in the PC version, the player unlocks not only the next district, but also one bonus arena. There are two different types, each with 3 arenas; Destroying Ice Cream Vans, and a time-attack mode where the player must race against the clock (killing pedestrians and gang members earns the player more time).

Bonus Missions[]

In every city there are some "side" missions, most reward the player with an extra life or money, but the Wang Carsside mission rewards the player with 3 special vehicles. These missions are:

  • Kill Frenzies - killing a lot of people or blowing up many cars in the appointed time.
  • GTA 2 Tokens - collecting tokens with GTA2 signs on them (there are 50 tokens in each level).
  • Wang Cars - finding 8 GT-A1 cars in the Residential District.



  • Zaibatsu Corporation (symbol: yellow 'Z') - They appear in all of the areas and are a seemingly legitimate corporation who manufacture everything from cars and weapons to medication, but beneath the surface they are involved heavily in narcotics, contract-killing and shadowy politics. Their car, the Z-Type, is the second fastest gang car available. In the Residential District, they start attacking the player with Dual Pistols, which further advances to a Machine Gun; in the Industrial District their weaponry upgrades from a Pistol to a Silenced Machine Gun to a Rocket Launcher. The Zaibatsu is apparently led by at least three leaders, or at least have three executives through whom they organize their criminal activities: Trey Welsh in the Commercial District, Red Valdez in the Residential District, and Uno Carb in the Industrial District. Their gang color is black. Their name comes from 'zaibatsu', the Japanese word for conglomerate.
  • Loonies (symbol: winking smiley face) - They appear in the Downtown District. Their gang car, theDementia, is a microcar with their mark painted on top and is probably named after their apparent insanity. Their small section of turf is in the vicinity of the city's mental institution, named "SunnySide" after the Mental Institution in Montrose, Scotland, near Dundee, where the game was originally created. Their boss is Elmo. Their gang colour is light green.
  • The Yakuza (symbol: blue yen '¥') - They also appear in the first area. They make drugs at the so-called J-Lab, one of their strongest "industries". Their boss is Johnny Zoo. Deep blue is their gang color, and their car is the Miara.
  • SRS Scientists (symbol: a golden shield) - They are headquartered in the Residential District, and are a clandestine research institute involved in slightly questionable practices. Their business is advanced weapon development along with cloning, genetic engineering and robotics. Their leader, Dr. LaBrat, is Icelandic, and all of their 'street' members appear to be genetically engineered clone soldiers. Their gang car, the Meteor, is the fastest gang car available. Their weaponry upgrades from Machine Guns toFlamethrowers. Their turf is the Scientist Research Center. Their gang color is pale gold.
  • Rednecks (symbol: the Confederate flag) - Led by Billy Bob Bean, they appear in the second area, are rabid fans of Elvis Presley, and specialize in explosives and vehicles. Their business is the brewing, running and selling of moonshine. Their car is a wide Pickup truck. Their weaponry upgrades fromMachine Guns to Molotov Cocktails. The Rednecks' turf is the trailer park at the northwest of the Residential Area. Their gang color is light blue.
  • Russian Mafia (symbol: a red star) - They appear in the third area and specialize in contract-killing and gun running. Their car is the Bulwark, a station wagon, which is the most durable gang car in the game (capable of surviving one direct hit from a rocket propelled grenade, hand grenade or Molotov cocktail, if the car is in perfect condition). Their weaponry upgrades from Shotguns to Machine Guns. They can be seen in the seaport areas. Jerkov is the name of their boss. They use red as a gang color.
  • Hare Krishna (symbol: an orange flower) - They appear in the third area and their car, the Karma Bus, is a big love bus with flowers painted on its roof. Their weaponry upgrades from Molotov Cocktails toFlamethrowers. The Krishna's turf is around their temple. Their boss' name is Sunbeam. They use orange as a gang color. This gang also appeared in the first Grand Theft Auto game (the player would earn the Gouranga bonus for killing them), but they were not involved in criminal acts.


Each area features five radio stations, from a pool of eleven, which the player listen to while driving a vehicle. Changing radio stations for preference was also possible in the PC version by using the "F1" function key." "Head Radio" was present in the original Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. Each gang also has its own radio station that transmits within a limited area. All radio stations only play music, unlike future games, which feature a talk radio station as well as music stations.

  • Head Radio -- The city's largest commercial radio station. It can be received in all areas of the game. The DJ's names are Phanny Joe Styles and Johnny Riccaro. Head Radio plays modern pop and rock.
  • Rockstar Radio -- A commercial radio station in the Downtown Area. Sammy Starock is the name of the DJ. The station plays pop and rock and occasionally features on-air phone calls from "listeners". The name is obviously a reference to Rockstar Games.
  • KREZ -- The Residential Area's commercial station which plays hip hop and rap. The DJ is Richie T.
  • Lo-Fi FM -- A commercial station in the Industrial Area that plays oldies and pop. The DJ (DJ Die/Dye—Dai is a Welsh abbreviation for the name 'David') is Welsh and seems to have no ties to gangs in the area.
  • Futuro FM -- The Zaibatsu gang's station. It can be received in all three areas. The DJ, Dean Franz, plays dance, jazz-oriented pop and Funk. "Futuro" is Italian, Portuguese and Spanish for "future".
  • Funami FM -- The Yakuza gang's station in the Downtown Area. The music is drum and bass-type electronic music. The station is hosted by a Japanese man and a frantically screaming Japanese woman (in a varied high-pitch voice) calling herself Teriyaki-chan.
  • Lithium FM -- The Loonies' station. Features a totally insane DJ, Spaz Funbags, as well as some oldies and dance-music.
  • Rebel Radio/KING -- The Redneck gang station in the Residential Area. The DJ, Marshall Nash, has a thick Southern accent. The music of choice is modern and classic rock.
  • Osmosis Radio -- The Scientists' station, transmitting in the Residential Area. The DJ "Mama Doc", who is Icelandic or Scandinavian, plays modern dance music.
  • Heavenly Radio -- The Krishnas' gang station, transmitting in the Industrial Sector. The music is a mix of Jesus-pop and soft music. Listeners are continuously urged by the station's DJ, Venus Ordelia, to convert.
  • KGBH -- Radio station of the Russian Mafia with DJ Bomba Tomba. KGBH frequently encounters both technical and personal problems that interfere with their broadcasts. The station primarily plays classic rock.


《俠盜獵車手2》是《俠盜獵車手IV》發行前最後一款包含有在線模式的PC版《俠盜獵車手》作品。在線模式最多可容納6名玩家,通過局域網、互聯網、串行電纜或調製解調器等連線模式在遊戲世界中互相競爭或合作。There are also 3 small multiplayer maps designed for smaller number of players, as well as 3 districts with modified locations of weapons and parked cars.

Playing via internet using only built-in tools is quite difficult. First you need to choose "tcp/ip connection", then enter server IP and you will be able to join only if host is in hosting menu. That's why programs like GTA2 Game Hunter, or GTA2 Gamer were made. They provide one-click joining without entering anybody's IP, chat and some other useful options which makes playing GTA 2 online as easy as any other modern game.





The opening of the game was pieced together from live film-material that was taken from an 8 minute GTA 2 short-movie created for the purpose of advertising the game.這部電影現已向公眾提供並且可於遊戲的官方網站上下載。






GamePro給了遊戲7/10的遊戲,並說:「遊戲具有反常的樂趣,但隨即就顯得過於老套。」Games Radar給的分數則是6.9/10,認為其"Carefully crafted, big and sprawling and, more to the point, fun and exciting,GTA2 retains the best qualities of its predecessors, and its new gang warfare element improves upon and expands upon the original idea, giving the gameplay a little more depth." IGN給了6.8/10的分數,評論道"Here we have one of the few times that good gameplay has been badly hampered by control and graphic choices... Not a bad game, but essentially, it's more of the same." Gamespot給了同樣的分數,認為"The graphics have been redone, the music is different, there is a slew of new weapons, the mission structure is a bit more complex, and the city feels a bit more alive. But at its core, GTA2 is the same old game."



  • 遊戲的背景年代備受爭議。遊戲的官方網站上有一份警方記錄,日期顯示為2013年7月7日和2013年7月10日,表明《俠盜獵車手2》的背景年代設定在2013年的7月份左右。遊戲中的武器裝備是未來化的,官方網站稱它們是"three weeks into the future" ,and then the website's time is three weeks ahead of the current time。但是,certain cars in the game can date back as early as the late 30s: The cars in the game do not appear to be from the year 2013, it only features cars from up to 1999, when the game was released, but this is just retro futurism, as cars from the past can easily still exist in the future.同時,電台主持人強尼.里卡多,提及了千禧年即將到來,這有可能表明了遊戲的背景年代設置在1999年,即遊戲的發行年份,甚至有可能是2999年,因為遊戲中充斥着未來主義的事物。總而言之,遊戲的背景年代更有可能設置在一個籠統的時間範圍內(從1999年至2999年),契合了遊戲總體的背景設定「Anywhere City,美國」。
    • 《俠盜獵車手V》的背景年代同樣設定在2013年,但與《俠盜獵車手2》的背景設定截然不同,除開鐳射槍UFO外,《俠盜獵車手V》沒有任何的未來主義、科幻事物。
  • PS版本的遊戲獲得了ESRB等級為"T"的評級,這樣的評級對於俠盜獵車手系列來說是空前絕後的例外。
  • It is the only numbered title in the series not to be set in the year it was released.
  • 直到《俠盜獵車手:聖安地列斯》發佈前,《俠盜獵車手2》都是唯一有車輛鉸連裝置設定的系列作品。
  • 假如《俠盜獵車手2》的背景年代的確設定在2013年,那麼按照時間順序,它和《俠盜獵車手V》同為年代設定最近的系列作品。
  • 《俠盜獵車手2》和《俠盜獵車手V》是唯二在兩個不同世代的遊戲機上發售的系列作品。PlayStation是第五世代的家用遊戲機而Dreamcast則是第六世代的家用遊戲機。對於《俠盜獵車手V》來說,PlayStation 3和Xbox 360是第七世代的家用遊戲機,而PlayStation 4和Xbox One則是第八世代的家用遊戲機。
  • 迄今為止,《俠盜獵車手2》仍是唯一設定在未來時間線上或者科幻為主題的虛擬現實背景的系列作品。
  • 《俠盜獵車手2》是唯一在標題中使用阿拉伯數字而不是羅馬數字的系列作品。
  • 玩家只能手動設定白天或晚上,方法是從菜單選項中選擇設定 > 視頻設置 > 時間設置 (僅適用於PC版)
  • The announcer of the game, that says the famous line And remember, respect is everything! at the beginning of the game and also the infamous Wasted! whenever you die, isn't present on the PS version of the game, as also there isn't night time and the graphics are a bit more cartoonish, the reason for that, is because the PS couldn't support so much mechanics like the PC and Dreamcast versions of the game.
  • The announcer of the game, that says the famous line And remember, respect is everything! at the beginning of the game and also the infamous Wasted! whenever you die, isn't present on the PS version of the game, as also there isn't night time and the graphics are a bit more cartoonish, the reason for that, is because the PS couldn't support so much mechanics like the PC and Dreamcast versions of the game.
  • While the PC versions can accommodate both noon and dusk, the Dreamcast version can only support dusk, and the PlayStation/GameBoy Color versions only support day.
  • A GTA 2 style logo is featured on the back cover of GTA V.
  • GTA 2 is the only game that contains an exclamation "!" mark from all the missions given to the player.
  • Grand Theft Auto 2 and the GTA London games are the only GTA Games to use the GTA abbreviation on the front cover.