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名稱 湯米.維賽堤 配音演員 雷.利奧塔


名稱 桑尼.費羅利 配音演員 Tom Sizemore
桑尼.費羅利是自由市黑手党家族——費羅利家族的教父,湯米.維賽堤曾是家族中的一員,但桑尼因害怕湯米勢力崛起,在哈伍德精心策劃了一場陰謀。他先派遣湯米去哈伍德區殺死一個人,實際上,那裡早有敵人埋伏好等待湯米, 湯米將埋伏的敵人全部殺害並設法活了下來,但也因此被判刑十五年。1986年,湯米剛從監獄釋放,桑尼認為湯米的存在會影響自己以及家族的發展,便送他到罪惡城做毒品交易謀生。在得知交易失敗錢貨兩空時,他命令湯米去追回自己的錢和貨。






肯.羅森堡的配音演員是Bill Fichtner


Lance Vance


蘭斯.萬斯的配音演員是參演過《邁阿密風雲》的演員Philip Michael Thomas



Colonel Cortez



科特茲由Robert Davi配音。






里卡多.迪亞茲由Luis Guzmán配音。


Kent Paul

肯特.保羅 是一個來自英國肯特的年輕人。他打算在音樂和商業界工作,但沒有被已知的機構僱傭。他的移民局文件沒有整理好。儘管他聲稱自己是一名犯罪策劃人,但沒有發現犯罪記錄。


肯特.保羅由Danny Dyer配音。





艾佛瑞.卡靈頓由Burt Reynolds配音。


  • 第一次出現在: Stunt Boat Challenge
  • 最後一次出現在: Trojan Voodoo


溫伯托.羅賓納由Danny Trejo配音。


  • 第一次出現在: Juju Scramble
  • 最後一次出現在: Dirty Lickin's
Auntie Poulet


寶麗姨由Youree Cleomili Harris配音。


  • 第一次出現在: The Party
  • 最後一次出現在: G-Spotlight
Steve Scott


史提夫.史考特由Dennis Hopper配音。


  • 第一次出現在: Alloy Wheels of Steel
  • 最後一次出現在: Hog Tied
"Big" Mitch Baker

「大」密奇.貝克是越南老兵和摩托車愛好者。他因殺死一個村莊的越共而獲得紫心獎。他常因退伍軍人問題與政府發生暴力衝突。他已被監禁13次。他的性格在Rockstar Games的官方網站上被描述為一個無法無天的墮落的反社會者。密奇.貝克的愛好包括酒吧運動、打架、彈球、游泳、吃活動物、硬搖滾、摔跤、賽車、在公共場所小便和嚇唬警察。


密奇.貝克由Lee Majors配音。


  • 第一次出現在: The Shootist
  • 最後一次出現在: Boomshine Saigon
Phil Cassidy



菲爾.卡西迪由Gary Busey配音。


  • 第一次出現在: The Party
  • 最後一次出現在: Dildo Dodo
Mercedes Cortez



梅賽德斯.科特茲由Fairuza Balk配音。



瑞可古巴幫的一名成員,湯米協助他一起打擊海地幫。Like Umberto Robina, he constantly talks about men with "cojones", at first taunting 湯米 and then praising him, as 湯米 successfully completes a mandatory boating challenge as an initiation to the Cuban Gang. He was part of the Cuban Gang enforcers who invaded the Haitian Drugs Factory and stole a large amount of their cocaine. In another mission, he drives 湯米 on his boat to ambush a drug transaction. He is seemingly 被殺死 during the transaction sabotage when a concealed Haitian Gang member blew up the boat that he was driving.

In Trojan Voodoo it is revealed that Rico survived but it is unknown how he survived.




唐納.羅夫, previously depicted as an influential media tycoon in Grand Theft Auto III, makes two minor appearanlces as an eager, young apprentice of real estate mogul, 艾佛瑞.卡靈頓, learning the tricks of the trade. The Vice City rendition of the character has little voice acting; Love remains silent throughout his appearances, and his second appearance sees him uttering only one or two minor words before being interrupted by Carrington.[2]


里歐.提爾 is a member of the Cuban gang, and has been known to work for Mr. BlackRockstar Games have stated that he has a very complicated social life. He works in restaurant business and is a communications expert. The cops find it difficult to get a working tap on his phones.

Leo is believed to be working as a hitman in Vice City. Leo has a possible involvement in narcotics trade. Likely, both "Mr. Black" and "Mr. Teal" are references to Reservoir Dogs, where the main characters are also named after colors.


愛之拳 is a hair metal band consisting of 傑茲.托倫特, 珀西, 迪克 and 威利. The four of them are Scottish and bisexual, and believed to be cross-dressers. In 1986 they are on tour in Vice City.


亞伯特.羅賓納是溫伯托.羅賓納的父親,也是羅賓納咖啡館的老闆。He makes appearances in several cut-scenes, his only four lines are ("Si,men?"; "He called you dumb, son"; "No problemo, 湯米" and "Umberto, my son what happened?" and greeting Vercetti as he visits) and he works at Café Robina. He, like his son, is personally on good terms with 湯米.維賽堤 and regards him as Cuban. Umberto is protective of his father and mostly stays at the shop to look after him.




岡薩雷茲 works for Colonel Juan García Cortez in various capacities. Gonzalez has diplomatic immunity, and his visa is believed to be issued as a Health and Fitness Commission. Gonzalez's character is described as greedy because he is known to take bribes. He has been seen leaving property of Diaz without Cortez which could be a possible weakness in Cortez's operation.

Gonzalez has problems with his weight. He is formerly very active in the Vice City underworld and now spends a lot of his time in his penthouse, away from Cortez.


希拉里.金 is an expert driver believed to have worked with Cam Jones and Phil Cassidy. His character is described as neurotic and a compulsive eater. Psychological profiling reveals obsession with abandonment issues. He has red, ginger hair. Hilary comes from a stable family background.

希拉里.金由Charles Tucker配音。


卡姆.瓊斯 claims to be an expert safe cracker but his expertise is dubious. In Vice City, Cam is currently awaiting trial for an attempted robbery. He was caught running down the street with a safe he could not open. He is likely to get 10 years in jail. Cam is a confirmed Kleptomaniac. The Police believe he often works with Phil Cassidy.

Cam Jones has a legal representation from Rosenberg and Associates and is certain to be sent down because Rosenberg can get even an innocent man sent away and Jones is known to be guilty. Jones is thought to have issues with women and bank managers.

卡姆.瓊斯由Greg Sims配音。


麥可(在遊戲手冊中名為Mike the Goon)是迪亞茲幫的成員,在迪亞茲死後加入維賽堤幫。在任務「派對」中他和里卡多.迪亞茲一起出現於科特茲上校的派對中。He later seen working in Cop Land. In the mission, 蘭斯.萬斯 is yelling at him for messing up an explosive attack on the Tarbrush Café in the North Point Mall. Vercetti formulates a plan B, which involves Mike stealing a squad car (which can be found behind the lockup) while he and Lance ambushed two officers for their uniforms, so that they can use them as a disguse. Mike is not seen again, but accompanies 蘭斯.萬斯 as off-screen backup in Hit The Courier.

麥可由Robert Cihra配音。


雄獅飛船是兩名罪惡城摩托幫的成員。They are playing pool with "Big" Mitch Baker when 湯米 first arrives to the Greasy Chopper Bar. Baker tells 湯米 that he must defeat Cougar, Zeppelin and another biker in a motorcycle race to earn their trust. Cougar is seen again in the "Messing with the Man" mission. He is arm wrestling with Mitch.

Cougar was voiced by Blayne Perry


B.J.史密斯 is the is the former star Tight End for Vice City Mambas. He has a very successful career in Professional Football, but he is haunted by problems off the field. He is famous for hurting opponents and now runs a celebrity endorsed used car lot, which the cops believe may be a front. He is thought to sell stolen vehicles and is believed to be heavily in debt with loan sharks and is now doing anything for money.


凱娣吸吸(本名「Candice Shand」)is a porn star and escort. She wears a bikini with a United States flag motif, and red high-heeled shoes. She works as an escort out of the Downtown area; Congressman Alex Shrub is a regular of hers.

On recommendation 湯米.維賽堤 hires her as a feature actor at the InterGlobal Studios pornography studio after killing her "manager". He further uses pictures of her in a blackmail sting against Congressman Shrub, and spotlights a giant image of her breasts against the side of a building as advertisement.

Candy Suxxx would eventually rise to national fame as a pornographic actress, as she is featured on posters and video covers of several pornographic movies in Vice City (Bite, Closer Encounters), San Andreas (Vinewood Call Girls, That Can't Be Legal, Return of the Anaconda) and Liberty City Stories (Let Me Bounce), while billboards erected to her likeness are featured in Los Santos and Las Venturas in San Andreas. By the year 2002 she had left the pornography business and became an educator and philanthropist.

凱娣吸吸由現實中的艷星Jenna Jameson配音,並由健身模特April Hunter作為臉模。


亞歷克斯.史拉伯是一名極端的右翼國會議員。He is happily married. He is a known philanderer and will do anything for votes. Rockstar Games have stated that he is power obsessed, a usual politician. Alex Shrub is expected to go very far.

亞歷克斯.史拉伯由Christopher Lucas配音。

Maude Hanson[]

Maude Hanson (dubbed "Maude the Ice Cream Lady" in the Vice City manual) is the owner of the Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory before 湯米.維賽堤 purchases her business. Featured in only one cut scene, she claims that her business serves as a front for selling "other, non-dairy products." Maude also exhibits psychotic hatred towards children and uses stereotypes of children claiming that they're disgusting, spoiled and bratty. She is also believed to have once run a children's home.

Maude Hanson由Jane Gennaro配音。


Delores is a middle-aged dispatcher at the Kaufman Cabs taxi company. Appearing in one cut scene, she introduces the company and its dealings (competing aggressively against a rival taxi company) after 湯米 purchases the business. Delores may also be heard on the dispatch radio of Kaufman Cab taxis.

It's Delores who dubs 湯米's gang as "The Vercetti Gang", since she says that the Kaufman Cabs have been bought about 20 times by gangs and she needs to tell the employees what gang is controlling Kaufman Cabs now.

The Taxi Controller was voiced by Blondie lead singer Deborah Harry


厄內斯特.凱利(在遊戲手冊中名為「Old Man Kelly」)is the manager of the Print Works bordering Little Havana and Little Haiti, which is purchased by 湯米.維賽堤. Having worked at the Print Works for a long time, Earnest has always printed counterfeit money, albeit on a small scale. With the help of 湯米, Earnest acquires high quality printing plates to produce better counterfeit money in a larger scale, eventually generating millions for Vercetti. It also appears that 湯米 has a soft spot for the old man, as his own father managed a similar printing press when Vercetti was younger. 湯米 seems to bond with Earnest and shows extreme concern and anger when Earnest is injured by Forelli family enforcers who have come to take "their cut." It is implied that these injuries were relatively minor and Earnest is later revealed to have survived the attack; some time after the final mission, 湯米 receives a phone call from Earnest, who is recovering well from his injuries.

厄內斯特.凱利由George DiCenzo配音。


德韋恩傑瑟羅是罪惡港船塢的工人,which is involved in building boats that may transport drugs. Appearing in one cut scene, their names were never mentioned in game, but inspection of Vice City's credits in the manual and internal files reveals their first names. It is not until San Andreas, where they would reappear with larger roles, that their names are mentioned. Dwaine's name is spelled "Dwayne" in the game's data files and credits. It appears that they left the Boatyard after 湯米.維賽堤 took it over, however, they can be seen watching 湯米 in the Checkpoint Charlie mission.

德韋恩由Navid Khonsari配音,而傑瑟羅由John Zurhellen配音。


「牧師」李察(名字不明)是一個瘋狂、喜歡煽動的傳教士,對金錢極其痴迷。Rockstar Games have stated that he has written several awful books which are all completely fabricated and most given away. Pastor is obsessed with degenerates and has been campaigning to build a large statue in his own image. He has been attempting to bribe officials at NASA for rocket technology. He is believed to be embezzling money from the fund for a private mansion in Hawaii.

Pastor Richards is a possible polygamist. He hates people who help others and he is a fervent Anti-Communist. He is obsessed with nuclear winter. His characteristics are described as a hateful human being but menace to society uncertain at present. He is a parody of many 80s right-wing televangelists who flagrantly failed to practice what they preached.

「牧師」李察由David Green配音。







迪克坦納是一名歐洲幫派的成員,平時偽裝成Patrol Invest Group的保安。






