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Owner insists that it is not a toy store. Instead they sell 1/10th scale replicas of reality. Owner called Zero. Kind of a dork.
GTA San Andreas Website.

Zero RC is a shop operated by RC expert Zero in Garcia, San Fierro featured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


The shop is owned by an unnamed landlord up until 1992, when the landlord decides to sell the shop. Zero had been living above the shop and feared that he would be evicted once it was sold. In desperation, Zero calls Carl Johnson pleading for help. Carl, having just met Zero, obliges and buys the shop for $30,000, allowing Zero to continue living there.

Purchasing the property unlocks Zero's missions (Air Raid, Supply Lines..., and New Model Army), all of which revolve around defeating Zero's rival, Berkley. These missions are not part of the storyline, but are required for 100% completion. After completing all of these missions, Zero RC becomes an asset for Carl and the side mission Beefy Baron is also unlocked.

The shop's banner has the Japanese "rising sun" flag as its background. Inside the shop, a lot of merchandise can be found, including action figures and vehicle models.


Car/motorbike models[]

Train models[]

  • Yellow model train
  • Brown model train
  • Red model train
  • Yellow model train set (includes railcars and two motor vehicles)

Watercraft models[]

  • U.S.S Liberty
  • Three identical model boats on display stands

Aircraft models[]

Action figures[]


Car/motorbike models[]

Train models[]

Watercraft models[]

Aircraft models[]

Action figures[]

The Definitive Edition[]


  • The Manhunt action figures technically wouldn't have existed during the events of GTA San Andreas, seeing as the events of Manhunt took place in 2003, eleven years after 1992.
  • In the PlayStation 2 version of the game, pedestrians appear inside the shop. This does not occur in other versions of the game.
  • In the Definitive Edition of GTA San Andreas, Impotent Rage figures and a box of ThriftEX light bulbs were non-canonically placed in Zero RC.