GTA Wiki
GTA Wiki
Due to Vice City's infamous popularity with smugglers, customs officers are known to be thorough in their searches!... the best advice is don’t get caught.
— Vice City Tourist Guide, Page 8 (Official Manual).

The Vice City Port Authority (VCPA) is a port and immigration authority in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories operating across Vice City, Florida.


The Vice City Port Authority are a minor law enforcement agency who operate in Vice City. Their headquarters are located in Viceport.

Various warning signs appear throughout the docks about illegal goods not being able to escape the Port Authority. The Vice City Port Authority and its main building was established in 1896[1], while their office in Little Haiti was founded between 1984 and 1986, as in 1984, during the events of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, this place was used as a empire building.



  1. Sign outside the main building in Viceport.


[ ve ]Security companies in the 3D Universe
State securityViceCityPortAuthority-GTAVC-NavboxLogo Vice City Port Authority VC
Private securityGruppeSechs-GTA3-logo Gruppe Sechs III | Patrol Invest Group VC | DBP Security VC | Taylor Security VC | ChuffSecurity-GTASA-Logo Chuff Security Co. VC | Lock and Load Security SA
III denotes introduced in Grand Theft Auto III

VC denotes introduced in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
SA denotes introduced in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Security Guards | Category:Security Companies
[ ve ]Law enforcement agencies in the 3D Universe
Liberty CityLcpdgta3 Liberty City Police Department
Vice CityVcpdhqlogo Vice City Police Department (VCBILogo-GTAVC Vice City Bureau of Investigation* | Vice Squad Vice Squad) | ViceCityPortAuthority-GTAVC-NavboxLogo Vice City Port Authority
San Andreas
StatewideSanAndreasPoliceDepartment-GTASA-Emblem San Andreas Police Department | San Andreas Coast Guard
Los SantosLos Santos Police Department (Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums)
Las VenturasLas Venturas Police Department
San FierroSan Fierro Police Department
Countryside and DesertSASheriff-GTASA-Logo San Andreas Sheriff
National/unknownSpecial Weapons and Tactics | FBI-3DUniverse-Logo Federal Bureau of Investigation | Military | Central Intelligence Agency | GIGN / DGSE | Motor Officers | Men in Black | DrugEnforcementAdministration-3DUniverse Drug Enforcement Administration | Secret Service | Internal Affairs Division*
Mentioned only/Related
Carcer CityCCPD-MH-BadgeTexture Carcer City Police Department*
CottonmouthCMPD-MH2-Logo Cottonmouth Police Department
* denotes enforcement mentioned only
Category:Law enforcement agencies | Category:Police departments