GTA Wiki

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GTA Wiki
GTA Wiki
Not to be confused with Vice City Police Department.
This article pertains to content due to appear in the upcoming release of Grand Theft Auto VI.
The subject of this article is still developing and thus may be incomplete and/or not verified.

The Vice-Dale Police Department (VDPD) is a county law enforcement agency due to appear in Grand Theft Auto VI, serving Vice-Dale County, Leonida.


It is inspired by the real-life Miami-Dade Police Department serving Miami-Dade County.


The agency operate across Vice-Dale County and possess a fleet of emergency vehicles.



Image Vehicle Description

The Police Cruiser in the first trailer of Grand Theft Auto VI.
Police Cruiser (interceptor) Vapid police car with white and green livery.

The Buffalo STX police car in the first trailer of Grand Theft Auto VI.
Unnamed GTA VI Buffalo STX police car Police variant of the Buffalo STX with green and white livery.


[ ve ]Law enforcement agencies in the HD Universe
Liberty CityLCPD-GTA4-logo Liberty City Police Department | Liberty-City-Port-Authority-Logo-1 Liberty City Port Authority
AlderneyState police logo Alderney State Police | ASDOC Logo TLAD Alderney State Department of Corrections
San Andreas
SAHP San Andreas Highway Patrol | SAPR-GTAV-RangerDetail San Andreas State Park Rangers | SASPA GTA V San Andreas State Prison Authority
Los SantosLSPD-GTAV-Logo Los Santos Police Department | PortAuthorityofLosSantos-GTAV-Logo The Port Authority of Los Santos
Blaine CountyLSSD Los Santos County Sheriff
North YanktonNorthYanktonStatePatrol-Logo-GTAV North Yankton State Patrol
Leonida Department of Corrections | POACH Protection of Animals & Controlled Hunting
Vice-Dale CountyVice-Dale Police Department | Vice City Police Department
Leonard CountyLeonard County Sheriff
National/unknownNOOSE-GTA4-logo National Office of Security Enforcement (Patriotism and Immigration Authority | Tactical Response Unit) | FIB-GTAV-ColorSeal Federal Investigation Bureau | IAA International Affairs Agency | Internal Affairs Division | Military | DOA logo GTA V Drug Observation Agency | NationalCoastGuard-GTAV-Logo National Coast Guard | Globalpol * | DrugEnforcementAdministration-3DUniverse Drug Enforcement Administration * | The Marshal *
* denotes enforcement mentioned only
Category:Law enforcement agencies | Category:Police departments