Verdi Groceries is a grocery store/supermarket appearing in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.
There are three Verdi Groceries supermarkets in Vice City, one in Little Havana, another in Washington Beach and the last one in Downtown. Fidl is one of its primary competitor in this business.
The store is accessible to the player like many other stores and holds 'Coupon Day' every first Tuesday of the month.
Prominent Appearances in Gameplay[]
List of Products[]
- Bawbags (Scottish slang for testicles)
- Bitch'n' Dog Food
- Blox
- Candy Box
- Cocks'n'Schwanzsuppe (German for Cocks'n'Cock Soup. A pun on Ochsenschwanzsuppe (ox tail soup))
- Cok O Pops
- Deutsches Pimpernickel (German for German Screw Nickel instead of Deutsches Pumpernickel)
- Dicke fleischige Dinger (German for Big'n'fleshy Things, which refers to cocks)
- Dump Ice Cream Bar
- Fresh Milk
- Hrrme
- Köck
- Moist Red Lengths and Pods
- Perversil (instead of Persil, perver ~ Perverser, means perv)
- Release
- Rote Regelgrütze (German for Red Period Grout)
- Samenpudding (German for Semen Pudding)
- Scrotum Coffee
- Ungewaschene Käsestangen (German for Unwashed Cheese Straw)
- Verdi is a mispelling of 'verde', which stands for 'green' in Portuguese and Spanish.
- All three Verdi outlets can be trashed by the player for a sum of cash.
- Verdi Groceries may be a reference to Publix, since Publix has a presence in Miami, and both stores have green as their primary color.