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For the mission, see Verdant Meadows (mission).

Verdant Meadows Airfield also known as the Verdant Meadow Aircraft Graveyard[1] is an abandoned airstrip in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, located in the northern desert of Bone County, San Andreas.


The airstrip is located north of Area 69 and east of El Castillo del Diablo.

The airstrip is made up of a single, dirt runway, a control tower and several hangars. Around the runway are multiple air wrecks resembling the Andromada, but without the black spot on the nose and with a different tail assembly. A Windsock on a pole is present next to the hangar, and switches between states of being raised and lowered depending on how close the player is to it; when the player is close, it also correctly measures the direction of the wind depending on the current weather state.

While flying an airplane in the game, the airstrip will show up as an airport landing strip on the HUD, similarly to the airports in San Fierro, Las Venturas, and Los Santos.

The airstrip also becomes a safehouse after being purchased, allowing the player to save their game. Upon purchase, Verdant Meadows provides a save point, access to Flying School, a landing site, a garage for vehicles, a hangar for up to four planes or any land vehicles including large vehicles that cannot be safely stored in normal garages. This is the only safehouse to provide two usable garages.

After completing the mission Green Goo, Verdant Meadows becomes an asset property, generating income for Carl over time.


  • PCJ-600 - Spawns by the water tower. It tends to spawn even before the player purchases the property.
  • Rustler - Spawns in the hangar closest to the Air Traffic Control Tower after completing the mission Learning to Fly.
  • Stuntplane - Spawns next to the hangar where the Rustler is located after getting all silver or higher in the Pilot School.
  • Hunter - Spawns on the helipad after getting all gold in Pilot School. May alternate with the Leviathan.
  • Leviathan - Spawns on the helipad after completing the mission Up, Up and Away!.
  • Jetpack - Spawns right next to the Air Traffic Control Tower entrance after completing the mission Green Goo.
  • Hydra - Spawns in the hangar furthest away from the Air Traffic Control Tower after completing the mission Vertical Bird.
  • Assorted bikes and other vehicles spawn in a parking lot off the southeast corner of the property, next to the south access road.
  • A beater Sadler and a Sea Sparrow spawn north of the airstrip.

NOTE: When both the Leviathan and the Hunter are unlocked, only one of the two can spawn. Arrive from the west to spawn the Hunter and from the east to spawn the Leviathan.

Events of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas[]

Spoiler Warning: Plot details, ending details, or both are in the text which follows.

By 1992 the airstrip has been put up for sale, prompting government agent Mike Toreno to have Carl Johnson purchase it for $80,000. The airstrip may not be bought before Toreno asks Carl to do so. Once bought, Toreno has CJ take lessons from the Pilot School, forcing the latter to obtain a bronze medal in each of the 10 lessons. After that, Toreno orders CJ to fly a Rustler to airdrop some supplies over Angel Pine before returning safely to the airfield. Following Carl's return, a rival agency decides to land at the airfield with an Andromada. On Toreno's orders, Carl stowaways his way into the aircraft with a motorcycle, then plants a satchel charge aboard the aircraft before parachuting.

The Truth later comes to Verdant Meadows, berating Carl for accepting to work for a government agent, then tells him about Area 69 and has him steal a Jetpack from Area 69's underground research labs. Using the Jetpack, Carl attacks an army Freight train to steal a jar of "green goo" and deliver it to Truth at the airfield. Following the completion of this mission, the airstrip becomes an asset, generating up to $10,000.

The airfield is featured later on when CJ steals an army Leviathan and uses it to airlift a Securicar to the airstrip, in order to carry out a heist on Caligula's Casino. The airstrip is featured again when CJ and his associates carry out the heist, where they meet at the airstrip at the end of the mission.

Verdant Meadows makes a final appearance when CJ safely lands on the airstrip with the Hydra he previously stole from Easter Basin Naval Station on Toreno's orders.

Prominent Appearances in Gameplay[]

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas[]


  • The wings of one of the planes on the southwestern side of the property forms a Stunt Jump.
  • Body Armor, in the aircraft graveyard, north side of the runway.
  • Micro SMG, south west corner of the graveyard, near the stunt jump.


The airfield and aircraft graveyard is based on several aircraft boneyards such as Mojave Airport and Victorville Airport in California, as well as Pinal Airpark and Kingman Airport in Arizona. Another basis for the airfield is Wendover Airport in Utah, as evidenced by the design of the control tower and safehouse building, which are both based on the WWII-era tower and operations building of the said airport.



  • The name is ironic, as verdant means covered with flourishing plants and grass, but the airstrip is located in the dry, barren desert of Bone County.
  • The hangar is the only garage large enough to store a derailed train. If the player attempts this, however, the game will crash when attempting to open the hangar or by flying over it.
  • Verdant Meadows didn't exist in the beta map of San Andreas.
  • The interior of the safehouse is located below the building itself, but within a separate interior world.
  • The wall inside the AC tower cabin is covered with several framed pictures of the Gee Bee Super Sportster racing aircraft.

See Also[]



[ ve ]Airports in the 3D Universe
Liberty CityFrancis International Airport
Vice CityEscobar International Airport
San AndreasLos Santos International Airport | Easter Bay Airport | Las Venturas Airport | Verdant Meadows Airfield
[ ve ]Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas safehouses
Main Safehouses (Acquirable)Johnson House | Angel Pine Trailer | Fern Ridge Cabin | Doherty Garage | Toreno's Ranch | Verdant Meadows Airfield | The Four Dragons Casino | Madd Dogg's Crib
Los SantosJefferson | Verdant Bluffs | Verona Beach | Willowfield | Santa Maria Beach | Mulholland
Red CountyBlueberry | Palomino Creek | Dillimore
Flint CountyFlint County Farm
WhetstoneAngel Pine House
San FierroChinatown | Doherty Apartment | Paradiso | Hashbury | Calton Heights | Queens
Tierra RobadaEl Quebrados | Tierra Robada
Bone CountyFort Carson
Las VenturasCreek | Rockshore West | Redsands West | Whitewood Estates | Prickle Pine | Old Venturas Strip | Pirates in Men's Pants | The Camel's Toe | The Clown's Pocket
[ ve ]Neighborhoods and areas in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Los SantosCity Hall * | Commerce | Downtown | East Beach | East Los Santos | El Corona | Ganton | Glen Park | Idlewood | Jefferson | Las Colinas | Little Mexico | Los Flores | Los Santos International Airport | Marina | Market | Mulholland | Mulholland Intersection | Ocean Docks | Pershing Square | Playa del Seville | Richman | Rodeo | Santa Maria Beach | Temple | Verdant Bluffs | Verona Beach | Vinewood | Willowfield
San FierroAvispa Country Club | Battery Point | Calton Heights | Chinatown | City Hall | Doherty | Downtown | Easter Basin | Easter Bay Airport | Esplanade East | Esplanade North | Financial | Foster Valley | Garcia | Hashbury | Juniper Hill | Juniper Hollow | King's | Missionary Hill | Ocean Flats | Palisades | Paradiso | Queens | Santa Flora
Las VenturasBlackfield | Blackfield Intersection | Creek | Greenglass College | Julius Thruway East | Julius Thruway North | Julius Thruway South | Julius Thruway West | K.A.C.C. Military Fuels | Las Venturas Airport | Linden Side | LVA Freight Depot | Old Venturas Strip | Pilgrim | Pilson Intersection | Prickle Pine | Randolph Industrial Estate | Redsands East | Redsands West | Roca Escalante | Rockshore East | Rockshore West | Spinybed | The Strip | Whitewood Estates | Yellow Bell Golf Course
Red CountyBlueberry | Dillimore | Palomino Creek | Blueberry Acres | Fern Ridge | Fisher's Lagoon | Hampton Barns | Hanky Panky Point | Hilltop Farm | Montgomery Intersection | Northstar Rock | The Panopticon | Montgomery
Flint CountyBack o Beyond | Beacon Hill | Easter Bay Chemicals | Fallen Tree | The Farm | Flint Intersection | Flint Range | Flint Water | Leafy Hollow | Los Santos Inlet
WhetstoneAngel Pine | Mount Chiliad | Shady Cabin | Shady Creeks
Tierra RobadaAldea Malvada | El Quebrados | Bayside Marina | Bayside Tunnel | Robada Intersection | Bayside | Las Barrancas
Bone CountyFort Carson | Las Brujas | Arco del Oeste | Area 69 | The Big Ear | El Castillo del Diablo | Green Palms | Hunter Quarry | Lil' Probe'Inn | Octane Springs | Regular Tom | Sherman Dam | Sherman Reservoir | Unnamed Town | Verdant Meadows | Las Payasadas | Valle Ocultado
* denotes not considered a neighborhood in-game, only on the official GTA San Andreas map

Category:Neighborhoods | Category:Locations in GTA San Andreas