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GTA Wiki
GTA Wiki

The Vank Hoff Hotel is a San Fierro-area luxury hotel chain featured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


The hotel is located in the Financial and Queens districts of San Fierro.

The Financial district Vank Hoff hotel is the location of the valet missions that become available after the mission 555 We Tip. The hotel seems to be modeled after San Francisco's swanky Fairmont Hotel in the city's Nob Hill district. This is apparent in the Victorian-Edwardian architecture.

Further design influence from the Fairmont Hotel can be seen in the Vank Hoff Hotel's second location, Vank Hoff in the Park, which is located in San Fierro's Queens district. This is the site of the Queens Safehouse, which is no more than a suite inside the hotel. The hotel's exterior is well-appointed, as is the room, albeit rather small for a suite.

In Vice City, the former name of the Vice Point Langer hotel is the similarly named 'Van Khoff on the Beach'.

Stationary Vehicles[]

(Vank Hoff in the Park)



  • The name Vank Hoff sounds very close to "wank off", a slang term for masturbation. In fact, the hotel's second location, Vank Hoff in the Park, is suggestive of a risky habit that begs arrest for indecent exposure.
  • Parking a car in front of the valet workers will cause them to get in the car and take it to the underground carpark. This also occurs with vehicles parked by NPCs.
  • As seen from the official video clip of the Valet Parking missions, the Financial Vank Hoff Hotel originally had an additional floor for the underground car park not seen in the final game, suggesting it was cut content.

See Also[]
