The unnamed Merryweather Pilot is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series, appearing as a minor character in Grand Theft Auto V.
Events of Grand Theft Auto V[]
In The Wrap Up, he suddenly arrives in a Buzzard Attack Chopper at the Mexican standoff at the Kortz Center. The situation quickly explodes into violence; Steve Haines gets shot in the leg by an FIB agent, and in turn, shoots and kills Andreas Sanchez in the process, leading to an all-out firefight.
Haines quickly escapes. Michael De Santa and Dave Norton attempt to help each other, but the pilot crashes into another Buzzard – he survives but the other Buzzard blocks the path for Michael. The pilot pins down Michael but is then killed by Trevor Philips with a Sniper Rifle who is hiding in another part of the museum.
Mission Appearances[]
Grand Theft Auto V[]
- The Wrap Up (Killed)
- He uses a generic Merryweather Security model.