“The tech only gets better - but can you keep up? Sure, your old sports classic is manageable. You can probably handle a juiced-up stock car, too. But that vicious little hatchback is going to cause trouble - and as for the hypercar... Yeah, you're not ready. Lap Transform Race starting in Sports Classics, also featuring the Hotring, Comet SR, and Tezeract.”
— Race description.
Evolution is a Transform Stunt Race featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the continuation of the Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series update, released on June 5, 2018, during the Transform Race and Creator Updates Week event. It is available for up to 16 players.
The race is a 48 checkpoint long Lap race, default to 2 laps.
GTA Online New Transform Races Plane and Simple, Tug Life, The Grotti Circuit & More
Evolution starts at 10:04.
Evolution |