Tierra Robada Safehouse is a safehouse located in Tierra Robada, San Andreas, featured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
This safehouse is unlocked after completing the mission Yay Ka-Boom-Boom and can be bought for $20,000. It is surrounded by acres of rolling oak savanna. The hill in front of the house provides an excellent view of nearby Las Barrancas and San Fierro across the bay. It has no garage but a Sanchez spawns by the house. Conveniences include a Cluckin' Bell not far to the north and a Chilli Dogs stand in Las Barrancas near the Dam Camper RV Park.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas safehouses | |
Main Safehouses (Acquirable) | Johnson House | Angel Pine Trailer | Fern Ridge Cabin | Doherty Garage | Toreno's Ranch | Verdant Meadows Airfield | The Four Dragons Casino | Madd Dogg's Crib |
Los Santos | Jefferson | Verdant Bluffs | Verona Beach | Willowfield | Santa Maria Beach | Mulholland |
Red County | Blueberry | Palomino Creek | Dillimore |
Flint County | Flint County Farm |
Whetstone | Angel Pine House |
San Fierro | Chinatown | Doherty Apartment | Paradiso | Hashbury | Calton Heights | Queens |
Tierra Robada | El Quebrados | Tierra Robada |
Bone County | Fort Carson |
Las Venturas | Creek | Rockshore West | Redsands West | Whitewood Estates | Prickle Pine | Old Venturas Strip | Pirates in Men's Pants | The Camel's Toe | The Clown's Pocket |