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The Peep Hole is a sex shop in Grand Theft Auto IV, Episodes from Liberty City and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars in Hove Beach, Broker, Liberty City.


The shop, owned by Joseph Kaplan, is located in the basement of a tenement on Delaware Avenue. The walls are covered in posters from movies and strip clubs. A row of dildos are displayed on a shelf, which can be picked up and used as projectiles. The shop also features a manager's office in the back.

Roman Bellic can sometimes be seen waiting outside the shop during friendship activities.


Grand Theft Auto IV[]

In Do You Have Protection?, Dimitri Rascalov and Niko Bellic visit the shop in order to recover money owed to Dimitri by the shop's owner, Joseph Kaplan.

Prominent Appearances in Missions[]

Grand Theft Auto IV[]


Posters Inside[]


  • A "peep hole" is a small hole drilled into a toilet cubicle or changing room, allowing the viewer to see through without being seen.
  • One of the women on the posters in the shop is Phyllis, a random character from GTA Chinatown Wars.