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Everything is taken care of, brother.
— Niko Bellic

The Fixer's Assassinations are a string of assassination missions given to the player in Grand Theft Auto IV.


Niko Bellic can do the missions by visiting a payphone at the Odhner Avenue-Traeger Road intersection on the western fringe of Port Tudor with Acter in Alderney, where a cutscene shows The Fixer briefing Bellic. It is not required to complete these missions to continue with the storyline, but they are required for 100% completion of the game.

Activating the Missions[]

Following Phil Bell's first mission, he will call the player's character, Niko Bellic, stating that someone has some side-jobs for him. A man known as "The Fixer" wants Niko to assassinate some enemies. To start these missions, the player should go to a designated payphone marked with a crosshair icon, and walk to a payphone to contact "The Fixer".


For every mission, the player will be provided information on where the target is, along with a body armor and a specific weapon suited for the mission in hand behind the pay phone. Like Brucie Kibbutz's Exotic Exports and Stevie's Car Thefts, individual assassination missions are played out in random order. In addition, the missions predominantly take place in Alderney.

Water Hazard[]

Target: 1

Non-target Enemies: 2

Weapon Provided: Combat Sniper

Reward: $3000

The target is on a Marquis off the shore of Tudor. The target may be the driver or one of the occupants of the boat, either way the group consists of 1 unarmed driver and 2 people armed with Combat Snipers.

After the target is killed, once Niko calls The Fixer telling him that he killed the target, his wanted level will disappear.

Dead End[]

Target: 1 (8 if ambushed)

Non-target Enemy: 1 (0 if ambushed, all will become targets)

Weapon Provided: Carbine Rifle or Grenade

Reward: $6500

The target is in Alderney City, north of the Alderney Safehouse. He will be driving a Patriot, with a passenger armed with a MP5.

When the player comes close to them, they will drive away. The player may choose to simply shoot the driver here to complete the mission. Otherwise, he will need to give a short chase that will lead the player into an ambush where he will have to take out many enemies.

If he player gets ambushed, he will need to take out 4 targets in the alleyway. Two Admirals will show up and block off the exits, bringing along with them an additional 4 more targets, bringing the total up to 8. A health pack can be found on a wall nearby should the fight take too much health.

Migration Control[]

Target: 1

Non-target Enemies: 2

Weapon Provided: Rocket Launcher

Reward: $3000

The target is attempting to catch a Maverick at the Alderney Heliport. The target is an unarmed female, being escorted by 2 guards armed with Carbine Rifles. There is a neutral helipad guard armed with a Pistol that may be hostile to either Niko or the heavily-armed men depending on who shot first.

Either use the RPG to blow up the helicopter when they board it, or shoot at them with a sniper rifle.

If the target is unable to escape by the helicopter, she will use the Cognoscenti parked nearby to flee instead.

Derelict Target[]

Target: 3

Non-target Enemies: 17

Weapon Provided: Combat Shotgun or Carbine Rifle

Reward: $4000

The targets are in a disused warehouse in Alderney City, directly northeast of the Alderney Safehouse. The three targets are located in different floors, with the last target, armed with a Combat Shotgun, on the top floor. They are accompanied by a number of guards spread throughout floors, armed with either a Combat Pistol or an SMG. One of the guards will drop a Grenade, though he will never use it.

Bailing Out for Good[]

Target: 1

Non-target Enemies: 3

Weapon Provided: Combat Pistol, Combat Shotgun or Carbine Rifle

Reward: $3000

This target is being bailed out of the Leftwood Police Station. He is escorted by three guards. Altogether, the group consists of 1 unarmed driver, 2 guards with MP5s, and the target armed with a Combat Pistol.

Kill him outside the police station or chase him down when he gets in his Admiral and kill him that way.

Hook, Line and Sinker[]

Target: 1

Non-target Enemy: 1

Weapon Provided: SMG

Reward: $3000

The target is on a Jetmax anchored just off the shore of Westdyke. The target is the driver of the boat, while a guard armed with a MP5 is the passenger.

Use a Tropic to get closer and give chase, shooting the driver or the boat until it explodes to complete the mission.

R.U.B. Down[]

Targets: 3

Non-target Enemies: 5

Weapon Provided: SMG

Reward: $4000

The targets are in the Acter Industrial Park, by the alleyway behind the Acter Industrial Park Police Station. They are on three separate Sanchezes, with a rider in the back. The guards are armed with MP5s.

Chase them down and kill them. However the hard part of this mission is they flee separately, and chasing one of them, will cause the others to escape and the mission to fail.

Industrial Action[]

Targets: 10

Non-target Enemy: 1

Weapon Provided: Carbine Rifle or Combat Sniper

Reward: $7500 ($17500 if picked up bonus)

The targets are in the Globe Oil refinery in Acter Industrial Park. They are up high on the walkways and are heavily armed. Most of them will be armed with Carbine Rifles, but one notable (female) target stands out by being armed with a Combat Sniper. A non-target guard armed with a Combat Shotgun will be standing by two Landstalkers parked nearby.

Note: There is a $10,000 bonus on this contract. In the middle walkway between the two towers there is a sports bag that contains the money (presumably for the deal). To get the cash, simply walk up to the bag. Be warned, this disappears after killing an undetermined amount of enemies.

Taken Out[]

Target: 1

Non-target Enemies: 7

Weapon Provided: SMG

Reward: $3000

The target is moving in a convoy located near the Kakagawa Building in Alderney City. The convoy consists of a Stretch and two Huntley Sports. The target is one of passengers riding in the rear of the Stretch. Both the target and the guards will be armed with MP5s.


When the player succeeds in completing all his assassinations, Niko contacts The Fixer about his success in the last assassination mission:

It is now time to collect from the client.
The Fixer:
You've done good brother. Cleared a lot of files from my desk. Can't use you no more though. A man loses taste for this kind of work after a time. I can't run that risk with a partner.
I understand. This is not the type of thing you want to develop a taste for.
The Fixer:
Be cool, brother. Keep your senses alert and you might make retirement. Not many in this game cross that line. So long.
— Final conversation

The player is awarded the Achievement/Trophy "Assassin's Greed", which is a reference to the Ubisoft franchise Assassin's Creed.

Video Walkthrough[]


  • The targets encountered in the mission can be randomly selected from various gangs, these include The Lost MC, The Angels of Death, Northwood Dominican Drug Dealers, Triads, Russian Mafia, and Skinheads.
  • These missions are referred to in the game files under the name "High-End Assassin".
  • The mission name Hook, Line and Sinker is a reference to the common phrase of the same name.
  • When Fixer texts Niko to remind him that he can be given jobs (like other characters who give the player jobs), he shows up as "Unknown" instead of "Fixer".
  • After completing Taken Out, if the player hasn't chosen to destroy the vehicles, but instead just killed the target, the gunners from the SUVs can still shoot at the player. It is unknown if this is an intended behavior, a glitch or an oversight from the game developers.


[ ve ]Missions in Grand Theft Auto IV
IntroductionThe Cousins Bellic
Roman Bellic RomanBellic-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1It's Your Call | Three's a Crowd
Part 2Bleed Out | Easy Fare | Jamaican Heat
Part 3Uncle Vlad | Crime and Punishment
Part 4Logging On
Part 5Roman's Sorrow
Karen Daniels
(Michelle) Michelle-GTAIV-RadarIcon
First Date
Jacob Hughes
(Little Jacob) LittleJacob-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Concrete Jungle
Part 2Shadow
Vladimir Glebov VladimirGlebov-GTAIV-RadarIconBull in a China Shop | Hung Out to Dry | Clean Getaway | Ivan the Not So Terrible
Mikhail Faustin MikhailFaustin-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Do You Have Protection? | Final Destination | No Love Lost
Part 2Rigged to Blow
Dimitri Rascalov DimitriRascalov-GTAIV-RadarIconThe Master and the Molotov | Russian Revolution
Brucie Kibbutz BrucieKibbutz-GTAIV-RadarIconSearch and Delete | Easy as Can Be | Out of the Closet | No. 1
Manny Escuela MannyEscuela-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Escuela of the Streets | Street Sweeper
Part 2The Puerto Rican Connection
Elizabeta Torres ElizabetaTorres-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Luck of the Irish | Blow Your Cover
Part 2The Snow Storm | Have a Heart
Patrick McReary PatrickMcReary-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Harboring a Grudge | Waste Not Want Knots | Three Leaf Clover
Part 2Undertaker
Gerald McReary GeraldMcReary-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Actions Speak Louder than Words | I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle
Part 2I'll Take Her | Ransom | She's a Keeper | Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend
Mallorie BardasHostile Negotiation
Francis McReary FrancisMcReary-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Call and Collect | Final Interview | Holland Nights | Lure
Part 2Blood Brothers
Trey Stewart
(Playboy X) PlayboyX-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Deconstruction for Beginners | Photo Shoot
Part 2The Holland Play
Dwayne Forge DwayneForge-GTAIV-RadarIconRuff Rider | Undress to Kill
United Liberty Paper UnitedLibertyPaper-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Wrong is Right | Portrait of a Killer | Dust Off | Paper Trail
Part 2That Special Someone
Ray Boccino RayBoccino-GTAIV-RadarIconA Long Way to Fall | Taking In the Trash | Meltdown | Museum Piece | No Way on the Subway | Late Checkout | Weekend at Florian's
Derrick McReary DerrickMcReary-GTAIV-RadarIconSmackdown | Babysitting | Tunnel of Death
Bernie Crane BernieCrane-GTAIV-RadarIconHating the Haters | Union Drive | Buoys Ahoy
Phil Bell PhilBell-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Truck Hustle
Part 2Catch the Wave | Trespass | To Live and Die in Alderney
Jimmy Pegorino JimmyPegorino-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Part 1Pegorino's Pride | Payback
Part 2Flatline | Pest Control
Part 3One Last Thing
Jon Gravelli JonGravelli-GTAIV-RadarIconEntourage | Dining Out | Liquidize the Assets
Deal Deal-GTAIV-RadarIconIf the Price is Right | Mr. & Mrs. Bellic | A Revenger's Tragedy
Revenge Revenge-GTAIV-RadarIconA Dish Served Cold | Mr. & Mrs. Bellic | Out of Commission
Wade Johnson
(The Fixer) TheFixer-GTAIV-RadarIcon
Water Hazard | Dead End | Migration Control | Derelict Target | Balling Out for Good | Hook, Line and Sinker | R.U.B. Down | Industrial Action | Taken Out
Side MissionsRoman's Taxi Driver | Little Jacob's Drug Delivery | Brucie's Races | Random Characters | Exotic Exports | Stevie's Car Thefts | Most Wanted | Vigilante
Missions in GTA IV | Missions | Storyline missions | Side missions | Category:Beta missions
Crossover missions:
The Lost and Damned | The Ballad of Gay Tony | The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony