The Brute Force File is the finale for The Brute Force File, featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of Agents of Sabotage update.
After completing all three preparation missions, The Brute Force File will be available for the player on the Darnell Inc. app. Upon starting the mission, the player, wearing the infiltration uniform, must get the military vehicle they have previously stashed and head to Fort Zancudo.
Arriving at the Fort Zancudo gates, the security will let the player enter the base, where they must park the vehicle next to the hangar and avoid getting attention from the military personnel. The player must walk towards the guard and show him elevator passkey for him to allow access to the hangar. Inside the hangar, the player must use the passkey on the elevator to get access to the underground hangar.

While in the underground hangar, the player is not allowed to access the loading bay where the Future Shock Scarab is stored. Jodi and Pavel suggests the player to avoid being spotted by the military soldiers' cone of vision. If the player alerts the guards, they will shoot on sight, making it difficult to locate the loading bay.
Arriving at "Area A", the guards will be immediately alerted and the alarm will be triggered. Locating the loading bay, the player must use the keypad to open the door through a hacking minigame, revealing the Future Shock Scarab inside. The player must enter the vehicle, use the override key to get full control of it, and escape the underground hangar with the vehicle.

Upon reaching the exit, the player will be at the Lago Zancudo dirt tracks, outside of the military base, although still being chased by the military. The player must deliver the vehicle to the buyer at a random location to complete the mission.
Bonus Reward[]
The player will receive an additional bonus reward of $50,000 for the completion of The Brute Force File with the following requirements:
- Reach the base in 5 minutes
- Enter Area A undetected
- Destroy 5 vehicles with the Scarab
Video Walkthrough[]