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For other appearances, see Taxi Driver.

Taxi Driver is a taxi-based side mission available in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.


The player can earn money by delivering pedestrians to their predetermined destination within a time limit. Starting the mission lights up the taxi's roof-mounted sign encouraging nearby pedestrians to flag the player's taxi down. Once a pedestrian enters the vehicle, the destination is displayed on screen and is marked by a blip on the radar and a colored marker at the destination itself. The allotted time given is calculated roughly from the distance to the destination, and an additional 30 seconds (10 seconds for other 3D Universe games) is granted upon completing a fare to find another one. If the player runs out of time, exits the vehicle, or damages their vehicle too badly, the passenger will flee, ending the mission. Although missing rear doors save disembark/embark time, spending the time detouring to a Pay 'n' Spray en-route can be a valuable restoration investment when the cab becomes difficult to control or before it begins to reject new fares.

A "tip meter" is displayed which rewards players for delivering fares quickly and safely and punishes them for driving recklessly or taking too long.

If the taxi becomes too damaged while carrying a passenger, the passenger will leave the vehicle but the mission will not end in failure. Instead, the game will add some time to the clock which will, presumably, be enough to get to a Pay 'n' Spray, after which the mission resumes.

Moreover, in this game, aside from the typical dropping off of fares at a destination of choice, other scenarios are possible. Occasionally, a passenger may want to be dropped off at multiple locations, so it is not the typical drive just from point A to point B. Sometimes, a car may be spawned by the game as soon as a fare enters the cab, and it must be followed to its destination. As long as it is properly followed (by not spooking the driver), this is the most rewarding scenario in terms of money. Also, sometimes a criminal will ask to be dropped off at a location, which they are to rob, after which they must be taken to another destination in order to escape (meanwhile the player will have to deal with a two star wanted level, but it gets removed as soon as the fare reaches the escape location).


Vice City Mainland[]

Vice City Mainland Taxi Driver mission drop-off points

Destinations (places where passengers will be dropped off)[]

In-game text (destinations showed in the game)[]



Ammu-Nation Ammu-Nation Downtown
King Knuts King Knuts Downtown
King Knuts King Knuts Little Haiti
Le Singe d'Arbre Le Singe d'Arbre Little Haiti
Guano's Cafe Guano's Cafe Little Havana
Beachcomber Hotel Beachcomber Hotel Viceport
Verdi Supermarket Verdi Supermarket Little Havana
Miamta Cinema Miamta Cinema Little Havana
Terminal A Terminal A Escobar International Airport
Terminal B Terminal B Escobar International Airport
VIP Terminal VIP Terminal Escobar International Airport
Hyman Memorial Stadium Stadium Downtown
Downtown Police Station Vice City Police Department Downtown
West Haven Community Healthcare Center Hospital Little Havana
Needle Trax Needle Trax Downtown
KLÜNT Klunt Little Haiti
Pay 'n' Spray Pay N Spray Little Haiti
Sunshine Autos Sunshine Autos Little Havana
Pay 'n' Spray Pay N Spray Viceport

Vice City Beach[]

Vice City Beach Taxi Driver mission drop-off points

Destinations (places where passengers will be dropped off)[]

In-game text (destinations showed in the game)[]



Ammu-Nation Ammu-Nation Ocean Beach
Mal Viento Mal Viento Vice Point
The Well Stacked Pizza Co. The Well Stacked Pizza Vice Point
Malibu Club Malibu Vice Point
Mansion in Prawn Island Mansion Prawn Island
Fidl FIDL Washington Beach
Cafe Cafe Ocean Beach
Washington Beach Fairground Fun Fair Washington Beach
Leaf Links Golf Club Leaf Links
Interglobal Films Inter Global Film Prawn Island
The North Point Mall Vice Point Mall Vice Point
Shady Palms Hospital Shady Palms Hospital Vice Point
Vice Point Police Station Vice City Police Department Vice Point
Washington Beach Police Station Vice City Police Department Washington Beach
Ocean View Hospital Ocean View Hospital Ocean Beach
Pay 'n' Spray Pay N Spray Vice Point
Pay 'n' Spray Pay N Spray Ocean Beach


  • All taxis gain boost jump ability (50 fares or $5,000 cash made).



See Also[]


[ ve ]Missions in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Jerry Martinez Radar-JerryMartinezIcon-GTAVCSCleaning House | Conduct Unbecoming
Phil Cassidy Radar-PhilCassidyIcon-GTAVCS
Part 1Cholo Victory | Boomshine Blowout | Truck Stop
Part 2Marked Men
Marty Jay Williams Radar-MartyJayWilliamsIcon-GTAVCSShakedown | Fear the Repo | Waking Up the Neighbors | O, Brothel, Where Art Thou? | Got Protection?
Louise Cassidy-Williams Radar-LouiseCassidyWilliamsIcon-GTAVCS
Part 1When Funday Comes | Takin' Out the White-Trash
Part 2D.I.V.O.R.C.E. | To Victor, the Spoils
Part 3Hose the Hoes | Robbing the Cradle
Lance Vance Blips-GTAVCS-Plane Radar-LanceVanceIcon-GTAVCS
Part 1Jive Drive | The Audition
Part 2Caught as an Act | Snitch Hitch | From Zero to Hero | Brawn of the Dead | Blitzkrieg
Part 3Turn on, Tune in, Bug out
Part 4Taking the Fall | White Lies | Where it Hurts Most
Part 5Blitzkrieg Strikes Again | Lost and Found
Part 6Light My Pyre
Umberto Robina Radar-UmbertoRobinaIcon-GTAVCSNice Package | Balls | Papi Don't Screech | Havana Good Time
Bryan Forbes Radar-BryanForbesIcon-GTAVCS
Part 1Money for Nothing
Part 2Leap and Bound | The Bum Deal
Mendez Brothers Radar-MendezBrothersIcon-GTAVCS
Part 1The Mugshot Longshot | Hostile Takeover | Unfriendly Competition | High Wire
Part 2Burning Bridges
Reni Wassulmaier Radar-ReniWassulmaierIcon-GTAVCS
Part 1Accidents Will Happen | The Colonel's Coke | Kill Phil | Say Cheese | Kill Phil: Part 2
Part 2So Long Schlong | In the Air Tonight
Gonzales Radar-GonzalezIcon-GTAVCS
Part 1Home's on the Range | Purple Haze
Part 2Farewell To Arms
Ricardo Diaz Radar-RicardoDiazIcon-GTAVCS
Part 1Steal the Deal | The Exchange
Part 2Domo Arigato Domestoboto
Part 3Over the Top | Last Stand *
Side MissionsParamedic | Vigilante | Firefighter | Taxi Driver | Phil's Shooting Range | Swinger's Club | Air Rescue | Crims On Wings | Skywolf | Playground on the Town | Playground on the Point | Crash! | Sanchez Time Trials | BMX Time Trials | Quadbike Time Trials | Watersports | Mashin' up the Mall | Fire Copter | Protection Racket | Loan Shark | Prostitution | Drug Running | Smuggling | Robbery | Land, Sea And Air Ace | Beach Patrol | Civil Asset Forfeiture Impound | Haiti Hover Race | Harbor Hover Race | Turismo | Vice Sights
PS2 onlyCaddy Daddy | Crims On Water Wings | Hyman Memorial O.D.T. | Playground on the Park | Playground on the Dock | Rush!
Missions in GTA Vice City Stories | Missions | Beta Missions | Side Missions (Category)
* denotes the final story mission.