Steering the Vote is a mission in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories given to protagonist Toni Cipriani by media tycoon and businessman Donald Love from the Jefferson Street Credit Union Building in Torrington, Staunton Island, Liberty City.
Toni drops by Love's in-construction building in Bedford Point, with Love informing Toni that the vote between him and Miles O'Donovan is going down to the wire. Love tells Toni to go out and campaign for him, using a Campaign Van outside. Toni enters the campaign van, and drives to various marginal vote areas, campaigning for Love. Toni goes against two vans driving campaigning for O'Donovan, and eventually gains five marginal areas. Toni then destroys the two O'Donovan campaign vans to complete the mission.
Marginal Voting Areas[]
- In front of the Liberty Campus courtyard.
- In front of the Liberty City Memorial Stadium in Aspatria.
- Near the Staunton Cafe.
- Near the Belleville Mall.
- In front of the Newport Ammu-Nation.
- In front of the Court House in Belleville Park.
- In the theater district.
- Southeast of the Tw@ Internet Cafe in Torrington.
- North of Phil Cassidy's Fully Cocked Gun Shop.
- Two or more drivers of vans campaigning for Miles O'Donovan - Killed by Toni Cipriani in order to take out the competition from getting anymore marginal voting areas for Miles O'Donovan.
The reward for completing the mission is $1,500 ($1,700 if the player grabs all 9 vote areas) and unlocks the mission Cam-Pain for Donald Love.
Video Walkthrough[]
- O'Donovan's supporters' vans have a very low amount of health during this mission – just two or three crashes into them will make them catch fire and explode.
- There are unused voice lines for O'Donovan's supporters in the game files.
- Toni will shout these random lines each time the player passes one of the marginal areas:
- O'Donovan has three wives!
- Who ate all the pies? O'Donovan!
- O'Donovan is a junkie!
- O'Donovan believes in compulsory buggery!
- O'Donovan's a communist!
- O'Donovan dresses in his daughters' underwear!
- O'Donovan gets naked with hogs!
- O'Donovan hates America!
- Love won't tax the wealthy!
- Vote Love for pathology classes in schools!
- Donald Love believes in morgue access for all!
- Donald Love is a war hero!
- A vote for Love is a vote for happiness!
- Donald Love: tough on vegetarian!