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GTA Wiki

The Statistics available to the player in the Pause Menu in Grand Theft Auto III.

Player Stats[]

Criminal Rating: (score)
Stat Notes.
Percentage completed /100%
Mission attempts
Missions Passed out of 73
Rampages passed out of 20
Hidden Packages found out of 100
Unique jumps completed out of 20
Days passed in game
People you've wasted
People wasted by others
Cars exploded
Times Busted
Hospital visits
Gang members wasted
Criminals wasted
Helicopters destroyed
Kgs of explosives used
Best Turismo time in secs
Patriot Playground in secs
A Ride in the Park in secs
Gripped! in secs
Multistorey Mayhem in secs
Longest flight in Dodo
Best time for bomb defusal
Cars crushed
Bling-bling Scramble:
  • Most Checkpoints
Gang cars totalled:
Dist. travelled on foot (miles)
Dist. travelled by car (miles)
Mm rain fallen
Max. INSANE Jump dist. (ft)
Max. INSANE Jump height (ft)
Max. INSANE Jump flips
Max. INSANE Jump rotation
Best INSANE stunt so far: Insane Stunt/Double/Triple/Perfect
Passengers dropped off
Cash made in taxi
People saved in an Ambulance
Highest Paramedic Mission level
Criminals killed on Vigilante Mission
Total fires extinguished
Daily police spending


[ ve ]Grand Theft Auto III
LocationsLiberty City (Portland | Staunton Island | Shoreside Vale)
CharactersClaude | Catalina | Asuka Kasen | Maria Latore | Salvatore Leone | Toni Cipriani | Joey Leone | Luigi Goterelli | Donald Love | Ray Machowski
ContentVehicles | Weapons | Safehouses | Gangs | Radio Stations | Trailers
Information100% Completion | Achievements/Trophies | Statistics | Hidden Packages | Rampages | Unique Stunt Jumps | Cheats