Spray'n'go is an automobile repair business, established in 1977, and based in Vice City. It has only one location, under the Sunshine Autos showroom in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and is only available for business once the property is purchased. It functions similar to Pay 'n' Spray, i.e. re-spraying, replacing the engine, and repairing body damage. Even though the garage is owned by Tommy Vercetti, he still has to pay the usual $100 fee to repair his vehicle and/or to lose his wanted level.
- A strange glitch may occur if the player has a wanted level of 3 or more stars and they try to use the Spray'n'go while there are policemen on the roof of the spray shop. If one of the policemen tries to drop a Spike Strip, it will fall through the roof and appear on the floor inside the Spray'n'go garage.