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GTA Wiki
GTA Wiki
"Shotgun" redirects here. For the weapon class, see Shotguns.
Standard shotgun ideal for short-range combat. A high-projectile spread makes up for its lower accuracy at long range.
Grand Theft Auto V description on Ammu-Nation and Social Club.

The Pump Shotgun is a shotgun appearing in all Grand Theft Auto games since Grand Theft Auto 2. It is simply referred to as the Shotgun in the 3D Universe titles. It is manufactured by Remington[1] in Grand Theft Auto III and by Shrewsbury in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.


Grand Theft Auto 2[]

The shotgun in Grand Theft Auto 2 is used by Special Agents and members of the Zaibatsu Corporation (in the Residential District) and the Russians if their hatred towards the player is high enough. The shotgun bears some resemblance to a Mossberg 500 with a pistol grip and no stock.

3D Universe[]

Beautiful gun, this one. I've got lots of guns. Then again, I'm a collector and never use them on people, unless they ask for it. Guns really are like works of art and should be kept on the wall or in the hands of sensible people who know how to handle them, like contract killers.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Website.

In Grand Theft Auto III, the shotgun's in-game model is a Remington 870, with a Police Folding Stock. While obscured in Grand Theft Auto Advance, the shotgun icon from GTA III was reused for GTA Advance, implying that the shotgun in GTA Advance is similar to that of GTA III. For Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, it is modeled after a wooden Ithaca 37. For Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, it is based on a double-barreled over-and-under shotgun; however, it functions like a normal pump-action shotgun.

Grand Theft Auto IV[]

In Grand Theft Auto IV, the Pump Shotgun is an Ithaca Model 37 Stakeout, though is based on the Auto Hardball Model 870 Airsoft variant. Its design is similar to the Stubby Shotgun. The shotgun holds eight shells, despite the real-life inspiration only capable of holding four, due to the tube's length.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars[]

One shell from this single-barreled gentleman's firearm should provide enough punch to knock anyone down.
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars description.

The Shotgun, based on its HUD icon, combines the general appearance of the GTA IV iteration, with the wooden detailings of the 3D Universe ones.

Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

The Pump Shotgun in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online is modeled after the Mossberg 590, with several modified parts such as the pistol grip housing that accepts AR-15 pistol grips, and the stock that accepts M4-styled stocks, which in this case, is the Magpul MOE stock.

The weapon is reminiscent of the Combat Shotgun from The Lost and Damned, as both have pistol grips and features M4-styled stocks. Its pump handle features Picatinny rails on the sides for attachments.


3D Universe[]

A unique quality attributed to the shotgun is that it fires several projectiles at once, and at close range two accurate spreads will destroy most non-bulletproof vehicles. The shotgun pellets can also knock down enemies. A large disadvantage with this shotgun is that the player cannot run with it (however, that is not the case in the Stories games). Also, the pump mechanism has a rather slow rate of fire, so it cannot be used effectively against multiple enemies.

Being a powerful weapon yet easy to obtain, it is one of the best weapons as a start-up.

3D Universe Overview[]

Weapon Statistics - 3D Universe
Damage Fire Rate [?] Range
(m / ft)
Ammo Specifications/
Reload Mechanism Reload Speed
100 (x5) (500) (GTA III)

80 (x3) (240) (GTA Vice City)

250 (GTA Vice City) 40 / 131 (GTA Vice City) 1 (GTA Vice City) N/A 450 (GTA Vice City)

50 RPM

Vice City:
82 RPM (standing)
55 RPM (crouched) 106 RPM [?]

San Andreas:
'Poor' skill:
53 RPM
56 RPM (standing)
53 RPM (crouched)

Liberty City Stories & Vice City Stories:
82 RPM

Cannot be determined Single shell Pump Handle N/A

Grand Theft Auto IV[]

The Pump Shotgun is generally slower to use compared to the Combat Shotgun and takes some time for pumping the weapon (roughly 1.5 seconds). However, it is more powerful than the former; it can kill any target with one shot (even fully healthy, fully armored ones at point blank). This is a one-hit kill at close range on any part of the body. Its range is slightly lower than the Combat Shotgun and holds eight shells.

GTA IV Overview[]

Weapon Statistics - Grand Theft Auto IV
(per shot)
Fire Rate [?] Range
(m / ft)
Ammo Specifications/
Reload Mechanism Reload Speed [?]
1233 35 / 115 8 N/A 2933
In-game Statements / Markings
Lethal (Close range) 50 RPM

80 RPM [?]
60 RPM [?]

Cannot be determined 8 independent shells Pump Handle 2.9 seconds

Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

Being a standard-issue weapon for the law enforcement, the Pump Shotgun has balanced stats to make it ideal for close-quarter encounters, having good damage, decent accuracy and low fire rate, as well as short range. The weapon performs very good at early stages of the game, but it is easily outclassed by other shotguns, especially in terms of firepower.

Being a standard shotgun, it has fewer attachment options; a flashlight that provides illumination over dark areas and a suppressor, which reduces noise at the expense of lower damage.

GTA V and Online Overview[]

Weapon Statistics - Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online
(per shot) [?]
Fire Rate [?] Range
(m / ft) [?]
Ammo Specifications/
Reload Mechanism Reload Speed [?]
23.2 (x8) (185.6)

21.8 (x8) (174)
29 (x8) (232)

(75 RPM)
40 / 131 8 N/A N/A
In-game Statements / Markings
N/A 70 RPM

36-45 RPM [?]

N/A 8 independent shells Pump handle 1.76 seconds
Rockstar Games Social Club [?]


Fire Rate/Speed






Clip Size



Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

Rounds GTA V GTA Online (Unlock) Image
Cartridges (16) $8 $24 (Rank 17)
Flashlight (provides ilumination when aiming) $472 $1,750 (Rank 18)
Suppressor (silences but slightly reduces damage and range) $2,437 $12,350 (Rank 19)
Yusuf Amir Luxury Finish $42,250 $42,250
Bone Finish N/A $53,090 (Complete 10 Security Contracts)
Dildodude Camo N/A free (Completed all 6 First Dose missions on Hard Difficulty)
Black Default Default
Army $100 $5,000 (Kill 100 players)*
Green (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $200F $5,250 (Kill 200 players)*
Orange (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $400F $5,500 (Kill 400 players)*
LSPD $600 $5,750 (Kill 600 players)*
Pink (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $800F $7,500 (Rank 50)
Gold (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $1,000F $10,000 (Rank 75)
Platinum (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $1,500F $12,500 (Rank 100)
F Free for players that have the Special/Collector's edition of the game.
* These Tints can also be unlocked by bringing the Pump Shotgun to any Weapon Workshop.

Image Gallery[]

In-game model[]

HUD icon[]

First Person View[]

In-game aiming[]


In the 3D Universe and HD Universe, Police Cars will have a shotgun with five rounds in them, which is added to the player's arsenal once they enter the vehicle. In Grand Theft Auto IV, Police Cars will instead contain a Combat Shotgun.

Grand Theft Auto 2[]

Residential District[]

Industrial District[]

Grand Theft Auto III[]

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City[]

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas[]


Shotgun's locations map

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories[]

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories[]

Grand Theft Auto IV and Episodes from Liberty City[]


  • Can be purchased from the Underground Gun Shops for $1,200, and each additional magazine is worth $100.
  • Members of the Russian Mafia and biker gangs will sometimes have it as a secondary weapon.
  • Used by LCPD officers, NOOSE tactical agents and FIB detectives, although the later two will rarely use it (sometimes, at least one of the four agents per vehicle will use it). It is even more rarer in The Ballad of Gay Tony, as the NOOSE and FIB will replace it in favour of the Automatic Shotgun.





Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars[]

Grand Theft Auto V[]


Weapon pickups map including one Pump Shotgun location in Grand Theft Auto V.

Grand Theft Auto Online[]



  • In the 3D Universe, it is possible to shoot the Shotgun without pumping it. After shooting the Shotgun, jump quickly and the animation of the player character pumping the Shotgun will be skipped. In GTA San Andreas, the player must crouch, shoot while crouching and then stand up, causing the pumping animation to be skipped, though the sound of the pump is still heard.
  • In the 3D Universe, the Shotgun does not need to be reloaded; it just needs to be pumped.
  • In most games of the 3D Universe, the shotgun typically fires three pellets that travel in three visible lines. In the HD Universe, the shotgun more realistically scatters pellets in random trajectories, rather than rigid lines.

Grand Theft Auto III[]

  • The Shotgun is equivalent to the Stubby Shotgun in later GTA games, in that the shotgun shoots five pellets per shell, kills in one shot at close range and can destroy a car in two shots, which makes the GTA III shotgun and the Stubby Shotgun roughly the same in terms of stats.
  • When passing trough the mafia territory after the mission Sayonara Salvatore, the Leone mobsters, now hostile, wield shotguns. Shotguns, highly destructive, can cause a vehicle to explode after two direct hits. This makes it very difficult if not impossible to drive a vehicle in Mafia territories. It also makes certain missions, such as Turismo, almost impossible to complete.
  • In the i.O.S. version, the player can sometimes fire multiple shots without pumping the shotgun by hitting the fire button immediately after firing. If a pedestrian is in range, auto-aim will lock onto it and the gun will fire, skipping the pumping animation. Alternatively, If a pedestrian bumps into Claude or if the player is shot as he is pumping the shotgun, the animation will be skipped, allowing the player to fire again immediately.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City[]

  • In early screenshots and trailers for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, the Pump Shotgun had the same model as the one from GTA III, but it was later changed. It is still hidden in the files, however.
  • In the original PS2 version, the weapon model has a shorter magazine tube.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas[]

  • The Pump Shotgun in GTA San Andreas ejects a shell when CJ fires the weapon, which is illogical, as the shell should only come out once he pumps the shotgun after firing.
  • Before reaching "Gangster" skill level with the Pump Shotgun, Carl fires the shotgun without utilizing the stock.
  • If the cheat code which makes ammo never run out is activated, then the pumping sound will not be heard, although the animation where CJ pumps the shotgun will still be played.

Grand Theft Auto IV[]

  • The Grand Theft Auto IV rendition of the shotgun bears a "MODEL No. 69" etching (alongside another reading "~ 12.GAUGE ~") which is under the other reading.

Grand Theft Auto Online[]



[ ve ]Weapons
By gameGTA VI | GTA Online | GTA V | GTA Chinatown Wars | GTA IV (TBOGT | TLAD) | GTA Vice City Stories | GTA Liberty City Stories | GTA Advance | GTA San Andreas | GTA Vice City | GTA III | GTA 2 | GTA London 1961 and London 1969 | GTA
By game (categories)GTA VI | GTA Online | GTA V | GTA Chinatown Wars | GTA IV (TBOGT | TLAD) | GTA Vice City Stories | GTA Liberty City Stories | GTA Advance | GTA San Andreas | GTA Vice City | GTA III | GTA 2 | GTA London 1961 and London 1969 | GTA
By typeAssault Rifles | Handguns | Heavy Weapons | Melee Weapons | Mounted Weapons | Light Machine Guns | Rocket Launchers | Shotguns | Sniper Rifles | Submachine Guns | Thrown Weapons
By type (categories)Assault rifles | Handguns | Light machine guns | Melee weapons | Rocket launchers | Shotguns | Sniper rifles | Submachine guns | Thrown weapons
By characteristics (categories)Automatic weapons | Bladed weapons | Bullpup weapons | Explosive weapons | Gifts | Machine pistols
By manufacturer (categories)Coil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
RelatedWeapons | Ammu-Nation | Shooting Ranges | Cover System | Drive-By Shooting
Related (categories)Weapons | Weapon businesses | Weapon stores | Weapon classes | Gun clubs | Weapon dealers | Armed vehicles
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto 2
WeaponsPistol | Dual Pistol | S-Uzi Machine Gun | Silenced S-Uzi Machine Gun | Shotgun | Flamethrower | ElectroGun | Rocket Launcher | Molotov Cocktails | Grenades
Car weaponsVehicle Machine Gun | Vehicle Oil Slick | Vehicle Mine | Vehicle bomb
Deleted weaponsInstant Vehicle Bomb | ElectroBaton
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto III
MeleeFist | Baseball Bat
Basic FirearmsAK47 | Pistol | M16 | Shotgun | Sniper Rifle | Uzi
Heavy WeaponsFlamethrower | Rocket Launcher
ExplosivesCar Bomb | Grenades | Molotov Cocktail
BetaLand Mine | Golf Club | Crowbar | Magnum | Silenced Pistol | Silenced Uzi | Minigun
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeScrewdriver | Hammer | Knife | Meat Cleaver | Golf Club | Nightstick | Baseball Bat | Machete | Katana | Chainsaw
ThrownTear Gas (PS2 only) | Molotov | Grenade | Detonator Grenade
HandgunColt 45/Pistol | Colt Python/.357
ShotgunShotgun/Chrome Shotgun | Stubby Shotgun | Spaz 12 Shotgun/S.P.A.S. 12
SMGTec-9 | Ingram Mac 10/Mac | Uzi 9mm/Uz-1 | MP5/MP
AssaultRuger/Kruger | M4
HeavyM60 | Flame Thrower | Rocket Launcher | Minigun
SniperSniper Rifle | PSG1/.308 Sniper
SpecialCamera | Detonator | Car Bomb
BetaAK-47 | Desert Eagle | Grenade Launcher | Land Mine | MP5K | Nail Gun | Silenced Colt | Snub Nose Python | Staple Gun | Steyr AUG | Stun Gun
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeBaseball Bat | Chainsaw | Golf Club | Katana | Knife | Nightstick | Pool Cue | Shovel
HandgunDesert Eagle | Pistol/9mm | Silenced Pistol/9mm
ShotgunCombat Shotgun | Shotgun | Sawn-Off Shotgun
SMGMicro SMG | SMG | Tec9
AssaultAK-47 | M4
SniperRifle/Country Rifle | Sniper Rifle
HeavyFlamethrower | Rocket Launcher | Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher | Minigun
ThrownGrenade | Molotov | Satchel Charges/Remote Explosives | Tear Gas
Consumable ItemsFire Extinguisher | Spray Can | Camera
GiftsCane | Dildo (Short) | Flowers | Vibrator (Short)
SpecialCar Bomb | Detonator | Night Vision | Parachute | Thermal Vision
OtherCrates | Surface-to-Air Missile | Flares
BetaBox (big) | Box (wee) | Land Mine | Hammer | Micro SMG (Uz-1) | Screwdriver | Skateboard | Spade
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto Advance
MeleeBat | Fist | Katana
GunsAssault Rifle | Pistol | Shotgun | Uz-I
HeavyFlamethrower | Minigun | Rocket Launcher
ExplosivesCar Bomb | Grenades | Molotov
Deleted weaponsOil Slick
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeBaseball Bat | Nightstick | Machete | Meat Cleaver | Chisel | Knife | Hockey Stick | Hand Axe | Katana | Chainsaw
ThrownMolotov | Grenade | Remote Grenade
HandgunPistol | .357
ShotgunShotgun | Stubby Shotgun | SPAS 12
SMGTec-9 | Mac-10 | Micro SMG | SMG
AssaultAK | M4
HeavyM60 | Flame-Thrower | Rocket Launcher | Minigun
SniperSniper Rifle | Laser Sighted Sniper Rifle
SpecialCamera | Car Bomb | Detonator
UnusedTear Gas
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeNightstick | Baseball Bat | Butterfly Knife | Knife | Hand Axe | Golf Club | Machete | Katana | Chainsaw | Gaff Hook
ThrownMolotov | Grenade | Remote Grenade
HandgunPistol | Equalizer
ShotgunShotgun | Stubby Shotgun | Spaz 12
SMGScorpion | Silenced MG | Micro SMG | SMG
AssaultAK | Assault Rifle
HeavyFlame-Thrower | Rocket Launcher | Minigun | M249
SniperSniper | Laser Sniper
SpecialCamera | Car Bomb | Binoculars | Detonator
UnusedTear Gas | Land Mine
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto IV, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony
MeleeBaseball Bat | Knife | Pool Cue
HandgunPistol | Combat Pistol | Automatic 9mm | .44
ShotgunPump Shotgun | Combat Shotgun | Sawn-Off Shotgun | Assault Shotgun | Auto Shotgun
SMGMicro SMG | SMG | Assault SMG | Gold SMG
AssaultAssault Rifle | Carbine Rifle | Advanced MG
SniperSniper Rifle | Combat Sniper | Advanced Sniper
HeavyRocket Launcher | Grenade Launcher
ThrownMolotov | Grenade | Pipe Bomb | Sticky Bomb
SpecialCar Bomb | Random Pickable Objects | Parachute
BetaPool Cue | Revolver | Silenced Pistol | Zastava M70
Weapons in GTA IV (Category) | Weapons in TLAD (Category) | Weapons in TBOGT (Category)
The Lost and Damned only. | The Ballad of Gay Tony only. | TLAD and TBOGT only.
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
MeleeNight Stick | Chainsaw | Baseball Bat | Teaser | Sword
HandgunPistol | Twin Pistols | Revolver
ShotgunShotgun | Stubby Shotgun | Double Barreled Shotgun
Submachine GunMicro SMG | SMG
Assault RifleAssault Rifle | Carbine Rifle
HeavyFlamethrower | Minigun | RPG
ThrownFlashbang | Molotov Cocktail | Grenade | Proximity Mine
SpecialCrates | Car Bomb | Detonator | Sniper Rifle
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto V
MeleeAntique Cavalry Dagger | Baseball Bat | Bottle | Crowbar | Fist | Golf Club | Hammer | Hatchet | Knife | Knuckle Dusters | Machete | Nightstick
HandgunsAP Pistol | Combat Pistol | Heavy Pistol | Marksman Pistol | Pistol | Pistol .50 | SNS Pistol | Stun Gun | Vintage Pistol
ShotgunsAssault Shotgun | Bullpup Shotgun | Heavy Shotgun | Musket | Pump Shotgun | Sawed-Off Shotgun
Machine GunsAssault SMG | Combat MG | Combat PDW | Gusenberg Sweeper | Machine Pistol | MG | Micro SMG | SMG
AssaultAdvanced Rifle | Assault Rifle | Bullpup Rifle | Carbine Rifle | Special Carbine
Sniper RiflesHeavy Sniper | Marksman Rifle | Sniper Rifle
HeavyFirework Launcher | Grenade Launcher | Homing Launcher | Minigun | Railgun | RPG
ThrownBall | Grenade | Jerry Can | Molotov | Proximity Mines | Sticky Bomb | Tear Gas (BZ Gas)
SpecialCamera | Digiscanner | Parachute | Remote Sniper
Beta/UnknownAssault MG | Assault Sniper | Crossbow | Fire Axe | Fire Extinguisher | Harpoon Gun | Heavy Rifle | Laser | Laser Sight | Lasso | Lighter | Loudhailer | Programmable AR | Rubber Gun | Shovel | Tear Gas Launcher
ManufacturersCoil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
Related PagesWeapon Wheel | Attachments | Ammu-Nation
DLC Content Weapons
Added as part of the following GTA Online content updates:
Lowriders | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Beach Bum Update
Other Weapons
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Rockstar Games Social Club
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto Online
MeleeAntique Cavalry Dagger | Baseball Bat | Battle Axe | Bottle | Candy Cane | Crowbar | Fist | Flashlight | Golf Club | Hammer | Hatchet | Knife | Knuckle Dusters | Machete | Nightstick | Pipe Wrench | Pool Cue | Switchblade | Stone Hatchet | The Shocker
HandgunsAP Pistol | Ceramic Pistol | Combat Pistol | Double-Action Revolver | Flare Gun | Heavy Pistol | Heavy Revolver (Mk II) | Marksman Pistol | Navy Revolver | Pistol (Mk II) | Pistol .50 | Perico Pistol | SNS Pistol (Mk II) | Stun Gun | Up-n-Atomizer | Vintage Pistol | WM 29 Pistol
ShotgunsAssault Shotgun | Bullpup Shotgun | Combat Shotgun | Double Barrel Shotgun | Heavy Shotgun | Musket | Pump Shotgun (Mk II) | Sawed-Off Shotgun | Sweeper Shotgun
Machine GunsAssault SMG | Combat MG (Mk II) | Combat PDW | Gusenberg Sweeper | Machine Pistol | MG | Micro SMG | Mini SMG | SMG (Mk II) | Tactical SMG | Unholy Hellbringer
AssaultAdvanced Rifle | Assault Rifle (Mk II) | Battle Rifle | Bullpup Rifle (Mk II) | Carbine Rifle (Mk II) | Compact Rifle | Heavy Rifle | Military Rifle (El Strickler) | Service Carbine | Special Carbine (Mk II)
Sniper RiflesHeavy Sniper (Mk II) | Marksman Rifle (Mk II) | Precision Rifle | Sniper Rifle
HeavyCompact Grenade Launcher (EMP | Snowball) | Firework Launcher | Grenade Launcher | Homing Launcher | Minigun | Railgun | RPG | Widowmaker
ThrownAcid Package | Flare | Grenade | Jerry Can (Hazardous | Fertilizer) | Molotov | Proximity Mines | Pipe Bomb | Snowballs | Sticky Bomb | Tear Gas (BZ)
SpecialCar Bomb | Fireworks | Hacking Device | Metal Detector | Orbital Cannon | Parachute
Beta/UnknownAssault MG | Assault Sniper | Dippo | Fire Axe | Fire Extinguisher | Laser | Laser Sight | Lasso | Loudhailer | Programmable AR | Rubber Gun | Shovel | Tear Gas Launcher
ManufacturersCoil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
Related PagesWeapon Wheel | Attachments | Ammu-Nation | Gun Van | Weapon Workshop | Weaponized Vehicles (Workshop)
DLC Content Weapons
Agents of Sabotage | Bottom Dollar Bounties | The Chop Shop | San Andreas Mercenaries | Los Santos Drug Wars | The Criminal Enterprises | The Contract | Los Santos Tuners | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Diamond Casino Heist | The Diamond Casino & Resort | Arena War | After Hours | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | The Doomsday Heist | Smuggler's Run | Gunrunning | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Import/Export | Bikers | Cunning Stunts | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Be My Valentine | January 2016 Update | Festive Surprise 2015 | Executives and Other Criminals | Halloween Surprise | Lowriders | Freemode Events Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Holiday Gifts | Beach Bum Update

Other Weapons
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Rockstar Games Social Club