Sleeping Guard is a Random Event in Grand Theft Auto Online, added in The Cayo Perico Heist update.
A guard from Cayo Perico can appear within San Andreas. This event may occur when the player is near one of the possible locations. The blue dot will be marked on the map for all players in the vicinity as "Guard". The first player that is not in Passive Mode to approach the sleeping guard will be prompted to loot him.
They will find a small key that will be permanently added to the player's inventory and $7,007 directly to their bank account.
The key can be used to unlock a drawer in El Rubio's office. In this drawer, the player will find the Perico Pistol, which can subsequently be obtained from Ammu-Nation stores.
Although the pistol can only be obtained once, the random event continues to occur; if the player already has the small key, passing by a sleeping guard will trigger the small key message again. If the player chooses to loot the guard, they will only receive $7,007. (The amount of money awarded is a reference to James Bond 007, owing to the pistol and other elements of Cayo Perico being inspired by the novel and film The Man with the Golden Gun.)
A player in Passive Mode will be able to see the map dot, but will not get any instructions nor be able to interact with the guard. Once Passive Mode has ended, the instruction messages will appear.
The random event will end after 10 minutes with the guard dying and being unable to be interacted with anymore.