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For those who feel lost wherever they go, this is your soundtrack. Radio Del Mundo.
— Station jingle

Radio Del Mundo is a radio station in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. It is hosted by Panjit Gavaskar and plays Worldbeat music, particularly that of India and Levant.


Song: Preview: Notes:
"Aini Bet Ref" by Ahmed Mneimneh (1981)
This song is missing from the iOS & Android releases.
"Im Nin'Alu" by Ofra Haza (1988)
This song is missing from the iOS & Android releases.
"Hebeena Hebeena" by Farid El Attrach (1974)
"Kidda" by Natacha Atlas (1977)
This song is missing from the iOS & Android releases.
"Neeve Nanna (Only You Were Mine)" by Vijaya Anand (1988)
"Ballaa Tsoubou Hal Kahwa" by Tawfiq Samira Tawfic (1963)
This song is missing from the iOS & Android releases.
"Dum Maro Dum" by Asha Bhosle (1971)
"Raghupati" by Ananda Shankar (1970)
"Ah Ya Zein" by Salatin El Tarab Orchestra (2005)
This song appears exclusively in the iOS & Android releases.
"Marmara" by Michel Nahme (1990)
This song appears exclusively in the iOS & Android releases.
"La Tisalouni" by Mohamed Eskander (2008)
This song appears exclusively in the iOS & Android releases.
"Mariam Mariamti" by Mohamad Hussein (1988)
This song appears exclusively in the iOS & Android releases.



  • The station's name translates from Spanish as "Radio of the World".
  • This is the default station on all Taxis and Cabbies in Liberty City.
  • "Dum Maro Dum" by Asha Bhosle is featured in the multiplayer trailer for GTA Liberty City Stories.
  • All the new songs added in the mobile version are anachronistically featured, as the songs were released in either 2005 or 2008, seven to ten years after the events of the game.

See Also[]


[ ve ]Radio Stations in the 3D Universe
Grand Theft Auto III
Head RadioDouble Clef FMK-JAHRise FMLips 106Game FMMSX FMFlashback 95.6Chatterbox FMMP3 Player
Grand Theft Auto:
Vice City
WildstyleFlash FMK-ChatFever 105V-RockVCPRRadio EspantosoEmotion 98.3Wave 103MP3 Player
Grand Theft Auto:
San Andreas
Playback FMK-RoseK-DSTBounce FMSF-URRadio Los SantosRadio XCSR 103.9K-JAH WestMaster Sounds 98.3WCTRUser Track Player
Grand Theft Auto
Radio Stations
Grand Theft Auto:
Liberty City Stories
Head RadioDouble Clef FMK-JAHRise FMLips 106Radio Del MundoMSX 98Flashback FMThe Liberty JamLCFR
Grand Theft Auto:
Vice City Stories
Flash FMV-RockParadise FMVCPRVCFLThe Wave 103Fresh 105 FMRadio EspantosoEmotion 98.3