“The thing is, we need someone to drive the limo we can trust, cause that nutter keeps making threats!”
“I'm shitin' masel' man. I need ma ma!”
“We're all bricking ourselves, man.”
Tommy Vercetti:
“Okay guys, calm down, I'll handle this. Normally I wouldn't busy myself with driving around a bunch of drunken Scottish bisexuals, but, in your case I'll make an exception.”
The psycho that was believed to be killed by Tommy somehow survived and has placed a bomb in the Love Fist Limo, which will go off if the Limo goes under 50 mph, meaning that Tommy has to drive over that speed for 1 hour and 50 minutes (1 minute and 50 seconds in real time) until Love Fist defuses the bomb in the limo. During the mission, a detonation bar will appear on the top right side of the screen. If Tommy goes beneath a certain speed, it will fill up. If he goes above it, the bar will deplete. If the bar fills up completely, the limo explodes and if it explodes with the player inside, they will be wasted, both of which will end the mission in a failure. When the bomb is defused, Tommy drives Love Fist to their gig and after a cut-scene, the mission is complete.
Mission Objectives[]
In order to complete the mission the player must:
Drive around the city while Love Fist defuses the bomb.
Drive Love Fist to the venue.
The reward for completing this mission is $8,000. The Love Fist limo will also spawn outside the recording studio (except for the original PS2 version).
Mitch Baker: It's Baker. I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the show. Me and the boys want to thank you, and remind you, you got our respect. Good day. Keep riding hard, son.
Kent also reveals that the psycho is threatening the band again.
Jezz also tells Tommy that they'll need someone they can trust to drive their limo for them.
Tommy tells the band to calm down and assures them that he'll handle it.
Before going out, Tommy jokes about driving Love Fist around once more.
Out in the limo, Willy decides that the band should grab something to drink on their way down to the venue. While grabbing something to drink, Willy asks Tommy to put some music on.
While grabbing something to drink, Dick finds a tape and asks Tommy to put it on.
The tape is a recording by the psycho stalker, who reveals that the limo is rigged to blow if it goes slow.
The band asks Tommy to drive around the city while they look for the bomb.
While Tommy drives around the streets of Vice City at high speeds, the band discover a pile of boomshine. After some closer inspection, they realise that the boomshine is the bomb that is wired to blow up if the limo slows down.
After some more time, the band decides that the only way they're getting out of the situation is if they cut one of the wires.
Percy does not agree with this idea and says that he has no idea which wire to cut and jokes that Willy could just drink the boomshine out if he does it with a straw.
After some more time passes, the band keeps arguing about which wire to cut and decide to ask Tommy, who tells them to cut the green one, however Dick hesitates to cut it.
After some more time passes, Dick decides to finally cut the wire.
Dick cuts the wire and after a brief moment of horror, the band realises they're all alive.
After the bomb is defused, the band celebrates by drinking the boomshine that was just about to kill them and blasting V-Rock on the radio.
The mission is based on the 1994 movie Speed, where police detective Jack Traven tries to deactivate a bomb that will blow up if the bus goes less than 50 mph. Coincidentally, Dennis Hopper, the voice actor of Steve Scott, starred in the movie.
The rain in this mission is scripted.
This is the only time in the game that Love Fist are encountered outside of cutscenes.
The bomb seemed to be a set of Boomshine bottles inside the limo's drink cabinet, wired to the engine that would set off if it goes to a stop or a lower speed.
The default radio station at the start of the mission is always Emotion 98.3, and after defusing the bomb, the radio will automatically tune in to V-Rock, regardless if the radio is off or not.
There is a glitch in the PC version of the game, that if the player activates the replay function (F1 key) when the Love Fist members are talking at a certain time, their dialogue will be continued playing in full version in the replay scene, and after the scene ends, they will keep on chatting as normal. It is possible to use this trick to avoid car crashes, speeding down, and will also save a lot of time, thus making the completion of the mission become closer.