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GTA Wiki
GTA Wiki

The Portsmouth is a vehicle in the first Grand Theft Auto.


The Portsmouth resembles a Plymouth Reliant, more specifically the sedan variation, evidenced by the four side windows seen on the car.


The Portsmouth has good speed and good handling, but has low durability.



Main article: Taxi

The Liberty City rendition of the Taxi is based on a Portsmouth.

Squad Car[]

Main article: Squad Car

The Vice City and San Andreas renditions of the Squad Car are based on the Portsmouth.


Prominent Appearances in Gameplay[]


  • The vehicle is named after the English city of Portsmouth, much like the Plymouth brand is named after the English city of Plymouth.

See Also[]


[ ve ]Vehicles
By game
By game (categories)
By type
By type (categories)
By characteristics (categories)
By manufacturer (categories)
Albany | Annis | Benefactor | BF | Bollokan | Bravado | Brute | Buckingham | Canis | Chariot | Cheval | Classique | Coil | Declasse | Dewbauchee | Dinka | DUDE | Dundreary | Eberhard | Emperor | Enus | Fathom | Gallivanter | Grotti | Hijak | HVY | Imponte | Invetero | Jacksheepe | Jobuilt | Karin | Kraken | Lampadati | Liberty Chop Shop | Liberty City Cycles | Maibatsu | Mammoth | Maxwell | MTL | Nagasaki | Obey | Ocelot | Pegassi | Penaud | Pfister | Principe | Progen | RUNE | Schyster | Shitzu | Speedophile | Stanley | Steel Horse | Toundra | Truffade | Vapid | Vom Feuer | Vulcar | Weeny | Western Company | Western Motorcycle Company | Willard | Zirconium | Överflöd | Übermacht | Vehicles with no manufacturer in the HD Universe
RelatedVehicles | Garages | Spray Shop (Pay 'n' Spray | Los Santos Customs) | Driving School | Driving | Carjacking | Bail Out | Drive-By Shooting | Towing
Related (categories)Vehicles | Vehicle businesses | Vehicle dealerships | Vehicle classes | Vehicle mechanics | Armed vehicles
[ ve ]Vehicles in Grand Theft Auto
Sports, muscle and
customized cars
29 Special | Beast GTS | Bulldog | Challenger | Cossie | Counthash | F-19 | Flamer | Hotrod | Itali | Itali GTB | Itali GTO | Jugular | LeBonham | Mamba | Monster Bug | Panther | Porka (Penetrator) | Porka Turbo | Roadster | Speeder | Stallion | Stinger | Stinger Z29
Standard carsBrigham | Bug | Classic | Impaler | Limousine | Mundano | Portsmouth | Regal | Thunderhead | Vulture
SUVs, pick-ups, and vans4 x 4 | Love Wagon | Pickup | Repair Van | Transit Van | TV Van
Industrial trucksJuggernaut | Tanker
Public serviceBus | Coach | Taxi
Government and emergencyAmbulance | Fire Truck | Squad Car | Tank
RailwayTrain (Locomotive | Coach) | Tram
MotorcyclesBike | Superbike
MiscellaneousBoat | Model Car
Beta VehiclesAPC | Breakdown Truck | Unnamed helicopter | SWAT Van | Unnamed tractor truck
Category:Vehicles in GTA | Vehicles in GTA | Vehicles by type | Special Vehicles