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A chain of luxury clothing and accessories stores catering to the kind of elite consumer for whom price, humility and world poverty are no object.
— Description at

Ponsonbys is a high-class clothing brand and retailer featured in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. The player can buy shares of the company on the BAWSAQ exchange index in GTA V.


The brand was first seen in the GTA V Gameplay Trailer. Ponsonbys stores are all accessible to the player, offering several expensive clothing items for purchase, serving a similar purpose to Modo in Grand Theft Auto IV. Non Stop Pop FM is always the radio station inside the stores.

If the player walks into Ponsonbys wearing the Epsilon Robes, the cashier will greet them by saying "Kifflom!", indicating she is a member of the Epsilon Program.



Its name is a play on "ponce", a term for an effeminate man. Based on its logo, name, selling of perfumes and fragrances, and similar store designs, Ponsonbys is likely based on French fashion house Givenchy.

Location Influences[]

  • The Portola Drive location is a rendition of the former David Orgell jewelry store location at 320 N Rodeo Drive. The building was demolished sometime in 2010[1] and replaced by a Valentino store in 2011.

Prominent Appearances in Gameplay[]

Grand Theft Auto V[]


Although Ponsonbys' visible stock indicates they sell suits and more sophisticated clothing, each of the four protagonists have a different selection of items they can choose from in store.

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

In GTA Online, all clothing is available in every other clothing shop, so there is no set Ponsonbys catalog.

Grand Theft Auto V[]

Main article: Ponsonbys/GTA V

Michael De Santa can buy a suit similar to the Mr. Vercetti outfit from GTA Vice City. Franklin is the only protagonist who can purchase neckties in this store.


See Also[]


  1. PonsonbysPortolaDrive-GTAV-RealEquivalent2009-DavidOrgell

    Google StreetView 2009
