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Cheap 11% ABV fighting lager brewed in Germany for export only from rice, barley, hops and the fresh urine of Bavarian virgins.
— Description at

Pißwasser, stylized as PIßWASSER (BAWSAQ: PIS) (English: /ˈpɪsˌwɑsər/; German: /ˈpɪsˌvasɐ/), Anglicised as Pisswasser or Piswasser, is a German export lager frequently advertised on radio and TV in the HD Universe of the Grand Theft Auto series. The player can buy stocks from them on the website in GTA V.


'Wasser' is German for 'water', implying the beverage's literal name is 'piss water', a slang term for cheap, watered-down beer. According to the in-game website, the ingredients include "the fresh urine of Bavarian virgins" (however, the site goes on to say "or so we claim", implying that it might not be as fresh as one would hope). Billboards seen in-game expand the urine references, even going so far as to suggest the bottles contain nothing but urine (perhaps in reference to the urine in Corona beer rumor). The beer's slogan and tagline is: "You're In For A Good Time" ("You're In" being a pun on "Urine"). The quality of the beer is reflected by its second slogan: "Cheap German Lager For Export Only". The Pißwasser badge on bar pumps is labelled "Ü-Rhine" (and the six-crate of Pißwasser that Rockstar sent to UK website CVG Online as a present was labelled in the same way), which is probably a reference to the Rhine river in Germany, as well as another pun on "urine". Pißwasser sponsored Republican Space Rangers in 2008.

Radio and television advertisements for the beer feature variations of a song sung by a stereotypical redneck man with lyrics that portray comically exaggerated effects of alcoholism, including "[giving] a dude head" and "[driving] drunk off a pier". The Pißwasser song largely spoofs Budweiser's anthem, "This is Budweiser, This is Beer", particularly towards the end of the jingle.

In Grand Theft Auto Online, a Pißwasser beer hat becomes available through the special crates as part of the Independence Day Special. It can also be purchased in convenience stores across San Andreas and can be drunk at safehouses.

In Grand Theft Auto VI, Pißwasser appears to be sold at Uncle Jack's Liquor.


The name and commercial branding of Pißwasser is likely based on Budweiser, however the logo and bottle design itself appears to resemble German beer "Perlenbacher". The Pißwasser logo uses the "Delima MT" typeface.

The new ice beer Pißwasser Ice variant seen in Grand Theft Auto Online is a very clear reference to Bud Ice. It features an almost identical logo and colour schemes.

The labels on the bottles are similar to Grafenwalder's labeling.


Image Name Type Primary Real World Equivalent(s) First Appearance
Pisswasser-GTAV-LogoLabel Pißwasser Pilsner Beer Budweiser Grand Theft Auto IV
Pussywasser-GTAIV-PisswasserWebsiteText Pussywasser Light Beer Bud Light Grand Theft Auto IV
PisswasserIce-GTAO-Logo Pißwasser ICE Ice Beer Bud Ice Grand Theft Auto Online
Pißwasser NEIN Non-Alcoholic Beer Budweiser Zero Grand Theft Auto Online


Grand Theft Auto IV[]

There is a small warehouse with Pißwasser signage above the door in Liberty City.

Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online[]

Pißwasser have a large factory in San Andreas:

Slogan & Motto[]

Slogan & Motto Start usage End usage Version
"You're In, For A Good Time" c.2008 N/A Grand Theft Auto IV, GTA Chinatown Wars, Grand Theft Auto V & Grand Theft Auto Online
"Cheap German Lager For Export Only"
"German Fighting Lager For Export Only" c.2013 N/A Grand Theft Auto V & Grand Theft Auto Online


Television Jingle transcript (GTA IV) Radio Jingle transcript (GTA IV) Jingle transcript (GTA V)

"Last night, I think I shit the bed

Got so drunk, I gave a dude head

Life is just a merciful blur

When you pop a Pißwasser

Pißwasser; don't drink it slow

3 a.m., buy some blow

Sleep in the bathroom on the floor

What really matters anymore?

All the crap you do, all day

Who fucking cares anyway?!

Pißwasser; this is beer

Drive drunk off a pier

Pißwasser; drink all day

It helps your troubles go away, yeah yeah

PIßWASSER: Cheap German lager for export only"

"You work your nuts off everyday

A proud American all the way

Life is just a merciful blur

When you pop a Pißwasser

Pißwasser, this is beer

Drive drunk off a pier

I love drinkin' all day long

I beat my girlfriend as I sing this song

Pißwasser: Cheap German lager for export only"

"Wake up the morning, drop a big ol' log

Out here, you ain't got time for nothing fruity like a jog

Marry a fat bitch, and die workin' like a dog!

Cowboys in the heartland, bankers in the city

We love cars, guns and big ol' plastic titties!

Lets grab a case of Pißwasser and drink for the U.S.A.!

Hey neighbors I'm sorry, we're partyin' real butch

Ya oughta speak English if you like it here so much!

Not Spanish, or Chinese, or British, and no fucking Dutch! Fuck the Dutch!

I said yeah, we're gonna keep them illegals out!

Guns and Pißwasser!

Yeah, that's what the party's all about!

Getting real drunk, puking face down

Billying and bobbin' while every kid's in town!

Drinking Pißwasser, fighting, getting real shitfaced tonight! Yeah!

I'm a patriotic American, that's my national right!





See Also[]
