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The Palomino Creek Safehouse is a safehouse available for purchase in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


The Palomino Creek Safehouse is a house in Palomino Creek, San Andreas. The player can use it to save their game progress, change clothes and store vehicles. Sometimes, when storing two larger vehicles (eg. Rancher and Towtruck; Yosemite and Huntley), the one parked on the right side (looking from in front of the garage) may disappear.

This safehouse is ideal for saving a Vortex and use in Beat the Cock! event during swimming portion.



  • Due to a glitch, after exiting the house, CJ will sometimes appear outside facing towards the house, instead of away from it.


[ ve ]Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas safehouses
Main Safehouses (Acquirable)Johnson House | Angel Pine Trailer | Fern Ridge Cabin | Doherty Garage | Toreno's Ranch | Verdant Meadows Airfield | The Four Dragons Casino | Madd Dogg's Crib
Los SantosJefferson | Verdant Bluffs | Verona Beach | Willowfield | Santa Maria Beach | Mulholland
Red CountyBlueberry | Palomino Creek | Dillimore
Flint CountyFlint County Farm
WhetstoneAngel Pine House
San FierroChinatown | Doherty Apartment | Paradiso | Hashbury | Calton Heights | Queens
Tierra RobadaEl Quebrados | Tierra Robada
Bone CountyFort Carson
Las VenturasCreek | Rockshore West | Redsands West | Whitewood Estates | Prickle Pine | Old Venturas Strip | Pirates in Men's Pants | The Camel's Toe | The Clown's Pocket