The No Law Police Station, also referred to as the South No Law Precinct, is a police station that appears in Grand Theft Auto.
The police station is located in No Law, Liberty Island, Liberty City. It serves as a respawn point for the protagonists if they are arrested around this area, despite its destruction during the Gangsta Bang chapter.
Events of Grand Theft Auto[]
In 1997, Vercotti Crime Family supposed leader Robert Seragliano (a.k.a. Bubby) asks one of his employees to hire the GTA Protagonist to kill the police chief, who asked for a "bigger cut" from Bubby.
The protagonist is told to pick up a Tanker loaded with explosives in south Nixon Island, drive to the the Now Law Police Station, and detonate the explosives near the building.
Prominent Appearances in Gameplay[]
- Gangsta Bang - Phone 3 (Destroyed)
Gangsta Bang[]
- Pistol - Located on the north side of the police station.
Heist Almighty[]
- Pistol - Located on the north side of the police station.