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GTA Wiki
This article is about the weapon. For the mission in Grand Theft Auto V, see Carbine Rifles.
Combining long distance accuracy with a high capacity magazine, the Carbine Rifle can be relied on to make the hit.
Grand Theft Auto V description on Ammu-Nation and Social Club.

The Carbine Rifle, often and previously known as the M16 or M4, is an assault rifle appearing in almost every Grand Theft Auto game since Grand Theft Auto III.

In each game, the weapon resembles a member of the M16 military rifle family.


The Carbine Rifle is one of the weapons that had several changes in the Grand Theft Auto series, but retained its rather streamlined appearance compared to the AK-47. The weapon received the same black/dark grey skin, with several details of shades of the same colors. The 3D Universe renditions shared the characteristic carry handle-iron sight attachment (being mostly used on the M4 and other derivatives of the same), while the HD Universe rendition lacked such feature, but still maintaining the streamlined appearance.

Opposed to the AK-47 being mostly used by street gangs, the Carbine Rifle is a weapon of choice of many law enforcement agencies, the military, and high-level criminals, such as the Mafia, drug cartels, and heist crews.

In each game it appears, the Carbine Rifle is generally more powerful than the AK-47.

3D Universe[]

The weapon is based on multiple assault rifles of the same derivative, although most of them received a singular name, being most of the times incorrect in the historical sense.

  • The Grand Theft Auto III rendition resembles an ArmaLite AR-10, judging by the handguard and the overall shape, even though it is called 'M16' in-game. The fact that the AR-10 fires 7.62x51mm ammunition as opposed to the less powerful 5.56x45mm ammo of M4/M16 rifles possibly explains why this weapon was far more powerful per shot than the M4-type rifles of later games, and the 7.62x39mm AK-47. This is a rather odd choice, since the AR-10 is a considerably old rifle that was mostly in service in European countries (Such as Germany, Portugal and Italy) during the 50s and the 60s, and is therefore considerably hard to find in America. The weapon has a 60-round magazine (which was unrealistic at the time of the game's release), even though the in-game magazine model looks like a regular 30-round AR magazine.
  • The Grand Theft Auto: Vice City rendition is modeled after a Colt Model 733, but with the front sight facing backwards. It is called 'M4' in-game (which is not only incorrect for the model, but also anachronistic, as the M4 was not mass-produced until 1993[1]).
  • The Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas rendition reuses the model from GTA Vice City. It is still called 'M4' in-game, which means it is still anachronistic to the timeline (1992).
  • The Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories rendition once again reuses the GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas model. With the game being set in 1998, an M4 would fit, though the name is still incorrect since it is a Model 733.
  • The Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories rendition is modeled after the XM16E1 and named 'Assault Rifle' in-game. Lance Vance again refers to it as an "M4" during a mission, which is incorrect and anachronistic.

Originally, the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City version was modeled after the longer-barreled Colt Model 723, but with the front sight facing the correct direction. The beta model can still be used in the initial PlayStation 2 version of the game, and can be seen in the intro cutscene of the game, as well as in cutscenes for Rub Out and Keep Your Friends Close... in all versions.

Additionally, in a cutscene of the mission Stowaway of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, a government agent is shown holding a Defender Mark 1 Assault Rifle from Manhunt, although the model is using a generic dirt texture.

Grand Theft Auto IV[]

In Grand Theft Auto IV, the weapon is modeled after an M4A1 carbine, titled 'Carbine Rifle' in-game. This version is accurate both in timeline and overall features, including magazine size and appearance. Interestingly, the carry handle has been replaced with an aftermarket drum sight. It also has "Property Of Liberty City Arms" stamped where the magazine release is normally found, probably a reference to the "Property Of U.S. Govt" stamped on real-life government-owned M4A1s in the United States.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars[]

It's 'mission accomplished' every time with this versatile, hard hitting assault rifle. ...The choice of first line infantry operatives.
— Description.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars's rendition is difficult to identify, but it has a full stock and long barrel, and the triangular hand guard as seen on the HUD suggests it is based on the Colt M16A3. However, its overall shape resembles an Armalite AR-10. It has, much like in GTA San Andreas, a 50-round magazine.

Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

The Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online rendition of the Carbine Rifle is based on a mishmash of different AR-15s, featuring almost identical parts (with regards to the lower receiver, especially the magazine well, and also the gas block) that were possibly influenced by the Remington R5 RGP, Honey Badger, SR-25 and Heckler & Koch HK416. The pistol grip seems to be a combination between both Ergo and Hogue grips. The trigger housing is similar to the Magpul Enhanced Trigger Guard. The upper receiver seems to be influenced by the VLTOR MUR-1 upper receiver, with a raised Picatinny rail, similar to the HK416. It also has dual mounted iron sights on the main Picatinny rail. There are also some influences from a Daniel Defense DDM4V7, notably the handguard, which is the Daniel Defense Modular Floating Rail (MFR) 9.0, and complete with an aftermarket buttstock.

In the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC versions of the game, the Carbine Rifle's textures are much more detailed, having stampings and pins on the receiver that are not visible on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions. It is manufactured by the Austrian company Vom Feuer, as seen inscribed in the updated model (which may be again an allusion to HK416 - being an American design produced by a company from a German-speaking country).

As of the Further Adventures in Finance and Felony update, it is possible to add a "Box Clip" magazine, appearing to resemble an A&K 5000-round Airsoft Box Magazine.


3D Universe[]

The Grand Theft Auto III version of the rifle differs from any other variant for how powerful it is: featuring an exceptionally high rate of fire and a 60-round magazine, it is most of the times a one-shot kill against any enemy, and can easily destroy most vehicles with a few bursts, making it arguably the most powerful firearm in the game. One might even compare it to the Minigun, the M60 and the M249 seen in later games. Similarly to the Sniper Rifle and the Rocket Launcher, the rifle can be aimed in first person, resulting in a stationary view with the crosshair on the center of the screen. Due to its incredibly high fire rate, the M16 in GTA III suffers from wild and nearly uncontrollable recoil when being aimed in first person. The weapon can be auto-aimed at enemies and pedestrians by setting oneself on fire and holding the targeting button.

The M4 in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a much less powerful rifle than its GTA III predecessor, and despite still being a one-shot kill in many occasions (such as shooting at the head, legs or the shoulders), it now features a slower rate of fire and a 30-round magazine. On the other hand, the recoil is also much lower this time around, making it useful for more precise shots. Like in GTA III, it can also be aimed in first person.

The Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas version has an even lower rate of fire, and also has considerably less power, only being a one-shot kill weapon if aimed at the head. Even then, it is still highly effective, featuring a 50-round magazine and a smaller crosshair than that of the AK-47, making it useful for more precise and accurate shots. It is nearly recoilless compared to the AK-47 and has a 20 meter range advantage over it. The M4 is outranged only by the Country Rifle and the Sniper Rifle. It does not feature a first person aiming mode like its predecessors did, and neither do any of the following games have it. Depending on the weapon skill, the lock-on range, accuracy and strafe speed increase.

The rifle in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories functions similarly to the GTA Vice City version, having the same power and rate of fire, and the same 30-round magazine capacity. The only difference is that it cannot be aimed in first person.

3D Universe Overview[]

Weapon Statistics - 3D Universe
Damage Fire Rate [?] Range
(m / ft)
Ammo Specifications/
Reload Mechanism Reload Speed
52 (GTA III)
40 (GTA Vice City)
30 (GTA San Andreas)
GTA III - GTA Vice City Stories

90 / 295.2

GTA San Andreas

40 / 131.2 (Lock-on, 'Poor' weapon skill)
45 / 147.6 (Lock-on, 'Gangster' weapon skill) 50 / 164 (Lock-on, 'Hitman' weapon skill) 90 / 295.2 (Weapon)

60 (GTA III)
30 (GTA Vice City)
50 (GTA San Andreas)
N/A 1000
N/A 1800 RPM (GTA III)

625 RPM (GTA Vice City, GTA Liberty City Stories & GTA Vice City Stories)

500 RPM (GTA San Andreas)

Cannot be determined 60-round magazine (GTA III)

30-round magazine (GTA Vice City, GTA Liberty City Stories & GTA Vice City Stories)

50-round magazine (GTA San Andreas)

Charging handle 1 second

Grand Theft Auto IV[]

In Grand Theft Auto IV, the performance of the Carbine Rifle is stellar. Accuracy and fire rate are both high, along with damage. It is highly effective in close to mid range, with accuracy dropping off at long range. Accuracy is even higher when crouched, allowing the player to fire it fully-automatically while being able to reliably hit targets. It has the longest range of any non-sniper weapon in the game. It is not as powerful as the Assault Rifle, but its precision and fire rate still make it nonetheless one of the best rifles in the game. However, because the Assault Rifle deals more damage, a player wielding it can theoretically outgun players with the Carbine Rifle if the former is tap-fired quickly. Thus, using either weapon comes down to a matter of personal choice.

GTA IV Overview[]

Weapon Statistics - Grand Theft Auto IV
(per shot)
Fire Rate [?] Range
(m / ft)
Ammo Specifications/
Reload Mechanism Reload Speed [?]
133 65 / 213.2 (Lock-on)

70 / 229.6 (Weapon)

30 N/A 2066
In-game Statements / Markings
1-3/8 450 RPM

400 RPM [?]
300 RPM [?]

Cannot be determined 30-round magazine Charging puller (In-game model)

Charging handle (In-game animation)

1 second (Standing)
2.07 seconds (Crouched)

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars[]

The Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars version is incredibly powerful, being almost comparable to the one present in GTA III, with a few bursts being enough to easily kill an enemy and destroy a vehicle. Its fire rate is also exceptionally fast, being able to quickly empty its 50-round magazine.

Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

In Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online, the Carbine Rifle is superior and all-round to Submachine Guns, and is more accurate but less powerful than the Advanced Rifle, along with the quick rate of fire, which consumes the ammo quickly. Still, it is a very accurate weapon that can be relied on for any situation.

The Carbine Rifle deals more damage per shot (32) than the Assault Rifle (30), as well as having a better fire rate and accuracy. Nevertheless, both weapons have the same range and variety of attachments, namely grips for increased accuracy and scopes for increased zoom level.

The weapon by default has a 30-round magazine, which can be replaced with a 60-round magazine. In Grand Theft Auto Online, as of the Further Adventures in Finance and Felony update, it can be further upgraded with a 100-round box magazine, offering as much suppression fire as an MG with "Extended Clip" or a Combat MG with "Default Clip", at the cost of a slightly increased reload time.

GTA V and Online Overview[]

Weapon Statistics - Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online
(per shot) [?]
Fire Rate [?] Range
(m / ft) [?]
Ammo Specifications/
Reload Mechanism Reload Speed [?]
16 (25.6)


0.135 (444 RPM) 65 / 213.2 (Lock-on)

120 / 393.7 (Weapon)

30 N/A N/A
In-game Statements / Markings
N/A 445 RPM 65 / 213.2 (Lock-on)

120 / 393.7 (Weapon)

30-round magazine

60-round magazine (Extended magazine)
100-round magazine (Box Magazine)

Charging puller (In-game model)

Charging handle (In-game animation)

Rockstar Games Social Club [?]


Fire Rate/Speed






Clip Size



Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

Rounds & magazine GTA V GTA Online (Unlock) Image
Rounds (60) $36 $108 (Rank 42)
Default clip (30 rounds) Default Default
Extended clip (60 rounds) $262 $9,775 (Rank 43)
Box Clip (100 rounds) N/A $25,550
Grip (more stability, slightly increases accuracy) $330 $4,350 (Rank 44)
Flashlight (provides ilumination when aiming) $375 $2,350 (Rank 45)
Scope (mid-range zoom, slightly increases accuracy) $1,125 $10,900 (Rank 46)
Suppressor (silences but slightly reduces damage and range) $2,037 $12,450 (Rank 47)
Yusuf Amir Luxury Finish $44,750 $44,750
Black Default Default
Army $100 $5,000 (Kill 100 players)*
Green (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $200F $5,250 (Kill 200 players)*
Orange (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $400F $5,500 (Kill 400 players)*
LSPD $600 $5,750 (Kill 600 players)*
Pink (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $800F $7,500 (Rank 50)
Gold (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $1,000F $10,000 (Rank 75)
Platinum (Collector's and Enhanced Edition) $1,500F $12,500 (Rank 100)
F Free for players that have the Special/Collector's edition of the game.
* These Tints can also be unlocked by bringing the Carbine Rifle to any Weapon Workshop.

Image Gallery[]

In-game models[]

HUD icons[]

First Person[]




Grand Theft Auto III[]

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City[]

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas[]


M4's locations map

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories[]

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories[]

Grand Theft Auto IV and Episodes from Liberty City[]





Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars[]

Grand Theft Auto V[]


Weapon pickups map including a Carbine Rifle location in Grand Theft Auto V.

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

  • Can be bought at Ammu-Nation after Rank 42 is reached. The weapon costs $13,000.
    • Alternatively, it can be unlocked if the player owns a MOC with a weapon workshop installed without having a required rank.
  • May spawn during Merryweather Gang Attacks, both as weapon pickups and being used by Merryweather.
  • Alternatively, it can be obtained for free by looting it from dead NOOSE agents and soldiers in Free Mode, but it will be removed from the weapon wheel when the player changes sessions.
  • Spawns at waves 4+ during Survivals, and is commonly used amongst enemies at higher survival waves.



  • The name "Carbine Rifle" used in Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto V is a contradiction in terms, as "carbine" and "rifle" represent two mutually-exclusive categories. A carbine is a firearm with a barrel length shorter than a rifle's or musket's, but longer than a pistol's.

3D Universe[]

  • In the PlayStation 2 version of Grand Theft Auto III, the AR10 has a green aiming cursor, but in the PC, Xbox and mobile versions of the game, the green cursor is replaced by a circle and a dot.
  • The weapon has a different reloading sound compared to the AK-47 and the shotgun. Its sound is closer to that of SMGs
  • The M16 seen in the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas mission Stowaway has what appears to be digital desert camouflage at first glance. However, it actually simply uses the "dirt64b" texture as a placeholder, as it does not have a proper texture in the game files. This is because the weapon's model is a leftover from Manhunt, and the proper texture can be found in the Manhunt game files. This is the case with several other cut weapons found in the GTA San Andreas game files as well, such as the PSG1, Nail Bat (cut from Manhunt as well), and a beta version of the Sawn-Off Shotgun.
    • The digital camouflage would also be anachronistic to the game's 1992 setting, as digital camouflage was not available for U.S. government and military usage until the introduction of MARPAT in 2002.

Grand Theft Auto IV[]

  • Some artworks depict law enforcement officers wielding M16-styled rifles rather than the current M4-styled Carbine rifles, similar to the Grand Theft Auto III iteration of the weapon.
  • Strangely, the M4 in Grand Theft Auto IV has two reload animations. When Niko is standing, he simply pulls the charging handle to reload, but when crouching, he will first exchange magazines before pulling the charging handle. There is no confirmed reason for why there are two reload animations, but it is speculated that it is for balancing reasons, as the player is much more effective while crouched. This oddity is also present on the AK-47 and the Assault Shotgun.
  • In GTA IV, the bottom of the Carbine Rifle's magazine is stamped with the words "Stop Chillin' Start Killin'".
  • The selector switch is incorrectly on semi-automatic, despite the weapons being fully automatic in-game.

Grand Theft Auto V[]

  • There are a few artworks of Michael holding an M4 CQBR with an Aimpoint CompM2 red dot sight and sound suppressor. However, said weapon never appears in-game.
    • Also, other artworks depicts the same weapon without the suppressor or even with a different stock.
  • In the second official trailer, the Carbine Rifle had a different handguard/front design with linear vents, full-lenght side rails (in contrast with the short rails from the current model) and what look like rail cover attachments (which were scrapped in the final version).
    • The Mk II variant from the Gunrunning update in Grand Theft Auto Online has a very similar design, albeit with sectioned side rails instead of full-length rails and slightly tweaked vent design. The rail covers on either side, however, are part of the weapon's model and are not considered actual attachments.
  • When customized with a scope attachment, the iron sights are not removed or flipped down; this is highly impractical as the iron sights would obstruct the viewing field of the scope. This is most likely an oversight by Rockstar. In the updated GTA V for next gen consoles, the sights are correctly flipped down, but only in first person view.
  • Adding the suppressor to the Carbine Rifle seems to convert the barrel into an integral suppressor. This is slightly reminiscent of the AAC Honey Badger assault rifle, which is also an M4 variant that has an integral suppressor.
  • Although the charging handle is obviously seen pulled back while reloading in third person view, in first person view, the charging handle remains static, despite the hands motioning the bolt pull, and the sound of it being pulled playing.
  • In the next-gen version of GTA V, text on the Carbine Rifle refers to the model simply as "Carbine". Inscriptions are also featured on its receiver and charging handle reading its manufacturer and calibre.
  • According to Lester Crest, the Carbine Rifle is favored by LSPD tactical teams.
  • The bolt and barrel are slightly misaligned; the barrel is positioned just below the bolt, which would render the rifle unable to feed.



[ ve ]Weapons
By gameGTA VI | GTA Online | GTA V | GTA Chinatown Wars | GTA IV (TBOGT | TLAD) | GTA Vice City Stories | GTA Liberty City Stories | GTA Advance | GTA San Andreas | GTA Vice City | GTA III | GTA 2 | GTA London 1961 and London 1969 | GTA
By game (categories)GTA VI | GTA Online | GTA V | GTA Chinatown Wars | GTA IV (TBOGT | TLAD) | GTA Vice City Stories | GTA Liberty City Stories | GTA Advance | GTA San Andreas | GTA Vice City | GTA III | GTA 2 | GTA London 1961 and London 1969 | GTA
By typeAssault Rifles | Handguns | Heavy Weapons | Melee Weapons | Mounted Weapons | Light Machine Guns | Rocket Launchers | Shotguns | Sniper Rifles | Submachine Guns | Thrown Weapons
By type (categories)Assault rifles | Handguns | Light machine guns | Melee weapons | Rocket launchers | Shotguns | Sniper rifles | Submachine guns | Thrown weapons
By characteristics (categories)Automatic weapons | Bladed weapons | Bullpup weapons | Explosive weapons | Gifts | Machine pistols
By manufacturer (categories)Coil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
RelatedWeapons | Ammu-Nation | Shooting Ranges | Cover System | Drive-By Shooting
Related (categories)Weapons | Weapon businesses | Weapon stores | Weapon classes | Gun clubs | Weapon dealers | Armed vehicles
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto III
MeleeFist | Baseball Bat
Basic FirearmsAK47 | Pistol | M16 | Shotgun | Sniper Rifle | Uzi
Heavy WeaponsFlamethrower | Rocket Launcher
ExplosivesCar Bomb | Grenades | Molotov Cocktail
BetaLand Mine | Golf Club | Crowbar | Magnum | Silenced Pistol | Silenced Uzi | Minigun
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeScrewdriver | Hammer | Knife | Meat Cleaver | Golf Club | Nightstick | Baseball Bat | Machete | Katana | Chainsaw
ThrownTear Gas (PS2 only) | Molotov | Grenade | Detonator Grenade
HandgunColt 45/Pistol | Colt Python/.357
ShotgunShotgun/Chrome Shotgun | Stubby Shotgun | Spaz 12 Shotgun/S.P.A.S. 12
SMGTec-9 | Ingram Mac 10/Mac | Uzi 9mm/Uz-1 | MP5/MP
AssaultRuger/Kruger | M4
HeavyM60 | Flame Thrower | Rocket Launcher | Minigun
SniperSniper Rifle | PSG1/.308 Sniper
SpecialCamera | Detonator | Car Bomb
BetaAK-47 | Desert Eagle | Grenade Launcher | Land Mine | MP5K | Nail Gun | Silenced Colt | Snub Nose Python | Staple Gun | Steyr AUG | Stun Gun
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeBaseball Bat | Chainsaw | Golf Club | Katana | Knife | Nightstick | Pool Cue | Shovel
HandgunDesert Eagle | Pistol/9mm | Silenced Pistol/9mm
ShotgunCombat Shotgun | Shotgun | Sawn-Off Shotgun
SMGMicro SMG | SMG | Tec9
AssaultAK-47 | M4
SniperRifle/Country Rifle | Sniper Rifle
HeavyFlamethrower | Rocket Launcher | Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher | Minigun
ThrownGrenade | Molotov | Satchel Charges/Remote Explosives | Tear Gas
Consumable ItemsFire Extinguisher | Spray Can | Camera
GiftsCane | Dildo (Short) | Flowers | Vibrator (Short)
SpecialCar Bomb | Detonator | Night Vision | Parachute | Thermal Vision
OtherCrates | Surface-to-Air Missile | Flares
BetaBox (big) | Box (wee) | Land Mine | Hammer | Micro SMG (Uz-1) | Screwdriver | Skateboard | Spade
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeBaseball Bat | Nightstick | Machete | Meat Cleaver | Chisel | Knife | Hockey Stick | Hand Axe | Katana | Chainsaw
ThrownMolotov | Grenade | Remote Grenade
HandgunPistol | .357
ShotgunShotgun | Stubby Shotgun | SPAS 12
SMGTec-9 | Mac-10 | Micro SMG | SMG
AssaultAK | M4
HeavyM60 | Flame-Thrower | Rocket Launcher | Minigun
SniperSniper Rifle | Laser Sighted Sniper Rifle
SpecialCamera | Car Bomb | Detonator
UnusedTear Gas
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeNightstick | Baseball Bat | Butterfly Knife | Knife | Hand Axe | Golf Club | Machete | Katana | Chainsaw | Gaff Hook
ThrownMolotov | Grenade | Remote Grenade
HandgunPistol | Equalizer
ShotgunShotgun | Stubby Shotgun | Spaz 12
SMGScorpion | Silenced MG | Micro SMG | SMG
AssaultAK | Assault Rifle
HeavyFlame-Thrower | Rocket Launcher | Minigun | M249
SniperSniper | Laser Sniper
SpecialCamera | Car Bomb | Binoculars | Detonator
UnusedTear Gas | Land Mine
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto IV, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony
MeleeBaseball Bat | Knife | Pool Cue
HandgunPistol | Combat Pistol | Automatic 9mm | .44
ShotgunPump Shotgun | Combat Shotgun | Sawn-Off Shotgun | Assault Shotgun | Auto Shotgun
SMGMicro SMG | SMG | Assault SMG | Gold SMG
AssaultAssault Rifle | Carbine Rifle | Advanced MG
SniperSniper Rifle | Combat Sniper | Advanced Sniper
HeavyRocket Launcher | Grenade Launcher
ThrownMolotov | Grenade | Pipe Bomb | Sticky Bomb
SpecialCar Bomb | Random Pickable Objects | Parachute
BetaPool Cue | Revolver | Silenced Pistol | Zastava M70
Weapons in GTA IV (Category) | Weapons in TLAD (Category) | Weapons in TBOGT (Category)
The Lost and Damned only. | The Ballad of Gay Tony only. | TLAD and TBOGT only.
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
MeleeNight Stick | Chainsaw | Baseball Bat | Teaser | Sword
HandgunPistol | Twin Pistols | Revolver
ShotgunShotgun | Stubby Shotgun | Double Barreled Shotgun
Submachine GunMicro SMG | SMG
Assault RifleAssault Rifle | Carbine Rifle
HeavyFlamethrower | Minigun | RPG
ThrownFlashbang | Molotov Cocktail | Grenade | Proximity Mine
SpecialCrates | Car Bomb | Detonator | Sniper Rifle
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto V
MeleeAntique Cavalry Dagger | Baseball Bat | Bottle | Crowbar | Fist | Golf Club | Hammer | Hatchet | Knife | Knuckle Dusters | Machete | Nightstick
HandgunsAP Pistol | Combat Pistol | Heavy Pistol | Marksman Pistol | Pistol | Pistol .50 | SNS Pistol | Stun Gun | Vintage Pistol
ShotgunsAssault Shotgun | Bullpup Shotgun | Heavy Shotgun | Musket | Pump Shotgun | Sawed-Off Shotgun
Machine GunsAssault SMG | Combat MG | Combat PDW | Gusenberg Sweeper | Machine Pistol | MG | Micro SMG | SMG
AssaultAdvanced Rifle | Assault Rifle | Bullpup Rifle | Carbine Rifle | Special Carbine
Sniper RiflesHeavy Sniper | Marksman Rifle | Sniper Rifle
HeavyFirework Launcher | Grenade Launcher | Homing Launcher | Minigun | Railgun | RPG
ThrownBall | Grenade | Jerry Can | Molotov | Proximity Mines | Sticky Bomb | Tear Gas (BZ Gas)
SpecialCamera | Digiscanner | Parachute | Remote Sniper
Beta/UnknownAssault MG | Assault Sniper | Crossbow | Fire Axe | Fire Extinguisher | Harpoon Gun | Heavy Rifle | Laser | Laser Sight | Lasso | Lighter | Loudhailer | Programmable AR | Rubber Gun | Shovel | Tear Gas Launcher
ManufacturersCoil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
Related PagesWeapon Wheel | Attachments | Ammu-Nation
DLC Content Weapons
Added as part of the following GTA Online content updates:
Lowriders | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Beach Bum Update
Other Weapons
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Rockstar Games Social Club
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto Online
MeleeAntique Cavalry Dagger | Baseball Bat | Battle Axe | Bottle | Candy Cane | Crowbar | Fist | Flashlight | Golf Club | Hammer | Hatchet | Knife | Knuckle Dusters | Machete | Nightstick | Pipe Wrench | Pool Cue | Switchblade | Stone Hatchet | The Shocker
HandgunsAP Pistol | Ceramic Pistol | Combat Pistol | Double-Action Revolver | Flare Gun | Heavy Pistol | Heavy Revolver (Mk II) | Marksman Pistol | Navy Revolver | Pistol (Mk II) | Pistol .50 | Perico Pistol | SNS Pistol (Mk II) | Stun Gun | Up-n-Atomizer | Vintage Pistol | WM 29 Pistol
ShotgunsAssault Shotgun | Bullpup Shotgun | Combat Shotgun | Double Barrel Shotgun | Heavy Shotgun | Musket | Pump Shotgun (Mk II) | Sawed-Off Shotgun | Sweeper Shotgun
Machine GunsAssault SMG | Combat MG (Mk II) | Combat PDW | Gusenberg Sweeper | Machine Pistol | MG | Micro SMG | Mini SMG | SMG (Mk II) | Tactical SMG | Unholy Hellbringer
AssaultAdvanced Rifle | Assault Rifle (Mk II) | Battle Rifle | Bullpup Rifle (Mk II) | Carbine Rifle (Mk II) | Compact Rifle | Heavy Rifle | Military Rifle (El Strickler) | Service Carbine | Special Carbine (Mk II)
Sniper RiflesHeavy Sniper (Mk II) | Marksman Rifle (Mk II) | Precision Rifle | Sniper Rifle
HeavyCompact Grenade Launcher (EMP | Snowball) | Firework Launcher | Grenade Launcher | Homing Launcher | Minigun | Railgun | RPG | Widowmaker
ThrownAcid Package | Flare | Grenade | Jerry Can (Hazardous | Fertilizer) | Molotov | Proximity Mines | Pipe Bomb | Snowballs | Sticky Bomb | Tear Gas (BZ)
SpecialCar Bomb | Fireworks | Hacking Device | Metal Detector | Orbital Cannon | Parachute
Beta/UnknownAssault MG | Assault Sniper | Dippo | Fire Axe | Fire Extinguisher | Laser | Laser Sight | Lasso | Loudhailer | Programmable AR | Rubber Gun | Shovel | Tear Gas Launcher
ManufacturersCoil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
Related PagesWeapon Wheel | Attachments | Ammu-Nation | Gun Van | Weapon Workshop | Weaponized Vehicles (Workshop)
DLC Content Weapons
Agents of Sabotage | Bottom Dollar Bounties | The Chop Shop | San Andreas Mercenaries | Los Santos Drug Wars | The Criminal Enterprises | The Contract | Los Santos Tuners | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Diamond Casino Heist | The Diamond Casino & Resort | Arena War | After Hours | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | The Doomsday Heist | Smuggler's Run | Gunrunning | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Import/Export | Bikers | Cunning Stunts | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Be My Valentine | January 2016 Update | Festive Surprise 2015 | Executives and Other Criminals | Halloween Surprise | Lowriders | Freemode Events Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Holiday Gifts | Beach Bum Update

Other Weapons
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Rockstar Games Social Club