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The Loonies are a gang that appears in Grand Theft Auto 2.


The gang live in the mental hospital/asylum in Sunnyside which is located in the Downtown District, Anywhere City. Their leader, Elmo, gives Claude Speed missions during the first third of the game in the Downtown District. The gang icon is a yellow winking smiley face. Their appearence is light green, and they always attack the player if their respect is very low.

Gaining Respect[]

Claude Speed needs sufficient respect from the Loonies to attempt their missions. If his respect drops too low (for example, from killing Loonies) they will attack him with a Pistol. To gain Loonies respect, Claude needs to kill Yakuza. Working for Trey Welsh will lower the players faction with the Loonies.

The Loonies make a brief appearance during the mission Gran'pa We Love You! for the SRS Scientists in the Residential District, in which Claude, in order to gain the respect and trust of the Rednecks, must run down and kill three escaped Loonies.


The neighborhoods of Fruitbat and Sunnyside are under Loonie control, while many of their missions take place at the University. They seem to be the weakest gang of the Downtown District, and the second weakest in the whole game, with the Yutes being the weakest. The Loonie HQ, which is a mental hospital, is located in Sunnyside, which is the name of a mental hospital in Montrose, Scotland, which is next to Dundee, Scotland, the city GTA was developed in.

Missions Appearances[]

Grand Theft Auto 2[]



[ ve ]Gangs in the 2D Universe
Grand Theft AutoVercotti Crime Family | Sonetti Crime Family | Uncle Fu's Crime Syndicate | El Burro's Gang | Deever's Drug Squad/Vice Squad | Brotherhood of Jah Army of Love | Hare Krishna | The Army | The Angels | The Mob | Yakuza | Alve's Gang | Paco's Gang | No Chin's Gang | Unnamed Drug Gang | Jimmy the Shovel's Gang
Grand Theft Auto: London 1969/1961The Crisps | Cartwright Gang | Battersea Mods | Football Hooligans | Noles Brothers | Camden Town Gang | Lenny Smith's Gang | Greasers | Rockers | Hans Nemesis' Terrorist Cell
Grand Theft Auto 2Zaibatsu | Loonies | Yakuza | SRS Scientists | Rednecks | Hare Krishna | Russian Mafia | Elvis Impersonators | Yutes | Alma Mater Prisoners | Mad Island Gang