Lester Crest Posted an update
Off the back of a fortuitous golden windfall, I am officially retiring from the garment business. And I think it might be time to upgrade the bungalow.
Lester Crest Posted an update
Nothing like getting together with old friends to stick it to the government...
Lester Crest Posted an update
More labor disputes at the factory and all manufacturing on hold indefinitely. Again. Heaven forbid anything actually gets made in this country!
Lester Crest Posted an update
The Sandy Shores motel I'm staying in is worse than a Cambodian prison cell.
Lester Crest Posted an update
Looks like I'm taking a trip to the seaside. And by seaside, I mean a toxic stagnant lake in the middle of the desert.
Lester Crest Posted an update
Oh dear. How are Façade going to steal all our private data without their Head of Product Development?
Lester Crest Posted an update
What a buy Debonaire Cigarettes stock turned out to be. You never know.
Lester Crest Posted an update
You leave clowns to do a job, you end up with a circus.
Lester Crest Posted an update
Checking out of hospital early to protect some idiots from themselves.
Lester Crest Posted an update
Back in the hospital again - this wasting disease never gets any more fun.
Lester Crest Posted an update
Lifeinvader's new product certainly exploded onto the market.
Cheryl Maroney Posted an update
Have you been siphoning my text messages again?
Guadaloupe Romero Posted an update
2 men from union asking for boss again
Maurie Lelland Posted an update
Let's jump back on Righteous Slaughter! Are you really only 16? My dad wants to know...
Lester Crest Posted an update
I don't care what anyone says. I still love playing Loot & Wank.
Kanya Suttikul Posted an update
Did you still want me to come over later, baby? 200 roses same as last week.
Niles Harris Posted an update
All you do is talk shit about Lifeinvader but you secretly love it!
Lester Crest Posted an update
It's so hilarious to me how many of you place your blind trust in Anteater antivirus software! It's about as safe as a Honduran street whore. Why don't you just walk around handing out cards with your banking details on them?
Lester Crest Posted an update
Lifeinvader - the perfect storm of information with no content.
Giles Heskell Posted an update
Why do you need social networking when you just read all your friends' emails anyway?
Lester Crest Posted an update
When are these rapacious CEOs going to get their just deserts? End the culture of corporate greed!
Lester Crest Posted an update
If one more person posts something about their lunch I will literally start deleting bank accounts.
Lester Crest Posted an update
I've never seen a larger collection of egos with so little to say.
Lester Crest Posted an update
What are all you people still doing on Lifeinvader? It's a redundant platform built on stolen code!
Lester Crest Posted an update
Ok, which of you young bucks wants to be schooled in the art of first person shooters?