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The Liberty City Police Department (LCPD) is the police department of Liberty City and New Guernsey in Grand Theft Auto.


The Liberty City Police Department is not well known in this release, but it has nine police stations in total, operating in Liberty City and New Guernsey. The eight police stations in Liberty City are in the neighborhoods of No Law, Brix, Estoria, Tellburg, two in Kings and two in Island City, while the other two are in Hackenslash and Eaglewood in New Guernsey.

Like the LCPD in 3D Universe and HD Universe, the officers also use blue uniforms, just the costumes are blue while the hat is navy blue with a badge. As with the SAPD and VCPD they use Pistols. When the player has a four head wanted level they will set up roadblocks and use Machine Guns.


The LCPD is evidently based on the New York City Police Department (NYPD).




Police Stations[]

Liberty City[]

New Guernsey[]



[ ve ]Law enforcement agencies in the 2D Universe
Liberty CityLCPD-GTA1-Logo Liberty City Police Department
San AndreasSAPD-GTA1-Logo San Andreas Police Department
Vice CityVCPD-GTA1-Logo Vice City Police Department | Vice Squad
LondonMPS-GTAL69-Logo Metropolitan Police Service | HerMajestysGovernment-RoyalCoatofArms Her Majesty's Secret Service
Anywhere CityAnywhereCityPoliceDepartment-GTA2-Emblem Anywhere City Police Department
National/UnknownCentral Intelligence Agency* | ATF-Logo Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives | Special Weapons and Tactics | Special Agents | Military | Internal Affairs Division
* denotes enforcement mentioned only
Category:Law enforcement agencies | Category:Police departments