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GTA Wiki
GTA Wiki
Unlock all achievements.
— In-game description

Kingpin is an achievement/trophy in the retired PlayStation 4 version and The Definitive Edition of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.


To acquire this achievement, the player must unlock every other achievement in the game.


The achievement is twofold, as:

  • Per the PS4 and PS5 trophy system, it works as every other PlayStation platinum trophy.
  • Per the Social Club (PS5 and all other platforms), the achievement will unlock only if all other 42 Social Club achievements have been completed in the same playthrough.


[ ve ]Achievements and Trophies in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - The Definitive Edition
Story MissionsAchievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-LegalCounsel Legal Counsel | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-Iron-y Iron-y | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-ChopperdUp Chopper'd Up | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-SouthAmericanConnection South American Connection | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-BakedDistractions Baked Distractions | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-LifeoftheParty Life of the Party | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-SalutationsMyLittleFriend Salutations My Little Friend | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-PrimeRealEstate Prime Real Estate | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-BigHeatfromLittleHavana Big Heat from Little Havana | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-TommyTwoWheels Tommy Two-Wheels | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-Chauffeur Chauffeur | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-ViceViceBaby Vice Vice Baby | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-NotmyFirstTime Not my First Time | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-MischiefManaged Mischief Managed
Side MissionsAchievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-ScouringtheCity Scouring the City! | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-CitySleuth City Sleuth | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-GunforHire Gun for Hire | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-GrandTheftAuto Grand Theft Auto | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-RunningRampant Running Rampant | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-PointAtoPointB Point A to Point B | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-HighQualityH20 High Quality H20 | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-PieGuy Pie Guy | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-SomebodyCalltheWambulance Somebody Call the Wambulance? | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-JustLiketheRealThingJust Like the Real Thing | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-Daredevil Daredevil | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-PutEmUp Put 'Em Up
FreeroamAchievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-Kingpin Kingpin | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-DoneitAll Done it All | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-Borninthe80s Born in the 80's | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-OneisBetterThanTwo One is Better Than Two | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-BullinaChinaShop Bull in a China Shop | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-ViceCityMogul Vice City Mogul | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-CatchMeifYouCan Catch Me if You Can | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-GreasyPalms Greasy Palms | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-KeepieUppyOkieDokie Keepie-Uppy Okie Dokie | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-ImFamous I'm Famous! | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-DontNeedRoads Don't Need Roads | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-BloodstainedHands Bloodstained Hands | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-TaketheCannoli Take the Cannoli | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-Offender Offender | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-RetroLewk Retro Lewk | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-BreakitUp Break it Up | Achievements-GTAVC-DefinitiveEdition-TargetPractice Target Practice