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For the storyline mission with the same name, see Karmageddon.

Karmageddon is a side mission in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.


It can be found at the Fire Station in Belleville Park, Staunton Island after completing the storyline mission of the same name, Karmageddon, for Father Ned at the church confessional. The mission is triggered by entering the northern, or left Firetruck (as you look at the firetrucks).

The mission takes the same premise as the Karmageddon mission, with Toni having to create havoc by targeting the residents of Liberty City in the firetruck. The havoc is recorded on a points meter, with the side mission being completed when the meter is filled. The side mission is successfully completed by filling the meter in under four minutes (precisely in 4 minutes and 1 to 5 seconds based on the last digit of the time when you start the mission) or in a faster time.

Unlike the original mission, Toni is not required to destroy the fire truck afterwards, although in order to play the mission again, a new fire truck has to be obtained at the station.


The havoc caused is a points-meter, with points given for:

  • Running over pedestrians
  • Knocking bikers off their motorcycles
  • Flipping cars
  • Causing cars to do a 180 degree spin
  • Causing cars to do a 360 degree spin
  • Destroying vehicles (usually by rolling them onto their roofs)
  • Smashing three or four vehicles in a row (separate bonuses for each)
  • Sending a vehicle flying in the air
  • Causing vehicles to fly into or roll into water and sink
  • Rolling cars


The monetary reward for completing the side mission is $20 times the time remaining in seconds. If the player finishes it immediately with cheats, they will get at most $4900 if 245 seconds are left. Some Molotov Cocktails are also unlocked and can be found in the alleyway behind the Belleville Park Fire Station.


  • Upon successful completion of this side mission (which can be repeated), any wanted level will disappear.
  • After completing the mission (successful or fail), the player then has the option of triggering the Firefighter mission in the same truck.
  • In order to receive credit for destroying or dunking a vehicle, the fire truck must be within sight. If the player continues driving away at full speed, they do not get credit for the vehicle exploding.
  • Wanted levels are inevitable during side mission.
  • The Fire Truck that triggers Karmageddon respawns immediately once the side-mission starts, to the level can be replayed over and over. As long as the damage bar is filled within the time limit, Toni receives some amount of cash, ranging from only a few hundred dollars for long missions, to close to $3,000 for quick completion, making this an easy way to generate extra cash.


Video Walkthrough[]

See Also[]


[ ve ]Missions in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
IntroductionIntroduction | Home Sweet Home
Vincenzo Cilli Radar-VincenzoCilliIcon-GTALCS
Part 1Slacker | Dealing Revenge | Snuff | Smash and Grab | Hot Wheels
Part 2The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade
Joseph Daniel O'Toole Radar-JDO'TooleIcon-GTALCS
Part 1Bone Voyeur! | Don in 60 Seconds | A Volatile Situation | Blow Up 'Dolls'
Part 2Salvatore's Salvation | The Guns of Leone | Calm Before the Storm | The Made Man
Mrs. Cipriani Radar-MaCiprianiIcon-GTALCSSnappy Dresser | Big Rumble in Little China | Grease Sucho | Dead Meat | No Son of Mine
Salvatore Leone Radar-SalvatoreLeoneIcon-GTALCS
Part 1The Offer | Ho Selecta! | Frighteners | Rollercoaster Ride
Part 2Contra-Banned
Part 3Sindacco Sabotage | The Trouble With Triads | Driving Mr Leone | A Walk in the Park | Making Toni
Part 4Caught in the Act | Search and Rescue | Taking the Peace | Shoot the Messenger
Part 5Rough Justice | Dead Reckoning | Shogun Showdown
Part 6The Shoreside Redemption | The Sicilian Gambit *
Maria Latore Radar-MariaLatoreIcon-GTALCSShop 'til You Strop | Taken for a Ride | Booby Prize | Biker Heat | Overdose of Trouble
Donald Love Radar-DonaldLoveIcon-GTALCS
Part 1The Morgue Party Candidate | Steering the Vote | Cam-Pain | Friggin' the Riggin' | Love & Bullets | Counterfeit Count
Part 2Love on the Rocks
Part 3Panlantic Land Grab | Stop the Press | Morgue Party Resurrection
Part 4Love on the Run
Ned Burner
(Church Confessional) Radar-NedBurnerIcon-GTALCS
L.C. Confidential | The Passion of the Heist | Karmageddon | False Idols
Leon McAffrey Radar-LeonMcAffreyIcon-GTALCSSayonara Sindaccos | The Whole 9 Yardies | Crazy '69' | Night of the Livid Dreads | Munitions Dump
Toshiko Kasen Radar-ToshikoKasenIcon-GTALCSMore Deadly Than the Male | Cash Clash | A Date With Death | Cash in Kazuki's Chips
8-Ball Radar-8BallIcon-GTALCSNo Money, Mo' Problems | Bringing the House Down
Side MissionsParamedic | Firefighter | Vigilante | Taxi Driver | Noodle Punk | Trash Dash | Scrapyard Challenge | RC Triad Take-Down | 9mm Mayhem | Scooter Shooter | Bumps and Grinds | Wong Side of the Tracks | Car Salesman | Slash TV | Well Snacked Pizza | Go Go Faggio | Car-azy Car Give Away | Karmageddon | See the Sight Before Your Flight | AWOL Angel | Avenging Angels | Thrashin' RC | Ragin' RC | Chasin' RC | Low Rider Rumble | Deimos Dash | Wi-Cheetah Run | Red Light Racing | Torrington TT | Gangsta GP
Missions in GTA Liberty City Stories (Category) | Missions | Beta Missions | Side Missions (Category)
* denotes the final story mission.