This mission can be permanently missed in a save file after completing the mission Waka-Gashira Wipeout!, which means that the player should complete Kanbu Bust-out before that mission if they want to achieve 100% completion and unlock all achievements/trophies.
“A Yakuza Kanbu is in custody awaiting transfer for trial. He is a valuable member of the family. Break him out of custody and get him to the dojo at Bedford Point.”
Kenji informs Claude that the YakuzaKanbu has been arrested by the Liberty City Police Department and that Claude will be breaking him out. Claude takes a police car to 8-Ball's bomb shop, getting the car rigged with a time bomb. Claude drives to the police headquarters and parks the car next to the cells, before detonating the bomb. Claude and the Kanbu then steal a police vehicle to escape the police station before changing cars to lose the pursuing police. After losing the police, Claude takes the Kanbu to the Hyaku Dojo.
Mission Objectives[]
In order to complete the mission the player must:
Steal a cop car
Rig the car with a bomb
Okay now go to the police station
Arm the bomb
Get clear of the car
You left your honor with the Yakuza Kanbu. You must protect him
Lose the cops
Now get him back to the Yakuza dojo
The reward for completing the mission is $30,000 and the mission Grand Theft Auto is unlocked.
My sister speaks highly of you, though I'm yet to be convinced that a gaijin can offer anything but disappointment. Perhaps you could help deal with a situation that has me at a disadvantage. Of course, failure has its own disgrace. A Yakuza Kanbu is in custody awaiting transfer for trial. He is a valued member of the family. Break him out of custody and get him to the dojo at Bedford Point.
The use of police brutality is implied, as sounds of a man being beaten can be heard outside the station, and Kanbu's cell has bloodstains on the wall.
The same blood marks are also seen in the bathroom of Apartment 3c in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and underneath the heads of the dead Liberty City Port Authority guards during Grand Theft Aero later in Grand Theft Auto III.
An unused string in the american.GXT file, "KM1_D", refers to Claude being rewarded by allowing him to obtain two bodyguards from the Hyaku Dojo.
After the mission, the wall will remain destroyed and will not be repaired for the rest of the game.