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GTA Wiki
Do you believe in evil?
Dr. Friedlander:
No. No I don't. I'm a man of science. Evil is a construct made by people who wish to indulge childish fantasies, or... by people who wish to judge others.

Dr. Isiah Friedlander PhD is a supporting character appearing in Grand Theft Auto V and a main antagonist in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the continuation of the Los Santos Drug Wars update.

He is a renowned therapist based in Los Santos, and a media celebrity, pharmaceutical corporation owner and psychedelic therapist by 2023.

He is voiced by Bryan Scott Johnson.



With 9 out of 10 residents deeply reliant on some form of therapy or medication, this is the perfect time for a psychiatric evaluation with acclaimed psychotherapist and media personality Dr. Isiah Friedlander at his world-renowned practice on the beautiful Pacific Bluffs coastline. Dr. Isiah Friedlander has been helping individuals, couples and families fill the void since 1987. He has won awards and been seen on multiple TV shows. All you need is a willingness to change and an above average credit score. No insurance accepted.
GTA V Digital Manual

Growing up, Dr. Friedlander was bullied, with girls calling him "pube head" due to his curly hair. According to his website, Friedlander received a bachelor's degree in marketing from the University of San Andreas, Los Santos in 1984 and a doctorate degree in psychology in 1986 from an unknown defunct learning institution. He then began practicing psychotherapy in 1987. He has also traveled frequently in Asia.

Throughout his years as a therapist, he treated both celebrities and criminals, becoming a leading authority in the field of sociopathic personality disorder. In the 1980s, Friedlander helped expose the culture of narcissism in the ganglands of San Andreas and also criticized it for its "overuse of hyphens". He was a regular contributor to a Mount Zonah Medical Center radio show called "Debrief Encounters" before it was cancelled, and was featured on the TV show Rehab Island as a psychological pundit.

A few years prior to 2013, he began treating former bank robber Michael De Santa as he dealt with a midlife crisis, meeting once a week. At some point, he prescribed Michael with medications that caused him to constantly wet his pants, cry, sleep at the dinner table, and howl in the middle of the night. Seeing that this did not help him at all, Dr. Friedlander, who thought he might have gotten the doses wrong, took Michael off of the medications.

Events of Grand Theft Auto V[]

Dr. Friedlander:
Walk-ins are more expensive, but I'm always happy to accommodate.
Sure, you'll accommodate me as long as I got money in my pocket, right?
— Dr. Friedlander and Michael De Santa

By 2013, Dr. Friedlander became one of the most respected and in-demand therapists in Los Santos, at his clinic on the Pacific Bluffs coastline. Michael continues to visit him, in one session blowing up about his life and how he's stuck living in a big house with no one who cares about his problems but Friedlander. Dr. Friedlander tells him to let his rage out, to which Michael acknowledges that he thinks he did.

Some time afterwards, he listens to Amanda and Michael argue about their relationship, but he makes no effort to intervene in any way.

Later in the game (in an optional visit), he tells Michael that he has been offered his own TV show and will be leaving Los Santos. He then informs Michael that he needs to find a new therapist and implies that he is going to use Michael's case on his show. Angered by this, Michael chases after Friedlander. Michael then has the choice to kill him or let him go.


If spared, after some time, Friedlander will send an e-mail to Michael. In the e-mail, Friedlander explains how sorry he is about what he did to Michael, but now he can help more people with his new radio program and TV show. He also says that he values the time spent with Michael and that they should both forget what happened between them and move forward. Michael has the option of replying to the e-mail; if he does so, he will threaten to kill Friedlander should they ever meet again.

The subject of this article or section refers to alternative, non-canonical information.
These events do not relate to the Grand Theft Auto series or its three established canonical timelines, and therefore didn't happen.

If killed, a random amount of money between $2005 and $2300[2] can be looted from his corpse and an Internet article confirms his death. The internet article, posted in the news reel from Los Santos Meteor, reveals that Friedlander published details of Michael's sessions in a best-selling book, (using the alias "Marky De Santos") describing him as an "idiotic, if terrifying and amusingly deluded sociopath". This article still appears even if Dr. Friedlander is spared.[3]

This option was later retconned as non-canon in GTA Online: Los Santos Drug Wars, as Friedlander is still alive in 2023.

End of content containing non-canonical information.

The internet news article mentioning his death will still appear regardless if the player spares him or kills him. This is an oversight, as after some time, he will still post on Bleeter. A similar oversight regarding news reporting optional deaths regardless of the player's choice also happens after Hood Safari, Vinewood Souvenirs - Willy and A Starlet in Vinewood.

Ultimately, Friedlander was either spared by Michael or managed to escape during the car chase after his last therapy session, and became a TV/radio celebrity shortly after.

Events of Grand Theft Auto Online[]

Los Santos Drug Wars[]

I'm sure you know me from my wildly successful TV Special and Radio Show. But deep down, I'm not just a celebrity. I'm a healer. I see our society in terminal catastrophic psychological decline, and only I can help. Only I have the cure. Psychedelic assisted therapy. With a new drug ten times more potent than psilocybin. That's why I founded the FriedMind Pharmaceutical Corporation. To produce the only medicine that can heal a broken spirit. I can rebuild our collective unconscious. With this drug... I can bring peace to all!
— Isiah Friedlander's self-introduction, pre-recorded on cassette tape

Almost a decade after starting his radio program and TV show, Friedlander decided to get in the drug game himself and established the FriedMind Pharmaceutical Corporation, at some point before early 2023.

In 2023, Friedlander has his hired mercenaries raid Fooliganz' Freakshop in East Vinewood in order to abduct the gang's chemist, Labrat.

After a brief investigation, the GTA Online Protagonist discovers the location of the FriedMind HQ in the Eclipse Medical Tower in West Vinewood and rescues Labrat with the help of fellow Fooligan member Luchadora, although Friedlander escapes, after revealing his plans. As Labrat was one of three chemists with a PhD in the specialised field of psychedelics and the other two had refused to cooperate, Friedlander used him, his knowledge and Friedlanders stockpile of 80% of the world's precursor chemicals supplies to create a powerful hallucinogen drug ten times more potent than psilocybin to be used in his psychedelic assisted therapy business. He planned to be a pioneer, and wanted to build a "temple of peace and sanity" in the jungles of South America. As Labrat's mind was too far gone to be of use, Friedlander made the offer to the player instead.

Some time later, Friedlander takes his new hallucinogen to Parsons Rehabilitation Center for trials, where he and his mercenaries are cornered by the Fooliganz. As soon as the player, Dax and Luchadora arrive, they end up becoming a test subject for the psychedelic drug after falling into a trap, and Friedlander escapes during their trip.

Dax captures and tortures one of Friedlander's mercenaries for information. The mercenary informs him that Friedlander is on a Cargo Plane at Los Santos International Airport, preparing to relocate his new product to South America. The player and Luchadora manage to intercept the Cargo Plane, by crashing a Velum 5-Seater into the cargo bay, then fighting their way past Friedlander's mercenaries to the plane's cockpit where Friedlander is nowhere to be found. Friedlander emerges from a wooden crate with a parachute and bails out of the plane.

The GTA Online Protagonist takes control of the aircraft and lands it at the Sandy Shores Airfield to unload Friedlander's product and secure it back to The Freakshop.



All those fucking bitches who called me pube head! They'll be lining up to suck it now.
— Dr. Friedlander revelling in his fame.

Dr. Friedlander is portrayed as an over-the-top version of a Hollywood psychotherapist. On his official website, he is said to be a media personality, secular Buddhist, and keen model boat enthusiast. He charges exorbitant rates for sessions (as seen in an email where he raises his rates by a "reasonable" 75%) and does not appear to care much about his patients and their problems. During Michael's therapy sessions, he is seen looking at his watch waiting for the session time to expire. He appears unconcerned about Michael's behavior as the latter confesses that he is able to kill without remorse. He makes several Bleeter bleets further reinforcing his apparent disdain for his patients.

While attempting to convince the protagonist to join him in South America in 2023, Friedlander unabashedly insists that "[they'll] be rich!", revealing one of his main motivations.


Dr. Friedlander is likely based upon Dr. Sidney Freedman from M*A*S*H. The two are similar in name, appearance, and mannerisms (though Friedlander appears to care far less about his patients). This is one of two known M*A*S*H references in Grand Theft Auto V; the other being a quote by Jack Howitzer.

Mission Appearances[]

Grand Theft Auto V[]

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

Los Santos Drug Wars[]



Grand Theft Auto V[]

Grand Theft Auto Online[]



He operates on the Internet in GTA V.


The home page outlining his services and a list of "Typical Conditions" he can treat.

Meet Dr. Friedlander[]

A biographical section outlining his education and history.


A section detailing his past published history and appearances, as well as announcing his book SOCIOPATH - Inside the Mind of America's Most Deluded Criminals.

Do I Need Therapy?[]

A timed word-find puzzle requiring the participant to write down as many words of empowerment as they can on a piece of paper, followed by a recommendation to seek help from Dr. Friedlander.


A group of short patient testimonials from:


  • An after-credits scene shows his Psychiatric Evaluation which notes the player's behaviour. This includes, but is not limited to, the way the player makes friends, laziness, addiction to chaos, whether he thinks Michael justifies his actions, how often he partakes in hobbies like Yoga, and how he handles women.
  • Dr. Friedlander owns a red Comet, which can be seen parked outside his office at the beginning of each therapy session.
  • If the player accesses the Affordable Healthcare section of the Grand Theft Auto V website and opens the photo of him and his name in green in a new tab, they can see that Rockstar Games have labelled him "World Champ" in the URL.
  • Michael will sometimes reference Dr. Friedlander when attacking pedestrians saying 'Come on kill me, I need something to talk to my shrink about', even after the events of the mission Abandonment Issues. This is most likely an oversight.
  • If Michael goes near Ron, he will sometimes remind Michael to call his therapist.


  1. Last Dose 4 - Checking In
  2. drf5.#sc:
    PED::SET_PED_MONEY(iLocal_400, (2000 + MISC::GET_RANDOM_INT_IN_RANGE(5, 301)));
  3. IsiahFriedlander-GTAV-DeathReport

    Los Santos Meteor article that appears after Abandonment Issues. The article appears regardless of whether or not Dr. Friedlander is killed. (Non-canon)


[ ve ]Characters in Grand Theft Auto V
ProtagonistsFranklin Clinton | Michael De Santa | Trevor Philips
Central charactersLester Crest | Lamar Davis | Dave Norton | Steve Haines | Devin Weston | Harold "Stretch" Joseph | Wei Cheng
Main charactersAmanda De Santa | Jimmy De Santa | Tracey De Santa | Martin Madrazo | Patricia Madrazo | Ron Jakowski | Wade Hebert | Solomon Richards | Molly Schultz | Brad Snider | Chop
Supporting & minor characters
SupportingAndreas Sanchez | Denise Clinton | Fabien LaRouche | Floyd Hebert | Isiah Friedlander | Lazlow Jones | Tanisha Jackson | Tao Cheng | Cheng's Translator | Simeon Yetarian
MinorAaron Ingram | Ahron Ward | Al Di Napoli | Albert Stalley | Alex | Anton Beaudelaire | Art Student | Ashley Butler | Baby D | Barbara Watkins | Blake | Bob Mulét Stylist | Boonie | Brandon Roberts | Brett Lowrey | Carlos | Casey | Cathi | Chad Mulligan | Chico | Chip Peterson | Clay Simons | Curtis Weaver | D | Daisy Bell | Danny | Debra | Denise's Friend | Deputy Grimes | Deputy Kirkman | Dexie | Don Percival | Donato | Donna | Eddie Low | Emanuelle Pasorelli | Enzo Bonelli | Esteban Jimenez | Eva | Ferdinand Kerimov | Forrest | Freddy Slade | Getaway Driver | Gianni | Glenn Mather | Glenn Scoville | Greg Howles | Grove Street Dealer | Hailey Downs | Haines' pilot | Harvey Molina | Ira Richards | Isaac | Isaac Penny | Jackson | Jackson Skinner | Janet | Jaspers | Javier Madrazo | Javier Madrazo's pilot | Jay Norris | Jeff Chartier | Jeff Miller | Jewelry Store Clerk | Joe Lawton | Johnny Klebitz | Jolene Cranley-Evans | Joseph Womac | Julio Fabrizo | Justin | Karen Daniels | Katy Loden | Karina Pearl | Kerry McIntosh | Kidnapper | Kush-Chronic | Kyle Chavis | Larry Loden | Lenny Avery | Leon | Libby Doe | Little Laita's Cousin | Lucien Stark | Magenta Andrews | Mark Fostenburg | Maria | Marilyn | MC Clip | Melisa Porche | Melvin | Molly Schultz's Driver | Moses | Mr. Kenneth | Natalia Zverovna | Nelson Strauser | Officer Jernigan | Ortega | Oscar Guzman | Patrick | Platform Juror | Ponsonbys Manager | Poppy Mitchell | Porndude | Princess Georgina | Rae | Raul | Rocco Pelosi | Rosalind | Ryan Philips | Sailboat Juror | Spider | Tracey's Stalker | Suburban Clerk | Tahir Javan | Terry Thorpe | Tracker | Triad Knife Assassin | Tyler Dixon | United Liberty Paper contact | Underbelly Of Paradise Cameraman | Union Depository Bank Manager | Unknown LSPD Pilot | Unnamed Bobcat Security Guard | Unnamed Merryweather Pilot | Wallis | Weed Supplier | Zeus Karachi
Heist Crew MembersChef | Christian Feltz | Daryl Johns | Eddie Toh | Gustavo Mota | Hugh Welsh | Karim Denz | Karl Abolaji | Norm Richards | Paige Harris | Patrick McReary | Rickie Lukens | Taliana Martinez
Strangers and FreaksAbigail Mathers | Barry | Beverly Felton | Beverly Felton's Contact | Joe | Josef | Manuel | Cletus Ewing | Dom Beasley | Peter Dreyfuss | Madison Fox | Marnie Allen | Miranda Cowan | Jimmy Boston | Tom | Cris Formage | Hao | Josh Bernstein | Mary-Ann Quinn | Maude Eccles | Mrs. Philips | Nigel | Mrs. Thornhill | Omega | Phil | Sasquatch Hunter | Sasquatch Roleplayer | Tonya Wiggins | Willie
Random EventsAltruist Cult Leader | Altruist Cult Victim | Antonia Bottino | Castro Lagano | Mrs. Lagano | Drunk Couple | Drunk Driver | Girl Hitchhiking | Gray Nicholson | Groom in Trouble | Lacey Jonas | Runaway Bride | Saeeda Kadam | Space Monkey Street Artist | The Lost Fugitive | The Lost Girl | Timm | Ursula | Prison Escapee | Crazy Groom
Private Taxi FaresThe Three Bankers (Paulie, Clyde and Darren) | Derrick | Kwak | Otis | Felipe | Keyla | Alonzo | Elisa Macallen | Walter | Miranda (Lady of the Best Tailor)
SoapboxersAndy Moon | Andy Whitford | Baygor | Bill Binder | Clinton | Graham | Griff | Impotent Rage cosplayer | Jane | Jerome | Jesco White | Jesse | Mani | Mimes | Pamela Drake
StrippersChastity | Cheetah | Fufu | Infernus | Juliet | Nikki | Peach | Sapphire
O'Neil BrothersElwood | Walton | Wynn | Ernie | Earl | Doyle | Daryl | Dan | Dalton | Ned | Larry | Chester | Dale | Cletus | Don
Radio station characters
Radio hostsBig Boy | Bootsy Collins | Cara Delevingne | Camilo Lara | Don Cheto | DJ Pooh | Gilles Peterson | Flying Lotus | Jesco White | Keith Morris | Kenny Loggins | Mama G | Lee "Scratch" Perry | Nate Williams | Stephen Pope | Soulwax / 2manydjs | Twin Shadow | Chemical Bro | Doctor No | Cliff Lane | Andee | Frank Ocean* | Danny Brown* | Skepta*
Radio guestsMNDR | Eddie | Earl Sweatshirt | Aloe Blacc | Tunde Adebimpe | MC Eiht | Jermaine Renegade | King Avriel
Talk Show hosts
(& assistants)
Michele Makes | Lazlow Jones | Fernando Martinez | Jo | Ron Jakowski | Duane Earl | Bobby June | Ray De Angelo Harris | Cheryl Fawkes
Talk Show guestsSue Murry | Ricky | Jock Cranley | Samantha Muldoon | Brother Adrian | Sophia Bowles-Carmichael* | Reed Tucker
TV Show characters
TV Show hosts
(& assistants)
Lazlow Jones | Hugh Harrison | Anita Mendoza | Imran Shinowa | Steve Haines | Rufus Bellows | Jack Howitzer | Ho Chi Sock
TV Show guestsWilliam Angio | Tracey De Santa
Movie characters
ActorsMilton McIlroy | John Cohn | Theodore Bickford | Charlie Fleming | Chippy | Leo Hornstein
Named PedestriansAdam | Brincat | Clark | Fort Zancudo Colonel | Frederico Nathan | G. James | Hector Perez | J. Donner | Lloyd | Nolan | Solarin | Starkie
Internet characters
Lifeinvader usersAaron Fisk | Adric Howard | Alan Felton | Alan McClean | Amy Turner | Anak Horozian | Andre Barnes | Andy Hamilton | Andy Whitford | Barbara Watkins | Benton Cox | Bree Young | Colin Easton | Dana Ellis | Darnell Stevens | Darryl Knox | Deja Medwell | Demarcus Bradley | Dr. Ray De Angelo Harris | Dr. Stanovicz | Dr. Wetherbrook | Duane Earl | Evan Arnold | Fiona Larsson | Foster Matthews | Gary Harby | Gary Scales | Gerald | Gerry Colford | Guadaloupe Romero | Hailey Watson | Hank Terrel | Hayden Dubose | Jamal Reynolds | JB Bradshaw | Karl Kelly | Lahronda Whitfield | Lance Wharrie | Leon | Melinda Dubose | Mary-Ann Quinn's Mother | Moe Chinpoko | Nicolson Bell | Owen Yates | Ray Navarro | Renatta Sidwell | Sacha Yetarian | Susan Chavis | Tavell Clinton | Jenny Tilman | Jane Smith
Bleeter usersAnton Lemeaux | Billy Blue | Bobby Blue | Brother Adrian | Bruce Spade | Brucie Kibbutz | Charlotte Crown | Clay 'PG' Jackson | Cloe Parker | Dale Jenkins | Delancey Medua | Henry Smith IV | Jill Von Crastenburg | Mad Wayne Thunder | Martha Term | Mitch Dexter | Pete | Scott Stephens | The Craze | Tony McTony
Journalists and news reportersAndrea Anderson | Anna Foster | Anne Bimby | Bucy Joe Houston | Cynthia Kelly | David Christian | Donna DeSimons | Faith Bailey | Forrest Simon | Frank Edwards | Gavin McTavern | Ian Garraway | Jack Vinton | Jeremy Sim | Jerry Donaldson | Jimmy Henderson | John Jackson | John Rios | Joyce Stewart | Kate Ohajan | Leslie Gardner | Makayla Taylor | Martina Bryans | Michael MacKenzie | Mike Dunn | Reed Brazier | Rick Simpson | Robin Wark | Sean Brown | Shelia Hitano
Mentioned characters
A. Jones | Abe Milton | Abe Schwartzman | Ace Jones | Adam Rowney Jr. | Alphonse | Andrew Victoria | Andy Smith | Anne Bimby | Audrey Margaret | Barry Andrews | Barry Wheatsheaf | Betsy O'Neil | Bill Anthony | Billy Dexter | Billy Grey | Blue Brothers | Bob | Bruce Wright | Candy Suxxx | Chip Hampton | Chris Udanboji | Corner Killahz | Daisy Bell | Darius Fontaine | Daryl Bint | David Cho | David Richards | David Shapiro | Dennis Marquez | Derrick McReary | Destiny Arnold | Dick R. Rogers | Donna DeSimons | Doug Richman | Dutch London | Eugene Reaper | Evelyn | Faith Bailey | Francesco Mexi | Francis F. Morton | Frank Brookes | Frank Mathers | Franklin Clinton's mother | Fred Quincy | Gail Gulps | GTA Online Protagonist | Hank Oak | Hugh Bonnar | Hughie McGill | Ira Richards | Jeb Evans | Joe Oliva | John Bison | Jose | Kill.D.Sac | Kush-Chronic | Lenny Semour | Leonora Johnson | Little Laita | Luis Francesco | Merle Abrahams | Michael Keane | Michael Townley | Miriam Turner | Moses | Nicholas | Niko Bellic | Pathos | Phil Davidson | President Joe Lawton | Ronson | Robert | Robert Cholla | Rosby Wilkins | Roy Lowenstein | Ryan Philips | Sam Austin | Sammy Bottino | Shanda Murphy | Sindee Suttin | Slim Skills | Tico | Tommy Smith | Tony Prince | Vasquez | Wayne | Yusuf Amir
Hashtag crewAllie Valasquez | Benita Render | Clinton Aumick | Clinton Salsman | Cody Nishimoto | Connie Bruening | Darren Hohn | Earlene Rivenburg | Ericka Vanderborst | Fernando Gasset | Guy Harrigan | Hugh Rasnick | Julianne Cabaniss | Katy Meaux | Kelly Mease | Lenare Welte | Liza McKiernan | Mallary Focht | Mary Jane Blunts | Nelson Altieri
GANGSTA 101 crewJay Williams III | Alicia Angel | Tony Adventura | P. Dough | Lyndon Moore | G. A. Richman | Doug Richman | Nate Anderson
Beta charactersClay 'PG' Jackson | Dale | Jackie | Jordan | Kyle P. Slater | Mrs. A | Mrs. B | Zimbor
* - Anachronistic appearance. Appears in GTA V as part of a radio station ported from GTA Online.

† denotes deceased • italics denotes a status determined by the player's choice.

Characters in GTA V | Category:Characters in GTA V | Grand Theft Auto V | Category:Characters
[ ve ]Characters in Grand Theft Auto Online
ProtagonistOnline Player
Original version updates
(PS3 and Xbox 360)
Main charactersLamar Davis | Gerald | Simeon Yetarian | Ron Jakowski | Trevor Philips | Lester Crest | Martin Madrazo
Minor charactersAnna | Big T | Brucie Kibbutz | Chantelle | Chef | Cris Formage | Daily Globe Editor | Dom Beasley | Donna | El Estupido | Garage Mechanic | Gustavo | Hao | JT Boyd | Janet | Jolene Cranley-Evans | Joyrider | Juan | Leroy | Little T | Madrazo Witness | Melvin | Mugger | Mushroom Hank | Raul | Small F | Stanley | The Boss (Families) | The Boss (Professionals) | The Boss (Marabunta Grande) | District Attorney | The Madrazo Trial Judge | Vasquez | Chastity | Cheetah | Fufu | Infernus | Juliet | Nikki | Peach | Sapphire | Ponsonbys Manager | Merryweather Helicopter Pilot | Merryweather Boat Driver | Vagos Gang Leader
Radio station characters
Radio hostsBig Boy | Bootsy Collins | Cara Delevingne | Camilo Lara | Don Cheto | DJ Pooh | Gilles Peterson | Flying Lotus | Jesco White | Keith Morris | Kenny Loggins | Mama G | Lee "Scratch" Perry | Nate Williams | Stephen Pope | Soulwax / 2manydjs | Twin Shadow | Chermical Bro | Doctor No
Radio guestsMNDR | Eddie | Earl Sweatshirt | Aloe Blacc | Tunde Adebimpe | MC Eiht | Jermaine Renegade | King Avriel
Talk Show hosts
(& assistants)
Michele Makes | Lazlow Jones | Fernando Martinez | Jo | Ron Jakowski | Duane Earl | Bobby June | Ray De Angelo Harris | Cheryl Fawkes
Talk Show guestsSue Murry | Ricky | Jock Cranley | Samantha Muldoon | Brother Adrian
TV Show characters
TV Show hosts
(& assistants)
Lazlow Jones | Hugh Harrison | Anita Mendoza | Imran Shinowa | Steve Haines | Rufus Bellows | Jack Howitzer | Ho Chi Sock
TV Show guestsWilliam Angio | Tracey De Santa
Movie characters
ActorsMilton McIlroy | John Cohn | Theodore Bickford | Charlie Fleming | Chippy | Leo Hornstein
Main charactersLester Crest | Agent 14 | Karen Daniels | Trevor Philips | Ron Jakowski
Minor charactersMaxim Rashkovsky | Josh Sherman | Gavin Van Der Loop | Dima Popov | Avi Schwartzman | Eddie Toh | Gusset | Paige Harris | Phil | Unnamed Agent | Unnamed Navy Officer | Chef
Radio DJsCliff Lane | Andee
Main charactersLamar Davis | Gerald
Minor charactersBenny | Vernon | Mateo Brothers | Little Al | Edgar Carlos | Jose Carlos | Pedro Carlos | Janet | Unnamed Korean buyer | Wallis
Executives and
Other Criminals
Brendan Darcy | Yacht Bartender
Further Adventures
in Finance and
Executive Assistant
Main charactersLJT | Malc
Minor charactersAl Carter | Sindy | Zach Nelson
Import/ExportExecutive Assistant | Office Mechanic | Unnamed Street Race Owner | Warehouse Mechanic
Main charactersAgent 14
Minor charactersChester McCoy | Rogue Agent | Unnamed Agent
Smuggler's Run
Main charactersRon Jakowski
Minor charactersCharlie Reed
Radio guestsSophia Bowles-Carmichael
The Doomsday Heist
Main charactersLester Crest | Agent 14 | Phoenicia Rackman | Avon Hertz | Cliffford
Minor charactersBogdan | Agent ULP | Chester McCoy | Facility Receptionist
Radio DJsFrank Ocean
After Hours
Main charactersTony Prince | Lazlow Jones | English Dave | Paige Harris
Minor charactersArt Student | Buyer's Associate | Connie | Daniel Schoeps | Jewelry Store Clerk | Jimmy Boston | Kerry McIntosh | Lacey Jonas | Maude Eccles | Miranda Cowan | Poppy Mitchell | Simeon Yetarian | The Lost Girl | Tyler Dixon | Yohan Blair
Residency/Radio DJsSolomun | Dixon | Tale Of Us | The Black Madonna | Donna Frank
DJ FriendsDaniel Schoeps | Jakob Grunert | Fotios Karamanidis | DJ RobT | DJ Mike | Dixon's Manager | Aurelia S. Ortiz | Ignazio | Rupert Murray | Ryan Hambsch | Ryan Smith
Arena War
Main charactersAlan Jerome | Bryony | Jock Cranley | Violet Jordan
Minor charactersSacha Yetarian | Peter | Restroom Attendant
Premium Deluxe Repo WorkSimeon Yetarian
The Diamond
Casino & Resort
Main charactersAgatha Baker | Avery Duggan | Brucie Kibbutz | Tao Cheng | Tao Cheng's Translator | Thornton Duggan | Tom Connors | Vincent Effenburger
Minor charactersDebbie | Josephine | Felipe | Gabriel | Vince | Blane | Curtis | Caleb | Beth | Eileen | Ushi | Lauren | Taylor | Carol | Dean | Corrupt Judge
The Diamond
Casino Heist
Main charactersLester Crest | Georgina Cheng | Huang
Minor charactersJimmy De Santa | Wendy | Zhao | Pansy | Agatha Baker | Tom Connors | Vincent Effenburger | Brucie Kibbutz | Yung Ancestor | Debbie | Josephine | Felipe | Casino Vault Guard | Los Santos Slasher
Heist Crew MembersAvi Schwartzman | Charlie Reed | Christian Feltz | Chester McCoy | Eddie Toh | Gustavo Mota | Karl Abolaji | Karim Denz | Paige Harris | Patrick McReary | Rickie Lukens | Taliana Martinez | Yohan Blair | Zach Nelson
Last Play
Gerald | The Boss (Marabunta Grande) | The Boss (Los Santos Triads)
Radio DJsDanny Brown | Skepta
Los Santos Summer Special
Main charactersBrendan Darcy
Minor charactersSolomon Richards | The Boss (Kkangpae) | Tom Connors | Yacht Bartender | John Doe
The Cayo Perico Heist
Main charactersMiguel Madrazo | Juan Strickler | English Dave | Pavel
Minor charactersPatricia Madrazo | Jackie | Kaylee | Enrique | Jorge | Josephine | Gustavo | Tom Connors | VIP Charter Jets Pilot | Beach Party Coordinator | Head of Cayo Perico Security | Pernell Moss | Evan | Unnamed Party Girl | Unnamed Party Girl's Friend | Sleeping Guard
Heist Crew MembersCharlie Reed | Viktor Sokolov | Rooster McCraw | Paige Harris | Unnamed heist crew member (heavy weapons supply drop) | Unnamed heist crew member (weapon stash)
Residency DJsMoodymann | Palms Trax | Keinemusik
Celebrity cameosDJ Pooh | Dr. Dre | Jimmy Iovine | Scott Storch
Radio DJsJoy Orbison | Julian Casablancas | Zachary | Mac DeMarco | Tony Mac | Tierra Whack
Los Santos Tuners
Main charactersSessanta | Kenny "KDJ" Dixon Jr. | Mimi | Hao
Minor charactersLil' Dee | Race Organizer | LSCM Tattooist | Benny | Corrupt IAA Agent | Crystal Vape Dealer | Jorge | Corrupt Union Depository Businessman | Union Depository Bank Manager
Contract ClientsAvi Schwartzman | Miguel Madrazo | Unnamed Korean client | Unnamed Armenian client | Chef | Unnamed FIB client
The Contract
Main charactersFranklin Clinton | Lamar Davis | Imani | Dr. Dre | Chop | Johnny Guns
Minor charactersDJ Pooh | Anderson .Paak | Jimmy Iovine | Lola Romero | Requisitions Officer | Agency Security Guard | Agency Receptionist | Agency Mechanic | Agency SUV Driver | Vernon | P | Eugene | Raymond | Club Promoter | Ben Brooks | Ben Brooks' Lawyer | North Side Vagos leader | Harvey Molina | Jimmy Boston | Marnie Allen | The Arms Dealer | The bitterSweet Cofounder | The Gold Coast Development CEO | The Importer | The Judge | The Lawyer | The Protected Person | The Tech Entrepreneur | The Trendy Millionaire | Unnamed Party Girl | Vagos Driver
Radio DJsROSALÍA | Arca
Radio guestsSnoop Dogg | Ice Cube | Mr. Fingers | Caroline Polachek | Daddy Yankee | Aventura
The Criminal Enterprises
Main charactersAgent ULP | Mason Duggan | Agent 14 | Executive Assistant | Tony Prince | Malc
Minor charactersAgent Johnson | Lupe | Warehouse Staff | Yohan Blair | Marcel | Zach Nelson | Sindy | Simeon Yetarian | Lamar Davis | Omega
Los Santos Drug Wars
Main charactersDax | Labrat | Mutt | Luchadora | Isiah Friedlander | Ron Jakowski
Minor charactersAmeer | Chef | Gerald | Gun Van Seller | Haylee | Hippy Boss | Jesse | Joscha | Street Dealers | Tiana
San Andreas Mercenaries
Main charactersCharlie Reed | Rooster McCraw | Pernell Moss | Avi Schwartzman
Minor charactersRon Jakowski | Fort Zancudo Colonel | Lloyd | Armored Gunner | Unnamed Smuggler | Unnamed Weazel News Journalist | LJT | Agent 14 | Mutt | Ghosts | Johnny Klebitz
The Chop Shop
Main charactersYusuf Amir | Jamal Amir | Vincent Effenburger
Minor charactersSalvage Yard Staff | King Tiny | Hao | La'oub Princess Air Support Pilot | La'oub Princess Captain | Skylift Pilot | Felipe | Casino Vault Guard | Tony McTony's Head of Security | Ahron Ward | Jimmy De Santa | Jorge | Jaywalker | DJ Pooh | Tanner | Yeti
Even the Score Mixtape
GuestsSnoop Dogg | Franklin Clinton | Lamar Davis
Bottom Dollar Bounties
Main charactersJenette Eccles | Maude Eccles | Vincent Effenburger | Martin Madrazo
Minor charactersMurph | Bail Enforcement Agents | Jorge | Unnamed Armenian Loan Shark | Unidentified Female Cadaver
Bail Jumpers
Most Wanted BountiesGrace Whitney | Chaz Lieberman | Leroy O'Neil | Brock Thompson | Cleo Song | Omar Garcia
Standard BountiesAngel Kenney | Beau Duggan | Bill Duggan | Brigitte Foster | Colby Wright | Cook Kenzie | Hunter Duggan | India Wood | Jalen Kennedy | LJ Ha | Lil Prince | Marquel Green | Ricky Ji | Rylee Rose | Sabrina Gray | Serenity Pierce | Tommy Lim | Xavier Fremond
Other charactersZombies | Dom Beasley
Agents of Sabotage
Main charactersJodi Marshall | Pavel | Vincent Effenburger | Lamar Davis | Oscar Guzman
Minor charactersGuadaloupe Romero | Ray Trotman | Art Buyer | Jorge
Mentioned charactersAbdul Amir | Anna | Ashley Butler | Al Di Napoli | Candy Suxxx | Chris Udanboji | Cloe Parker | Devin Weston | Denise Clinton | DJ Playlist | Don Percival | Elwood O'Neil | Esteban Jimenez | Jay Norris | Jeb Evans | Joe Lawton | Keith Collins | Kyle Chavis | Leo | Luis Fernando Lopez | Mark Fostenburg | MC Clip | Michael De Santa | Molly Schultz | Mr. Cheng | Nonna | Niko Bellic | Perlie | Ronnie Bonelli | Samantha Muldoon | Sergei | Tanisha Clinton | Terry Thorpe | Tony McTony | Tonya Wiggins | "Uncle" Amir | Vlad | Vasily | Vasily (Russian Navy) | Wade Hebert
Non-canon charactersSpecial Dad (John Marston | Claude | Niko Bellic) | Special Mom (Misty)
Beta charactersHarold "Stretch" Joseph | Melvin Andrews | Joseph Whites | Jaywalker | Ludendorff Cop Ghost
† denotes Deceased, Italics denotes a status determined by the player's choice