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Hooker Inn Express is a hotel in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City that is located in Viceport, near Escobar International Airport. The hotel is distinctive by its brown and terraced facade, and features a swimming pool at the back of the building.

The "Hooker Inn Express" name is a parody of the Holiday Inn Express (down to the font style, however Holiday Inn changed its logo), implying itself to be a place where clients and hookers can have sex, if its "executive in a hurry" slogan is any indication. The name may also be a take on the phrase hook her in. This parody of Holiday Inn Express is in fact a prochronism as the first hotels with the Express brand didn't come about until 1990.


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City[]


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City[]


Holiday Inn

Comparison of Hooker and Holiday Inn logos.

  • Hooker Inn Express is a parody of Holiday Inn Express, the well known overnight travel hotel. The logos even have the same font.

See Also[]
