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GTA Wiki
For the old school barber shop experience at modern prices, come to Herr Kutz. Whether you're looking for just a little off the top or an entirely new look, Herr Kutz has you covered. Cornrows, lineups, ironic mullets, non-ironic mullets, and more.
— GTA V Digital Manual

Herr Kutz Barber is a chain of barber shops featured in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.


They have branches on Carson Avenue in Davis, on Mirror Park Boulevard in Mirror Park, and Duluoz Avenue in Paleto Boulevard, Paleto Bay. All three shops share the same interior and haircut options with the Beach Combover Barber, O'Sheas Barbers Shop and Hair on Hawick barber shops. The name is German for "Mr. Kutz" but can be pronounced as "Hair Cuts".

All Herr Kutz stores are staffed by the same employee, Donna.

They run a promotion, if you "stalk" them on the real Lifeinvader, your first hair cut is free.


Hair Styles
Haircut Price Image
Fade $25 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-Fade
Triple Rails $28 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-TripleRails
Wavy Siderows $30 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-WavySiderows
Snakes $28 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-Snakes
Tramlines $25 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-Tramlines
Star Kuts $35 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-StarKutz
Shutters $38 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-Shutters
Berms $40 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-Berms
Mellowplex $45 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-Mellowplex
The Feud $50 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-TheFeud
Low Fro $95 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-LoFro
Blowout (Rockstar Social Club Exclusive) FREE FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-Blowout
Corn Rows $150 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-Cornrows
Shape-up $20 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Hairstyle-ShapeUp
Beard Price Image
Clean Shave $20 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Beard-CleanShave
Full Van Dyke (Rockstar Social Club Exclusive) FREE FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Beard-FullVanDyke
Full Spartan $65 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Beard-FullSpartan
Stubble $30 FranklinClinton-GTAVe-Beard-Stubble


Hair Styles
Haircut Price Image
Lexington $180 MichaelDeSanta-GTAVe-Hairstyle-Lexington
The Wood (Rockstar Social Club exclusive) FREE MichaelDeSanta-GTAVe-Hairstyle-TheWood
Clippered Cut $200 MichaelDeSanta-GTAVe-Hairstyle-ClipperedCut
Grown Out $290 MichaelDeSanta-GTAVe-Hairstyle-GrownOut
Beard Price Image
Clean Shave $20 MichaelDeSanta-GTAVe-Beard-CleanShave
Long Stubbled $30 MichaelDeSanta-GTAVe-Beard-LongStubble
Full Beard (Rockstar Social Club Exclusive) FREE MichaelDeSanta-GTAVe-Beard-FullBeard


Hair Styles
Haircut Price Image
Trailer Cut $20 TrevorPhilips-GTAVe-Hairstyle-TrailerCut
Randal (Rockstar Social Club Exclusive) FREE TrevorPhilips-GTAVe-Hairstyle-Randal
Grown Out $30 TrevorPhilips-GTAVe-Hairstyle-GrownOut
Mullet $60 TrevorPhilips-GTAVe-Hairstyle-Mullet
Beard Price Image
Clean Shave $20 TrevorPhilips-GTAVe-Beard-CleanShave
Handlebar (Rockstar Social Club Exclusive) FREE TrevorPhilips-GTAVe-Beard-Handlebar
The Gerry $65 TrevorPhilips-GTAVe-Beard-TheGerry




  • There is a real-life Herr Kutz barbershop located in Plymouth, Devon[1]. In 2014, the owner, Anthony Braddon, claimed that after his son showed him the barber shop in the game, they "copied off the shop's logo, frontage and interior". He speculated that "they [Rockstar North] have clearly seen the name and thought 'Oh that’s good, we’ll pinch that'". He had filed lawsuits against Rockstar North and Take-Two Interactive for copyright infringement, but was unsuccessful.[2]


See Also[]
