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GTA Wiki
GTA Wiki
Wikipedia has an article on: Grenades
Standard fragmentation grenade. Pull pin, throw, then find cover. Ideal for eliminating clustered assailants.
Grand Theft Auto V description on Ammu-Nation and Social Club.

Grenades are throwable devices which have been featured in every Grand Theft Auto game since Grand Theft Auto 2.


3D Universe[]

Between Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, grenades shared the same form of a small fragmentation grenade, bearing a striking resemblance to the M67 grenade.

Depending on the game, each grenade has certain design features. The GTA III rendition had a green scheme with a rugged "pineapple" pattern; the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories rendition has a black color; and the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories has a brownish color with yellow markings on it.

Grand Theft Auto IV[]

The Grenade in Grand Theft Auto IV and its episodes has a new appearance, closely based on the M61 grenade, a variant of the M26A1 with an extra safety (called the "jungle clip") attached to the safety lever.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars[]

Army issue frag grenade. Pull the pin and throw, then get your ass under cover! Remember to wait for the BANG before looking up.
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars description.

The Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars rendition appears to have a combined design between the GTA III iteration and the GTA IV one.

Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

In Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online, the grenade re-adopts the design featured in GTA IV, but with a much cleaner appearance and featuring markings, in a similar way to some M61 grenades (even featuring a "M61" marking on it).


3D Universe[]

Grenades are highly destructive to both people and objects, including vehicles. Conventional vehicles can be destroyed with a single grenade, and people will almost always be killed if within the blast radius. Grenades are ideal for taking out enemies hiding behind cover, and for scattering tight-knit groups of foes.

Grenades can, of course, be just as dangerous to the player as to enemies, and must be deployed carefully to avoid the grenade bouncing back to the player.

3D Universe Overview[]

Weapon Statistics - 3D Universe
Damage Fire Rate [?] Range
(m / ft)
Ammo Specifications/
Reload Mechanism Reload Speed
75 (GTA Vice City) 100 (GTA Vice City) 30 / 98 (GTA Vice City) 1 (GTA Vice City) N/A 1 (GTA Vice City)
N/A 60 RPM (GTA Vice City)

64 RPM (GTA San Andreas)

Cannot be determined Single unit N/A N/A

Grand Theft Auto IV[]

In Grand Theft Auto IV, the player can drop a live grenade to the ground, but must run for cover before it detonates. One can also 'cook' a grenade (hold onto it while it counts down) for a short time before throwing it. It begins beeping if it is held for too long, and if not thrown, will explode in the player's hands, causing Niko/Johnny/Luis to get wasted. In Grand Theft Auto IV, grenades are in fact much more lethal to the player than to enemies -- unless a grenade explodes very close to an enemy, they will likely survive, despite being thrown by the explosion.

Grenades can be dropped while driving, and are more effective for in-car use than Molotov Cocktails, due to their far superior radius of effect, however the player must take care to remain on the move while using grenades — the player's own car can easily be caught in the explosion if it does not move on immediately. A popular multiplayer tactic is to cook a grenade, then walk up to a group of unsuspecting players and let it detonate; this tactic, called Martyrdom, is useful for killing a large group at the expense of the perpetrator's own life. This is only advised in Free Mode.

The enemies will run away from a grenade that is about to explode, making it more challenging for the player against the enemies in open.

GTA IV Overview[]

Weapon Statistics - Grand Theft Auto IV
(per shot)
Fire Rate [?] Range
(m / ft)
Ammo Specifications/
Reload Mechanism Reload Speed [?]
Explosive (x2) N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A
In-game Statements / Markings
Lethal (Explosion only) N/A Cannot be determined Single unit N/A N/A

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars[]

In Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, the player can use the touch screen to throw Grenades at a distance in any direction. These can destroy a vehicle instantly and can kill enemies that are close to its blast radius.

Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

In Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online, grenades function the same way as in GTA IV, the only difference being that the grenade is more effective on enemies and has a much quieter "beeping noise" so overcooking a grenade is far more lethal than before.

Again, enemies can detect the oncoming grenades and are likely to move for their safety, although, because of the sensitivity of NPCs compared to GTA IV, they will be likely stunned or wounded by the blast radius.

GTA V and Online Overview[]

Weapon Statistics - Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online
(per shot) [?]
Fire Rate [?] Range
(m / ft) [?]
Ammo Specifications/
Reload Mechanism Reload Speed [?]
0 (Base damage)

500 (direct)
75 (edge)

0 30 / 98 1 (25) N/A N/A
In-game Statements / Markings
N/A N/A N/A Single unit N/A N/A
Rockstar Games Social Club [?]


Fire Rate/Speed






Clip Size


Image Gallery[]

In-game model[]

HUD icon[]

First Person View[]


Grand Theft Auto 2[]

  • Awarded to the player by crushing a Panto on both the Residential and the Industrial districts.

Residential District[]

Industrial District[]

Grand Theft Auto III[]

Grand Theft Auto Advance[]

  • Can be bought for $2,000 from Ammu-Nation.
  • Spawns near every safehouse after collecting 50 Hidden Packages.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City[]

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas[]


Grenades' locations map


  • Can be bought in the Ammu-Nation stores.

Los Santos

San Fierro

Tierra Robada

Las Venturas

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories[]

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories[]

  • Can be purchased from the Downtown Ammu-Nation, or the Vice Point Mall Ammu-Nation, for $360; the price is decreased to $270 once the player beats Phil's Shooting Range.
  • Ocean Beach - Behind the hospital by a tree and some bushes, just by the helipad.
  • Washington Beach - Next to the building in the center of an apartment complex near the Island Bridge.
  • Little Haiti - Next to one of the many shacks.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars[]

  • Can be bought for $350 from after the mission Street of Rage.

Grand Theft Auto IV[]




Charge Island


Happiness Island

  • Can be found in the entrance hall to the statue, on the right.


Grand Theft Auto V[]


Weapon pickups map including the juice stand Grenades location in Grand Theft Auto V.

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

  • Can be purchased at Ammu-Nation, for $250.
  • Available in the bunker's shooting range alcove after completing all challenges in Tier 1, as part of the Gunrunning update.



  • In 3D Universe games (excluding GTA San Andreas), if the player throws a grenade in the water, the grenade will not show an explosion or waves created by explosion's vibrations, but the explosion's sound can still be heard. Also, if the player throws a grenade very high up in the air, the grenade again will not show an explosion (only seen in GTA Vice City and GTA Liberty City Stories).
  • In 3D Universe games, the player can take more than one direct grenade blast before dying. In HD universe games however, one direct grenade blast will kill the player.

3D Universe[]

  • In GTA San Andreas, if a grenade direct hits any victim, it will cause the target to fall to the ground. However, it's possible to kill a target with a direct hit of a grenade.
  • In GTA Liberty City Stories there is a (possibly) glitch involving the Grenade. Go to Callahan Point (near the road leading to some jettys). Sometimes there are a lot of cars that cross the road. Take a grenade and attempt to blow every vehicle in your sight, don't move around, just stay on Callahan Point. Every new car spawned and driving on the road must blow up. After some minutes, you will see some cars driving angrily onto you. The drivers are the ones you previously killed during the explosions, but will be driving different vehicles. They will attempt to ram and hit you to death.

HD Universe[]

  • In GTA IV, it is possible to throw back grenades that have been thrown at the player. This can be done by picking up the grenade like any other throwable object.
  • In the TBOGT files, there is an unused model of the grenade that looked taller and slimmer, with a safety lever of a grey color instead of a brownish one. It was possibly an alternative of the Grenade that was scrapped.
  • In GTA Chinatown Wars, the grenade impact and explosion sounds originate from the original Max Payne game.
  • In GTA V, Chop will try to fetch grenades if thrown in place of a Ball.
  • On the Social Club image, the markings on the grenade reads "M61", which is a type of grenade used by the United States Army during the Vietnam War. In-game however, the markings read "M69A1", which is closer to the designation of the Grenade Launcher in The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony.
    • The "M69A1" might be also a reference to the 69.


[ ve ]Weapons
By gameGTA VI | GTA Online | GTA V | GTA Chinatown Wars | GTA IV (TBOGT | TLAD) | GTA Vice City Stories | GTA Liberty City Stories | GTA Advance | GTA San Andreas | GTA Vice City | GTA III | GTA 2 | GTA London 1961 and London 1969 | GTA
By game (categories)GTA VI | GTA Online | GTA V | GTA Chinatown Wars | GTA IV (TBOGT | TLAD) | GTA Vice City Stories | GTA Liberty City Stories | GTA Advance | GTA San Andreas | GTA Vice City | GTA III | GTA 2 | GTA London 1961 and London 1969 | GTA
By typeAssault Rifles | Handguns | Heavy Weapons | Melee Weapons | Mounted Weapons | Light Machine Guns | Rocket Launchers | Shotguns | Sniper Rifles | Submachine Guns | Thrown Weapons
By type (categories)Assault rifles | Handguns | Light machine guns | Melee weapons | Rocket launchers | Shotguns | Sniper rifles | Submachine guns | Thrown weapons
By characteristics (categories)Automatic weapons | Bladed weapons | Bullpup weapons | Explosive weapons | Gifts | Machine pistols
By manufacturer (categories)Coil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
RelatedWeapons | Ammu-Nation | Shooting Ranges | Cover System | Drive-By Shooting
Related (categories)Weapons | Weapon businesses | Weapon stores | Weapon classes | Gun clubs | Weapon dealers | Armed vehicles
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto 2
WeaponsPistol | Dual Pistol | S-Uzi Machine Gun | Silenced S-Uzi Machine Gun | Shotgun | Flamethrower | ElectroGun | Rocket Launcher | Molotov Cocktails | Grenades
Car weaponsVehicle Machine Gun | Vehicle Oil Slick | Vehicle Mine | Vehicle bomb
Deleted weaponsInstant Vehicle Bomb | ElectroBaton
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto III
MeleeFist | Baseball Bat
Basic FirearmsAK47 | Pistol | M16 | Shotgun | Sniper Rifle | Uzi
Heavy WeaponsFlamethrower | Rocket Launcher
ExplosivesCar Bomb | Grenades | Molotov Cocktail
BetaLand Mine | Golf Club | Crowbar | Magnum | Silenced Pistol | Silenced Uzi | Minigun
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeScrewdriver | Hammer | Knife | Meat Cleaver | Golf Club | Nightstick | Baseball Bat | Machete | Katana | Chainsaw
ThrownTear Gas (PS2 only) | Molotov | Grenade | Detonator Grenade
HandgunColt 45/Pistol | Colt Python/.357
ShotgunShotgun/Chrome Shotgun | Stubby Shotgun | Spaz 12 Shotgun/S.P.A.S. 12
SMGTec-9 | Ingram Mac 10/Mac | Uzi 9mm/Uz-1 | MP5/MP
AssaultRuger/Kruger | M4
HeavyM60 | Flame Thrower | Rocket Launcher | Minigun
SniperSniper Rifle | PSG1/.308 Sniper
SpecialCamera | Detonator | Car Bomb
BetaAK-47 | Desert Eagle | Grenade Launcher | Land Mine | MP5K | Nail Gun | Silenced Colt | Snub Nose Python | Staple Gun | Steyr AUG | Stun Gun
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeBaseball Bat | Chainsaw | Golf Club | Katana | Knife | Nightstick | Pool Cue | Shovel
HandgunDesert Eagle | Pistol/9mm | Silenced Pistol/9mm
ShotgunCombat Shotgun | Shotgun | Sawn-Off Shotgun
SMGMicro SMG | SMG | Tec9
AssaultAK-47 | M4
SniperRifle/Country Rifle | Sniper Rifle
HeavyFlamethrower | Rocket Launcher | Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher | Minigun
ThrownGrenade | Molotov | Satchel Charges/Remote Explosives | Tear Gas
Consumable ItemsFire Extinguisher | Spray Can | Camera
GiftsCane | Dildo (Short) | Flowers | Vibrator (Short)
SpecialCar Bomb | Detonator | Night Vision | Parachute | Thermal Vision
OtherCrates | Surface-to-Air Missile | Flares
BetaBox (big) | Box (wee) | Land Mine | Hammer | Micro SMG (Uz-1) | Screwdriver | Skateboard | Spade
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto Advance
MeleeBat | Fist | Katana
GunsAssault Rifle | Pistol | Shotgun | Uz-I
HeavyFlamethrower | Minigun | Rocket Launcher
ExplosivesCar Bomb | Grenades | Molotov
Deleted weaponsOil Slick
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeBaseball Bat | Nightstick | Machete | Meat Cleaver | Chisel | Knife | Hockey Stick | Hand Axe | Katana | Chainsaw
ThrownMolotov | Grenade | Remote Grenade
HandgunPistol | .357
ShotgunShotgun | Stubby Shotgun | SPAS 12
SMGTec-9 | Mac-10 | Micro SMG | SMG
AssaultAK | M4
HeavyM60 | Flame-Thrower | Rocket Launcher | Minigun
SniperSniper Rifle | Laser Sighted Sniper Rifle
SpecialCamera | Car Bomb | Detonator
UnusedTear Gas
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
UnarmedFist | Brass Knuckles
MeleeNightstick | Baseball Bat | Butterfly Knife | Knife | Hand Axe | Golf Club | Machete | Katana | Chainsaw | Gaff Hook
ThrownMolotov | Grenade | Remote Grenade
HandgunPistol | Equalizer
ShotgunShotgun | Stubby Shotgun | Spaz 12
SMGScorpion | Silenced MG | Micro SMG | SMG
AssaultAK | Assault Rifle
HeavyFlame-Thrower | Rocket Launcher | Minigun | M249
SniperSniper | Laser Sniper
SpecialCamera | Car Bomb | Binoculars | Detonator
UnusedTear Gas | Land Mine
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto IV, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony
MeleeBaseball Bat | Knife | Pool Cue
HandgunPistol | Combat Pistol | Automatic 9mm | .44
ShotgunPump Shotgun | Combat Shotgun | Sawn-Off Shotgun | Assault Shotgun | Auto Shotgun
SMGMicro SMG | SMG | Assault SMG | Gold SMG
AssaultAssault Rifle | Carbine Rifle | Advanced MG
SniperSniper Rifle | Combat Sniper | Advanced Sniper
HeavyRocket Launcher | Grenade Launcher
ThrownMolotov | Grenade | Pipe Bomb | Sticky Bomb
SpecialCar Bomb | Random Pickable Objects | Parachute
BetaPool Cue | Revolver | Silenced Pistol | Zastava M70
Weapons in GTA IV (Category) | Weapons in TLAD (Category) | Weapons in TBOGT (Category)
The Lost and Damned only. | The Ballad of Gay Tony only. | TLAD and TBOGT only.
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
MeleeNight Stick | Chainsaw | Baseball Bat | Teaser | Sword
HandgunPistol | Twin Pistols | Revolver
ShotgunShotgun | Stubby Shotgun | Double Barreled Shotgun
Submachine GunMicro SMG | SMG
Assault RifleAssault Rifle | Carbine Rifle
HeavyFlamethrower | Minigun | RPG
ThrownFlashbang | Molotov Cocktail | Grenade | Proximity Mine
SpecialCrates | Car Bomb | Detonator | Sniper Rifle
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto V
MeleeAntique Cavalry Dagger | Baseball Bat | Bottle | Crowbar | Fist | Golf Club | Hammer | Hatchet | Knife | Knuckle Dusters | Machete | Nightstick
HandgunsAP Pistol | Combat Pistol | Heavy Pistol | Marksman Pistol | Pistol | Pistol .50 | SNS Pistol | Stun Gun | Vintage Pistol
ShotgunsAssault Shotgun | Bullpup Shotgun | Heavy Shotgun | Musket | Pump Shotgun | Sawed-Off Shotgun
Machine GunsAssault SMG | Combat MG | Combat PDW | Gusenberg Sweeper | Machine Pistol | MG | Micro SMG | SMG
AssaultAdvanced Rifle | Assault Rifle | Bullpup Rifle | Carbine Rifle | Special Carbine
Sniper RiflesHeavy Sniper | Marksman Rifle | Sniper Rifle
HeavyFirework Launcher | Grenade Launcher | Homing Launcher | Minigun | Railgun | RPG
ThrownBall | Grenade | Jerry Can | Molotov | Proximity Mines | Sticky Bomb | Tear Gas (BZ Gas)
SpecialCamera | Digiscanner | Parachute | Remote Sniper
Beta/UnknownAssault MG | Assault Sniper | Crossbow | Fire Axe | Fire Extinguisher | Harpoon Gun | Heavy Rifle | Laser | Laser Sight | Lasso | Lighter | Loudhailer | Programmable AR | Rubber Gun | Shovel | Tear Gas Launcher
ManufacturersCoil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
Related PagesWeapon Wheel | Attachments | Ammu-Nation
DLC Content Weapons
Added as part of the following GTA Online content updates:
Lowriders | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Beach Bum Update
Other Weapons
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Rockstar Games Social Club
[ ve ]Weapons in Grand Theft Auto Online
MeleeAntique Cavalry Dagger | Baseball Bat | Battle Axe | Bottle | Candy Cane | Crowbar | Fist | Flashlight | Golf Club | Hammer | Hatchet | Knife | Knuckle Dusters | Machete | Nightstick | Pipe Wrench | Pool Cue | Switchblade | Stone Hatchet | The Shocker
HandgunsAP Pistol | Ceramic Pistol | Combat Pistol | Double-Action Revolver | Flare Gun | Heavy Pistol | Heavy Revolver (Mk II) | Marksman Pistol | Navy Revolver | Pistol (Mk II) | Pistol .50 | Perico Pistol | SNS Pistol (Mk II) | Stun Gun | Up-n-Atomizer | Vintage Pistol | WM 29 Pistol
ShotgunsAssault Shotgun | Bullpup Shotgun | Combat Shotgun | Double Barrel Shotgun | Heavy Shotgun | Musket | Pump Shotgun (Mk II) | Sawed-Off Shotgun | Sweeper Shotgun
Machine GunsAssault SMG | Combat MG (Mk II) | Combat PDW | Gusenberg Sweeper | Machine Pistol | MG | Micro SMG | Mini SMG | SMG (Mk II) | Tactical SMG | Unholy Hellbringer
AssaultAdvanced Rifle | Assault Rifle (Mk II) | Battle Rifle | Bullpup Rifle (Mk II) | Carbine Rifle (Mk II) | Compact Rifle | Heavy Rifle | Military Rifle (El Strickler) | Service Carbine | Special Carbine (Mk II)
Sniper RiflesHeavy Sniper (Mk II) | Marksman Rifle (Mk II) | Precision Rifle | Sniper Rifle
HeavyCompact Grenade Launcher (EMP | Snowball) | Firework Launcher | Grenade Launcher | Homing Launcher | Minigun | Railgun | RPG | Widowmaker
ThrownAcid Package | Flare | Grenade | Jerry Can (Hazardous | Fertilizer) | Molotov | Proximity Mines | Pipe Bomb | Snowballs | Sticky Bomb | Tear Gas (BZ)
SpecialCar Bomb | Fireworks | Hacking Device | Metal Detector | Orbital Cannon | Parachute
Beta/UnknownAssault MG | Assault Sniper | Dippo | Fire Axe | Fire Extinguisher | Laser | Laser Sight | Lasso | Loudhailer | Programmable AR | Rubber Gun | Shovel | Tear Gas Launcher
ManufacturersCoil | Hawk & Little | Shrewsbury | Vom Feuer
Related PagesWeapon Wheel | Attachments | Ammu-Nation | Gun Van | Weapon Workshop | Weaponized Vehicles (Workshop)
DLC Content Weapons
Agents of Sabotage | Bottom Dollar Bounties | The Chop Shop | San Andreas Mercenaries | Los Santos Drug Wars | The Criminal Enterprises | The Contract | Los Santos Tuners | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Diamond Casino Heist | The Diamond Casino & Resort | Arena War | After Hours | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | The Doomsday Heist | Smuggler's Run | Gunrunning | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Import/Export | Bikers | Cunning Stunts | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Be My Valentine | January 2016 Update | Festive Surprise 2015 | Executives and Other Criminals | Halloween Surprise | Lowriders | Freemode Events Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Holiday Gifts | Beach Bum Update

Other Weapons
Enhanced Version | Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus | Rockstar Games Social Club